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Fan Fiction

The Spartan Story- Part 1 WARNING: BIG!!!
Posted By: Digi7<NatPash.Digi7@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 February 2007, 8:48 am

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Spartan-039 looked out from behind the rock under which they were taking shelter and quickly withdrew it as a volley of plasma fire streaked past, slapping into the cliff wall opposite. "That was close", said Spartan-029, crouching down low beside him. "Nice dodge Isaac! You'de give Smith a run for his money!" That was Vinh. Always making a joke of even the most dysmal situation. He always admired that in him. Isaac smiled through his helmet. But it was quickly dropped when he remembered what they were facing... Isaac risked a peek out from their shelter and caught a glimpse of an 8 foot tall lizard-like alien, standing with a Plasma Rifle in his hand, the sunlight glinting on it's golden Zealot armour. An Elite.
They had both become to know him as Levrakk Kehumee, from their listening to his troops adressing him. He was a high ranking Field Commander, and a fearsome foe, with a spiked helmet, a sharp nose and eyes of steel. Isaac remembered how he had been following them through this jungle, after they had killed the rest of his troops in the Black Crevice with a brilliant move from Vinh. He had aimed his M19 SSM Rocket Launcher at an overhanging
stalactite and fired, bringing the 10 tonnes of rock thundering down on the alien's heads. But Levrakk had survived. After they had escaped the Crevice they had come upon this jungle, for 2 days now they had been running from the Elite, running for their lives. Until now. He had them pinned down with no way of escape. The only thing that kept him from running around the corner and massacreing them was Vinh's M90, now resting against the rock that Isaac had his back to, thinking of a way out of this...
"If only we had a plasma weapon," Isaac whispered to Vinh, "We could take him out then,". "I say we should just go for it", Vinh said, "We should rush out, all guns blazing! I'm sick of all this stealth-crap! This is for ONI spies! But we are Spartan's!" Isaac couldn't see his eyes, but he could tell they were glinting in that maniacal way when he felt the power of the MJOLNIR Mark V Combat Suit. Isaac shook his head "No. That is no ordinary Elite out there, and Spartans aren't invincible, despite what ONI wants people to think. Remember Li? And Anton? But perhaps it is the only way..." Isaac sighed. He resented the fact that he had been brought into this war altogether. However it had brought him some new friends...
All dead now, most likely, at the hands of those Covenant bastards. An indescribeable anger rose in him... Hatred for the Covenant. Hatred for this war. Hatred for the God-forsaken luck that had been given to mankind. And with this anger came a feeling of not even caring of what the consequences might be if they rushed out at the alien waiting for them proudly out there. "OK, let's go"
Isaac said. He clicked off the safety on his SMG, and yelled out, "OI! SPLIT-LIP! BRING IT ON!" The Elite heard him, and roared in anger just as both Spartans rose up, Isaac pelting him with his SMG, and Vinh firing at him with his
shotgun. Bullets pinged of the alien's shield and fell in a heap at his feet. This Elite was no fool though, and with a grunt, he performed a roll to the side, behind a rock. Vinh charged up, shoved his shotgun around the corner and fired. The sound of the shot ran through Isaacs ears, but it was not enough to cover up the screaming cry, the splattering blood and the dull thud, as Vinh cocked his M90 triumphantly and the empty shell fell to the ground. Isaac walked to where Vinh was standing and saw Levrakk Kehumee dead where he fell.
The 8-gauge had blown every single shot into the Elite's
head, shattering his golden helmet, and horribly deforming his features. His four mandibles were open in his last emotion, and dark purple blood was dripping from his mouth. The same blood was splattered on the rock and ground, gently dripping in a silent pattering sound. His Plasma Rifle was lying 3 feet away, thrown by the force of him being blown off his feet.
"OK, that's one for me, your move you bastard..." sneered Vinh as he kicked the body over. "We should search his body for weapons," Isaac pointed out,"We may need them. Who knows how many reinforcements are behind him?" Apart from his Plasma Rifle, they found some grenades, a Plasma Sword, and a small data chip. Isaac picked it up curiously, and slipped it into the slot on the side of his helmet.
Immediately, a file came up. It showed a series of codes, in the tongue of the Covenant, Isaac guessed. Without an AI construct, he couldn't read it. Isaac cursed frustratedly, and deactivated the program, just as he heard a scuffle behind him, a high-pitched squeal and Vinh yelling "Shut up! Or I'll blow you to whatever hell you things have!" Isaac spun around to see Vinh holding up a 5 foot high creature, with a large mask obscuring most of it's face, a small plate of orange armour covering it's bulky chest and a large curving pack on it's back. A light, rythmic rebreather system could be heard from behind the mask.
