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The unknown side- part 1
Posted By: Donuts
Date: 16 August 2006, 8:21 pm
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*Author's note: this is my first time posting a story so feel free to give constructive critism, I need all the pointer I can get! Enjoy.
Planet Sanguille II, Cornik System.
Grid: 132 by 460
August 15 2554, 2200 Hours.
The Master Chief waited crouched in the tall, dark green grass. Like a tiger waiting to pounce, he watched the Grunt as it walked along the dirt path humming a Covenant battle hym. With its plasma pistol holstered, the Chief didnt consider the Covy not much of a threat. No- what was he thinking? Any enemy was a threat, even if it was deaf and blind.
Ever since the battle back on Earth had taken place, John had discovered a new side of himself, a vicious, and violent one. He had a taken a severe liking to melee combat, he relished the idea of bones splintering, blood splattering and torture. The Spartan had never felt any need for theese. When he was givin an order to kill, he did it fast, cleanly and in the safest manner. But now he constantly put his life in more danger then needed, and sometimes the he had put the lives of Marines in danger. John was unneseceraly brutal, sometimes he thought about it, and with Cortana away at the moment, he didn't do much about it. But if she were there, in his head, reading his mind, watching as if it were a gory movie, he was sure he would feel ashamed. But it was a compulsive habbit, like a drug, it gave him pleasure.
The Spartan laid down his BR55 beside him and watched as the Grunt was almost paralle with himself, he waited, half a second then snuck out behind the alien. It kept walking and humming completly oblivious to the armoured giant behind it. The Chief, quickly moved up behind the alien, swept out its legs from underneath it, and drew his battle knife. The Grunt squealed in pain as John slit its wrist, he then proceeded to break the aliens leg by stomping on them, he turned the Grunt over onto its back.
YapYap looked up at the Demon, he was in sever pain, he felt blood oozing out of his wrists and jagged bone sticking out of legs. He felt a pool of blood forming around himself. YapYap reached for his plasma pistol, only to scream in pain as the Demon crushed his small hand into oblivion. He looked back up at the green enemy, he saw its hand with the knife clutched in tightly in it.
The Chief slit the alien's throat. He watched it squirm in agony as it clutched at it's neck, gasping for breath. After a few seconds the Grunt twitched once then lay motionless on the ground. The Chief licked his lips, surveing the carnage before him, but the rush wa fadding quickly and he needed more.
John dragged the body into the tall grass were his rifle was, tossed the alien further into the grass and picked up his rilfe, he then wiped the blue fluorescent blood off his faceplate. He walked back to the path and continued on forward. He was assigned by FLEETCOM to infiltrate the Covenant main HQ, for they established a small base in order to take back the planet from the humans, as he thought about his misson, John could hear war raging to his left, but this was far away and had nothing to do with him at the moment.
The image of the dead Grunt appeared in his mind, he thought about it his new method of killing. Why? he thought. Had he fought too much and taken a liking? Or was he simply going insane. Something John had read in a book awhile back came back to him. MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder, a common mental misshap from about four hundred and thirty years ago. Could that be the answer? John thought. No they discovered a cure for that ages ago, and cases were praticaly non-existent now. So what was it then? John pondered the question for twenty minutes or so, when a loud crashing noise had interrupted his thoughts. His instincts kicked into gear and he dove behind a large tree trunk. he snuck a peak out from his position to see a large building.
There it was, the Chief's assignement, the Covenant HQ. Elites, Jackals and Grunts patrolled various areas of the base and the surrounding land, sometimes dissapering into the thick jungle towards the battle are, only to appear ten to fifteen minutes later. With nothing to report, the Sangheili looked bored and angry, for they would kill to be on the frontline all in the name of honour. The Grunts on the other hand looked happy to be out of harms way, and the Jackals meerly looked hungry. To the Master Chiefs gratefulness there were no Brutes present, but he thought they would be running the operations inside. The noise turned out to be a couple Grunts, they were carrying a crate and had dropped, and were given hell for it by the Elite watching over them.
The Chief checked his ammo counter, full, this did not suprise him, he then checked his pistol, which was also full, then John looked down to his right thigh, a battle knife with a ten centimetre blade. The Spartan mounted a silencer on his Battle rifle, switched magazines, the knew one he used was a new exparament which used a sniper round built for the Battle rifle. It also was an extended clip, which, instead of 180 rounds, held 260.
With the silencer and new clip set up, the Chief ducked out from behind the stumped and rolled over to a large tree, with his rifle slung the clambered up the oak, to about half-way. John shoulder the rifle, flicked off the safety, peered through the scope and rested the cross-hairs on the head of a gold clad Elite. All hell is about to brake loose, he thought. John smiled at the chaos he was about to cause, exhaled and squeezed the trigger.
The silenced rifle coughed and a trio of upgraded bullets flew true and straight, the first knocked out the Elites shield, the second and third blew it's head off. The head fell to the ground with a sickening thud while the body remained standing only for a few seconds, the neck bleeding profussely, shooting 2 foot high arcs of purple blood. The Grunts were besides themselves with shear terror, they all dove for cover and screamed what John thought was probly bloody murder in their own thoughts, one of them ran in circles to scared to think, the Chief chose this one as his next target. Another cough and the alien was blasted of it's small clawed feet.
John tossed a grenade into the crowd, then proceeded to climb back down the tree. Time to relocate, he thought to himself. As he reached the bottom he heard the insueing boom.
But he heard something else. Footsteps, fast, rushing towards him, but from behind. John turned around just in time to see a red clad Elite roaring and drawing back his blue plasma sword, the Sangheili screamed: "Back to hell demon!" and swung the bright blade.