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Posted By: Flooded hunters<shultzc@bellsouth.net>
Date: 18 November 2005, 9:27 pm
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Halo:combat evolved
It's a sixteen Spartan ultimate slayer match, team 1 VS. team A.
Equipt weapons: Assault rifle & Custom. Weapons on-map: Energy Swords, Rocket Launcher, Shotguns, Plamsa grenades, and plasma Pistols & Rifles. Starting grenades: unlim. Frags.
Field: Blood Gulch
Vehicles: All (including Banshee)
Style: Mark V MJOLNIR armor
Team 1: Team A:
Halo001: Shotgun Halo003: Shotgun
Flood Fighter : Energy-beam attachment Halo004: Shotgun
Apoc: Mini-gun Stalker: Silent-Jumper boots& Energy sword
Halo002: Shotgun Nightstrike: light-Shading device
Jon man: Fuel-rod cannon Taylor 3000: Sonic sound generator
Nova: Shockwave charge launcher Iceassin: Liquid-Nitrogen disperser
Sara: Shotgun Snipro: hyper-velocity armor-piercing Sniper-rifle
Shannon: Shotgun Petepyro: atomic-heat Flamethrower
Through Halo001's eyes:
As soon as the match started, he ran and jumped into a Gauss warthog's turret.
"Someone gimme a ride!" he yelled to Sarah. So she ran over and jumped into the driver's side of the Warthog.
"Stop! Mind give'n me a lift too?" Nova said as he ran to get into the passenger's side. Allright, let's go! They all rode in the warthog preparing to shoot at the first sign of enemy movement. As the warthog climbed up and over the hill, they saw five of the enemy troops charging headlong towards them. Him and Nova began firing their weapons, both Nova and Halo001 shot in the same place, both direct hits. Hal03 (for short) was catapulted into the air away from them.
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Nova yelled while he began shooting at another enemy......iceassin. They were approaching the enemy fort and drawing closer to their adversaries when Hal01's motion tracker on his H.U.D. began beeping frantically; he ignored it, though. Before he could get another round out, Stalker had landed on the front of the warthog and killed Sarah with the Energy sword he had armed. He went to slash at Nova, but he had already tuck & rolled out of the warthog. Stalker turned forward toward Hal01, but he was looking down the barrel of a Shotgun now. He begun to squeeze the trigger, but Stalker looked up and jumped into the air
he only got his leg. Suddenly, he heard a shotgun go off; then
."BAM!!!!!" Stalker fell back down onto the warthog, dead. Seconds later, he saw an ally banshee fly overhead.
"Wooooooooo hhhhhoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled, then he turned and looked forward towards the enemy base. He saw Snipro aiming right at him!
" but before he was finished, he got shot. First in the shoulder, then in the jaw; he was ejected from the warthog in a spiral, then he just lay there to die
Through Flood Fighter's eyes:
When their match begun, he charged head-on to the enemies. Jon-man joined him; as they ran, a Ghost charged at them, Jon-man leaped out of it's path, but FF was just crazy enough to play chicken with a Ghost.
"Wait for it! Wait for it!" he was saying to himself, "NOW!" Imediatly, he dashed forward and jumped. SHING! A razor-sharp switch-blade knife came from the back of his hand and it ripped through the chest of Nightstrike. He was flung from the Ghost, but the Ghost remained intact. Quickly, he swapped his assault rifle for the L.S. device. He turned around and jumped on the blood-drenched seat of the Ghost.
"Seeya on the other side!" he said as he turned the Ghost and headed over the hill. As soon as he was over the hill, BAM! Snipro had shot at him, but the bullet whizzed just inches away from him. Ha! You missed! He hit a switched that propelled him faster because of the Ghost's extra boost system.
"WHOOSH!" a rocket had been shot at him, "BAM! BOOM!" it hit.
"Bail!" he yelled as he jumped from the ghost and spralled out onto the ground after rolling several feet. I'll get him! He looked forward towards the direction from whence the rocket came from, "Iceassin," Quickly, he threw a grenade as hard as he could, bam! He nailed iceassin in the face, he fumbled backwards, then, boom! Nova shot him and he flew way back into the rocks. He continued to just lob grenades blindly, he killed Hal04 and Taylor 3000.
"Good, now I'll!" he said to himself as he turned around and ran back towards his own base. He ran for the banshee, but Jon man had just gotten it, he turned and boarded a second banshee he found. He flew along the edge of the side of the stage, no one knew he was there for he activated the light-shading device so no one could see anything, he flew the banshee around the enemy base, jumped out of it and "stalked" Snipro. Snipro stood up, alarmed by the sound of FF's banshee running into the ground, bam! The lights grew back, Snipro only had a second before FF jumped him, he pulled out his switch-blade knife again, he grabbed Snipro's neck, stabbed him twice, then
"CRACK!!!" he snapped his neck, he practically ripped his head off! FF looked up, the rest of his team was killing off the other enemies, they had won. (...SWEET!)
This is my second fan-fic. entry (the first being "parasites on our planet) The characters are mostly based on my cousin's, brother's, mine (of course), and my bro's girlfriend's profiles, enjoy!!
(this is the first two eighths of this story)