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Halo: Soldier of Destiny Chapter.02 -- Fasten Your Seatbelts, We’re Experiencing Turbulence
Posted By: GGrievous<shagohad808@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 January 2006, 1:21 am
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There was a flash of blinding light. Jagged voices rang out from all direction. Zack's vision was blurry. He blinked once. Where the hell was he?
He blinked again. He could make out a few words now. It was a female voice.
"Doctor, his heart rate is rising."
Zack's vision was clearing now. He was lying down on some sort of table. He found himself staring at a giant lamp on the ceiling. He tried to move. He couldn't.
"Quickly, apply a second dose of anesthesia."
Anesthesia? Was he in a med lab? He was able to look to his right, and saw a man in a naval officers uniform, standing to the side. Suddenly Zack felt a sharp stab in his right arm. He felt himself slipping back into unconsciousness. Before he blacked out, he managed to catch sight of the insignia on the mans jacket.
Black and silver eagle wings over a trio of stars.
A few hundred kilometers away from the Pillar of Autumn, The Covenant destroyer Eternal Treason cruised through space, flanked by two smaller frigates. At the heart of the metal beast, in the center of the cruisers bridge, stood the Elite Ship Master Xaru Xolamee . He was clad in golden armor. A plasma pistol and an energy sword hung from his belt. He stared at the multiple view screens with an ever watchful eye, contemplating the events that unfolded before him. Several of the other ships had gone ahead to pursue the human ship that flew near the sacred ring.
Xolamee once again cursed the foul beasts. If the human ship were not so close to the ring, their fleet would have burned them to molten slag long ago. But they dared not risk damage to the structure. So they had been forced to deploy boarding parties aboard the ship. Such a move was costly, for many of their soldiers would be killed.
As the ship master continued to examine the battle across space, when the communications officer, Neju Nagamee announced, "Commander, we have a transmission from the Reverence and Nobility. Shall I patch it through?"
Xolamee snapped to attention. The Reverence and Nobility was the flagship of their battle group. The ship wasn't taking part in the battle, as it was being used to determine strategy for the time being. Onboard was the Grand General of the Covenant armada. Whatever he had to say would be of the utmost importance.
Besides, ignoring the hail would mean having his ship blown to tiny atoms around him.
"Of course," growled Xolamee. "Patch him through immediately.
Nagamee pressed a few buttons on the holopanel in front of him, and the Grand general appeared onscreen. He too was dressed in gold armor, and stood at attention on the command platform.
"Commander Xolamee, have the boarding parties arrived at the human ship yet?" he inquired.
"Yes excellency," said Xolamee with a nod. "The assault has already begun."
"Good." replied the general. "The humans will no doubt begin to launch escape craft, and attempt descend to the ring. Move your battle group to intercept any that launch."
"Of course excellency." Said Xolamee with a bow. "It will be done."
The general nodded, and the transmission terminated.
Xolamee sprung into action. "Move the ship at heading two-zero-three. Ready all pulse lasers." The ship rumbled as the engines accelerated. Xolamee muttered to himself, "I will not allow a single filthy human too lay one foot upon the sacred ring."
0125 Hours, September 10, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
UNSC Cruiser Pillar of Autumn, location unknown.
Zack's rifle spat bullets into the smoke and chaos in the dark room. He heard several screams as well as the sound of blood splattering on the deck. Through the smoke came two alien Grunts. These creatures stood about five feet high, and had stone gray skin. They wore orange armor and large pointed backpacks that fed methane into a breather mask strapped across their face. In their hands they held blue-green colored Plasma Pistols. They yelled out diminutive squeaks and grunts as they fired green bolts of plasma at the humans.
Zack ducked as one bolt shot right over his head. He reached for a frag grenade on his belt, pulled the pin, and gave it a subtle toss right over the container. He heard the Grunt's screams as the grenade bounced next to their feet, followed by an explosion and two dull thumps as their bodies hit the ground.
The noncom peered over the container. There was a scorch mark on the deck where the grenade had detonated, as well as a splatter of turquoise alien blood.
Jake looked over as well. "Nice job Zack!" he called.
Zack waved him off. "Don't thank me yet. The fun's just starting." He had just finished his sentence, when a Covenant Elite, clad in blue armor rushed through the door, flanked by two more Grunts
Just as their name implied, the Elites were the best warriors the Covenant had to offer. Unlike the Grunts, they stood eight feet tall, had smooth brown-colored skin, and wore armor from head to toe that generated an energy shield around them. Not only that, they were incredibly strong, and extremely intelligent.
