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Spartan 601: part 1
Posted By: Beeray<stfly@juno.com>
Date: 26 August 2006, 12:40 am
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Chapter One
The sun was bright as I opened my eye. I got up of the ground. The ground was dry, and full of cracks. Out in the distant was nothingness, except a few dry, dead trees. The wasn't a cloud in the sky.
"What are you doing out here?" came a voice behind me. I turned around and saw a M12 LRV Warthog. In its driver seat was a blue Spartan with a gold snake symbol on the shoulder. In the gunner seat was a green Spartan with a black Marathon symbol on his armor.
"Get in NOW!" shouted the Driver, "The fleet is about to launch! The fleet isn't going to wait for us. The Covenant are coming soon."
I did not have any clue what was going on, but it sounded like I didn't have time to argue. I ran up to the passenger seat and got in. Even before I was fully in the Driver hit the accelerator and founded out how fast this car can go. On my way in a realized I was taller. In fact I was in Spartan armor to.
The blue driver asked, "What are you doing out here in the first place."
"I have no clue." I responded, "Last thing I remember is being at home playing Halo on X-Box Live. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of nowhere, being told to hop in a car."
The gunner said, "Wait, did you just arrive here?."
Before I could respond, a green light flashed behind me, followed by a loud boom and the car being thrown forward. I was thrown to the ground. I looked behind me, towards the warthog. Glowing red, twisted metal was what remained of where the turret on the car used to be. To the left of the warthog was what used to be the green gunner, who's back was ripped open.
"Can you move?!" said the Blue Spartan, who was a few yard in front of the warthog. I shook my head yes as a banshee flew over head. "Here, catch." Said the blue Spartan. He threw me a battle rifle. I picked it up. Some how I knew just how to aim it. I shot at the banshee. When I hit it, sparks flew and smoke pored from where it was hit. The banshee slowed down, started to lose altitude. Then it went completely in to free fall. When it hit the ground a hundred yards in front of me, it instantly became twisted metal covered in purple blood from the crushed pilot.
"Good shot." said the blue Spartan, who had walked to me, "You must of hit the plasma fuel line. That banshee was a scout. They probably found out about are escape plan and where are base was. That means more are coming."
I got up and said, "We better get back to the 'hog then so
"Don't bother." interrupted the blue man, "That plasma bolt that hit the warthog snapped the fuel line, we can't fix it. Even if we could, it would take to long. The only way to get to the ship is a miracle!"
Immediately after saying that a voiced came from what I think was the radio, "This is Foxtrot four seventy-eight. Come in this is Foxtrot Four Seventy-Eight."
The blue Spartan replied, "MiracleBird47, this is AlphaDrone. We need pickup now."
"Roger that."
Behind me I heard the sound of rushing wind and dirt. I looked behind me and saw a pelican dropship. We ran to the pelican and hopped in. When we got in the doors closed and I felt the pelican move as it flew. I sat in the passenger seat closes to the front. AlphaDrone, the blue Spartan, went into the co-pilot's seat next to the pilot. The Pilot was a steel color Spartan with a white falcon symbol on his shoulder.
"Where's the rest of Foxtrot team?" said the MiracleBird47, the steel colored Spartan asked.
"Dead, all dead.." responded AlphaDrone coldly.
"You know it was a suicide mission when you volunteered. Did you get the package in the covie ship?"
"Yah, maybe we have a chance of getting out alive. It's going to be more of a pain now that they know where we are, that banshee we shot down must have been a scout."
"Don't count on it. Command figured that it would come. The aliens have been sending out banshees and phantoms to search the planet. But they may send out a squad to search for the missing banshee. But by the time they do that, we'll be long gone. Who that in back, in the dark green armor with a red bee symbol."
"We found him out in this waste land. He clams he just got here. That's strange because when people come here, they come in large groups. The first people to come here came in a group of one-hundred. The second group came here in a group of two-hundred and the third group came in here in a group of three-hundred."
"So that makes him the six-hundredth and one Spartan? What's his name?"
"Don't know, hold on. Hey, you" AlphaDrone said to me, "What's your name?"
I thought for a second, it was obvious that they used names they used in video games, so I told them my screen name, "It's Beeray."
"Beeray?" AlphaDrone responded, "Well, Beeray, were almost at the ship."