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Fan Fiction

After Halo Chapter 6 & 7
Posted By: Ethan<BaldEagles7@earthlink.net>
Date: 27 October 2005, 3:56 pm

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Chapter 6
2:16 A.M.

Samyen was running all through the second level of the ship with the hunter trailing right behind him. Samyen hadn't gone up to the 1st level because first of all the hunter that never gave up chasing him was constantly chasing him, and second, he didn't want the hunter to kill anybody on the 1st level. He knew he was going to run into a dead end. Samyen found a room to hide in. It was one of the shower rooms. He entered the room and turned on all the showers. He had set them on hot, hoping to burn the hunter. The hunter entered, and Samyen braced himself. The hunter couldn't see Samyen very well amidst all the water. Samyen's plan to burn the hunter didn't succeed but the water bought him some time. He shot at the hunters head several times, and then moved to another side of the shower room. He then got a plasma grenade from out that he had gotten from one of the grunts when he killed it. Samyen put the grenade on his hunter, and rushed out of the room, the hunter blew to pieces. Samyen ran for the stairs to get to the 2nd level but it was blocked by two grunts, he shot both of them. Samyen ran up the stairs but a hunter and two Jackals were guarding it. Samyen chucked all his grenades he had at them, which consisted of 7. They died and blood was all over the stairs and wall. Samyen almost gagged but got to the 1st floor without doing so. He ran to the command center and three Covenant Elite were holding their energy swords looking all over the room, and then they spotted Samyen. He fired his Assault Rifle at them and blew one pf their hands off. He grabbed the energy sword that had fallen to the ground. Samyen blocked a swing from one of the Covenant Elite's swords. He then counter attacked had sent the sword right through it's stomach. The other Elite took a swing but he tilted his head back and dodged it. He then kicked the Elite in the stomach and ejected his knife from his gauntlet. He stuck his knife right through the Elite's chest and killed him. The Elite that was unarmed cam eat Samyen but he pulled his energy sword out and cut the Elite's head off. Samyen had blood all over is armor, and then closed the door to the command center. All of the controls were destroyed except a cluster of them, which kept the lights on the ship. Samyen opened the door back up and he saw Erik, Damen, Youl, Ran, Alex, and injured Win at the other end of the hall.
"Samyen watch out!" Alex yelled. An energy sword went right through Samyen's chest. It was pulled out, an injured Covenant Elite stepped out of the room, with sword ready.

"You bastard!" Erik yelled. The Elite ran at Erik, and he pulled out his duel M6D pistols. He fired multiple times at the head until the Elite died. "You bastard!" Erik knew the Elite was already dead. He ejected his combat knife and slashed at the Elite's body with it. Blood was going everywhere, and he put the M6D to the Elite's head, it blew up. Blood was all over his visor and armor.
"Erik stop, and get up," Damen said in a very calm voice.
"Shut up! Shut up!" Erik yelled. He ran off to find the rest of the Covenant, and kill them.
"Damnit, he's consumed by rage," Youl said. "Everybody come on let's go talk some sense into him before this ship blows." Youl grabbed Samyen's dog tags, and put them in a spare pocket.
"What about Win?" Youl looked at Win on Alex's back. She didn't look she was doing too well. Alex put Win down and laid her on the ground carefully.
"She's still breathing," Alex said. "I did head to her wounds a little, I didn't have a lot of time to take care of her."
"Ok carry her like you were doing before," Youl said. "We need to find Erik, and get the hell off the ship. Everybody followed Youl to where he thought that Erik went. They turned a corner and right before their eyes, Erik stood there with Covenant blood all over his armor, a lot more blood. Ran saw at least 12 Covenant dead on the ground.
"Erik come one we need to get off the ship," Youl said.
"I can't, those Covenant bastards killed my friends, and they're going pay!" Erik said.
"They will, but in order to do that, you need to stay alive," Youl said.
"Come on Erik," Alex said. Erik turned around.
"You promise Youl?" Erik said.
"Yeah," Youl said. Both of them shook hands.
"Ok let's move out!" Youl said. Everybody once again followed. They were all heading towards the escape pods.
"Help!" They heard a scream. Damen ran to where the scream was and two men were cornered by a Covenant Elite. Damen jumped up and before the Elite could realize anything, it was dead with its head cut off. Come on, let's go. Damen ran back to where the rest of his squad was.
"Ok let's go!" Youl said. Everybody crammed in the escape pod. Ran went to the controls.
"I'm going to launching it. Everybody buckled in?" Everybody responded. "In five, four, three, two, one!" The pod launched.