A Grunt.
It had been screaming at the top of it's little lungs, but at Vinh's words, his concealed mouth snapped shut, though his legs still kicked violently, two feet from the ground. "I found him, trying to sneak up on us from behind," Vinh said savagely. "Please no hurt me!" The alien squeeked, terrified, "Me only doing what master said! He say scout ahead! He never say there were enemy! He betray me!" Vinh shook the Grunt, and he fell to the ground, crying and squealing for mercy. "Calm down!" Isaac said. "What was that? Did you say there are more Covenant? How far?" The Grunt swallowed, shaking with fear. "Speak, scum!" yelled Vinh, pinning the creature to the ground with his boot.
"Master not far. He looking for killers of Covenant. Two evil Demons that kill many many soldiers."The Grunt looked up. "Well," said Isaac, looking over at Vinh, "That's us. So apparently your search is over," Vinh looked back, and said, "Yeah, too bad you won't be able to report it back to your 'master' anytime soon. How about in another life?"
Their was a steely tone to Vihn's voice Isaac had never heard before as he lowered the shotgun at the Grunt and tightened his finger on the trigger. The alien cried and cowered in a quaking ball, and Isaac's heart gave way. "NO!" he yelled at Vinh. Vinh did not lower the rifle, or relax his finger on the trigger. "Why? Why not kill him? He is just another Covenant! If we let him go he will run back to his Covenant friends and tell them where we are!" Isaac shook his head.
"It is one thing to kill an armed foe in the heat of combat. But to kill him when he is helpless, in cold blood, is different. Besides, he may be useful." Vinh swallowed and lowered the shotgun, looking at Isaac all the while. "Okay, I trust your judgement. I just hope your right..." Isaac kneeled and prodded the little alien. "You may live Grunt. But you will stay in our custody. We don't want our position found." The Grunt looked up and sighed a breath of relief. "Me will serve mighty warriors!" the Grunt said, nodding eagerly. "Me will fight with mighty ones!" "Good." Isaac said "Now how many Covenant are your 'master' in command of? Who is he?" The Grunt looked up and squeeked, "My master is Sangheili. His name Into Vehumee. He captain of Spec-Ops Team. He great and fearsome warrior!" the Grunt said in awe, "He command of many warriors. Many Unggoy and Sangheili. Others like Kig-Yar and Lekgolo under his rule."
Vinh interupted, "He has Hunters? That's bad news. We'd better move now."
"Wait," Isaac commanded. "Just one more thing." Isaac flipped up a display pad on his arm and showed the Grunt the file they had found on Levrakk. "Can you read this?"
The Grunt's eyes widened and he squeeked excitedly "This is Forerunner! For millenia Prophets been trying to decipher! Every Covenant has copy!" "What is Forerunner?"
Isaac asked. "The Forerunners our Lords and Gods! They build many ancient and powerful things!" The Grunt said.
"What kind of things?" Isaac asked. "Many Sacred Rings, and other powerful things!" The Grunt squeaked.
"What are the 'Sacred Rings'?" Vinh asked. "The Sacred Rings are huge, powerful worlds!" The Grunt said "We Covenant's united goal is to activate rings, and release cleansing flame into the Galaxy! We become Gods, and live with Forerunners for eternity!" The Grunt humbled, "It is our cause. Our great work. The Great Journey." Isaac looked over at Vinh. He looked sceptical.
"All this sounds a bit dodgy to me," he said. He looked at the Grunt. "Can you take us to one of these Sacred Rings?"
"No! No humans on Halo! It against Prophets!" The Grunt said shaking it's head. "Listen," Isaac said, crouching down beside him. "If you lead us to a Halo, we can end this war. And you Grunts can live in peace again." The Grunt looked up. "Well, me would like to see Sezret again, and master did betray me," the Grunt admitted. "Well, you can probably see 'Sezret' again if you help us." The Grunt looked uncomfortable. "All me life me been with Covenant. Me don't want to forsake it." " You'll have to," said Isaac. "Me do know one Halo. Me not supposed to know, though. It betray Covenant!" The Grunt said uncomfortably. But Vinh was looking murderous again, so the Grunt gave in. "Okay! Me show mighty warriors Halo!" He squeeked. "Only hope Covenant no find us," he added in an undertone. "What is your name?" Isaac asked. "Me name Biplak, son of Kiplab." Biplak said. "Well, welcome to the two man army, Biplak!" said Vinh. Isaac though, had a worry. "How are we going to get off Reach?" Isaac asked. "The Covenant are going to glass it aren't they?" He asked Biplak. The Grunt nodded, "Yes. As soon as troops off surface, they fire Plasma Cannon, and destroy colony."
