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Dark Fighter
Posted By: D@King<Zdude94@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 March 2008, 10:09 am
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Dark Fighter
Chapter 1
Azure Training Academy
Master Karashyne was a strong man, of mind and of muscle. Though he was weathered and battered from his many fights and rough past, he was still in well enough shape to keep the position of the soul guard of the A.T.A Azure Training Academy. An elite warrior training post, on the outer rim of Corelyno. A.T.A was responsible for the training and up bringing of the planets greatest and most superior warriors; therefore it proved an extremely difficult and testing challenge to be accepted into, so difficult that to even be considered a place, one would need to train almost eight hours a day, everyday, and focus their entire life on it. But if it was there, as it was for many, it would be a small price to pay.
Then a boy was born, and at the age of only six years old, his parents were both massacred in an encounter against the Zarakyne. After the incident his grandma raised him for seven years, in his spare time his grandfather would teach him all that he knew about being a warrior and the ancient art of Huragarch. At first it was more of an exercise to keep up his fitness and stamina but his skills grew at an amazing rate and before long he was training for over six hours a day at the local training quarters.
By the age of eighteen, dedicated to avenging his parent's deaths, he would train for almost the entire day, leaving brakes for only eating and sleeping. He was easily the best local fighter and his grandparents knew this, so he eventually got his grandparents certification to try out for A.T.A. He had to perform a range of tedious tests to earn a place at A.T.A, but after months of commitment and dedication, he was finally accepted.
After two weeks of resting, he departed with his grandparents to go and board at A.T.A.
"You must be Szyran" Master Karashyne called, standing in front of two large wooden doors, which had been built at the top of a ten kilometer stair case, leading from the ground, high into the sky.
"Yes master." Szyran replied, trying hard to impress Karashyne.
"And you've been accepted?" asked Karashyne.
"Yes master" Szyran replied again.
Karashyne took a deep breath, then asked,
"Show me the letter."
Szyran obeyed and held out the letter of acceptance.
Karashyne snatched it out of Szyran's hand and then stepped aside.
"Follow me I will take you to Hero Toroawn swift, he's been expecting you." Explained master Karashyne.
The large wooden doors began to creak as master Karashyne pushed them inward. Szyran's hard was pounding hard in his chest, his adrenaline was rushing and he did not know what to expect. Though he found it rather exciting, as not many (of his young age especially) could ever dream of training in the A.T.A. The doors opened to reveal a large yard, filled with wooden structures, cement flooring in some parts and a long rock path, filled with the most intricate engravings leading down the center, no less than 100 meters long. Along the sides, warriors and masters in training were lined up, dressed in maroon robes, heads low in honor of the newest addition to the academy
He followed Master Karashyne down the long path and couldn't help but look out at the warriors, comparing size. He was easily one of the smallest their, and youngest.
"Looking forwards please!" ordered Karashyne.
Szyran quickly did as he was told to avoid getting off to a bad start. He suddenly got a taste of how serious the whole thing was. The sun beamed down heavily upon them and created a blanket of heat over them. As he approached Hero Toroawn swift he saw the elder man, dressed in a long gray robe (similar to that of a wizards), slowly arch his head up and stare Szyran right in the eyes. A cold chill ran through him as their eyes met, but he did not know why.
"Szyran apprentice
" Szyran interrupted Hero Toroawn as he answered,
"Yes Hero
Szyran suddenly saw Master Karashyne shaking his head and trying to tell him as loud as he could in a whispering voice,
wait for him to finish!"
Szyran felt extremely embarrassed by what he had said and looked around to see if anyone had noticed, though to his surprise all warriors were still heads down and silent.
Hero Toroawn resumed his speech,
"Szyran apprentice, do you swear to follow all rules and regulations that come with being a part of the A.T.A?"
He looked over to Master Karashyne who was nodding his head.
"Aye Hero Toroawn." He replied quickly.
"Do you Szyran apprentice swear to give all tasks given to you; you're full attention and focus?"
"Aye Hero Toroawn ", he replied again.
"Do you Szyran apprentice swear to use you're new to be learnt powers and skills for good and good only?" he asked.
