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The Forerunners Legacy
Posted By: Ismael A Roman<iaroman@gmail.com>
Date: 9 January 2006, 11:09 pm
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Seven men were sitting in a round table discussing the future of the remainder human colonies, the only surviving Spartan warrior and earth. Everything they discussed was maintained in complete and absolute secrecy. These seven men controlled every single aspect of the scenario currently present to them. They knew from the beginning about the Covenant, the flood and the halos true purpose. The room they were was equipped with top technology that not even the Covenant could dream about it. Technology that was already built before any men existed, it was from the forerunners and they were scattered all through space. The atmosphere was very tense. The very air could tell you this room was all about conspiracy and the search for power.
"It's all a chess game" muttered one of the men sitting in the table as a response to a very objectionable question imposed by one of the members of the secret council. "We have to make some sacrifice moves in order to capture the king" -he continued.
"Remember that human live here is not at discussion, we are willing to sacrifice everything to get to the source."
Even if it means the extinction of the human race? -Replied to the council the only member who seamed to be on his senses. We all want the source but what for? If the human colonies are destroyed then there is no use for it!
"Wrong you are my friend"-replied the leader of the group which was covered in robes that didn't show his face. Not even the council knew who he was and they regretted that from the beginning. What was more disturbing; it was he who had chosen the other six members. He lectured the council with the following words: We got everything under control. And if by any means the human race gets destroyed, we are still alive and we possess the power to restore human life back and much better
that's the forerunners legacy to us
new life
the source
Light years away, Master Chief was fighting his way out of Halo
Chapter 1
Current session login
Downloading Top Secret Report 49TE
Encryption Level
Data processed and stored
History deleted.
Ending current session
"Cortana, I need the coordinates for the attack to the covenant encampment now! What's taking so long, you are the best AI we got after all" -asked John one of the chosen for the SPARTAN II project.
"Sorry, I usually can handle billions of data transmissions but I received a high level encryption file which used most of my system to decode" - replied Cortana with some anger in her voice, she was used to being really fast at her job, usually she had done everything before they asked her to do it.
"What was it?" Asked back Master Chief as they used to call him.
"Forget about it, its just intelligence about the covenant. For now here are the coordinates for the attack to the encampment".
The Master Chief knew Cortana was hiding something, but right now he had to concentrate in the attack, human lives depended on it.
* * *
At the airship Orion the hell jumpers prepared for their new mission. Since Sergeant Ramirez told the team that they were going to be dispatched for a top secret mission, the team was anxious to know what their job was.
"You'll know once we get into ground and the perimeter is secured. This mission is unlike any other and we have to prepare for it! So get yourself ready and report twenty minutes from now ASAP" -barked the sergeant to the hell jumpers.
The hell jumpers started to prepare their weapons: A battle rifle with scope which fired five rounds per magazine, the SMG and four grenades. Two hell jumpers equipped themselves with explosives and rocket launchers and three ready themselves with snipers.
They were fifteen counting the captain and they all knew that after each mission at least five of them would not come back. That was not a probability, they had learned the hard way that it was a fact. Before leaving they left their letters in case they didn't come back, but they knew it was useless. "Were the hell they are going to send it" shouted one of the corporals as he receive the news that his friend was dead. "There is no one left in our colonies, it's just earth now".
Right at that moment the ship's alarm sounded. The terrible sound everyone had come to hate. Covenant ships were inbound and defensive maneuvers had started. The ship's AI was heard in the intercoms: Attention to all personal! A covenant cruiser was found at drop zone. Evading is not an option, everyone have to report at their posts immediately.
Two MAC shots were fired and the whole ship trembled at the sound of the powerful guns. Both shot were deflected by the cruisers plasma shields.
Recharge the MAC guns to eighty percent and fire immediately! shouted Admiral Hemingway who had acquired a good reputation of surviving Covenant fights in space. He and three more ships had won a decisive fight at the borders of the inner colonies giving earth more time to prepare for the imminent Covenant assault. This time the shot was a hit and the Covenant Cruiser started to fall to the planet's atmosphere as big fire ball.
Cipher! - Barked Admiral Hemingway to the ship's AI. It was a custom for the AI to choose a name for itself and AI-425789 had chosen Cipher.
"Inform Sergeant Ramirez that the drop zone is clear, he and his team are to be launched at ten hours!" ordered the Admiral.
