Chapter 3
0021 hours
Hades Earth
"Great job crew," Macy said as the four Hell Jumpers arrived on the Hades Earth.
"Thanks Macy," Rick said as stopped to say hello.
"So was it fun?" Macy asked.
"I have to admit, I wasn't so sure I was going to get through it myself," Rick said.
" Shock Trooper Rick Wilson, please arrive at the captains quarters immediately," a voice over the intercom said. "Just you alone."
"I wonder what that's about?" Marcus asked.
"It's probably nothing," Rick said assuringly. "He probably just wants to congratulate us on our job well done." Rick strode off towards the captains quarters that were two levels up. He took the elevator up and was at the captain's doors. Rick knocked once and heard a "come in".
"Hello captain," Rick said as he saluted.
"At ease son," Captain Quincy Conrad said. "Please sit down. By the way great job on the mission. I'm really proud of you and you comrades."
"Thank you sir," Rick said.
"I'm sorry about Sergeant Jose," Quincy said. "He was a good man and we don't find such bold, and intelligent men around these days. Anyway I came to discuss with you another mission, one far greater then any you have ever undertook in your life."
"May I ask what it is sir?" Rick asked.
"It's a rescue mission. We contact with Winter Rock was destroyed about three days ago. That ship might have some survivors on it and they might've crashed on planets all over the area. One of our biggest discoveries however is Halo four."
"Excuse me sir, what?" Rick asked in astonishment. "There are only three rings if I'm correct."
"Well we discovered this planet only a couple of hours ago. A group of survivors managed to get contact with some of our ships in orbit only minutes before they were killed."
"By what sir?" Rick asked.
"Has anybody told you, you ask too many questions?" Quincy asked jokingly. "I want you and your teammates, along with a few other, to carry out a rescue mission. You are the only ones available for the job. Spartans are too far away for this. We have new armor for you and your comrades, almost as strong as the old MJOLNIR armor. We made them adaptable for Shock Troopers, so you don't kill yourself while putting them on. I'll brief you and you comrades on the mission objectives and get you all suited up and ready. You start your mission in thirty hours. Your dismissed Commander Rick Wilson." Rick walked out and said nothing.
Rick walked into the elevator in silence to go to his team. The elevator stopped and Rick stepped out. He knew his crew was in the R&R room near sickbay. He walked toward sickbay, which was about two minutes away. He passed by some faces he knew. Rick stepped into the room in silence and the room was mayhem. Everybody was happy because they had a big win today, but Rick knew most of his men, including himself, might not make it out of this next mission alive.
"Hey Rick how's it hanging?" Taylor said, pretending to be drunk, knowing they couldn't consume alcohol while in uniform.
"What are you doing Taylor?" Rick asked. Taylor stopped the act as soon as he heard those words. "I have to talk to you, Marcus, and Joel immediately. Report to conference room 34 now."
"Ok Rick," Taylor said, and went off to go get Marcus and Joel. Taylor had crutches but would be healed up for the mission ahead. Rick headed for the conference room just ten seconds away and his teammates, know men, soon arrived. They all sat in the chairs around the small circular table.
"So what's going on?" Marcus asked. Rick felt uneasy about breaking the news to them but he talked.
"I'm now your new commander," Rick said. The three of them congratulated him on his promotion. "That's not it. We have a mission that some of us might not make it through. We have a rescue mission to attend too."
"That doesn't sound that hard," Joel said.
"It's on Halo four," Rick said. The room was silent and everybody just blinked and was frozen. "We get our new armor and assignment in twenty nine hours. Everybody get some rest and I'll see you all tomorrow. Dismissed" His men saluted him and exited the room to attend to their daily activities.
"What did I get myself into?" Rick asked himself and strode off to his quarters.