"Aye He
Hero Toroawn kept speaking as if Szyran had said nothing, and spoke in a low voice
"Because with great power
comes great responsibility
Szyran was silent for a moment; Hero Toroawn could go from being a well-respected fighter to an evil sounding villain surprisingly quickly. He then lowered his head, said
"Aye Hero Toroawn." and looked back up at the elderly man to see a small grin wrap around his old and weathered face.
"Then welcome to the Azure Training Academy, the grounds of where you will get taught, trained, fought and live for the next two years. I'm not going to lie to you son, it will be difficult and it will be challenging, but once that all passes and once you learn to hone you're skills, you will be among the few warriors who could stand against the Zarakyne and put up a fight that they may not live to see the end of. Zarakyne! Zarakyne! That word had haunted him since he was a young child. His parent's faces, faded by the years past since seen, floated slowly in a circle around in the back of his mind. He felt the urge to cry, but held back the tears.
"This is no time for memories and sadness." He thought, and shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind.
The next thing he heard was Hero Toroawn's voice, telling the warriors to resume they're training. Seconds later the field was swarming with warriors traveling from place to place, commencing their training. Szyran felt Hero Toroawn's arm slip around his neck, in a tight grip.
"He's still pretty strong for an old guy" he thought, and then remembered that it was Hero Toroawn he was talking about, the soul man responsible for the killing of many Zarakyne.
"I know it seems a lot to handle at first but you'll get use to it after a while
" spoke Hero Toroawn. These words soothed Szyran. They began walking down towards the sleeping cabins.
"I'll start by showing you where you will sleep." He said.
They wandered down to one of many cabins, smallish, brown and wooden. Szyran spotted two muscular, male apprentice's standing on either side of the cabin door. They quickly kneeled as Hero Toroawn approached.
"These are the two fine men you'll be sharing you're cabin with" informed Hero Toroawn.
The two men stood back up again and shook Szyran's hand.
One of them then opened the door and Hero Toroawn and Szyran both walked inside. It was a lot larger than it looked outside from the inside. Hero Toroawn showed Szyran to his bunk and Szyran lay down his bag by the bed's side.
"Come Szyran, we have no time to lose, there is much more information that you must be told today" continued Hero Toroawn and began walking back outside again. The two men who Szyran was sharing the cabin with walked off, after given permission from Hero Toroawn. As soon as Szyran caught up to Toroawn, he began talking again.
"There are four main Skill groups that you will be moving from, thought you're stay here. Novice, intermediate, master and Hero. Each group consists of a six-month period, which is also split up into six areas, each teaching you a different skill. Every two weeks, we have a whole academy meting, and I'll warn you that once you get to the rank of master, if the small chance arises (as it previously has) that a war erupts between us and the Zarakyne, it is compulsory that you be taken there to fight, and give your life if needed." He stopped.
This made Szyran shudder. He nodded is head, half heartedly. Suddenly "Boom" Then a crackling sound overtook the booming sound. Szyran turned around as quickly as he could to see three strong men, hovering about a meter above the ground; green blue flames engulfed their bodies, reaching up into the sky. The heat of the flames blew onto Szyran and caused him to sweat. He could not believe his eyes.
"Don't look so shocked son, you're going to learn all this too, and much, much more!" Hero Toroawn reminded him.
"Really! I thought it was just punching, kicking, guarding, blocking
"Oh no, you need to remember this is the highest and most elite academy on the planet, and I speak no lies when I say that by the end of this year, you will be capable of flying, creating shields out of sheer energy and other things that you have never even dreamed of."
This was all too much for Szyran, he just about fell over from the shock of it all.
"The main hall, where you will eat you're meals." Hero Toroawn pointed over to a large concrete building, standing almost 8 meters tall. Szyran nodded. Then Hero Toroawn looked up into the sky and told Szyran to do the same. A large group of students were stationed high up in the sky.
"Why are there so many?" Szyran asked.
"It's a class learning first term in the rank of master. Soon they'll be instructed to fly over the Blue Mountains and they will."