"We'll have to find a ship and get outta here." said Isaac.
"Into Vehumee can't be far behind."

The two Spartan Soldiers and the Grunt ran as fast as they could. They had used a map of Reach, and had found an emergency bunker, not far from their position. It's records said it hadn't been used, so hopefully a transport would still
be there, and intact. The trio suddenly came out into the sunlight, as the trees were left behind them. Before them sat a sweeping landscape, a huge valley that gently dipped down and then up again. On the top of the opposite hill they could see a grey mass. "What is that thing?" asked Vinh. Isaac zoomed in with his in-built scope and saw the bunker, with faded lettering reading "UNSC Emergency Survival and Transport Facility" on it's stone wall. "It's the bunker, alright," Isaac said, squinting through his visor. "Good," said Vinh. He started going down the hill. "Wait, something's not right," Isaac murmured, still staring at the bunker. "What?" said Vinh, turning to look up at him, and deactivating his scope. "I- I don't know... It just feels like a trap... Like the Covenant want us to go there..." Vinh looked at him, snorted, and then laughed. "You were always the one with the bad feeling!" said Vinh. Isaac laughed, "I know, but it just feels weir-" He cut off, listening. He thought he had just heard something... A whirring sound...No... He must be getting paranoid... Suddenly Biplak squealed in terror. "Argh! Covenant find us! We doomed!" Looking up, Isaac saw a Phantom dropship, it was zooming towards them at huge speeds, unflipping it's Plasma Guns as it came. "Quick! Back to the forest!" Isaac yelled. The trio ran as fast as they could back under the cover of the trees, but it was too late. It had seen them. They reached the trees just as the Plasma Guns started to fire. Burning energy rained down on the beautiful trees, shrivelling the foliage and setting the trunks alight. Biplak cowered in fear, and Vinh was yelling something he couldn't hear above the guns. Isaac moved closer and Vinh repeated, "They are dropping troops! They are going to fight us on the ground!" Looking up, Isaac saw Grunts and Elites pouring out from the Grav-Lift set in the base of the ship, and start to march up the hill toward them.
"Be ready!" Isaac yelled to the other two. "When I say, open fire!" He passed Biplak the Plasma Rifle they had stolen from Levrakk, and he caught it.
Isaac loaded his SMG and Vinh pulled his shotgun from his back, as the Covenant ran up the hill to meet them. "Okay, FIRE!" Isaac yelled. He tossed a Plasma Grenade down into the group, and heard the scream of a Grunt as it exploded. Looking down, he saw that 3 of the Grunts had been killed, but there were still many more, and the Elites. Isaac fired his SMG down on the troops. Biplak was beside him, firing his Plasma Rifle on the Grunts. Vinh was waiting for the Covenant the come close enough to open fire, Isaac could see his finger flexing on the trigger. A few more Grunts fell under the rain of combined plasma and ballistic fire. The Elites looked intimidated, but continued to rush up the slope towards them. Suddenly, Vinh opened fire, killing an Elite with ease. Of the remaining two, one was killed by Isaac, but the other, clad in white armour, roared, and, in a rage, pulled out a Plasma Sword and charged with the speed of an express train. As Isaac's SMG clicked and ran out of ammo, he dropped it and pulled out the Plasma Sword he had found on Levrakk. Biplak lost all pretence, and ran for his little life, as Isaac slid down to meet the Elite.

The Elite struck first, taking a swing at Isaac's head as he slip down the hill. He ducked just in time, hearing the whirr of the blade above his head. Isaac took a swing at the Elite's exposed stomach, scraping his shields, which flickered and overloaded. Isaac screeched to a halt, and turned to see the Elite jumping down on him. It's hooved foot slammed into Isaac's chest, and sent him reeling over, down the hill, into the valley. The Elite followed, jumping the entire distance with one leap, and bore down upon the Spartan. Isaac swung his Plasma Sword up to fend off the blow. The force sent the Elite stumbling, as Isaac jumped to his feet. Isaac swung at the Elite's side, but it defended, and drove his blade at Isaac, who rolled out of the way. It was then that Vinh joined the fray. He fired at the Elite with a pistol, who turned and drove
it's blade at him. Vinh, who was unable to defend, was struck through the left shoulder, and dropped his gun as he crumpled in pain. The Elite cried out in victory. A moment later, he was gored through from behind by Isaac, who had rushed to the aid of his friend.
