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The unknown side- part 2 of 2
Posted By: Donuts
Date: 21 August 2006, 10:40 pm
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Author's notes: Sorry this is the last one, im moving away and i wont get my comp for awhile, enjoy.
Planet Sanguille II, Cornik System
Grid: 132 by 460
August 15 2554, 2300 hours, (Military calendar) /
The energy blade narrowly missed the Chief's head as he ducked just in time, though the tree was ignited by heat of the plasma, John could feel his back blistering. He lashed out with a high kick to the chest and the Elite stumbled back but rallied almost at once, it charged back at the Spartan and swung again. The Chief grabbed the alien's wrist and brang his elbow down hard half way up the Sangheili's arm. Crack. The sword fell to the ground as the Elite cried out in rage and pain. Crack. The Chief fell over onto his back; the alien had punched the side of his helmeted head. John scramble up, his vision blurred, but there was no time the Elite came back again with its left fist drawn. John sidestepped, unsheathed his knife and sunk it to the hilt into the Elite's chest, it roared again. But too late, the Chief had seized its left arm over his shoulder and flipped the alien into the burning tree. It let out a blood curdling screamed as the fire engulfed his body.
By this time the Covenant down below had noticed the blazing fire, raised their weapons and hailed the Chief with plasma. He dove behind a large tree lying on its side, switched the rifle's fire control to full auto and sprayed the group below with blind fire. Then the Spartan switched to single shot and leaned out. Two shots rang out and two Jackals were left headless. Six more and five Grunts were blown away, leaving blue fluorescent trails of blood. The remaining Elite dove for cover behind several large purple crates. The Chief vaulted over the tree and ran down the slope. The Elite poked his head out to fire at the log but was taken aback to find the Spartan a mere five feet away. John slid and took out the alien's legs. He aimed his rifle at the airborne enemy and let loose in hail of bullets. The Elite, riddle with holes, fell to the ground behind the Chief as he got up off the ground, searched the area and deemed it clear.
"Fox-trott 0-1-2, this is Spartan 1-1-7, give me the Captain. Over." said the Chief.
"Right away, sir!" replied the crewman working aboard the battle cruiser, Superstition.
After a short amount of time, a grim, tired voice responded;
"Go ahead, Chief." said Captain Roger Pierrs
"Sir, I have reached the Covenant HQ, and am awaiting your orders." replied John
"Very well, infiltrate the base, and get those blueprints. Pierrs out."
With his knew orders, the Chief set about making sure his video recorder was fully functional, checking his ammo and readying himself. As he turned on his video recorder, John thought about the prints. According to Intel, there was only one set of prints, and they were for a new prototype of the Wraith, only this was made more like a tank with anti-air support. This was the main reason the Covenant were currently trying to take back this planet. The HQ was situated on a large metal mine. This metal was very rare and not much was known about by the humans. The Covenant, however, had been studying it for a few years now always searching for it and they had finally found some.
John checked the silencer to make sure it was securely fastened and flicked off the safety. The keypad was unlocked, for the Covies had been unloading crates for the metal before John had so rudely interrupted them. He pressed one of the keys and door slid open to reveal a darkly lit hallway. The Chief turned on his nightvison and advanced cautiously. He walked deeper and deeper meeting no resistance for at least two minutes.
"Those damned Unggoy will be the end of our race!" came a deep rumbling voice,
"Agreed," came another,
The Chief quickly spotted a large crate and hid behind it. The two Elites walked by the crate and kept going, passing into another room down the corridor. John kept walking the other direction until he reached another door, he tried the key pad. Locked. But as he turned to find another way he heard a low beeping noise, and the scraping of metal on metal of the sliding door. Just as the bird-like alien crossed the threshold, the Chief slammed the butt of the rifle hard into the side of its face. The Jackal hit the wall, was about to hit the alarm switch but failed to do so as his arm fell to it's side, three large craters in the back of the Coveys head. John slung his smoking rifle and dragged the body out the way. He snuck through the door and into the next room.
