the flood encouters by flood man
the flood1/ the new friend
Date: 4 February 2005, 1:51 PM
I sit here now my gun my hand, I am half out of my mind but I all that's left of my squad. This is my story. It all started when my team and me entered the swamp. Mendoza and I moved up front out of the mist we could see the outline of a bunker we looked backed and saw Sergeant Johnson coming he looked at us and said " What are you waited for get going" "What about the caption" " He be around in a minute"
We enter the bucker they was some thing in the air, Fear. We came a cross a door. Mendoza took out piece of equipment the 180-locking device and put it against the door and opened the door he slowly walked into the room with his gun raised. He checked the room and gave the hand signal to move in. The room had nothing in it well that's what it looked like but Mendoza pointed to the far corner they lay on the floor was dead Grunt. Mendoza and me checked it out it was clearly dead but how was hard to tell its guts were all over the place. Johnson said that it must have been friendly fire. "What have we got here then?" The caption had got here. "Covenant Grunt K I A" "Real pretty, friend of yours" "No we only just meant"
I could help having a bit of humour. We moved deeper and deeper into the Bucker finding more and more dead covenant. This was just getting freckly. Mendoza was shivering. We enter a room we entered there was lot dead Grunts and jackals blood was all over the place. They was a hunter on the floor there was gash in it's neck. Johnson kicked the hunter a few times; I come up to have a look. "Problem sir" "It's dead but that's not the problem, the problem is that hunters always come in two" They was a loud grunt behind us we wheeled round there in the corner was the other hunter leaning against the wall it had been hit in the leg. But it could still move.
"Weapon up"
Mendoza and Johnson raise they guns but I didn't the hunter did not seem to want to fight. Johnson figure whet towards the trigger on his gun, I dived forward. "STOP!" "Are you crazy this hunter could kill us all" "Can we at least talk to it?" "Are you a stupid?" "What" " A hunter is dump it can't talk English" " We can when we what do" Johnson dropped his rifle. Never in history had a hunter talked, even the Covenant did not know a hunter could talk. I turned round the hunter was standing there.
"Thank you human" "That's ok I felt sorry for you" " Can you tell me what happed here?"
The hunter looked around and looked at his fallen comrades, he looked at his dead brother wiped a dear from his eye. He took a deep breath, for a moment I thought he was not go to say anything. Then he started to tell his story.
"It all started when we entered this Bunker, we were ok at the beginning but then members of my squad were being pick off from behind" "What killed them?"
Johnson was taking an interest, he really what'd to know what had killed these Covenant.
" I do not know what they are called but there looked like small parasitic creatures, they took out the rest of us one them jump on my leg but a grunt got it just be for he was killed" "Why didn't they kill you?" "I played dead I waited for a long time but they didn't go until some humans came" "We aren't the first marines to come here" Mendoza didn't know that there was any more squads were in the area and then he saw in the corner of the room six dead marines, there faces screwed up in pain. The hunter continued.
"No they enter as the creatures were feeding, they didn't get a shot off" "But why did the creatures leave?" "Two humans got past them and ran though that door, they whet after them"
The hunter pointed at door, we all looked at it. The door it's self had been blow off. How? , Then I notice a rocket launcher on the floor near one of the bodies. The caption stepped forward, he took a deep breath and we all knew he was going to make one of his speeches. "Well that it then if those marines are still alive we'll have to go after them, let get going" "What about the hunter?" "Well I think he can come along with us, but that would mean you have to destroy your own kind hunter" "I do not mind the Covenant have never done anything for me and don't call me hunter call me Thud "
Thud bent down and picked up the rocket launcher and swung it over his accept. The Caption the door went threw the door. Johnson and Mendoza closely followed him. Bring up the rear was thud and me. We seat off we were braver and we had a new friend. We now had see the horrors in this a bunker.