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Fan Fiction

Spartan Holy Writings: part 4
Posted By: FloodBane<floodbane@hotmail.com>
Date: 20 October 2007, 5:55 am

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The cryotube hissed and the edges began to lift. Steam leaked out of the cryotubes' side; Jabez covered his visor from the hot steam. The cryotube had fully opened; the top half was completely vertical. Jabez peered inside and saw that the beautiful woman looked about his age, about twenty, and wearing a long gown decorated with rare jewels. Without warning the womans eyes opened and Jabez was so surprised that he took a step back.
The woman climbed out of the cryotube and instantly looked towards the Spartans.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"We are Spartans who have been sent here to recover any Artifacts owned by the enemy." answered Nathan.
The woman looked confused.
"I thought I would only be released when those aliens 'need me'." she said.
"Yes, those aliens were going to use those writings on your palm there to lead them to something that would have destroyed the human race" explained Jabez "but we're here to rescue you, not take you as some alien Artifact."
"Sir we should get moving," interrupted Marina "several contacts are coming this way and we still have to blow this place up."
"Yes, but first," he turned to the woman "you should take cover behind me ma'am."
"My name is Ellie." the woman replied.
Jabez smiled under his helmet "OK then, Ellie you should take cover behind me."

Jabez, his team and Ellie walked into the corridor opposite the way they came in. Four Brutes came running up the corridor.
"Spartans! Fire!" yelled Jabez.
All the Spartans opened fire, Ellie grabbed Jabez' arms and hid behind him and his bulky armor. The Brutes returned fire; a single spike round broke through Jabez' armor on his left arm, Jabez grimaced in pain but kept shooting. The four Brutes quickly fell.
"Here, let me take a look at that." said Ellie.
Jabez removed the armor from his arm, taking care not to move the spike.
"Does anyone have a med kit?" asked Ellie. Laura reached into her pack and pulled out a field med kit.
"Do you take pain well?" asked Ellie to Jabez "because this will hurt."
Jabez nodded. Ellie removed the spike from Jabez' arm; Jabez flinched. Ellie quickly cleaned and bandaged the wound, and then Jabez put his armor back on. Ellie handed back the med kit back to Laura and began to walk down the corridor following Nathan and Marina.
Jabez grabbed her arm, gently, and pulled her to him.
"Thanks, Ellie." he said.
"Your welcome." she replied with a smile.

"Sir, we need to make our way to the reactor room, it controls the communications systems and temperature control in the structure I'm guessing," said Nathan after a small skirmish with some Jackals "we need to set some sort of explosives near it and set the timer for long enough for us to get out of here."
"Yes, we must be quick, these skirmishes are getting to frequent." Jabez said as he kicked a dead Jackal in the head.
The Spartans and Ellie found the reactor room without much trouble; they locked onto the strongest energy source and went there.
Inside the reactor room were three half asleep Brutes, who were soon made permanently sleeping. They walked over to the main reactor; Jabez turned to Marina.
"Marina do you have any explosives left that we can time for an explosion?"
She searched in her ammo packs for a few minutes "Sorry sir, all my explosives seem to have been used, even my plasma grenades."
'Damn," said Jabez "anyone have any ideas?"
Nathan was aiming his weapon at the door in case of enemy attacks, but turned his head towards Jabez.
"Well, our armor has a small reactor in it," he said still with his weapon aimed at the doorway "we could set it down by the Covvie reactor then set it to blow in about ten minutes."
Jabez nodded "Whose armor will we use?" He looked around at the other Spartans.
Laura and Marina couldn't take their armor off for obvious reasons, so it was either Nathan or Jabez who'd have to remove the upper half of their armor. Nathan didn't take his off so Jabez took off; he lay it down next to the generator.
"Marina, think you can set that thing to blow in ten minutes?" asked Jabez.
"Yes sir, just a minute." she answered then began to tinker with the armors' reactor.
Jabez opened a private comm. channel to Nathan "I won't be able to give full protection for Ellie because of me not having my top armor, so protect her with your life."
Nathan nodded then Jabez added "I'll still use my whole body as a shield for her if need be though."
"Sir," Marina said from across the room "this thing will blow in just under ten minutes so I suggest we go, now."
Jabez walked over to Ellie and scooped her up in his strong arms.
"Ellie, if I don't hold you like this you might not be able to keep up with us."
She lay her head against his chest "It's ok," she said "I don't mind it here."
Jabez nodded to his team to run as fast as they could.

Four Spartans and Ellie, held securely in Jabez' arms, went speeding through the corridors of the Covenant Main base, leaving boot marks where there large boots hit the floor.
They turned a corner to find two Brutes who were mounting a Ball turret each; they swiveled towards the Spartans and fired. The Spartans ducked behind the corner.
"We don't have time for this." exclaimed Marina.
Jabez knew this as well.
"Nathan and Laura use your sniper and fire through the gaps in the turrets." Jabez ordered.
Nathan and Laura peeked around the corner and fired two shots each; two roars were heard, then the turrets went silent. The Spartans continued their sprint through the base.

Jabez, Ellie and the other Spartans came running out of the buildings' front door only to be met by ten Brutes and five Ghosts. The enemies opened fire as soon as the Spartans came out of the door. The group split into two directions; Marina, Jabez and Ellie to the left and Laura and Nathan to the right. They took cover behind some Wraith wreckages.
"That building will explode in about five minutes' sir." said Laura over the comm.
"We'll sneak around them," said Jabez "quick and quiet."
The two separate groups crept around their respective cover and made a wide circle. The small minded brutes were easily outsmarted, so the Spartans and Ellie successfully made it around the Brutes and Ghosts without trouble.

