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Halo: civil war: chapter 1: high charity
Posted By: Galap<gmanmang203@yahoo.com>
Date: 17 December 2005, 10:14 pm
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Chapter 1: High charity
The battle group was moving through the dim purple corridors of High Charity. The group consisted of: 1 major Elite, 2 minor Elites, 4 major Grunts, 2 gunner Grunts, and 6 minor Grunts. The group was moving quietly, so as not to alert the Brutes and their allies (Jackals and Drones) to their presence.
They heard the 'ding' of a door opening and pointed their weapons at the door. It opened to reveal a pair of ranger Elites doing the same thing. The groups both went their separate ways.
They rounded a corner, and came to a locked door. There was a strange greenish liquid on the door. The major Elite stepped up to it, looked at it for a moment, and said, "Hey, that looks just like ," BANG! The door exploded, and the Elite's body was thrown backward and the corridor was fogged by the same green compound. Jellyfish like Flood infection forms and mutated combat forms rushed out. "Yababba Gaal!" screamed Yayap (this is an untranslatable Grunt swear). A blue Elite, Habamee, shouted, "Yayap, turret NOW!" the Grunt laid down his turret without hesitation. They all began to fire at The Flood.
A combat form shot two of the Grunts down with its br.55 rifle before it was killed. Another Grunt died due to an infection form. The group moved on once the flood were defeated.
A single Jackal came into view. She was blasted before she realized it. Habamee commented, "She might have been a scout. Be on the lookout for more." At the thought of this, Gurgak charged his plasma pistol up. Just then, a bunch of Brutes and Jackals came through the door in front of them.
Gurgak shot his burst at a Jackal, destroying his shield. Some more fire took him down. A Grunt was killed by a Brute shot grenade. Another Brute was pumped full of needles, killing him and the Jackal next to him. A golden Elite with a plasma sword charged in from behind the enemies. He slashed a Brute, then killed the remaining Jackals, their shields dying with a loud 'hiss'.
He turned to the group and said, "This city is a mess. Everyone is in small groups or alone. We have to unite and gain control." Habamee responded, "We were heading for the communication station. We were going to try to get a message to the fleet." The commander said, "No. We will gain complete control of this station first. Follow me."
They walked through the corridors until they reached a grav belt. They jumped on and were carried across the green beam to the other side. Once there, Drones attacked them. The commander switched to his plasma rifle. A Grunt was lost in the battle.
Many Brutes ran around the corner. The commander charged and began cutting through the ranks. A Brute with a shotgun charged him. Habamee shouted, "watch out! She has one of those human things!" it was too late. A shotgun round to the head took down the commander's shields. The Brute hit him over the head with the shotgun to finish him. This cleared the line of fire for Arrup, who fired his fuel rod cannon into the group. Gurgak stuck a grenade to the last Brute. He charged. They backed up onto the grav belt. It carried them back to the other side. They were far enough away from the blast.
They went back on the belt, and continued. Several corridors later, the flood attacked in force. Habamee charged in, and fired his plasma rifle. A carrier form fell over next to him, killing him. The rest of The Flood continued their merciless rush. Combat forms dying, just to be brought back to life by infection forms. Grunts running helplessly in circles as the infection forms stuck onto them.
When the battle was over, there were only 4 Grunts left. Uuguk was the highest ranking Grunt left, so he suggested that they go to the nearby dropship bay and leave the station. This was very enthusiastically carried out.
Upon reaching the catwalk entrance to the dropship bay, they found a lone Grunt. He said, "I'm saved! By the way, my name is Hadap." Uuguk responded, "let's get aboard one of the dropships and leave this city. Hadap shook his head, "the dropships are guarded by many Brutes and Jackals. We will never make it." "I don't think so!" said Arrup, lifting his fuel rod cannon.
Grunts with exceptionally good marksmanship are promoted to the rank of gunner (gunners have green armor. Yayap and Arrup are such Grunts). They are given fuel rod cannons (guns that fire deadly exploding balls of energy) or portable turrets. They also operate turrets of other sorts.