"Sir, Sergeant Ramirez informs his team is already at the launch pods waiting for the command."-replied Cipher.
"Then what are we waiting for? Launch them immediately!" the Captain continued the final words in his mind "and good luck because you'll need more than that for this mission
* * *
The Hell Jumpers were trained for the most intense and difficult missions the ODTC had. Chosen from elite marines, the Hell Jumpers were the best soldiers around and they knew it. They thought of themselves as superiors and they tended to act like it, continually mocking their fellow comrades, but respected for their job. Some marines chosen to join the Hell Jumpers refused to be part of this suicidal team. Only the brave and crazy enough to carry the Hell Jumper tattoo could form part of it. Carrying this tattoo symbolized you were ready to confront any mission no matter the odds. It was honor!
Sergeant Ramirez began the quick briefing before the launch: "Well marines, the time has come! We have trained, we have fought and we have lived against the fowl Covenant! Until now we have only defended ourselves but now we are launching the attack. The element of surprise is ours! We are going to enter hot. Covenant forces have establish an encampment around the location. Our first objective is to capture this encampment and wait for additional reinforcements. Remember we are Hell Jumpers and we are going to give them HELL!"
Sir, yes sir! -Replied the team whose captain's words had inspired them beyond any measure.
"Cipher, send us now!" -ordered Ramirez to the ship's AI. With those words the pods were released. They left the airship in individual capsules that at contact with the planet's atmosphere turned like fire balls. The chance of passing this first adversity was sixty percent.
Dying just entering into the combat area, that's why they were called Hell Jumpers
Chapter 2
When Sergeant Ramirez pod made contact with the atmosphere, the capsule's temperature raised twenty degrees almost instantly. He could feel the sudden heat in his very bones, but he was accustomed by now. This was his twenty nine mission as a Hell Jumper. All he hoped was that his team could reach the ground safely and without any casualties. But it was impossible for him to know the status of his men during contact with the atmosphere. He had to wait until his pod passed stage one, the longest seconds of his life, in order to know the condition of his men to complete the mission, which still hasn't started.
"This is Sergeant Ramirez requesting report on stage one, do you copy?" Automatically thirteen com lights blinked showing the status and location of his men.
"Where is Corporal Stevenson?" -Barked the Sergeant through the private coms.
"Sir I think we lost him during stage one, apparently his pod couldn't survive it." replied Smith, the only woman Hell Jumper on the team. "Also it appears Corporal Strive entered in a wrong vector so it is expected to land 35km away of drop zone".
Dam! -Growled Ramirez as soon as he heard the report. "One man dead and another off position, but maybe things could have been worse" he thought.
"Ok, prepare for impact! We are entering with low profile and I want to keep it that way. Map readings show no Covenant in drop zone. As soon we hit the ground, gather yourselves at the cave next to hill. As for Strive, go to the Covenant encampment as quickly as you can. We will be waiting for you as soon as we finish the mission for pickup." Thirteen green lights appeared at the com.
* * *
It was starting to get dark. Sergeant Ramirez and his team were waiting inside the cave for the cover of the night to start their attack.
"Ok team the time has come"-said the Sergeant. "We are going to divide in two, my team will clear the east side of the encampment and infiltrate through the tunnels surrounding the location. Once inside we are going to plant explosives in the covenant artillery and command post. Smith, Pedro and Marko you are coming with me. I want my three snipers up in the hill looking for the elite commander. Once you have a clear shot, send him to hell without hesitation! The rest of the team is with Charlie. You'll keep the Covenant busy and distracted at the front side, use the rockets launchers wisely.
Are you ready Marines? asked the Sergeant to his men with enough enthusiasm and valor to boost up their morale.
Sir yes Sir! replied the Hell Jumpers.
* * *
Charlie's team began the attack, two well place rockets in the covenant turrets. The Covenants were surprised as they saw both of their turrets collapsing with Jackals snipers on them.
Mendoza, Thomas and Jensen, throw a grenade into those covenant ghost, we don't want them to go hunting for us! ordered Charlie to his team. Instantly three grenades went threw the air directly to the covenant vehicles parked near the destroyed turrets. Purple particles splattered through the air as the ghosts were shattered. Instantly green and blue lights illuminated the sky as the Covenant plasma weapons countered to the surprised attack.