The Elite crumpled in a heap, bleeding from the hole through his chest. Vinh was hunched on the ground, shaking
and bleeding. Isaac grabbed him, and saw two holes in his shoulder, where the two pronged blade had stabbed him. It was deep, and it had overloaded his shields. The Phantom, with the Elite out of the way, began to charge it's plasma guns. "Go Isaac..." said Vinh weakly, "Leave me..." "Never"
said Isaac, standing with his body shielding Vinh's.
The triple-shrouded gun opened up, and a plasma ball appeared on the end, charging, with energy residue pouring out onto the ground, singeing the grass.
On board, Into Vehumee narrowed his eyes, frowning. Into was the leader of the Spec-Ops troops. He was huge, even for an Elite, nine feet tall. His bulging muscles were a sign of many fought and won campaigns. The huge gash across his chest, also was a sign. His white armour, worn in many a battle, glistened in the lights from the control panels. His second in command, and best friend, Rtas 'Vadumee was beside him. Why was the human not moving? Was he to sacrifice his own life for his comrade? It mattered not. All that mattered was that they both died. Rtas smirked. "Ha! These humans are fools!" "Yes," Into hissed. "It matters not. It will make our job easier, in any case. Fire!" he ordered the Grunt controlling the weaponry. "Yes sir!" it squeeked. "Charging Plasma Guns!"
Into relaxed. Yes. They would die. Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the Phantom, short-circuiting the electricity, and killing the Grunt at the weaponry station.
"What in the Rings!" He yelled. "What is this!" He went over to the view-screen, and saw, at the edge of the forest
a small figure, holding a Fuel Rod Gun. "Magnify in on that Grunt!" he ordered. The view scoped in to a Grunt. Into's eyes narrowed. He recognised it. It was Biplak! He had sent him out on a suicide mission! Not that he had known it was a suicide mission. Obviously the humans had taken pity on him, and he wanted revenge. Biplak charged up his Fuel Rod Gun, and fired again, rocking the ship. "Fire on Biplak! Kill him!" Into ordered. "Can't Sir!" said the technician Grunt. "Weapons off-line!" Into, with his eyes burning with anger, stalked up to the cowering Grunt, and, with a swipe, killed it instantly. "Fool! Retreat!" he ordered to the pilot. "Y-yes sir!" the Grunt stammered. Zawaz had been his brother. Me hate Elites, thought the Grunt to himself. One day, we rebel against this Covenant, and go home! Along the other stations, the other Grunts were thinking the same thing.
Down on the ground, Isaac had been sure of death, when a green bolt flew from the forest and slammed into the Phantom, destroying it's weaponry. Shocked, Isaac looked up to see Biplak, standing on the hill, with a Fuel Rod Gun nestled on his shoulder. The Grunt, after cowering in the forest, plucked up the courage to go and see what had happened. He had seen the Phantom about to shoot the two Spartans, and had picked up a Fuel Rod Gun from a dead Grunt, riddled with SMG bullet-holes. He had taken careful aim, and fired. The bolt had smashed into the Phantom, smashing it's plasma guns. Taking heart, Biplak had fired again, taking out an engine. When he saw it turn and flee, he yelled triumphantly, and started down the hill towards the two Spartans. Isaac looked up increduously, and saw the Grunt walking down the hill towards them, as the Phantom sped off at top speed, slightly lopsided from it's destroyed engine. "Me save Mighty Ones!" squealed the Grunt.
"Thankyou, Biplak. You saved us. We owe you our lives." said Isaac gratefully. "No problem! Me live to serve!" said the Grunt proudly. He looked at Vinh, and his eyes showed concern. "He okay?" he asked. "I don't know," said Isaac. "We'll have to get him to the bunker. They should have medkits there." He hoisted Vinh up over his shoulder, and started towards the bunker. At the entrance: A large interlocking door, he pressed the switch. It opened, and they went inside. Inside, it was dark. Isaac felt around for a switch, found one, and turned it on. What met his eyes made Biplak squeal with terror, and Isaac rush forward.
It was a Spartan. Laying propped against a wall, not moving, a Sniper Rifle beside him. Isaac checked his serial number. 211. It was Joshua.
Isaac checked for life signs. When none were found, he sighed greviously, and sat back. "Joshua. I remember him. He was a computer expert," He told Biplak "We all used to call him 'nerd'. He laughed with us." Isaac sighed. He stopped. There was something. He could hear it. It was coming from Joshua's helmet. A clicking noise. He shoved it from his mind and went to the lockers along the walls. He found a medkit, and injected some biofoam into the MJOLNIR's system. He left Biplak to Vinh, and went over to Joshua's body again. The clicking was still there. Isaac felt into the disc-slot, and found a chip. Most likely some sort of codes, Isaac thought.
