Prediction of Halo 3 (Level 2: Don't Mess with Earth)
Posted By: Halo Fanatic 2005<christene46@ntlworld.com>
Date: 5 January 2006, 10:01 pm
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Level 2: Don't Mess with Earth!
Location: Outside the atmosphere of Earth
Inside the Ark:
SPARTAN-117: Sir, finishing this fight
(After a while of thinking)
Lord Hood: ODSTs en route Chief. Do me proud
Chapter 1: Boo!
Objective: Find a way to get to the bridge
Drop pods land near you. There are about seven ODSTs with an arssortment of Dual Magnums, Batlle Rifles, SMGs and Rocket Launchers emerging from the pods. One brings you new Mark VII armour and you automatically put it on. You are in inside an open bay and if you walk out you just die and float into space. Only one corridor leads away into the ship. First you find Butes with their backs to you. (Because of the things Bungie will be able to do with games when Halo 3 comes out, the enemies are much more sensitive to sound and are more realistic, such as interacting with the enviroment). If you manage kill both Brutes silently (this can be tricky because of the sensitivity) then you can listen in on a short conversation:
(Your new Mark VII armour has a translator that can translate any form of alien communication. The one exception are Hunters because humans still do not know enough about their unusual communication)
Brute 1: Rumors are going round that that annoying Demon has boarded us!
Brute 2: That could not be possible!
Jackal 1: It isss. Regret'sss ssscanner haasss shown he isss somewhere nearr usssss.
Brute 1: See, even Kig-Yars know of this word
Jackal 2: You mussst be bliiind not to ssseee it
Marine: Boy are they in for a hell of a surprise
If you do not kill the Brutes silently then the two Jackals and Brutes will come round the corner and you will not hear this. When you go round the corner and kill the enemies there is a door behind them. The doors are old and Forunner and they are like human blast doors. If you walk up to it will open automatically but slowly. When you walk through the door there is another infront of you marked Justice 02 and another on your left (Justice 03) when you look at the sign a Marine says:
Marine: Hey Chief, Lord Hood said we have to find a craft to get to the top of the ship where Regret is. Otherwise it would take forever to get there and Earth would be obliterated by then.
To your right a very wide endless corridor (much like the tunnels in the level "Outskirts" from Halo 2) has been light dimly and you can not see far down the tunnel.
Marine: Sir, scanners show a switch at the end of this tunnel, we better get moving
Chapter 2: Tunnel of Light.... Beams
Objective: Get to the end of the tunnel and activate the switch to gain access to Hangar Justice 02
A Spectre and a Ghost lay infront of you. Whichever vehicle or seat you choose the Marines will fill up the other availible spaces. Two stay behind because of the shortage of places. When you drive round a bend a short way down the corridor a bunch of Ghosts are waiting for you. Sticking out about half-way up the wall on the left side is a Covenant plasma turret. A Jackal is manning it. There is also a gravity lift to the side which alows troops to get to the implacemant. If you wish, walk onto the grav-lift and hold X (as usuall). The Chief will atuomatically ascend and man the turret. On the other side is a platform with a Jackal sniper standing there. When you go round the bend to right you meet up with a Shadow guarded by another Ghost and Spectre. If you destroy the Shadow it's crew of eight which consist of three Major Jackals and five Minor Jackals will escape. After this encouter you will have turn another corner and meet two more turrets hanging out of the walls on both sides and a floating platform that is suspended from the ceiling with the same technology as the gravity-lifts. A Wraith stands infront of you on the floor of the tunnel. Behind it is a dead end but there is also the switch you are looking for.
Objective: Get back to the Hangar Justice 02
When you return to the Hangar Bay after fighting off many Ghosts and Spectres on the way back you enter the hangar but you are immediately attacked by Drones, Brutes and Jackals. Some Brutes automatically beserk and charge towards you at incredible speeds. Once all enemies are dead including two more wall turrets a cutscene begins.
(A second Phantom flies past the hangar)
Marine 1: Hey! What are they up to?
Marine 2: Never mind let's go
(Everyone climbs aboard and two Jackals rush through the hangar door trying to prevent you from leaving. The plasma turrets spin round shooting, killing one and scaring the other one away around the corner. The Phantom takes off and drifts out of the hangar and out of sight)
Chapter 3: Flying High
Objective: Get to the Bridge of the Ark
You are sitting in the cockpit of one of the three automated turrets. It has been set to manual and one Marine speaks to you:
Marine: Chief your gonna have to help take down the Stalkers (read introduction to this new Covenant craft at the bottom of the page) and Phantoms.
Several Stalkers will aproach you aswell as some Phantoms. You will have to desroy the cannons first before you can shooting at its weak spot under its nose. At one point a huge glass window in the Ark (which is flying parallel to you at a slower rate) will be next you and on the inside is Spectre piloted by Brutes following you. After a while a cutscene will begin.
(A Phantom flies past and destroys the other two turrets killing the Marines inside. A second Phantom flies over it shooting at its weak spot destroying it immediately. The enemy Phantom blasts into a fiery ball of plasma and metal. The second Phantom is the same one that flew past the hangar earlier.
Marine: Chief, we're picking up a message from the Phantom infront. Displaying Holo-com
(Cortana appears on the Communications stand)
Cortana: Well, well, well
SPARTAN 117: (Astonished): Cortana?
Cortana: How close have you got to killing Truth yet?
SPARTAN 117: I was working on it
(The Chief tries to sound professional)
Cortana: Well it dosen't matter, we still have to kill Truth, but we've got some help...
(The Arbiter steps onto the Holo-com. The Chief's eyes widen and his jaw dropps)