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Fan Fiction

Final Days of True Prayers
Posted By: Darknight101<megaevildictatr@hotmail.com>
Date: 13 July 2006, 1:32 am

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      Mak'ro'Shi stared at the face of death. The Flood has beaten back all attempts of extermination. Every last one of the Forerunners knew that death was so close. He didn't have to win in this campaign, he had to stall. If there was one thing Admirsha Mak'ro'Shi could do is stall these demons. We have survived the Sol Civil War; they survived the First Contact war. Why had there Gods forsaken them? They were a peaceful race. They did not deserve to be destroyed in such a crude way. They had given up one of there most populous worlds when an inferior race showed up.
      "How long will it take to finish the Ark? I can't hold off the flood forever." said the Admirsha.
      "Do not fear, we will have the Ark ready. Just make sure that the activators are ready at Instillation 06 without them all life in the universe will be consumed." said the colonist leader.
      "The instillation is set up at Planet 04 in the system. They are prepared to fire whenever the colony is set up." reported Mak.
      "Do you regret sacrificing one habitable planet for another? Surely the planets surface will be destroyed, and in time the wreckage of flood will solidify forming a belt between 04 and 03". said the leader. "And the radiation will cause adverse effects on the surface of 03"
      It did not take Mak long to respond "To survive I would do anything."
      All of a sudden a wormhole appeared. Out of it appeared Flood Cruise ships. By the time the wormhole disappeared the side of space opposite from the fleet was covered in ships. They immediately launched there organic fighters and suicide ships.
      "All batteries fire! All anti-fighter guns fire! Do not allow these demons to reach our haven!" the Admirsha yelled.
      The space was filled as green Ion fire impacted against the bloated organic Cruise ships. The anti-fighter guns remained silent. It was part of the plan not to fire unless they got through the field.
      When he was sure that the space was filled he said "Activate the Graviton Hammer." An oval shaped field formed around the fighters and suicides. Slowly the field decreased in volume. Less than a parsec later all of the ships were crushed in the lack of space. The AF guns, however, were not silent. A new wave of fighters had joined the fight and the Graviton Hammer had to be recharged.
      "Release the Anti-Flood Radiation Projectile" suddenly out of the bottom of one of the Battle stations a huge projectile flew towards the middle of the fleet. The AFRP uses radiation to increase the destruction of a sonic blast destroying anything in its path.
      The battle was going in their favor. If they went
on an offensive they could surely defeat them and buy themseles more time. Admirsha Mak'ro'Shi thought.
      "Do not think of an offensive Admirsha. You are to defend the planet."
      "I understand sir". Then a huge wormhole opened up in the middle of the battlefeild. "What is that? I want intelligence on that object immidiatly!" Mak'ro'Shi was furios! He did not ask for assistance from the planet.
      "Sir Admirsha it is one of the enemys. It is heading from the wormhole at ninety kilometres per parsec"
      Is the Graviton Hammer active? If it is I want it activated immidiatly!" ordered Mak
      "Yes' sir"
      Mak saw the feild open appear and slowly decrease in volume.
      "Sir something is going wrong!" yelled one of his junior officers.
      "What" Mak snapped. He saw it on the screen the huge mass of organic bodies broke through the gravitational feild.
      "Sir it only slowed it down" said the junior.
      He knew what must be done to stop this. It truly was suicide but at this rate he was a savior to his race.
      "Are we equipped with an AFRP?" asked Mak
      The solidier seemed to know what he was thinking. "Yes's sir. Moving into the directed path of the object. Supposedly it's a carrier".
      "Tell me something I dont know. On my mark detonate it." said the Admirsha.
      "We will be in the Carriers path in five, four, three, two, one." said the junior "Contact in three, two, one.
      Everyone on the bridge fell from their seats when the carrier impacted with the ship at seventy-five kilometers per parsec.
      "Sir' break through in decks six through eleven. They're latched to us."
      Admirsha Mak'ro'Shi said his final prayers for deliverence to the Heaven before saying "Activate it".

      From the surface of Planet 03 the explosion was magnificent. From space it was horrible. As the colony leader watched the carrier be destroyed in the inferno he prayed that that was the end of this era. The Ark was completed, and just in time for the destruction of the greatest Forerunner man he had ever known.
      "My people now we must embark upon the greatest exodus that we have ever had to. At the correct time we shall arise and the Flood will be gone. Now let us go inside of the Ark as the Flood are nearly upon us." The surviving members of his race filed into the Arks elevator.
      Inside the Great Hall of the Ark the Prophet of the Forerunner stepped onto the stage. "Do not fear my great people. For when we awaken we shall be delivered by a saint. He shall be covered in a suit of armor for which he destroy the demon. He will fight to save his race that wishes to praise us. He shall kill a demon. He will fight a creature with no emotions, a creature that has fought with him and felt his pain. My people, now is the time of the Great Sleep. Remember that in the end we shall be delivered."
      With that his people filed into the cryo-chambers. And he prayed that him and this saint will meet in person in the future.
      With that he said his prayers and headed off to the cryo-chambers.

      The Instellation Activation team in 06 saw the signal. The men never thought that they would see that signal. Oh well now was the time of the Great Sleep. He looked at his men and they stared down at the floor. With that the Monitor of the instellation came down.
      "Now is the time Monitor. Be wary of the Saint of Deliverence, he will be covered in a suit of armor. My friend I ask of you to not destroy all of the flood, for we may learn something of them." said the instellation master.
      "Sir' we were given strict orders to make sure they didnt survive" said one of the control room gaurds.
      With that the Master grabbed his ion rifle and killed the guards.
      "Of course master, I shall report this order to the other instellations as well" said the monitor.
      "Good, now let us activate this instellation for the sake of the Forerunner" said the instellation master.
      "Yes master" With that the monitor left and activated the instellation. All that the instellation master could think was saint indeed and with that the galaxy was wiped clean.