Isaac stood up, walked over to a display pedestal and slipped it into the disc-drive. The pedestal activated, showing a hologram of a woman, in her twenties. She was amazingly
beautiful, with dark hair running down from a hood. She was wearing a robe, with a hunting horn at her side. Isaac recognised her immediately. "Deja!"
Deja was the teacher AI of the Spartans, and had educated them in combat. They had known her for years. The last Isaac had seen of her was in the Spartan-2 Training Facility network. He thought she had been destroyed with it! "Oh, Isaac! I was afraid that I would stay here for eternity! How glad I am to see you! How did you get here?!" Deja exclaimed. Isaac smiled, but something was nagging him at the back of his mind. She sounded very emotional for an AI. AIs were supposed to be very calm and cool. They did not panic, or feel... fear.
All the same Isaac told her the story of how him and Vinh had been dropped into the Black Crevice, how they had buried all the Covenant following them, and killed Levrakk Kehumee. How they had met Biplak, and the battle they had just faced. It took some time to convince Deja that Biplak was trustworthy, but eventually she gave in. "Now,"
said Isaac, settling down into a chair, with his helmet removed. "What's your story? I thought you were still in the facility's network?" Deja nodded, "I was, but when we evacuated, I was supposed to stay behind and overlook the procedures. But Joshua, with his super-hacking skills, got me out of the network, and took me from the base. He was always very fond of me," Deja said, looking thoughtful, "I don't think he could have left me behind. However, when he hacked me from the system, it caused me to go Rampant."
Ah, thought Isaac, that is why she was so emotional.
AIs had a lifespan of seven years, where they would do their job. But after seven years, an AI went rampant, by gathering too much data, they literally thought themselves to death. Isaac assumed that the pressure of being hacked from the network must have overloaded her circuits. "Please continue, Deja."
Isaac said, coming back to earth. "Well," said Deja "He took me to a Covenant outpost. He sniped the lot of them, and stole one of their Banshee Fighters. He wanted to find a way to the planet-side cannon and overwrite the system to blow the ships from the air. But halfway there we were engaged by 2 other Banshees. He took out one, but was shot down by the other. He ejected just in time. He luckily landed near this bunker. He took out the Banshee from the ground, but was heavily wounded in the battle. He crawled up here and just...died..." Deja stood, looking thoughtful and sad. "I thought I would stay here until Reach was glassed by the Covenant. Never would I have guessed you would come."
Isaac smiled, and said "We have to get off Reach. Biplak here told us about a so-called 'Halo'. Apparently, it kills all unworthy species, and to activate it is their goal. The Great Journey is what it's called... Deja, is there a way off Reach, preferably before the Covenant glass it?"
Deja nodded, "Affirmative. There is a star-yacht in the adjoining room. We could use it to fly to this 'Halo' of yours, with a few modifications to the engines." She said slyly.

After Joshua's burial, Isaac walked through the door and saw a small ship, shaped like a miniature Longsword Bomber, it contained sleeping-quarters, bathroom facilities, and a culinary station. It was all very cramped, and was designed only for flights lasting a few days. It had a small slipspace-drive, and powerful, fast engines. Isaac opened the hatch, and went in. He took Deja to the Engineering Section, and slid her chip into a slot on the database. She came up as a hologram on the pedestal, and murmured to herself, "Hmm, Type J-6/523 MAST Engines, with a Standard J-2.749 MPLD "slipspace" drive. Hmmm. Shouldn't be too hard to modify..."
"I'll leave you to it then." Isaac said. He walked down the entrance ramp, and saw Biplak running anxiously toward him. "Sir! He has awoken!" he said. Isaac ran through into the main area to see Vinh sitting up with a dazed look in his eyes. "What the hell happened?" he asked blearily.
"You got stabbed," said Isaac, crouching on the ground beside the couch that Vinh was lying on. He explained how Biplak had saved them, and bought them priceless time. Vinh looked at the Grunt, who was standing humbly nearby. "I underestimated you, Biplak... Thankyou."
Biplak shifted his stubby legs and said, "It nothing!"
"No time for chit-chat!" yelled Deja from the next room.