That's the signal! -said Ramirez through the privet coms to the other three members of his team as they heard the detonations of the rockets and grenades.
Quickly Pedro, Smith, Marko and Ramirez entered through the waste disposal tunnels.
"Remind me of this day again and I will kill you"-said Smith to Pedro who was mocking her when he saw her face as she entered. "If you thought the Covies didn't go to the bathroom then you were wrong
Ramirez raised his had to tell the team to stop making noise. From now everything was with hand signals. His last words echoed through the tunnel walls: "Keep your eyes open for Covenant scum!"
After several minutes of walking in extreme darkness, with only the light of their incorporated flashlights in their helmets, they heard what they have been keen of evading: footsteps and sounds apparently of Covenant talking in their language.
Ramirez raised his hand again but this time he was calling for Smith. He pointed into his eyes and then to the tunnel were the sound was coming from. Quickly Smith shouldered her battle rifle, turned of her flashlight and went in search for Covenant. Walking silently as possible she covered herself in the shadows. The sound of water dropping from the ceiling to the ground made the whole scene tenser. Each drop represented a second to Smith and she was counting them.
Suddenly Smith heard very close footsteps. She peek trough one of the many tunnel entrances and saw two elites. Quickly as if by instinct she hid herself. She glanced again and this time she saw the two elites but surrounded by six grunts and two Jackals. She returned to Ramirez and gave her report.
Sergeant Ramirez signaled his team. He lifted four fingers and then tightened his fist. They were going to give the dim-witted Covenant a volley of grenades.
All the team turned off their flashlights and ready themselves with battle rifles except Ramirez who equipped himself with the SMG. They all walked to the tunnel entrance and positioned themselves, two at the left and two at the right.
Ramirez gave the signal and four grenades exploded right next to the Covenants. One elite and two grunts sprayed the tunnel with their disgusting colored blood, falling dead instantly to the ground. Both Jackals were quick enough to activate their shields before the explosion to save the other members from the fait of their fallen comrades.
But that wasn't enough. The grenades left their shields completely down. Rapidly a shower of bullets accompanied the surprise attack. One of the grunts received a direct shot in his methane gas tank suffocating him to death. Another bullet hit a Jackal right in the middle of his head crushing his small brain into pieces. The reminder elite order his men to hide behind a big pile of gear garbage.
The elite gave a roar that echoed through all the tunnels. He activated his invisibility cloak and went in search of the responsible of killing his men.
Ramirez knew something was wrong, the Covenants were not returning fire and he was almost sure he heard a breath behind him. Suddenly Marko shouted through the coms as he saw a silhouette form right beside him. He tried to aim his gun to the invisible figure but the elite didn't give him a second. As if by magic, a big ass plasma sword appeared from nothing and cut Marko right through his stomach almost slicing him in half. Marko in his last breath scream as hard as he could and fired one round of his battle rifle luckily hitting the active camo generator of the elite damaging it beyond reparation. The elite body apeard only to be met by a rain of bullets that left his body completely mutilated. The reminder grunts and jackal started running away as they saw their leader killed. The Hell Jumpers took advantage of the situation and killed the reminder Covenants without any resistant.
Ramirez went to see Marko's status. He was certainly dead. No one has ever lived against a plasma sword attack. He closed his eyes and opened a com to Charlie's team.
"This is Sergeant Ramirez speaking, do you copy team Charlie?"
"Yes sir! Loud and clear
"What's your report? We currently lost a man and we haven't reached the Covenant Command Post."
"Sir, it appears the Covenants are retreating to the swollen structure. I believe they are going to lock themselves inside. We have two wounded soldiers and
Another Com opened.
"This is Sniper Wolf reporting
we have the commander elite in sight
A snipe shot was heard in the distance.
"Shot confirmed
we blasted the commander head off!"
Good! Ramirez said through the intercoms but still angry. He had two men already dead and two injured.
"Ok gather yourselves at the Covenant command post; we are going to wait for reinforcements"
Green lights appeared approving the decision.
* * *
Once the team gathered inside the Command Post, Ramirez told them they could rest.
"Under the circumstances, the situation is not critical. The Covenant lost their leader so they will be scattered through the structure without leadership. It's going to be a lot easier that way for us to infiltrate. For now rest until reinforcements arrive, soon you'll learn the real mission purpose