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Fan Fiction

Alternate Happenings 1 : My eyes
Posted By: Ghostmarine<shawnbock@cox.net>
Date: 8 January 2008, 9:51 am

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Before reading you may want to read this upper section on the story, it contains important information(depending):

This fan fiction does have spoilers to some of the game BUT it is not base off of what happens. It is told through the eyes of a marine who's 'been' in each halo game. The events are different though because he survives the crash with the Master Cheif in Halo 1. Also note that in goes 3 2 1 in the seires when the marine recalls the events. It is also written like a monolog which could effect how you yourself veiw the events.

Why do I seem to be a bit dazed, nothing was right. I can not see anything with my opened eyes! I guess leave them shut. How long have I sat here wondering what would happen to me? The thought of me being dead was all about my mind. I must struggle and pintch himself to make sure I'm not. Oh how I wished that the elites would just kill all the brutes for me. At this point I wished it was himself. What's that?

It's Siera 117 and he's approaching two pelicans that are hovering over a old dock while taking heavy fire. A banshee was in sight of a me now is it. Aimed my rifle dead on the middle of the flying craft. With a split-second movement the banshee dove into the river. Siera 177 got on to one of the pelicans to leave. Jackels shot at the fuslage of the dropships. I saw that the beams where close, close enough to silence. Dead silent I broke each's back with my trusty rifle.

The pelicans left, flying away without me. I sat down under a tree, almsot as before. The only thing that make a sound was two pursing phatoms a few minutes later. I've sat under this tree all day and thought. I'll let hmy imagation run wild with what the Master Cheif would do to these alien. He got a grin on his face. He remebered when Master Cheif toke down a Scarab by boarding it! Oh how he remebered the glory of that victory. Well it should have been at least.

Then the that second ring. Halo was it? Yes, yes it was Halo. That under water shaft was quite a doozy. The Master Cheif kept his helmet on though. After that it's a good thing he could tell where those camo guys where in that room. A grunt almost got me because I was so careless! Then again being captured by brutes is no better.

I think if the Master Cheif took longer to save us from the brutes captivaty the jackels in the cell across from me would eat me. Though there was something odd about the Master Cheif when he came. Oh yeah Cortana was gone. Apperantly some elite whose name I forgot opened all the doors. I wonder what happen to Cortana. Oh well. She was annonying anyways. Of course tell the Cheif that and I wouldn't have made it off the first Halo.

I even remebered back on the first Halo! I surprise even myself. Now wasn't it me and the Master Cheif who managed to save thounsands of marines and take down the ring itself. Hmm that explains why I have a Sergeant badge. My head! ...It was a shame though that Keys died. We told him that the Oracle wouldn't delay it again and go crazy but he wanted to make sure. At least we all got away. Though maybe he did get away. Brutes where nowhere on that ring if I recall.Weird.

The beach attack...when we looked for the map of halo. I remeber that one well! The thrill of jumping out of a pelican straight into combat! No fun when your friend next to you is hit though. Poor guy. I wish I could have done something...anything...but...

Ow what was that! I didn't punch myself! Whats... Wait, I'm no longer under that tree from before...but with Sergeant Johnsan and some others? "Come on you dumb apes! You want breakfest you have to catch it first!" Time to get up to leave but wait a minute. I should leave my sniper behind. John will need it if he was to rescue us after all.

I hope you enjoyed my story of what happens if just one marine survived a fatal crash. Please leave comments to this story. Any questions about the story just send me an email. However I will not give out his name.
