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Parasites on our planet: when they arrive (part 1)
Posted By: Flooded hunters<shultzc@bellsouth.net>
Date: 17 November 2005, 10:59 pm
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Space, the infinite void that surrounds everything, our world, our solar system, everything. If there were any echo, you would not get it for eons. Traveling this matterless emptiness for years is enough to drive a man insane, but these creatures, they're already insane.
The flood: an infectious, terrible, horrific alien parasite; so putrid, so vile that the covenant themselves fear these demons. These are the things that haunt our nightmares, these are the creatures that line our worst, terrible thoughts. After Halo had been destroyed, nuked,if you will, these devils escaped on two covenant dropships; in doing so, they were able to fool the covenant into allowing them to dock on one of their cap. ships (capital ships). Once boarded, the rest was history.
So now, these horrible, chaotic things are traveling the galaxy in one of the fastest ships in the covenant fleet, searching for a world of life capable of sustainig them. After two months of searching, these monsters have come across our solar system, finding two planets with life: Mars and Earth. Obviously Earth having more life, they all went down in a dropship to land and begin their attack.
Having landed, their first target or priority was to infect a single host, thereby multiplying themselves to be released at the right time (by making a carrier form) . Next, they found a family of hikers in the hills where they landed. They attacked the father first, then the children, then, finally after seeing their greusome deaths killed the horrified mother and began the process of spawning a cammand form (such as that which contained captain Keyes). Soon after, the entier hill had been taken over by the flood, by then (of course) word and rumor had spread that those dumb enough to wander into those hills never returned. Therefore, curious boys would travel along the sides of the hills and observe them with powerful binoculars. A man had done this, reporting to the military that "mutant monsters have encased the small mountain in a green fog" from what he said, he got a glimpse of these monsters, "they're expanding outward" he informed them.
Almost immediately a special operations team was called into duty, they're mission: capture four specimines of these creatures, of course, this mission was practically suicidal. Only one man survived, having witnessed the horrible deaths of his team, he was mad and had to be instatutionalized.
Eventually, the ship they had come on was discovered and found to have traces of the same DNA as the creatures in the hill. They had to be destroyed. Deciding to nuke the hill and evacuate all civillians for several miles around.
"Thud!" a brown case was plopped on the counter of a longsword. Two men stand there in haz-mat suits.
"Suit up, prpare for lift off," a sergent walked up with an assault rifle in-hand.
"Sarge, what's with the gun?" one of the two men questioned. "this is a simple drop-and-run mission, right?"
"It's supposed to and should be, if all goes well," the sargent replied, "but 'expect the unexpected'"
"Can do, sag; hey, new meat!" the private shouted to another man walking by, "get yourself, me, and Jugg. rifles! And pack a few rockets!"
"Hang on, get a sniper for me!" Jugg. (short for juggernaut) had requested.
"Can do," "New Meat" replied monotonously.
"Pack up and be quick about it!" Sarg. added, "we're leavin' in five, and can someone get the chief and Linda?"
After fully-loading the ship, they took off; their crew included The master chief himself, Linda, a fellow spartan, Juggernaut, your standard hyped, alien blood-thirsty marine, Private peters, an over-excited marine ready to kill, New meat, the newest edition; and, of course, Sergent Johnson, the witty, and somewhat crazy victor of many battles.
Once getting close to the infested hill, a flood-controlled covenant dropship arose from the under the treetops.
"This might be a problem," the chief informed.
"Don't worry, i've fought these bastards before, lock, load and shoot to kill!" Sarg. grasped an assault rifle tightly and braced for impact, "we're goin' in!"
Having no air dogfight weapons, the longsword was shot out of the sky by the flooded dropship.
"Vwoooooom, crash!" the dropship landed with monstrous force, squashing at least a dozen command forms residing in the trees.
"Someone grap the nuke, Jugg., chief, clear the crash site!" sarge barked, motioning for linda to grab a sniper rifle.
"Will do, Jugg., get moving!" The chief jumped to his feet and opened the hatch.
TO be continued.............