"I have reprogrammed the engines," she said as they came into the adjoining hanger. She sighed, "But I don't know how we're getting past the Covenant fleet... We need to be at least 11000 kilometres from the planet before we can initiate the slipspace drive." Biplak squealed excitedly. "Me know! Me was technician for Covenant! Me make camoflauge systems!" "What are you saying?" asked Isaac. "You mean you can put camoflauge on our ship?" Biplak nodded. "Me need to rewire system, and get camoflauge drive. Where we get that? Ah! Elites outside! Wait!" Biplak scurried out. A moment later he came back, clutching an Elite's body armour. Biplak flipped open a flap at the back, reached for a tool at his belt, and began to work. He unscrewed some bolts, typed in some codes, inserted a chip and downloaded some data. Biplak removed the chip, scurried into the ship, which, a moment later, looked like it wasn't there. "Good work Biplak!" yelled Isaac. The ship reappeared and the Grunt walked down the entry ramp, looking pleased. "Camoflauge ready!" he squeaked. "We should obviously rearm ourselves, and pack provisions." Deja suggested. "We don't know how long we will be airbourne." "Good idea," Isaac said. "We'll get three days of food and water." Isaac looked doubtfully at Biplak. "What do Grunts eat?" Biplak shrugged. "Usually we have food nipple. It have nutrient mix. We have no food nipple now... Me no know what to do!" Isaac thought. "What is in the nutrient mix?" he asked. "Ummmm, protien, calcium, vitamins and fibre. Where we get those?" he said. "Humans need those too, Biplak. There are probably some of every kind in the provisions store." Isaac said. "I'll go and check."
Isaac walked out of the room into the main quarters, and went over to the store cupboards. There he found bread, milk, dried fruit and vegetables, and a dried protien mix. He sniffed them gingerly. They were still fresh, kept cool in the refridgerated cupboard. He also packed 3 days of water, and went back into the hanger. "I found pretty much all the nutrients we need." he said as he entered. "We can grind the food for Biplak." Biplak looked apprehensive. "Well, we better get going," Deja said. "Who knows when that Elite will show up again."

Isaac moved toward the hanger controls, and activated them.
The huge interlocking doors on the roof opened slowly, showering them with dust, dirt, and plantlife, for the bunker had been untouched for so long that vines were growing up the sides and onto the roof. Isaac stood in front of the ship, admiring it. "We have to give you a name... How about... Ignis... The latin for lightning." He walked up the entrance ramp, closed it, and swung himself into the pilot's chair.
The two Spartans had armed themselves with SMGs and Battle Rifles. Biplak had an SMG at his belt, but had also brought the Fuel Rod Gun he had used to chase off Into's Phantom. Isaac activated Ignis' engines, and, slowly, the ship rose, showering dirt, and flew off into the sky. Deja appeared on a pedestal. Isaac had put her into Ignis' network, so she could give the ship orders. Biplak had also uploaded Halo's co-ordinates into the ship. "We are now seven-thousand kilometres from the planet surface. We will be detectable by the Covenant at one-hundred-thousand. I will activate the camoflauge at ninety-five-thousand. That should get us past the Covenant. But..." Deja hesitated. Isaac looked at her worriedly. "What?" he asked. "We will have to go slowly, less than 100 kilometres per hour, to avoid being motion tracked." Deja said quietly. "Okay, that's great. Just great." Isaac said bitterly. "At that rate, we should be on the other side in about a week..." Deja sighed. "I know. We'll have to activate the slipspace drive on the other side of the fleet. We don't want to hit a ship at twice the speed of light..."

Far away, on the Council Vessel, Penitent Zealot, Into Vehumee was furious. He had had the two murderers of Levrakk in his grasp. If that fool of a Grunt, Biplak, hadn't interfered, this business would be finished. I will break his skull the first chance I get, thought Into savagely. That will teach that Grunt not to traitor the Covenant! He thought as he opened a door into the entrance area of the Council Hall. The door into the Hall was guarded by a pair of Elite Honour Guards, standing to attention in their glowing ornate armour, clutching pronged spears in their hands. Into nodded to them as he passed. He walked up a corridor, lined with more Honour Guards, into the Hall itself. There, more Elites were guarding a Prophet Hierach, floating on his hover chair. It was the Prophet of Truth, the highest Prophet rank, and his eyes told of wisdom. Into hastily, but smoothly, knelt before him. The Prophet moved forward and spoke in a smooth, intelligent voice, "Into Vehumee, Commander of the Spec-Ops Section of the Military. You have requested a Council with me. Why is it so?" "Noble Hierach of Truth," said Into, standing up, "I have come to request your permission. I was waylain by the two human warriors, who you commanded me to hunt and kill. I have learnt that they have a Grunt, Biplak, under their alliance, and thus they now know of Halo. If that is so, they will be travelling there to destroy it."
