Sergeant Joe: Part One
Posted By: Giggles the Grunt<Mubasher94@aol.com>
Date: 27 September 2005, 3:43 am
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"Take cover!" Sergeant Joe yelled as he saw the first pair of Elites. As the marines took cover Dane shot one of the Elites in the head. The other Elite shot a marine in the leg and badly injured him. As a pair of Hunters walked in a matching set of rockets raced towards them and impacted. There was smoke and fire everywhere.
"Did we get them?" asked Miles. A huge blob of molten plasma flew by his head a boiled away at the wall behind him. Another pair of Hunters walked into the room, spikes raised.
"Hit them with Jackhammers!" yelled, Joe. Again, rockets went flying towards the Hunters. There was a large green explosion as the rocket detonated on one of the Hunter's Fuel Rod Cannons. The explosion eliminated two of the three Hunters and filled the air with more smoke. The third Hunter, enraged at the loss of its bond brother, charged at the Marines. The good Sergeant stepped out from behind a crumbling pillar and shot the last Hunter in the exposed patch on its back with his Pistol.
"I hope we don't have to face another one of those." said Miles. Covenant Drop Ships thundered out from behind a mountain depositing Grunts and Elites, plasma flying everywhere. Marines started to throw any and every type of explosive device they could find at the Grunts. Explosions echoed through out the canyon as the bodies of dead Grunts were scattered all over the area. Miles opened fire and killed two elites with his M-200 Machine Gun. Another Elite came toward Joe and punched him on the stomach. Joe fell to the ground and was picked up by more Elites.
"Joe!" yelled Dane as he started to take aim on the Elites who had picked up Joe. He sighed in frustration when he saw he couldn't hit the Elites without harming Joe. It was too late to save him. A Phantom Drop ship was waiting for the Elites in the distance. Once the Elites boarded the Drop ship, Joe unconscious over one's shoulder, It flew towards the Covenant Cruiser on the horizon.
Joe woke up and didn't know where he was. He heard the screams of what he assumed where more Marines and decided it was that which must have woken him up. He was in a cell in the Covenant Cruise. He saw other marines being dragged down the corridor by more Elites.
Two of the Elites saw him and noticed he was awake. As they came up to his cell one of them spoke.
"Despicable Worm! You touched the Sacred Ring with your filthy hands and now you will pay! And
we know where your precious Ear-"
"Quite Daramee! You know we are forbidden to talk of that!" interrupted the other Elite.
"Don't underestimate the Humans!" shouted the Sergeant. He rushed toward the Elites and hit the energy field keeping the cell closed. The field stunned him and he fell back, unconscious.
Joe was woken up by a crackling noise and the smell of Ozone as the energy field receded. Two Elites in green and black armor came in and picked him up. He was to weak to fight as they dragged him to another door. A guard in green armor scanned the DNA of the two Elites and let them pass into the room once he confirmed their identities. The room was small and bare with purple walls and glowing holo-panels near the walls. There was an Elite with green and silver armor standing in the room. The Elites threw Joe to the ground and retreated to the door where they stood guard.
"Wretch, you have dirtied Halo and now you will pay. But first, you're going to give us some answers." said the Elite, apparently an Interrogator.
The two Elites by the door came forward and restrained Joe as attached strange receptors to various nerve points on the Sergeants body. When he was finished a Covenant AI appeared. It looked like an Elite but it was wearing some sort of robe.
"Infidel" The AI said to Joe. "I am Orba and I'm going to question you."
"And if you don't answer
" the Elite with the green and white armor pressed a button on his gauntlet and a bussing noise filled the air.
Joe's body was racked with pain as the receptors injected electro stimulants into his nerve clusters, causing them to become so active it hurt.
"When the Elite released the button Joe barely managed to speak.
"Damnit, why the hell do you need me you split jaw bastards?"
"That is not I came for." said the AI, inducing another shorter shock. "Let me ask the questions. Where is your 'Delta base'?" the AI asked.
Joe knew that Delta base was the only Human sanctuary remaining on Halo.
"Answer the question or do I need to give another stimulus?" the Elite asked harshly.
Joe knew he couldn't take much more of the nuero-shock shit but he knew he couldn't give away the Marines position.
"I don't know." Joe lied and waited for another shock to come. The Elite and the AI both looked angry. The Elite back fisted Joe across the face.
"Liar!" yelled the Elite. "You think that we can accept that trick. You will face worse torture than if you keep telling lies.
Joe felt scared and mad at the Elite. If only the Elite had forgot to take away his concealed combat knife he would stab the beast in it's heart.
"Again where is the base?" Orba said slowly as if he didn't thing Joe understood him the first time. Joe was trying to think of something else to say but he knew the AI would probably analyze his brain patterns and see that he was lying.
Joe had to confess "The base is-
The door slide back and a bulky Elite came in. It looked surprised.
"Human ships are inbound on our position. A lot of them." said the new arrival.
"We will meet later infidel." The Interrogator said harshly. As the Elites left the room and the AI disappeared one of them hit Joe again, knocking him to the ground, presumably unconscious. Once they left Joe got up and examined the room. He saw more holo- panels that he didn't see when he first entered the room. Then Joe saw something interesting, a glowing red panel, recessed in a small outlet in the back of the room. He touched it and a hatch opened.
It looked like an escape pod.