In other words, the only enemy Zack preferred not to dance toe-to-toe with.
His assault rifle flared as Zack took aim at the elite, as did the weapons of the others around him, but the Elite was too fast. He managed to dodged behind another container. Zack cursed, and proceeded to take down the two Grunts.
The Elite swung out from around the container, and fired his plasma rifle. A stream of plasma bursts lanced only centimeters from Zack's head. He managed to duck before the Elite hosed the area with more fire.
He heard a few screams from the marines as they were hit. Zack gritted his teeth. He was going have to end this quick, or they'd all be dead in minutes.
He unsung his shotgun, and dashed out from his container, firing two shots at the Elite. The spray from the shells impacted the Elite's shields, and they shimmered a ghostly blue, but the field of energy held. The Elite gave a cry of rage, and rushed out to meet this new challenger.
Zack rolled right as the Elite swung his rifle down like a club. The blow impacted the deck and dented the solid Titanium-A deck plate. Zack grimaced. There was no way he would match the Elite in strength. He would need to outwit the alien.
There was a streak of blue as the Elite raised his rifle to strike again, but Zack rolled past him towards the destroyed bulkhead. They both spun back around at the same time.
Then Zack did something the Elite never anticipated. He primed his seconded grenade, and dropped it right at their feet.
Zack was already lunging back towards the bulkhead when the Elite gave a cry of surprise. He just barely managed to take a leap backward when the grenade went off. The Elite survived, but his shields had taken a beating.
Furthermore, by jumping backwards, he had placed himself square into the other marine's line of fire.
As he was priming his shotgun, Zack shouted. "Now! Shoot him!"
"Hell yes, Zack!" shouted Jake, and he unleashed a stream of rounds into the Elite, as did every other soldier with a weapon in their hands.
The Elites failing shields were no match for this new onslaught. They flared once, then failed. Dozens of armor-piercing bullets tore through the Elites torso. He let out a cry of agony as he fell in a pool of his own violet blood.
The staccato of firing ceased as Zack turned to check the room the Elite had come from to see if there were any more unwelcome guests. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found none.
Zack turned to the rest of the marines. "Anybody hurt?"
A Sergeant stepped forward. "We got two KIA. Nobody else is wounded though." He glanced at the dead Elite. "That was a pretty impressive display."
"Just doing my job, sir."
The Sergeant nodded. "I'm Sergeant Richard Jameson. You must be the member of that special squad I heard about," he said noting Zack's armor.
"Yes sir. Corporal Zachary Thompson. I was transferred over from Destiny squad." Zack hesitated for a seconded. Even the mention of the squad name brought back sour memories.
"Well, we could sure use the help. With you around, we might actually make it off this rust bucket alive," said Jameson. He turned to the four marines behind him. "Let me introduce you to Fire Team Delta. This is Private Miccardo," gesturing at a tall blonde haired marine. Miccardo snapped off a quick salute. "I've heard a lot about you sir. It's an honor to fight along side you."
Zack nodded, "Likewise,"
"This is Corporal Rhomer," said Jameson gesturing at a surly looking marine with shoulder length black hair, who nodded.
Zack studied the marine. Rhomer looked like he'd been through his share of battles. Zack knew he could depend on him in a tight situation.
Jameson turned to a freckled face youngster with trim brown hair. "This is Private Church, newest to the squad." Church saluted Zack as well. "Sir! It's a pleasure to meet you sir!" he practically shouted.
"Settle down marine," said Zack with a small laugh, "save that energy for the Covenant." Church seemed to be a bit excitable. He'd have to keep his eye on him during battle.
"And I'm assuming that you already know private Jake O'Connor," said Jameson.
"That's correct sir," said Zack. Suddenly, another explosion caused the Pillar of Autumn's hull to shudder. The ship wasn't going to last much longer at this rate.
"Sir, I would suggest that we try to find a lifeboat, and get the hell off this ship."
Grimly, Jameson said, "I agree. The lifeboats are on the upper level. We're going to have to fight our way up there."
"Sir!" cried Jake suddenly, "I just got word off the COM. More Covenant are on their way to this part of the ship."
Jameson nodded. "Then we better start moving."