Journal of Suno Happer (Day 8: Side by Side)
Posted By: Halo Fanatic 2005<christine46@ntlworld.com>
Date: 11 February 2006, 11:40 pm
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Day 8
Side by Side
I slowly walked alongside the Supreme Commander as we readied for battle. We knew how much of a suicide mission this was. To clear an entire cruiser full of ferocious Brutes. But, it would help the cause of our revenge. Anything, even our lives, for our brothers. I felt something inside me, it wasn't my inner voice who had been congratulating me a lot recently. It was a message. Telepathy? "All wars are civil wars, because all beings are brothers." A new motto. I didn't know how it would help but it gave me that little more courage in battle.
A Minor gaurd came towards us. He didn't know what he was in for. We closed the air-lock to conceal our ship. No sooner had we done so my voice hissed into my ear. "Behind you Suno. If you know he's there, swing your sword." I did. It worked, dicsecting the Brute immediately. Half-jaw and I moved towards the only onlocked door as he told me how to take the carrier. We would make our way to the communications and comandeer them. Use them to call for reinforcements. Then, we would sabotage the communications so the Brutes can't call for reinforcements.
A Major Kig-yar came running towards us, screaming into the air and holding up his cracked, yellow shield. It gave way to a burst of rifle fire but the Kig-yar's shrieks didn't go unoticed. More Brutes and Yanme'es moved round the corner too. We fought them long and hard slowly moving close to the communications as more and more reinforcements arived. Wave after wave. An everlasting tide.
As we aproached the Coms Relay the numbers in each wave were increasing. They were trying to stop us more and more. But that wasn't the problem. The actuall relay was in an immense room. There was a platform on one side about half-way up the wall. There was a holo-panel on it which must control the Coms. The roots of them were on the ceiling. An entire network of wires branched across like a human tree at its widest extent. They met in the middle where they went through a hole and presumably to the Relay. "Suno," the commander called to me while impaling a Kig-yar on his blade. "We have to get up there!" Bad news. How? There was a door up there, which meant that there was another way to get up there. Then I saw a Kig-yar with a Beam Rifle. It was too late. I was hit sqaure in the chest, forcing me to the floor and depleting my shields.
I opened my eyes to see the commander being brutaly beaten repeatedly. The Kig-yar was also still stalking me. I rolled across the floor as he fired. My hands gripped another Beam Rifle and returned fire. My second shot almost severed his neck in half, killing him instantly. I then helped my commnader by stabbing the Brute in the back. "If I remember the layout," he said as he regained his feet. "Me must go through tha door." He pointed to a door on the other side of the room gaurded by two Honour Gaurds. They were waiting for us for a change. We had to make the first move.
Without any other option I charged fearlessly. Half-jaw stayed where he was and my voice started talking staright away. "Suno stop! Think. You have a Beam Rifle. You do not have to charge." So I drew the weapon and killed them both. "You must be loyal and you must sacrifice yourself. But you do not have to let them kill you! Try and save your own life too." I guess he had point. The Supreme Commander was pleased. "I'm glad you reconcidered. Use your head." I nodded.
When my head lifted I saw for the first time, him smiling. His white commander's armour, now battered and bruised, somehow managed to shine still, using the light from the reflective holo-panels. "Let us go." he said after a while of eye-contact. I followed him as he marched up a slope leading back the way we came. As we were on a higher level now we should come out the door I was looking at.
We crept softly in case of Brutes. A sound reached my ears. Half-jaw heard it too. As we turned together on instinct, it happened again. This time it was behind us. "Be ready," he commanded me quietly.
"What he said," agreed my voice. We moved slowly, walking backwards. I then saw a faint red glow that looked like the end of a Brute Plasma.... Brute Plasma Rifle! It fired revealing a Brute with unusual black armour probably signalling SecOps. "Without us and the Unggoy they have had to make Kig-yars and Brutes their SecOps. They have replaced us. Just like the Homour Gaurds." Half-jaw explained while returning fire. Another Brute came up behind us and shot at us. I ducked and zoomed while the commander finished off the other. He began to disappear but I fired anyway. Luckily the accelarated particle beam hit the Brute between his eyes and he died becoming visible again.
We could hear the almost silent sound of Special Operative Kig-yars' feet galloping across the floo. We ran. If we could get round the corner before they came round then they might stop to examine the bodies and we could escape. If they saw us then they would catch-up easily as they were much faster. Using they're muscular legs they could pounce so far so fast creating a galloping technique which they used to run at incredible speeds. Luckily we rounded the corner before they saw us. This gave us a short while to get further away before they came looking for us again.
We came into the Comms room but we were on the wrong side. The holo-panel was oppisite us and we had no way to get over to the other side witout falling to our deaths. However there was a holo-panel on this side too. "This holo-panel will activate the lightbridge." he anounced after looking at it for a while. "Snipe those Brutes and sniper Kig-yars while I hack it." So I obeyed ans even though I killed some, most Brutes beserked and tried to jump across (not succeding).
The light-bridge finally activated and the two remaining Brutes charged. They were Minors and were certainly no match for two well aimed stabs in the chest. But the invisible Kig-yars came rushing round the corner not noticed until they fired. We rushed to other side to take cover. However Half-jaw waited until they were all on the light-bridge. He pressed a switch on another panel and it hissed away in blur of light, dropping the suprised Kig-yars to the floor.
The commander pressed a switch on the panel and electric buzzed up one wire and through the roof. "Job well done," he said, pleased with himself.
End of Day 8