Fall from grace
Posted By: Fred<multi_coloured_alex@hotmail.com>
Date: 20 April 2008, 6:28 pm
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Chapter 1
Zek glanced nervously at his throbbing plasma pistol, waiting for it to reach full charge. The anticipation for the jackal minor of not being able to fire his weapon at the gradually overwhelming forces of ODST's was almost too much to bear at he hid behind a weathered pillar. Close by a grunt clad in orange armour essentially the cannon fodder of cannon fodder half waddled half ran in the opposite direction, arms waving wildly implying confusion. "RETRE---- what would have been far more of a request than an order fell to "retreat" turned instead in to more of a "RETREAAAAAAUGGHGHHHHH
." As several bullets tore in to the creatures grey flesh and it stumbled for a second before falling with a light thud. Its methane suit had been ruptured, and the fetid smell of methane reached Zek's fine senses almost immediately.
High over head in the night sky, a ghost whirled ahead. For a moment it seemed as if the tides could be turned until to Zek's horror the banshee started to open fire on covenant troops, tearing in to the ranks like a knife through grunt food nipple. With his fine tuned eyes, Zek could just make out the unnerving shape of the demon the human's gleefully referred to as the master chief, skilfully swooping amongst the clouds, temporarily distracted as another banshee this time piloted by an elite attacked from behind.
Zek glanced back down to his pistol. 97%. The Jackal tensed himself to spring out from his hiding spot. 98%. Zek squeezed his eyes shut no longer certain of how many others in his squad were still alive. 99%. Oh God. They hadn't retreated had they? He wasn't going to spring out only to find himself alone and smothered in a carpet of bullets. 99.5%. As if the tension was not unbearable enough. 99.75% Oh f**Kn lousy covenant technology!
100%. The fact he could now put his life under extreme risk almost seemed like a blessing to Zek and before he lost his nerve, or the reader could become bored and stop reading, he leapt out from his hiding spot, screeching in his alien tongue every curse his species knew, mostly from a young age, as he shot anything that moved and had a human weapon. An ODST that was firing in the opposite direction was caught of guard, and stumbled as one of Zek's well placed plasma bolts caught him square on the shoulder. The human uttered a cry of alarm, attracting attention from a nearby comrade.
Zek cursed and finished the human before he even hit the ground with a shot to the head. Nowhere could Zek see another covenant member. What he could see were three humans closing in on him, circling him, stalking him. Zek raised his blue tear drop shaped shield just in time as a hail of filthy human bullets sprayed against it, turning Zek's shield a worrying red colour.
Zek, un experienced, poorly equipped and out numbered chose life over honour, and threw his hands in to the air to protect his delicate head, before fleeing in the opposite direction, his lightening speed putting more distance by the second between him and his opponents.
The Jackal's amber yellow eyes became a blur in the dark as he ran, his speed ever growing until
Zek stopped, disappointed almost. It was only now he realised his shield had long ago collapsed. And so his light skinny arm was all that had been protecting his sensitive head. Zek stared at it a moment, as he wavered just over the edge of a thorny log. The proud red feathers that protruded from it were now a mess, nothing more than short stumps, and the arm itself was viscously spewing forth purple blood. The covenant soldier felt dizzy and light headed. He suddenly realised how foggy it was rapidly becoming. Zek could make out little more than a white fog of haze even the writer seemed be to typing in original a somewhat i.e. confused way.
Zek toppled for a moment, and with his last ounce of strength, as he heard the heavy footprints of his approaching pursuers, threw his weight towards the direction of the log. Zek hadn't known it was over a steep ledge. As what Zek was sure were his last ever conscious thoughts he tried to think of some meaning his life had held. He could find none.
Well just a first draft I typed up in half a minute, couldn't decide if I wanted it to be funny or serious so mixed it up a tad. Please comment, and rate, lemme know what you think. POV from a jackal in my opinion is fairly original? Critics that constructive is fine by me . Will only type more if I get comments.