Yayap said, "let's size up our opponents before we attack." They peeked through the door; they saw very many Brutes and Jackals. They ducked back. Gurgak said, worried, "That's too many enemies. We'll be killed for sure!" Arrup responded, agitated, "It's our only way off this city. We have to go!" Gurgak said, temper flaring, "I'm NOT going to die! It's suicide!" Uuguk jumped in, "Can we take a vote on this? I mean "
Suddenly a high-pitched whistle cut him off. It was the station's emergency alarm. A message played in all the languages, first Prophet, then Elite, then Hunter, Then Brute, Then Engineer, then Jackal, Yayap cut in "Everyone always forgets about us Grunts". Everyone nodded angrily. The message was now playing in Drone.
Finally, it started in Grunt. It was "Danger self destruct system has been activated on this station 15 minutes to reactor overload. Recommended immediate departure." Arrup shouted "There's no time! HAVE to leave NOW!!!" The straggler Grunt said "There is a weapons locker in the corridor behind us. Let's stock up on weapons. They ran to it. They got fresh plasma pistols, and needler clips. Arrup took a full complement of fuel rods. Yayap took a portable turret. They all grabbed multiple plasma grenades.
They sneaked onto the catwalk. Yayap laid his turret down. Uuguk waited until they all got into position, then he yelled, "NOW!" they shot most of the enemies as they tried to board the dropship. The remaining Brute returned fire. His grenade broke the catwalk, and the grav lift in the middle of it. Everything tumbled down the now slanted catwalk, except for Yayap, who hung on to his magnetic and adhesive turret. He shot until the Brute fell, then he slid down the catwalk.
Another message played. It got to Grunt and said, "10 minutes to overload." Uuguk said, "we still have 10 minutes. I'll go back to the locker and get as many weapons as I can carry. He walked up the catwalk ramp.
He came back a couple of minutes with a crate of plasma grenades piled high with needlers, needler clips, Plasma pistols, a fuel rod cannon with ammo, and a portable turret.
He said, "Let's go into that nightshade." He pointed to one of the U shaped dropships. They climbed in. Gurgak looked at the controls and frowned. "This is all in Elite. I can't drive it," Said Gurgak. Uuguk looked at the controls an said, "I saw an Elite do it once. Look at that pad in the middle. Push the buttons in the order: blue, amber, amber, red." Gurgak did it. The dropship roared to life. "These buttons right here look like a direction pad. I'll push up," he said. The dropship shot upwards and slammed into the ceiling. He said, "this is down." The dropship slammed into the floor. "I'll assume that these are left and right. I'll learn how to control it better later. Right now, I cant worry about that. Uuguk, open the bay doors." Uuguk keyed in the sequence: blue, blue, blue. The doors stayed shut. "They're locked. Yayap climb into the turret and melt the doors." Gurgak asked him "How do you move this thing?" Uuguk responded "I think you use those sticks. The left one controls roll and pitch. The right controls forward, back and turning." Gurgak tested them out. The ship lurched violently in many directions. Yayap yelled irritably "I have to focus my fire on one point! With you doing that I can't aim!" Gurgak responded, "We won't get out of here if I don't know how to drive it!"
Their argument was cut short by Arrup's yell, "We've got company!" He saw Brutes and Jackals pouring into the bay through the porthole. Yayap turned his turret on them and fired. They were cleared up easily, as their fire did little or no damage.
The first layer of metal on the door had melted. Another, now muffled message played. It rolled off the languages. It finally said in Grunt, "5 minutes to overload. By now the second layer had melted. The third layer was visible. It seemed like an eternity to the Grunts, but finally, a small hole was made. It sucked out air for a split second. Then the doors blew out, carrying the contents of the bay along with them. Gurgak, with some trouble, steadied the nightshade, then drove it at full speed away from High Charity, as well as full speed into the major space battle between High Charity and Halo.