Sure enough, minutes later they were soaring through the air leaving behind them a colorful beam of blue aurora. Szyran's hard pounded hard again, he was so to learn all that there was to learn and become a hero at the ancient art of Huragarch.
"And this building over here is the called the power-up room. You see before any class begins, you must power-up, it enables you to use any of your real powers and allows you to do everything that you've seen that you wouldn't normally be able to do. You get given a word, and every time you speak that word from then on, you will automatically power-up, that's why It's so important that you need to be responsible. Now when you get to the rank of master, you grow so powerful that powering-up can be extremely dangerous for the lower ranked student, that's where the power-up room comes into it. Each student must power-up in that room before attending a class. The metal that insolates the room absorbs the shock and force, which is sometimes given out when powering-up." The elderly man needed to catch his breath for a moment before saying
"Don't worry after a few days, this place will become your home and you'll know what's going on."
They walked back to the long entrance path. Half the students were on the ground, half the students were airborne and all of them were powered up, engulfed in flames or shields of different colors, muscles bulging through their dark blue training uniforms.
"And why so high" Szyran commented.
"The altitude helps with the speed of training and development." Toroawn answered.
"So what should I be doing for the rest of the day Hero Toroawn?" Szyran admitted.
By now it was around three o'clock and still very warm.
"There is much more that you must be told in such a short time." Toroawn concluded and began walking back.
Szyran kept learning more and more throughout the day; that there was a whole class of students like him beginning novice rank and that there are various skills that can only be learnt during the night like shadow switch, which seemed pretty interesting. That night every student attending novice sat down for dinner, Szyran sat down next to a student from his sleeping cabin, called Zane. He got to know him pretty well; a twenty one year old student who was medium height, with longish thick blonde hair which was spiked up high. He was neither a heavy build nor a skinny one. He was a very out going and eager person just like Szyran. His mother had died at his birth and the Zarakyne also killed his father while he was traveling, this allowed Szyran to relate to him a lot easier.
Later that night they went back to their cabins and talked for a while. The other student staying in Szyran and Zane's cabin was a smaller and skinner man named Keenan. He wasn't a bad guy but Szyran didn't get on with him as well as he did Zane. That night all three of them went to bed nervous, about the next day, training was to start, but at the same time they were excited about the new skills and powers they were going to learn over the next two years.
Chapter 2
Rise up, training!
"Training starts in 15 minutes get ready quickly!" a teacher called in through their cabin door. Szyran rubbed his eyes and called back
"What tine is it master?"
"4.45, training begins in 15 minutes, hurry!"
"4.45, how early do they want us up!" though Szyran angrily.
He slipped out of bed. Zane had just woken up too, but Keenan was already outside.
"A little bit late" Zane chuckled sarcastically.
"Yeah" Szyran laughed.
He opened up his small closet and pulled out his shining blue training suit, which he was given the night before, and put it on.
"How about breakfast" Szyran asked.
"I know I'm starving!" added.
Minutes later they were walking out the door in their new uniforms, following the other students wearing the same uniforms. Finally they arrived at a large field, with a dirt floor, full with about another 40 students.
Szyran and Zane stood near the back and then a voice boomed over all the mumbling of the students,
"Welcome to the rank of novice at the A.T.A. This area we are on now will be our main training ground, but as we progress, we will train in other places of the A.T.A and other environments. I'm sure that you've all heard about powering-up and your power up word that you must remember in order for it to work, so im going to ask you to line up and I will individually tell each one of you your power-up word. It doesn't matter if others hear it because you're the only one who can use it."
Everyone lined up as the teacher walked down the line. It happened that Szyran and Zane were about the 6th and 7th from the start of the row. The first work was "Broang", the second was "Zynkye". The teacher then added
"And im warning you not to use your power-up wo
"Zynkye!" a large voice shouted.
A large boom and then a crackling noise, similar to the one the day before sounded. Everyone looked to see a tall, heavily built student with a grin on his face, and a long black mullet, suddenly grow engulfed in red flames, and muscles bulge. Szyran knew this guy was trouble from the start. He high-fived his friends on either side and laughed
The force of the power-up, even though it was weak still caused Szyran to be almost knocked off his feet.
