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Chambers Company: Chapter Five
Posted By: AngryHorizon<rennerma@alltel.net>
Date: 24 January 2006, 3:03 am
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Chapter 5
The recent engagement pulsed through me like wildfire. It was a textbook assault, hit them, and flank them. I looked around, all of my men were around the perimeter of the base, but not looking for enemies.
0913 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Camp south of Fort Erickson
"You need to be at attention," I ordered to Lance Corporal Baldwin, and Private First Class Remmington.
"We have taken out the enemy, what is there to look out for," asked Lance Corporal Baldwin, holding a plasma rifle scooping it out.
"Did you ever think that maybe there was a patrol out when we attacked?" I questioned my men.
"No, not really," Remmington offered truthfully. His face looked gloomy, compared to his normally bright, and strong features.
"Well, just be on the look out alright," I said walking away from my men.
We waited patiently for the Brigadier General to bring 3rd Platoon, and the AI to analyze what is on the computers. I heard the roar of the engines before I could see the aircraft closing in. I looked to the sky, and saw the dropships. They slowed the approach, and their thrusters blew the leaves, and trees around.
2nd Lieutenant Smith was the first to drop to the ground; Brigadier General Howard quickly followed him. The rest of 3rd Platoon filed of the Pelicans. I saluted the General, along with everyone else at the base.
"At ease men," he ordered, returning the salute, "So what have you found here?"
"This structure has a series of computers, and we need the AI to analyze the data. This detachment wasn't here for no reason, and we need to find out why they were here," informed Captain Summers leading Howard to the structure.
"Smith take command until we are done in the tent," I ordered Mason while entering the tent. The interior was a deep set purple, which made the place feel really cramped.
"I have the AI here, where do I insert it," asked the General. His strong features now looked perplexed as he searched for an entry point for the AI.
"Here sir," I spoke up pointing to and outlet in one of the computers. He walked over, and inserted it. A few moments later a hologram of the AI appeared. He was nothing real special, not named after anyone famous. He was called Thomas.
"Thomas,we need you to analyze all of the data in these computers, and inform us of anything important," ordered the General.
"Right," he said as he disappeared. We waited for several uncomfortable minutes, no one able to look at anyone else. "Well, it appears we have some very distinct advantages here, if we can play our cards right."
"What do you mean?" asked the General in earnest.
"This company was sent as a light reconnaissance unit. The Covenant dropped them off two hours ago, and they have a small fleet waiting only a four-hour jump from here to engage if this company sees fit. We could tell them that only a few small ships are needed, and the Elanjar could take them out easily with the help of some of our Longswords. Of course once they realize it is an ambush, they will request back up, then the rest of the fleet would be here in a heartbeat. We might request more UNSC ships, and set up an ambush."
"How big is this fleet exactly," questioned the General.
"Two CPV-Class Destroyers, two CAR-Class Destroyers, and one CCS- Class Battle Cruiser," informed the AI.
"What UNSC ships would we call in however, our fleet was just hammered at Reach. Most of the ships are pulling back to Earth as fast as they can just in case the Covenant found out the coordinates," said the General, almost as if talking to himself.
"There is one ship in our system that could help," announced the AI. "It is a frigate, but combined with firepower from the Elanjar, and all the Longswords we could muster up, we have a very good fighting chance. In fact the odds are in our favor to perhaps capture ourselves a Covenant ship!"
"Very good, request that only one ship, a CPV- Destroyer be sent here ASAP, even if the frigate can't make it, we are going to capture a Covenant ship, and send it to Earth for ONI to look at," ordered Howard.
"Based on the data, a large attack group will be sent here, while a group of, hold on. Apparently the Covenant have a new apparatus on board. From the schematics here it looks like some kind of new dropship. I am forwarding these schematics to Command. Anyhow, a large attack group will be sent here, while these new dropships will deploy troops directly into the base, with a storm of Orbital Insertion Pods. Our best course of action would be to let the ground forces get here, and then it as soon as they touch the ground, not giving it time to stage the assault completely."
"Yes, but how large is the ground attack unit going to be," asked the General, he was now pacing back, and forth.
"It is going to be about the size of about a very small battalion, four hundred men, including Spectres, Shadows, Banshees, and Ghost. They are going to land scattered in the small clearings around here. I suggest you bring up Mesa Company, and Fox Company. I can deploy them if you leave me here," said Thomas.
"Alright, bring the base up to full alert status. Make the preparations needed to get the job. Captain, you have command on this battlefield," ordered the General walking out the door. "Good luck son. Semper Fi."
"The message is being sent, and the frigate Washington is on it's way now sir," said Thomas, disappearing into the holotank.
"Very good, Thomas," spoke Red. "Keep everyone on alert until back up arrives."
I nodded, and saluted to my superior. I then went outside to proceed with my task.