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Chambers Company: Chapter Three
Posted By: AngryHorizon<rennerma@alltel.net>
Date: 12 January 2006, 4:34 am
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I kept thinking about the Spartans, and Reach. We were going to be stationed there, until the shortage of manpower here. All of us could be dead. They say the covenant force was huge, and they showed no mercy. No mercy was nothing knew though. The stories that reached us on Earth were stories of ferocious fighting, and brutality to those who surrendered.
I would never surrender my friends to be slaughtered.
0712 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fort Erickson, On the planet Yerszan in Quadrant Five
We were riding back in the M12 when Captain Miller came over the com, and told us were to meet him. Captain Summers turned left around some barracks, and then back north again. We reached an administration building for all the companies stationed in this particular plaza, which would be Chambers and Dog Company.
The Warthog skidded to a stop in front of the reinforced Titanium A building. The doors were glass, but there was a set of bunker doors behind them.
"Wait here," ordered our commanding officer. He got out of the drivers' seat, and walked up to the front door. The door slid open when he neared it, and closed shut again when out of the proximity of the door.
"Well at least we were put on an easy place. I mean with the Covenant all at Reach," said Harbor Campton III, we call him Trey because that means three. He was one of my close friends in school, but not really my best friend.
"Yeah," I said blankly wandering about the Pillar of Autumn. "I hope your right."
We waited in the warthog several minutes. Captain Summers finally exited the facility, and got back in the hog. He handed a file to 2nd Lieutenant Mason Smith. "Our orders," informed Red. He turned on the 'hog, and continued back to Chambers Company residence.
We reached base quickly and filed out of personnel 'hog. We followed our Captain to his office to receive our post. He opened the file, and began. "Our primary job is to maintain turrets five and six on perimeter defense. Each platoon will be on duty at different times. Harbor why don't you take first shift."
"All right, but what exactly do we do," asked Harbor. He had not the slightest idea what he was supposed to do. They were not trained in cannon use.
"Gather your platoon, and divide them among the two cannons. An instructor will be there to help."
"Sir," he said saluting, and turned on his back heel. He then walked out the door.
"Mason, you platoon will be on next shift. This is a temporary job until this base is reinforced. In which we will be stationed on a UNSC ship later," continued Red with the briefing. "Your shift begins in eight hours, dismissed. Joseph stay.'
"Sir," I asked inquisitively. Mason kept walking out the door.
"The radar picked up unknown movement fifty miles south from here, gather your platoon. Then meet me at the airbase, we are going to go check it out."
I left to gather his platoon as instructed. My first assignment made him nervous. I entered my barracks, and told my men, my friends, to suit up. "Pack for the worst, we don't know what to expect out there. Johnny, I would test that gun and see if it is proper working order. I know it was only recently replaced by the Battle Rifle, but it could still be messed up. Bring a little extra of everything." Those were my final orders. I was the first one geared up. I left to get in the personnel 'hog. I waited in the drivers seat in one of four Warthogs.
Slowly they exited, and filed in. I was surprised that they were able to figure out the Sergeants and Lance Corporals were to sit in the front where there was room for them. Or small convoy moved to the west towards the airbase. Once there Captain Summers was all ready waiting with two Pelican dropships waiting for us.
"Alpha squad, this Pelican, and Bravo this one," I ordered before anyone even had a chance to get off of the 'Hogs. Alpha entered Beta 213, and Bravo entered Beta 324.
The Pelicans shined in the bright sun. The planet had an Earth-like climate, and we were in what would be the Northern Hemisphere, so the weather was chilly. We could see our breaths when we exhaled. I was standing next to Red at the back of the dropships, with my platoon looking back at us from them. The moment seemed perfect, it was as if nothing were the matter. That instant would last in my memory forever. It was as if it were suspended between time and reality.
Red began the briefing on the mission that would begin in no more than one minute. I entered the Pelican with Bravo, while Red went with Alpha. The engine thrusters began, and the noise built up. We slowly left the ground.
Assignment 001 for Chambers Company