The Coagulation Tales
Posted By: Froggy618157725<froggy618157725@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 December 2005, 11:31 pm
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This piece was done for an english assignment which was to write a poem similar to the Canterbury Tales intro, but adapted to be more modern. I just couldn't resist an excuse to bring Halo into my English class.
The day is over and now shall I play
A Big Team Battle, Halo, by the way.
The match is set, the team selection done,
And all that remains is to have some fun.
With ease we scored and held our foes at bay
And in-between the onslaughts we did say
Some tales of which are good 'nough to relay.
So now before these stories shall be told,
I'll tell of all the players, young and old.
Among the first I met the first I met there was a nerd.
Though smart in school, he could not share a word
And when approached for conversation hid.
He was not very social of a kid.
In school he always ranked among the best,
Though every day his mother got him dressed.
He never liked to study anything
And yet in science and calculus was king.
He was a nice guy and if when he sat
He found a valuable, he gave it back
And when he played in Halo online games,
He new the glitches, tricks and all their names.
But never would he use them in a match
Instead he used his intellect to hatch
A plan by which his team could play and win.
Within the post-game lobby he would grin
And leave a witty comment for his foes
But through the hallways silently he goes
And in his pocket you will always find
At least a single TI-89.
My next team mate was also still a student.
For him his social life was much more prudent.
He was a party guy and could be seen
At any party that had ever been.
He dressed in stylish clothes and always had
And as a student he was not too bad.
He too had grades that were among the best
And for examinations never stressed.
He often sat behind or near the nerd
And never marked an answer that absurd.
He was a perfect child, or so it seemed
For sometimes in a test he'd sideways gleamed
And found the inspiration to select
The answer of which always was correct.
In online games of Halo he did try
To take advantage of the glitch to fly.
And thus he managed to get by unseen,
Although his method wasn't all that clean.
His homework was so diligently done.
He seemed to have two sheets instead of one.
An athlete was the next for me to spot.
He didn't like to play Halo a lot.
Instead he spent most of his time outside.
He was quite tough and never did he cry.
The sport he liked to play was called football.
When he was tackled it hurt not at all.
His uniform was spotless, very clean.
He's always humble and is never mean.
He seemed so fast that he could race a train,
Although his injured foot would cause him pain.
His academics were not all that great,
And mathematics surely did he hate.
As quarterback he won many a game
And brought his team into the hall of fame.
If victory was ever out of reach,
He'd give himself the ball and then would breach
The other team's defensive line to win,
No greater on his team had ever been.
Although his skill outshone all of the rest,
He never was arrogant or a pest.