Hell J's Chapter 2: New Africa Mission continued...
Posted By: Ethan<BaldEagles7@earthlink.net>
Date: 7 December 2005, 2:19 am
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Chapter 2
0045 hours
New Africa Plains
"We got a couple more minutes until we get there," Rick said while driving the Warthog along the soaked New African Plains.
"God, this rain is really pissing me off," Taylor said.
"I see the base, it's about two minutes away," Marcus said.
"Ok everybody brace yourselves," Rick said. "Everybody get out and take cover behind that hill over there as soon as we stop." Rick drove the Warthog up right next to the hill. Everybody got out and darted for the hill. Luckily none of the Covenant saw their Warthog.
"Who has the S2 AM Sniper Rifle?" Rick asked.
"I do," Joel said holding up the gun.
"Take out the jackals on the roof tops," Rick said. "They'll be trying to snipe us. The rest of you come with me, we'll be storming the base."
"Yes sir," Marcus said.
"Ok now," Rick said in a quiet voice. Rick, Taylor and Marcus ran down the hill towards the entrance of the base.
" They're------!" a jackal yelled from the rooftop. He couldn't finish his sentence because Joel had already taken him out.
"Two Elites coming in from the east," Joel said through his COM link.
"Got'cha," Rick said. Rick told the rest of the group and they all chucked grenades at their position. The Elites flew through the air hitting the ground hard.
"Took out the snipers," Joel said.
"Ok men move!" Rick yelled. The team found an entrance into an open hallway. Grunts were patrolling it and they were turned into paintings on the wall quickly.
"Take the first room on the right," Rick said to Marcus. "Taylor, take the second room on the left. I'll take the first room on the left." Marcus and Taylor crept up against their rooms and took out the Covenant that dwell within silently. Rick approached his room and a jackal along with an Elite was in it.
"Damn," Rick said quietly. Rick chucked a grenade in the room and stepped inside it blasting away at the Elite with his BR55 Rifle. The grenade exploded and it through Rick against a wall. The Covenant in his room were dead now. Marcus ran into Rick's room and saw him lying on the ground.
"Rick get up," Marcus said. Rick didn't twitch the slightest bit.
"Shit," Marcus said. Taylor ran over to Marcus's position.
"If we don't move now, we won't be able to finish the mission," Taylor said.
"Don't think your going anywhere," Rick said in a very hushed voice. "I think my arm is broken, but I'll live."
"Ok let's eliminate those bases," Taylor said. The three of them ran past the rooms and then there were hallways to the left and right of them. Troops were running towards their position alarmed because of the explosions of the grenades.
"Damn, everybody go to the right," Rick said. Everybody rushed down that hallway and they found a couple of grunts guarding the entrance to what happened to be the control room. Marcus fired at them and the grunts were shot up in an instant. Taylor opened the door and three Elites stood in the way. Taylor fired both of his SMG's at them as Marcus and Rick chucked grenades into the room.
[ident]"Duck!" Rick said as he jumped away from the room. Taylor and Marcus hit the floor as grenade explosions ringed through the halls. Rick got up and the Elites were dead inside.
"Shit everybody get inside the control room!" Rick said. He saw Covenant running towards the control room. Everybody got inside and Rick locked the door.
"Look for the bomb sequencers," Rick yelled to Marcus. Marcus got to work and found what he was looking for. There were computer-controlled bombs in the base big enough to destroy it.
"Found it," Marcus said.
"Activate a countdown of five minutes," Rick said. "We need a way out of here. Rick looked around the room and the front of the room had a glass window in it. "Set the timer now," Rick said. He shot at the window and it blew up, pieces flying everywhere. "Everybody crawl through that space now," Rick said. Taylor crawled through the window first, and then Marcus got out. Finally Rick crawled through. The window led to another corridor and then it lead outside.
"Let's go," Taylor said. grunts popped out of nowhere and shot at Taylor piercing the side of his torso.
"Shit!" Erik yelled chucking a grenade at the grunts and they were blown up into chunks. Marcus threw Taylor on his back and the two of them ran down the corridor. There was a long stretched hall to their left that led outside.
"Come on!" Rick yelled. Marcus ran with Taylor still on his back outside. It was still raining and a group of Covenant lay outside.
"Damn we're trapped," Marcus said. Just then a Warthog spun up in front of them.
"Hop in fast," Joel yelled from inside. Marcus laid Taylor in the back next to himself on turret. Rick got shot gun.
"Go, go, go!" Rick yelled. The Warthog spun off but Ghosts were trailing behind them. Marcus fired at the Ghosts and they were blown up and only two remain. The Ghost fired at the Warthog and it was getting shot up. Marcus was hit with a plasma bolt and went down onto the grass.
"Shit, stop the jeep!" Rick yelled. The Warthog stopped and Rick jumped out. "Joel take the turret and cover me."
"Yes sir!" Joel said. Rick ran over to where Marcus had fallen and picked him up. He ran to the car with Joel firing the turret at the Ghosts. Rick put a seatbelt on Marcus and took the drivers seat.
"Hold on Joel!" Rick yelled again, he stepped on the gas pedal and the Warthog sped off with the Ghosts destroyed in the dust. A few seconds later there was a fireworks display behind them that all humans could enjoy.