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Fan Fiction

The Orbis Syndicate: Episode I, Dredge
Posted By: Kailum Bowers<thekailum@yahoo.com>
Date: 6 April 2007, 3:42 am

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Dredge found himself waiting outside a residencial building. He was smoking a marlboro red. The air was artificially clean. In the corner of his eye he could see two men in suites talking loudly about something personal. They maid a heavy amount of hand gestures.

Dredge was nearly startled when the his phone sounded. Dredge had been getting the jitters lately. He has been working twice as hard, and twice as big. Something big was going on. But he repressed his curiosity, reminding himself, he is a professional.

He waited one ring to pick up. "Yes?" Dredge asked calmly.

"Wait three minutes on my mark." said the voice on the other line. The Controller's voice was filled with anticipation. That made Dredge nervious. Dredge lifted his watch, "mark." the time was 0817.

The call was terminated as Dredge snapped his phone shut. He pinched the but of his ciggarete, took one last hit and flicked it away. He wondered if it would be worth it to light up another. He craved one considering the tention. The sun shined perfectly down the long street.


The day was fair, and Laura's dirty blond hair shined. She looked over at Dredge. She smiled lightly and slid her hand across the cut grass. Dredge wondered why he had been so lucky to find her. Or really he was lucky of her finding him.

"Who do you think you are?" Dredge asked jokingly.

"I am you and what I see is me." she replied cleverly being that earlier that day they talked about how diferent yet similer they were.

"Clever." Dredge said with a smile. He leaned to kiss her.



Crap, thought Dredge, thirty seconds behind schedual.

Dredge walked into the building.

"Welcome to The White Cloud Residential Complex, how may i help you sir?" The AI asked as programmed to do when first time visitors first enter.

"Yes i am looking for John McKenna."

"Sorry sir there is no John McKenna in the build-" The AI started making odd vocal noises. Dredge walked to the terminal and insered a chip. The chip contained a virus that scrambled, entirely, the AI's comunication capablilites.

Dredge quickly walked over to the elavator and stepped in. He pressed floor 47. The elevator doors opened after four seconds. Dredge stepped out and opened up an electronic pad. He pulled out a chord and plucked it into the jack by the door. He opened the pad up and reset the security code. He shut the pad and unplugged it. He then punched in the new security code and the doors began to slide open.

Dredge pulled out his pistol. Three men in black jumpsuits jumped and began to take out there weapons. Dredge put a round into the furthes man's skull, then shot the nearest in the arm, only wounding him.

The third man in black shot a wild shot that flew wide and hit the wall behind Dredge. Dredge shot him in the neck, then quickly wheeled around to finish off the injured man, but noticed his weapon was far off and the fear in the man's eyes compelled dredge to let him go. Dredge picked the man up and threw him outside the security doors and shut them.

Dredge pulled the pin to one of his grenades. He opened up the second set of doors. Inside were several men sitting around, unaware of what had happend in the room next door due to the sound proof doors. Dredge dropped the grenade and kicked it inside. Before the four men sitting in the center of the room could properly react, the grenade detonated, leaving only three more. Dredge, syncronized with the blast, shot the furthes man in the head, put two into the chest of the nearest, then three more in the head of the remaining man.

Dredge walked to the doors of the master bedroom. He opened them and inside was a plump white male, with two prostitutes. He quickly put a bullit in each of them. The deed being done, Dredged, returned the way he came in and went down the elevator. He pulled the chip from the turminal in the lobby, but the effect continued.

Dredge walked out of the lobby back to the street. He popped open his box of ciggaretes and lit one with his strike anywhere matches. He took a puff then walked home...


The call came as Dredge shut off the TV. "I'm here." He said blowing out a cloud of smoke from his pipe. Dredge smoked marihauna frequently.

"I just saw the news, there was a whitness." Said the controller some-what displeased.

"He would have been an unessary casualty, I still got the job done."

"You know how I feel about witnesses."

"As you know how I feel about colateral damage."

"He stood in your way, he wasnt colateral-"

"He stood in my way and i neutrilized him, end of story."

"Be that as it may, you are being reasigned, I am uplinking the debreif now."

"Understood" Dredge hung up. Let's see what is next. Dredge was to report to a certain location for further instruction, when he read the adress, his eyes widened. "What the-"