Outside the entrance gate sat five anti air Wraiths who had previously missed their intended targets, but this time intended to vaporize their enemies.
Captain Yawnat sat atop his Wraith and stared intently at the gates, awaiting his prey. He was soon rewarded with the sight of three fully armored figures and one half armored figure carrying someone in his arms.
Yawnat ordered his troops to fire at the group below. Ten blobs of green plasma launched from his tanks straight towards the enemy troops. Yawnat snarled when he saw his enemies jump out of harms way and run for the forest.
I'm going to burn the entire forest if I have to; he thought then ordered his troops to fire continuous blobs of plasma.

Jabez and his team sprinted through the forest at full speed. Green explosions went off around them but their strides did not falter. Jabez held one hand out in front of him to push branches out of the way so they wouldn't hit Ellie.
The Pelican wasn't far ahead.
A giant rumble shook the ground with tremendous force and nearly made Jabez fall but he regained his balance.
"I guess our little surprise just went off." said Marina with a laugh.
The explosions stopped.
"Huh?" said Jabez in confusion "oh, the explosion of the main reactor must've drawn their attention, lets use that as an advantage."
Suddenly a loose stick from a previous explosion flew straight towards Ellie. Jabez spun around so that his bare back was facing the flying stick. The sharp edge plunged into his back and he let out a yell of pain. He managed to put Ellie safely to the ground before he collapsed from the pain.
His vision went dark.

Fleet Admiral Alicia was observing small ships remove the wreckage from the recent space battle, when suddenly two badly damaged Covenant Super Carriers appeared in the area of space close to Alicia. The Super Carrier immediately opened fire on Alicia's Flagship, the ship shook with the blow.
"Return fire!" ordered Alicia.
Admiral Jesse carried out the order; sending three super heavy MAC rounds towards the already damaged Super Carrier.
The Super Carrier shuddered as three rounds hit home, it exploded soon after. The second Super Carrier however sent three waves of plasma torpedoes at the flagship. The Thors Hammers' shields were known for their strength but even they could not hold against the overwhelming force. The Super carrier sent another two waves of torpedoes at they smashed against the Flagships hull, peeling away thick armor plates and starting fires on several decks.
"Fire back!" ordered Alicia.
"Can't ma'am, all Archer missiles are gone and the MAC gun needs time to reload." replied Jesse looking away from his station.
Alicia thought for a few seconds, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of fifty Covenant ships of every class appearing at the opposite side of the battle.
"I'm going to take down as many of those bastards as possible," she whispered then added with a louder voice "Admiral Jesse steer us toward those fifty ships then accelerate to ramming speed."
Jesse understood "Yes ma'am," answered Jesse, then into the intercom "all personnel use shipboard escape pods and get down to the surface."
Hundreds of 'Bumblebee' escape pods launched from the docks and hundreds of single ships exited the landing bays. The Flagships was close to the Covenant armada.
"Take this suckers." whispered Alicia to herself.
Thors hammer smashed into the lead ships bow and sent it, Thors Hammer and several other Covenant ships into a flaming oblivion.

Jabez wandered through the blackness of unconsciousness when suddenly he saw a bridge from a UNSC Flagship, on the bridge was the expected crew but instead of the usual Captain rank there was Fleet Admiral Alicia staring out of the view port.
She spotted something out of Jabez' view and ordered something to an Admiral who swiftly followed the directions. Jabez saw a part of an explosion out of the view port and guessed an enemy had just met its fate.
The bridge then suddenly shook and Alicia yelled some more orders but was told something bad by the Admiral. Then fifty Covenant ships appeared on the other side of the view port, Alicia paused then gave some orders and the ship started to race towards the new threat. Alicia told the Admiral something but Jabez couldn't hear her, and then the Admiral replied then spoke into the ships intercom. The Covenant was much closer now. The UNSC ship didn't change course and soon the bridge became a fiery inferno.
Then Jabez woke up.

Jabez awoke with a start, he tried to sit up but couldn't because he was lying on his stomach.
"Don't try to get up," said the sweet voice of Ellie "that wound will hurt if you try to move."
"I'll be fine." Jabez said disagreeing, he attempted to sit up but pain lanced through his back; so he fell back to the floor with a thump.
"Told you so," Ellie said "so keep as still as you can."
She began to run her hand across Jabez' back, which made Jabez feel a lot better.
"Ok," he replied "but can you tell me what you were doing in that base? I mean how did you get there?"
Ellie looked up at the ceiling of the Pelican which Jabez just realized he was in.
"My family and I were on holiday on Sigma Octanus three when an alien ship landed in the park where we were having lunch and grabbed my family and me."
She paused then continued.
"Then that Prophet came out and said that I was to be the holder of the 'Holy Writings' and threatened to kill everyone if I didn't agree, I asked them why they needed me to hold the writings, then he answered that a thousand of years ago in a dream of his a human female gave the 'Holy Writings' to him and said that 'when the time comes in one thousand years you will give a human these writings onto their palm and seek out the Great Destroyer so he may destroy the enemy', so he wanted another human female like the one in his so called dream to fulfill his search for the Great Destroyer. I went with him so that he wouldn't kill my family."
Jabez absorbed this then spoke.
"Well, your safe now and I'll make sure to keep it that way." he said then realized that Ellie was smiling at him.
She kissed him lightly on the cheek and said "Thanks."

The Pelican reached the Black Diamond because it was closer and was easier to get to because the Eagles Talon was surrounded by debris.
Jabez explained to Lana about his dream and she thought for a few minutes. She finally looked up and spoke.
"That must mean that a Covenant armada is either on its way here or has taken over our newest base."
Their question was soon answered when forty three Covenant Loyalist ships appeared from Slipspace just out of range.
"Well that's that question answered." exclaimed Nathan.

To be continued.