"What is your request, then Commander?" asked Truth. "I wish to follow these humans, alone, and destroy them in ground combat.", "Why is this?" asked the Prophet. Looking at the Elite thoughtfully. "It is because they murdered Levrakk Kehumee. He was my brother-" "And you swear vengeance on him?" The Prophet said. "Yes..." said Into. Truth sat pondering, then finally- "You may attempt to destroy these humans by your own hand, but I order you to take additional warriors should you fail. We cannot risk a Sacred Ring falling under enemy control. We meanwhile, will travel to the nearest one, not far from here, next to the planet Threshold," Into nodded, "I will. The humans should be leaving the planet surface soon. I would suggest you keep the radiation sensors on standby. When you detect do not open fire, for I will fly several attack craft behind them, into their slipspace portal."
"Very well Commander," the Prophet said. "Go, with our blessing, and destroy these humans. To aid you in your battle, I am going to present you with a gift." Truth snapped his fingers, and an Honour Guard stepped forward, presenting a small bent object on a platter. Into, recognising it for a Plasma Sword, stepped forward and took it. Into stared at it in his hand. It was gold coloured, and polished to look like a star. In the center was a single symbol in the tongue of the Sangheili. It was shaped oddly, a circle with two spikes curving out in opposite directions. The Elite symbol for Will. It was a beatiful thing, and almost twice the size of a regular emitter. Into paused, then activated it, and a huge shining blade, almost Into's entire height, burst from it. The Prophet smiled as Into swung it, and it left a trail of blue flame where it went through the air. A soft humming came from it, speaking of many ages past.
"This is the great blade, Will of the Gods. Forged by the great warrior, Jekrakk Miejemee, the first Arbiter. It has been kept safe for millions of years. It was recovered from Jekrakk after he was killed by Grunts on Sezret. He was attempting to recruit them to the Covenant. It is an ancient blade, and very powerful. Use it well, Into Vehumee."
Into knelt, and pressed his hand to his heart. "Thankyou, Holy One. I will..."

The Ignis burst from the atmoshere, trailing heat and smoke. The two Spartans, the Grunt, and the AI stared awestruck at the fleet of the Covenant. Almost 500 cruisers and carriers hovered like silver monoliths. Silent, waiting, deadly... Small teardrop shaped Seraph fighters buzzed around on patrol. The debris from UNSC warships was everywhere.
The display read 9200 kfps. Deja stood, tense, concentrating. "ninety-three-thousand...ninety-four-thousand... Initiate camoflauge!" From the inside, the crew couldn't see anything different, but outside, the ship shimmered, then looked like it was being coated with space and stars. It was now nearly invisible, and Deja slowed the ship to 100 kph, so the Covenant couldn't motion track the ship. Little did they know that, despite the camoflauge, they were being watched...

The message had been sent to all cruisers to not attack any human transports. Into had the feeling that the humans would attempt to resort to camoflauge, but the camoflauge didn't stop a ship from generating heat. The cruisers would track down the ship, and Into would fly three Phantoms into the slipspace portal behind the humans. The Prophet of Truth had placed a platoon of Grunts, a squad of Elites, two Hunters and a group of Jackals to replace him should he fail. He had not wanted the others to come with him, but he respected the Prophet's judgement. Once the news of the humans discovery was sent over the comm-unit, Into picked up The Will of the Gods and turned to get into the commanding Phantom. A shout behind him made him turn. Rtas 'Vadumee was running towards him, holding a Plasma Sword in his hand. "You would not think of leaving me behind, would you, brother?" Rtas said. Into smiled, "I would not dream of it. However, it will be dangerous. Two Spartan super-soldiers, plus the Flood." Rtas wove his hand. "It matters not. I would rather die by your side, brother."
Into laughed. "Let us hope you won't have to," he said, leading the way into the Phantom.

The Ignis crawled along at a frustratingly slow rate. It glided past the legendarily huge ships, so the two Spartans could see every detail. "Very humble," remarked Vinh, as they glided under a huge vessel, it's silver hull shining in the starlight. Isaac didn't answer. He was too busy keeping the Ignis on track. "Okay, whats the score Deja?" he asked. "Nearly there," she said anxiously."We are 80,000 kpfs. I hope the Covenant haven't detected us..." "Me too," said Vinh.

