Red Leader's demise
Posted By: Ben McAleer<minimac666@hotmail.co.uk>
Date: 5 January 2008, 10:36 pm
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Red Leader spent hours beforehand plotting their route. He knew that at sun rise the battle would commence, he had to draw up a winning plan. He gave his instructions to his Spartan crew as the lined up at attention on the beach
"At 0430 hours I want to see those skidmarks. The pattern of movement will go as follows. Snipers will mark positions from the beach wall. The bomb carrier will be briefed while our snipers keep the enemy busy. Then the vehicles move in the form Ghost, Warthog, Ghost. Red 002," Red Leader bared down at a spartan in paticular, "You need to pick up whatever destructive weapon suits you and get inside the base. Open the gates. Red 004, you'll be with me sniping. I'm counting on the two Ghosts to defend the Warthog and more importantly the bomb bearer." Red Leader marched over to the cowarding spartan at the end of the row. Red OO8 had been wrecked with grief as he saw his brother killed in the last mission. A rocket to the chest made sure he was buried in multiple places.
Red Leader put a hand on Red 008's shoulder. "Roger, I need you more than ever." Red 008 (AKA Roger)stood shaking at ease although he was lightyears from feeling it. "Arm the bomb and run. I can't bear to see another Spartan fall under my command. The enemy should be pinned down by sniper and Ghost fire. Red 002 should clean the straggelers off. Anyone who dies today, should die an honourable death. But I'll try my best not to make it so. Red Team, good luck. Red 004, with me. Radioes open all the time, I need to be fed intel. Break!"
As Res Leader, Red 002, and Red 004 ran up the beach wall stairs the rest of the team hopped into their vehicles. Roger prayed in his passenger seat as the Warthog sputtered and accelerated off with the Ghosts. Red Leader and Red 004 knelt by the open ruins that viewed the whole enemy base. Red 002 sprinted past them loading his SMG. Down the sniper rifle scope Red Leader could see blue spartans walking along the catwalks by the windmill, they chatted, joked and drank, yet they were armed with Magnums and SMGs.
"Red 002 covering behind rocks, snipers go!" The radio crackled. Red leader held a thumbs up to his comrade. They fired at the same time. On the catwalk two blue spartans fell, heads leaking blood. A third escaped in shock.
"Shit... Vehicles engage, I repeat vehicles engage!" Red Leader ordered over the TeamCOM. Below him the Ghosts and Warthog drove into the enemy territory and followed the worn path around the windmill. Suddenly a rocket impacted a Ghost launching it in the air as it ripped apart in blue flames. The Warthog breaked heavily to a halt facing sideways. The last Ghost accelerated into the Warthog throwing Roger out. Roger jogged away in cowardice as a second rocket smacked into the Warthog. The force killed the driver and gunner before the flames got to them. The Ghost was sent flying into a wall at such a force the Spartan driving bled through his cracked visor as he sloped off his seat.
Red Leader staggered. He sent his willing men to death. This was his worst nightmare. People he had grown up with killed within five seconds. The only satisfaction beside sniping the two blues was watching Red 004 plant a headshot on the Blue Rocket Launcher Spartan. The Red Spartans were avenged. As far as he was aware he lost five out of seven friends... It was up to Red 002 to slay the rest of the bastard Blues and retrieve the bomb. Unless... No, Roger couldn't survive such an onslaught. But there may be hope.
"Red 008, come in. Red 008?" Just when Red Leader was about to give up coughs followed by a faint voice spoke into his visors speakers.
"Red Leader, I'm here. And I'll be damned if I don't blow the shit out of every last bastard Blue here. I hope you haven't taken out those twats cause I want to land a kill."
Red 004 sniped another dumb blue spartan, his sniper smoked as he reloaded it. He aimed agian but Red Leader lowered it.
"This is Roger's time to shine, let us see what he can do." Red Leader laughed, he knew that a Spartan full of rage was invincible. "Red 002, save some kills for Red 008, cause he's pissed and ready to arm the bomb."
The Radio sqealed white noise and a menacing voice spoke through.
"Red 002 is no more. And this is a message to 'Red Leader' you know who I am McCatty, and I swear that no red scum will survive this day."
"You let my friend go." Red Leader growled over the radio.
The relpy was laughter followed by a sharp gun shot.
"Okay, he's gone, gone to wollow in hell. And I strongly advise you run before I get really mad. And to further prove of the seriousness of this advice..." Ping! Red 004's visor exploded, spewing blood thorugh the cracked face plate. A sniper bullet at long range had penetrated his head. Red Leader rolled away and ran as fast as he could down the beach wall. A bullet ripped through his arm as he pumped them as fast as he could in running motion. He ignored the white hot pain. The voice came back again "Run faster!" Red Leader tripped and toppled down the stone stairs. While lying in a slowly developing pool of his own blood he lay thinking, he sent his friends to a meaningless death. Suddenly an explosion rocked the base and flames and rubble flew like comets littering the beach. Roger had done it. But he probaly died aswell.
They suceeded. They won. But they didn't survive. Red Leader just laid still, wishing death. It never arrived. Thats when he realized he woudl have to live to fight another day.
"Red Leader this is Pelican R-402, we've seen the explosion good job. How many for evac?" Red Leader sighed before he relpied.
"Just the one."