Vanguards of the Great Journey-Entities of Inheritance
Posted By: Arbiter<swiftstick31@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 November 2005, 3:41 pm
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Vanguards of the Great Journey
Entities of Inheritance
Love is in the air
Bela 'Lehammee walked to the blazing lift in the center of the Phantom, the Elites around him marveled at him as he gracefully jumped through the blue mist
Around 'Lehammee were barren heavens, and he floated through them like an impulsive comet wafting into the stars. The Arbiter looked ahead and saw the planet Sacrosanct onward. He lurched as the Phantom behind him dove after him.
"Arbiter, use your sainted sword to mangle the Disciples with the Forerunner's faith" The Elite pilot spoke into the frilling receiver.
The Arbiter smiled through open mandibles at the Phantom above him. "Thank you, brothers"
'Lehammee looked at his sword, the Mark of Praise branded into the hilt. He gripped it with a light coldness. Stroking the frigid space with powerful grace. The Elite scrapped his throat with his inmost mandible; the icy cold stellar rasped his gullet and compiled his mouth with frost.
In his minor pouch he had a Rebreather yet he felt compelled to go on without a breather.
Across his shoulder there brushed a frosty air pocket that pleasantly felt like a hand. He shuttered as his body burdened the cold. The ice of space reminded him of his inexperienced periods.
* * *
The small Covenant conveyor whipped through the outskirts of High Charity and past the artificial atmosphere and launched into the heavens.
The Spirit was a diminutive vehicle, a swift craft used for transportation. It was sleek with mauve steel, carved from Forerunner metal. The core in the middle was a circular orb of lustrous blue; it had wires from the core that interlaced in and out of the Spirit's slick structure. The Spirit had a tetrad of seats for riders and a driver's perch in front of the orb.
The glass carving the Spirit turned a glassy gray as space converted the pane into frost. A trio of young Elites conversed in the craft, while the driver was awing at the celestial stars.
"My family has the most honor than yours, surely my clan has dwelled in the Prophet's eyes for two ages." A young Elite named Hasa 'Rolassure growled.
"The 'Rolassure ancestry trails for one age, Hasa. Besides my father is a sentry for the Engineers" Another Elite called Jila 'Kahummee stated to the other.
"Well my grandmother was an Elder, she was the most prestigious in my lineage!" A female Elite called Sari 'Sistummee declared.
"What was her name?" Jila asked her.
"Kari 'Sistummee"
The male Elites looked at each other and frowned into Sari's stunning, turquoise eyes.
"I've never heard of her
" Hasa hissed through gritted teeth.
"Me neither, and females cannot be Elders!" Jila snarled.
Sari eased her gaze and tottered her mandibles to roar back but stopped.
"What do you think, Bela? Can females lead a family honor?" She blinked at the driver with those turquoise eyes.
Bela 'Lehammee concentrated on the mirror, the blinking shadows licked her eyes in the mirrorpane.
"It matters not, the females have accomplished remarkable feats in this age" Bela confessed.
"Thank you" She winked her beauty into his eyes and returned a menacing gaze to the other boys.
Sari 'Sistummee was a beautiful female, she was the highest in her class, as she was preparing to be a Handmaiden for the warrior Elites.
The Spirit curved bound for the stars, Bela looked into the empty void determined to find a divinity.
"Let's stop here" Jila growled at Bela.
Bela reached under the monitor and pulled a transparent lever and the Spirit halted its speed.
"Who wants to go first?" Hasa asked the group.
They each looked into each other's eyes, Bela was careful not to look into Sari's but her eyes kept scanning to meet his.
"I will
" Bela smiled finally meeting his gaze to Sari's and grinning.
Bela took off his armored gloves and instantly felt the cold even through the Spirit. His underarmor was cased with frost already and he immediately felt remorseful.
"Be careful
" Sari warned glowing at the Elite.
Dropping the remorse from the sound of her voice he lifted the hatch and he felt the space.
His skin was sucked to his bones and his structure upheld the pressure with the underarmor. Without shields and a Rebreather the Elite would be vulnerable to the worst.
Sparks punched his flesh and he tightened his grasp on himself. He looked back into the pane and saw Sari, her face floated into him like the space itself. And instantly his mind blanked and all he saw was a scrawny Prophet at the alter where Sari 'Sistummee wore gorgeous violet silk. He saw himself in azure armor, and he held a crystal corsage in an open palm.
He felt the back of his mind and he was hurled into validity. Bela rushed into the Spirit holding his breath, his mandibles stinging with icy pain.
The perch heated and he comforted as he coughed up tiny icicles.
"You are truly a warrior now, Bela" Sari expressed placing her palm on his shoulder.