This room was well lit and huge, the ceiling stretched away into the darkness and four dropships could probably fit side by side in it, but it was also full of Grunts. They wore white methane tanks instead of the usual orange, red or black; they were the working Grunts and sure enough a couple of the blue-ish purple floating engineers were in the back. There was a large hole in the middle of the room with pink gravity shafts emerging from it. They carried a yellow and red rock up and disappeared into the ceiling. John looked around the room, and found what he was looking for. The alarm switch, which was situated on the opposite side. He flicked the rifle back onto automatic fire, crouched, and snuck over to the far wall, moving behind the purple crates.
As the Spartan took another step, a Grunt had ambled over to his position. The Chief heard the alien on the other side of the crate and braced himself for quick maneuvers. The alien rounded the corner, and before it could so much as get a glimpse of the green soldier, John had leapt forward, ripped of the gas breather and put two gaping holes in the head of the unsuspecting Grunt. It crumpled to the ground in a heap, blood gushing out of its wounds. Unfortunately for the Chief, another Unggoy had noticed the pool of blood and came to investigate. Three more shots were fired and another alien was killed. But before John could catch the Grunt it fell over backwards, revealing its body to the rest of the working crew.
Several of the workers squealed in horror but one of them lunged for the alarm bell, though it came up short of it for the Chief had ran out from behind his cover, rifle at the hip, hailing the workers with the upgraded projectiles. Grunt after Grunt, they all dropped in a bloody mass, and before he knew it, he was the last standing. This wasn't what he was going for. He had hoped for a more subtle approach, but he would just have to deal with the fifty or so lifeless bodies which would eventually be found, setting off the alarm. John checked his ammo counter, it read sixty, and he felt grateful for having the extended clip. 117 moved towards the grav shaft, extended his arm and grabbed one of the metal pieces. It was about the size of his fist, and he quickly stashed in a spare ammo pouch.
John kept moving, advancing through the next set of doors. He could tell that he was getting closer to the documents as their were less Grunts but more Jackals, and Elites but still no Brutes. The Chief passed through several more hallways and rooms, meeting only a few Jackals. As john emerged from yet another corridor, he came up to a large purple door. Geometric shapes covered the door, in arcs and semicircles. He pushed a key and braced himself for major resistance, but as the door slid open, there was only a lone engineer. The Chief advanced slowly and cautiously towards a large screen in the middle of the room. There they were the prints. The tanks was long and low to the ground at the front, rising and arcing at the back, much like a Wraith, except for the longer side wings, and the large cannon emerging from the hump near the back. John caught the attention of the engineer, who stared back at him making a single chirping noise, he knew they were not hostiles but dead useful. The Spartan pointed at the prints on the screen then to himself, the engineer chirped again, glided over to the console and tapped in a bunch of commands, the prints disappeared from the screen and a small chip emerged from the console with a small popping noise.
"Captain Pierrs, this is the Master Chief, I have the prints." reported John
"Excellent work, get topside and we'll extract you on the double," replied the Captain
"Yes, sir."
"Good, Pierrs out."
The Chief turned to leave only to come face to face with a red clad Elite.
"Drop your weapons, and hand over the chip, Demon." said the Sangheili, his deep voice ladden with anger. The Spartan complied forming a plan in his mind as quickly as he could. The Elite raised his plasma rifle and squeezed of two shots at the engineer. Blood splattered wall behind it as it fell to the floor.
"Useless..." muttered the alien, "Now hand over the chip" he said menacingly to John,
John reached up and yanked the chip out of his memory back at the back of his neck; he dropped the chip into the outstretched arm of the Elite, but at the same time unsheathed his knife and threw into the alien's chest. He stumbled backwards clutching his chest, trying to get a grip on the knife with his bloody hands. John threw him an uppercut to the chin; the alien's head snapped back and John ripped the plasma rifle out the Elite's hand, shoved it into its neck and pulled the trigger. The Sangheili's neck ripped apart in a mass of burnt flesh, blood and bones. His body collapsed to the metal floor, his headless neck oozing blood. John could feel the adrenalin pumping through his veins, the same feeling he had felt before, the rush, the craving, the need to satisfy his urges.
117 picked up his rifle and magnum, holstered the latter and kept moving. He needed to get back to the ship ASAP. With the core sample and the prints, he felt he had temporarily stopped something. With That in mind he got topside, radioed in, and ten minutes later, he was on his way to the Superstition.