Everybody had unbuckled his or her seatbelts after the launch. "So what are your names?" Damen asked.
"I'm Rob, and this is Chris," Rob said.
"Ok, I'm Damen, that's Erik, Win, Alex, Youl, and Ran," Damen said while pointing to each of them.
"What are our coordinates Ran?" Youl asked.
"They're B-0223 to Sector 56REA," Ran said.
"In English?" Youl asked.
We're headed towards plant Duken," Ran said. "What the hell is that?" Everybody looked.
"It's a halo," Erik said.
"But we destroyed all of them," Alex said.
"Must be new," Ran said.
"Then who the hell made it?" Erik asked.
"I don't know but we might be crashing into that thing," Ran said.
"What about Win?" Alex said. "She's not doing so well, and we need a medic incase we run into anything unwanted."
"She doesn't look like she's going to make it," Rob said.
"How do you know?" Alex asked.
"I took some medic courses," Rob said. "But she doesn't look so great, she has plasma wounds all over her torso and arms. She's lucky she even survived after that." Rob whispered to Alex, "There's not much more I can do for her. Your best bet is to take her out of her misery. It would save her pain. I'm sorry but that's what it will come down to."
"You have to know something else, I mean she has to live!" Alex said. Alex took out her M6D pistol and stuck it put it up to Rob's face. "You help her damnit!"
"Put the gun down Alex, we don't want anymore deaths," Erik said.
"No!" Alex said. She started to cry, and dropped her gun. Erik hugged her.
"It's alright Alex, Rob can't do anything else to help her," Erik said.
"Alex, I don't want to be in this pain any longer, just put me out of my pain now," Win said. Damen picked up the M6D and aimed it at Win. "Do it. She closed her eyes and was shot. Youl stared at Win's dead body.
"God…she loved me…." Youl said. He closed his eyes too.
"Ok we're approaching the halo," Ran said. "Everybody buckle their seatbelts." Everybody did and they even buckled Win's body in too.
"Hang on everyone," Ran said.

Chapter 7
Halo 4
6:37 A.M.

The squad had crashed into the ground near a chain of mountains. The terrain was much like the terrain on Halo 1. It was partly dark out, but you could still see. It was early morning on Halo 4.
"Everybody alright?" Youl asked. He looked around and only saw Win's dead body. Everybody unbuckled their belts and got up. Youl told everybody to keep their guns on them.
"Ok I'm going to open the hatch, if you see anything that doesn't look human, shoot it," Youl said. He opened it and nothing was there. Youl stepped out with M6D pistol armed. He scanned the perimeter of the crash sight but nothing was there. Alex grabbed Win's dead body. All of the teens started to dig a grave for her. They dug at and laid he body in it, then covered it. There were no flowers around, so they put some rocks that they found, on the grave.
"Does anybody have anything to say?" Youl asked. Nobody answered. "Ok then gather the medical equipment and spare ammo from the escape pod. We're going to head toward those mountains."
"Youl just wait a damn second!" Erik yelled.
"What? Nobody has anything so say, we need to head out," Youl said.
"That still doesn't mean everybody's ready," Erik said.
"I really don't care, if something's out there then it will kill us unless we get to higher ground. Damen, Ran, Rob, and Chris followed Youl.
"You really don't care do you Damen?" Erik said. "Seems like you've been on Youl's side this whole time."
Damen didn't say anything.
" So now you're avoiding me? Erik asked. "One of our friends are dead here Damen, don't you care? Don't any of you care?"
"We need to get on with our lives," Damen said. "I care, but what Win would want you and Alex to do is to follow Youl to safety. She's dead no matter what you do but you will always remember her in here." Damen pointed to his heart. "Come on Youl let's move out." They walked away leaving Erik and Alex at Win's grave.
"Let's go Erik, we can't stay here forever," Alex said. She ran off to catch the group.
"We're going to survive Win, we will. But it was your job in order for us to do that," Erik said. "We'll be able to go on and keep living. Damen is such an idiot." Tears came out of his eyes, and then ran to catch up with his squad.

They were walking and were headed up the hill when they heard some noises coming from behind some trees.
"Everybody get down," Youl said quietly. Everybody lay flat on his or her stomachs. Alex got out her sniper rifle and zoomed in on the trees. It was two grunts talking to one another.
"Take a look," Alex whispered. Youl looked into the scope.
"Yep, it's two grunts," Youl said. "Alex take them out."
"Wait we can follow them to where they're hiding," Erik said.
"That's stupid, we'll all die," Youl said. All of them still remained on their stomachs.
"He has a point," Rob said.
"Nobody asked you," Erik said.
"We're taking them out silently, there's no telling what reinforcements they might call for," Youl said. "Take the shot Alex." Alex aimed for the first grunt and pierced its head, and right before the other could react it was already dead.
"Damnit Alex, now they know somebody's here," Erik said.
"Well Youl calls the shots here not me, he's doing what's best for all of us," Alex said. Erik was speechless.
"Ok everybody get back up and let's head up," Youl said.

They were all up into the mountains at least 30 minutes later. It was lighter outside, but everybody was exhausted from the battle on Winter Rock. Chris spotted a cave, so they all decided to stay in there and get some shut-eye.
"Ok I'll be look out," Youl said. "Erik you're going to be at look out with me." Erik was disappointed that he wouldn't get to sleep first.
"Why do I have to?" Erik said. "Chris hasn't done anything since we got here."
"Well I need the best fighter in the squad, and that's you Erik, aside from me," Youl said. "Everybody else make yourselves comfortable and get some sleep. There's a big day ahead of us." Everybody went to sleep.
"Why do you hate me so much?" Youl asked. Erik said nothing.
"Why do you----
"I don't hate you, it's just that I envy you," Erik said. "Every since Samyen said that somebody was going to have to be leader of our squad, my heart just jumped. I was sure I would become leader after working so hard."
"Well you didn't make it, its just tough luck," Youl said. "I'm not trying to be mean, but you're going to have live through your life failing at a goal that you worked so hard to try to accomplish. The same thing goes for me to."
"Whatever," Erik said.
