Attack of the Drones
Posted By: Halo Fanatic 2005<christine46@ntlworld.com>
Date: 22 February 2006, 5:51 pm
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Guys. This is my first poem. Since I am not very good at poetry I hope you have some helpful critisism. I have tried to make the poem flow and rhyme so I hope you enjoy.
There came a swarm of Drones,
That looked just like clones.
They fired and flew, so I bid them adu.
Before firing them to hell, breaking thier shell.
I killed them all,
While standing seven feet tall.
But more came, that looked just the same.
I killed them once more, splattering blood and gore.
I killed many that day,
So I'd just like to say.
There came a swarm of Drones, that looked just like Clones
I fired them to hell, breaking thier shell.