The teacher shouted at him and de-activated his power-up by a thick, blue beam (which almost looked like water), which shot out of his palm. When it hit, the shield of fire, it automatically began to decay it.
"Let me continue
do not use you're power up unless instructed, it can be quite dangerous at a close distance."
"What an idiot" Szyran muttered to Zane.
"What did you just call me, looser?" shouted the guy, who no longer had his power-up.
Szyran didn't want to hold back and let some guy talk to him like this,
"I called you idiot, and you are!" he shouted back to him.
"Come on, let's fight boy!" the guy called back angrily.
"Kurran, I'm warning you!" the teacher called.
"Zynkye!" Kurran called
but nothing happened.
"Why the hell won't it work!" ordered Kurran.
"It stays disabled for over an hour, so calm down" yelled the teacher.
"What are you waiting for, can't fight without the help of your power-up." Szyran called.
Kurran snarled and walked over to Szyran, with his fist clenched and arm back, ready to swing a punch. Szyran put his guard up and got ready to fight. Three of Kurran's friends began to chant,
"Kurran, Kurran, Kurran!"
Kurran lunged forward with his right fist, aiming at Szyran's head when he was suddenly blown onto the ground by an invisible force, (which Szyran felt but it was not strong enough because of its direction) and fell face first into the dirt.
"He doesn't learn!" shouted the teacher.
"Any way, we don't need to worry about him, he'll stay paralyzed for a good half hour, but that was a lesson for the rest of you, if you don't do what you're told when I tell you" he continued.
"If he's like this now, it's going to get a whole lot worse when he gets to the master rank, he could kill someone!" Szyran thought. He felt Zane's hand rest on his shoulder,
"Don't worry about him, let's get on with training" he reassured.
Szyran agreed and focused back on the teacher as they got given their power-up words. The teacher stood in front of Szyran, said
"Your word is Bakura"
Szyran nodded. He was very tempted just to shout it out and see what would happen but he knew not to. The teacher then edged forward to Zane.
"Your word is Dyalare", continued walking.
After he had finish telling all students their power-up word, he instructed everyone to spread out, so that there was at least a space of two meters between between each body.
The sun was already half risen; the sky was crimson colored and Szyran spotted three large eagle-like birds flying gracefully around the Blue Mountains peaks.
"On three you may all activate your power-up's, one, two, and three!" he called
The noise was unbearable. The field became an incredible display of flashing colour, of different shades of blue, after the initiate boom had passed, the flames settled down and the students where able to listen to the teachers instructions once again.
"Holy shit, look at how fast I can move!" called a student excitedly.
move around, get a feel for it, it will take a while to get used to, when your finish, come meet me by the tree." Announced the teacher.
"Oh and I should have told you all my name by now, I am Virue Tenkarshy" and left it at that. Szyran swung his fist in the air. It swiped through the air, so fast that he had trouble seeing it and almost knocked out some teeth.
"I feel so agile, so free, as if I could fly already!" Szyran thought to himself
or at least he thought it was only to himself.
"Well we're not going to learn that yet" chuckled the Virue.
"Did I just speak out loud
I was sure that it was only to myself" wandered Szyran.
"Zane, did I just say anything?" he asked, puzzled.
"Yeah, you just said Zane, did I jus
"No, I mean before that?" laughed Szyran.
"No" Zane replied.
Szyran looked back at the teacher,
"How did you know what I
"Something else you'll learn." Virue spoke over him.
Another ten minutes past
"Come over here guys, you've had enough time experimenting with you're new power." Declared Virue.
The students obediently walked over to the tree. Before Virue could even open his mouth to speak a student asking how you de-activate your power-up's interrupted him. He replied by saying,
"Exactly how you activate them", then continued, "Ok guys, I know it's a lot to take in on the first real day of training but once we get the basics down, everything else will be a lot easier. So you've all learnt to control you're knew powers."
It wasn't meant to be a question but many nodded and grunted affirmatively.
"Now we're going to learn the most basic move and attack, called the element beam. It won't do much now, but as you move up the ranks, it will grow into a ferocious attack."