On board the Penitent Zealot, 3 Phantoms rose up, fully laden with Elites, Grunts, Jackals and Hunters, and sped through the Hanger's Airlock Field. The human vessel was nearby, and it was time to follow them. Into stood with Rtas at the front of the ship, behind the pilot. They were both looking at the viewscreen, where a moving shimmer was barely detectable. "How dare they try to fool us with our own technology?" Rtas snorted. Into silently agreed, nodding his head. He was still apprehensive about the backup forces. He had wanted to take out his brother's assailants alone. He had no choice however, and leant forward to speak to the Grunt who was piloting the Phantom. "When the humans attempt to engage their slipspace drive," he said, as the Grunt cocked it's ear towards him, "activate the thrusters and enter just behind them. We will be in the same slipspace portal as them, and we will take them out on Halo's surface." "Yes sir!" squeaked the Grunt obediently.

"Ready... Engage slipspace drive!" Deja shouted. Isaac slammed his fist down on the switch, just as the Grunt slammed his fist down onto the thruster drive, and the two Phantoms flanking theirs did the same. They sped forward just as the Inglis lurched into slipspace, and sped out suddenly alongside the Human vessel. All four ships had come out onto an incredible sight. A huge ring, made from steel, was slowly orbiting a huge blue and grey planet. They could see, on the inside of the ring, lush forest-lands, oceans and deserts. It was a beatiful sight, but no time to waste looking at it. "Engage camoflauge! Get away from the Human vessel!" Into ordered. The Phantoms cloaked, then zoomed away, heading straight for the Ring. The crew of the Inglis, meanwhile had noticed nothing. "Wow..." Isaac whispered. Halo... It was huge. The size of a small moon. A deep throbbing sound came from it, as though it was alive, breathing... "Ship's vitals are stable..." Deja said, breaking into Isaac's thoughts. "You say that like it's alive!" Vinh said, smiling teasingly at Deja. Deja just rolled her eyes. "Okay, we're approaching Halo now. The Ring seems to support a breathable atmosphere-" "Yeah, for humans!" said Biplak, looking over Isaac's shoulder. "Me breathe methane, tank running low!" he squeaked. Deja looked thoughtful, then said, "There is a gas tap on the ship, in the engine room. It has methane, for emergency thrusters. You could fill your tank there." "Yeah, but that means we have no backup boosters!" Vinh exclaimed. "Either that, or our Grunt friend suffocates." Deja pointed out. Vinh sighed. "Okay, fine." He said, "I hope your a good pilot Isaac..."

Into Vehumee stood on the top of a hill, overlooking a huge, green, beautiful valley. A stream of clear water ran from a waterfall, a mile away. Into cared nothing for such things. His job was to hunt and kill both of the Spartans, and that traitorous slime, Biplak. "Ah, taking in the view brother?" Rtas called, striding up the hill towards him. Into turned, and looked past Rtas at the camp they were setting up. The three Phantoms were parked at hover, over the top of a protective valley with a ninety foot cliff behind them. "Have you finished unloading the Shades yet?" He called back to Rtas. "They are powered up and ready, Captain. We set them up over there," he said, pointing over to a nearby hill. Into could see three turrets, pointing at the sky. A squad of Grunts were standing guard, Plasma Pistols at the ready. "Good," Into said. "Come," he added to Rtas. "The battle for Halo begins." Into and Rtas strode down the hill, and stepped into the Gravity Lift of the commanding Phantom. Into strode over to a station. A Grunt was sitting there. "Dasas," Into said, and the Grunt turned to face him. Into Vehumee smiled. "Spring the trap..." Dasas saluted, and entered a series of code. A signal started, emnating from the Phantom. It was a human Distress Signal, stolen from a recently destroyed human Colony, and integrated into the system. "And now, we wait..." Into hissed.

The Inglis sped over rolling plains, mountains, streams and forests. Isaac looked out upon the surface of Halo, at the beatiful landscape, strangely devoid of life. Questions raced through Isaac's mind. Why were there no animals? Birds? Any life at all? Who were the Forerunners? Why did they build these Rings? What was their purpose? Deja's surprised voice cut through Isaac's racing mind, and he looked up, startled, at Deja's news. "I'm picking up a UNSC distress signal!" She was saying. "It's is a standard message, and is coming from the west, three-thousand kilometres." Vinh looked surprised. "How the hell did a human ship get here?"
he asked doubtfully. "I don't know..." Deja said, looking confused. "Sounds like a trap to me," Isaac said. "The Covenant could be luring us." "It is Covenant's style," Biplak admitted. "They lure us, they shoot!" The four of them, the two Spartans, the Grunt, and the AI looked at each other. "If it is a human vessel," Deja said "We would be leaving them to die." She paused. "It is protocol we go..."
"Okay," Isaac said, gritting his teeth. "Let's go." Isaac swung the Inglis around to the west, and gunned the engines, racing towards the faint beeping distress signal.
........................................................................................................................Wait for Part 2, if you liked it at all...
