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Fan Fiction

Young Prvt. Winfields Story:The Battle for Grecko Colony:Part 1 by KilltheMonitor101

A Young Privates Story:The Battle of Grecko Colony: Part 1
Date: 12 July 2004, 6:03 AM

-Prvt. Winfield is 16 years old and decides to try to save his home planet of Grecko 1, by enlisting into the Marines and to try to KIA some Covenant bastards, before the little shits killed him or his family. As Prvt. Winfield and his 16 year old buddy PFC. Edelman hold a little grassy knoll on the ass end of nowhere they get their first taste of glorious death and they learn the meaning of true friendship on the battle field, where you may die any time and the damn honor guards ain't bringing home your casket.

Hey Edelman, "get your dumb white ass over here, NOW!".
"I don't take orders from you, you little shithead, you forget I'm a PFC. and your just a little piss ant Prvt". Edelman retorted.
Yeah that's only cause you kissed the drill Sgt. ass you little brown nose, I bellowed.
Hey you two fucking green horns, get you dumbasses down out of the open ground yelled Cpt. Foarn.
Sir, Yes Sir, Edelman and I both said at once, making both of us look at one another, and start giggling like a bunch of sissies.
What the hell do you want, Edelman said as he slid inside of my dugout, keeping his voice down so the Cpt. wouldn't hear him.
Look I bought 2 cigars from Paul, you know, in 36th. Anyway you want one, or do I have to smoke both of these bad boys myself.
Sure, I'll smoke one for ya, hell you probably can't smoke one yourself Edelman laughed.
The hell I can't I bet I smoke mine faster you can, I boasted.
Your on, Edelman said.
And as I smoked my cigar taking deep puffs, tying not to gag from the smoke, I see Cpt. Foarn crawl and watch with amusement in his eyes as me and Edelman were puffing on the cigars for our lives.
You boys having fun? Cpt. Foarn whispered in Edelmans ears, and he watched Edelman cough and gag on his smoke from the surprise of the voice in his ears.
Uh,um Yes Um Sir. I said as I tried to hide my burning cigar inside my pocket(still lit), just having breath holding contest Sir.
Good boys, Cpt. said, cause you boys know the rules for smoking on duty.... don't you?
Uh,... Yes Sir I said in a sheepish voice knowing that smoking at our ages meant 1 week of latrine duty.
Good, then I might as well have a talk with you boys on political discussions, the Cpt. said with a wicked grin on his face.
O alright I yelled throwing the burning cigar out of my cargo pocket, holy shit that was hot.
You dumb ass! Edelman exclaimed.
Well boys since you were smoking under age, I'll let you go this once, but only this once, Cpt. said as he picked up the half burnt cigar and started smoking it while he walked off murmuring something about what young dumb kids we were.
Wow that was close, I whispered a I looked at the purple, red, and gold sun set and thought of what would have happened if my parents would have seen me doing that... but I was a Marine, the bad asses of the Military, and if I could wipe out an entire platoon of Covenant bastards then I could smoke a cigar, couldn't I?
I bet we get a little action tonight, Edelman whispered, as he looked far off to the opposite side of the valley through a pair of binoculars that he unstrapped from his web gear.
Why's that I said looking away from the sunset and the thoughts of how I was a man not just a boy.
Cause I think I see a company of Grunts and about.... 6 Elites, with about...12 Jackals.
Cpt. I whispered in a shaking high pitched whisper,.... Cpt., Cpt.,I yelled louder and louder, but the only answer was a roaring Elite standing strait and tall, towering high above me, plasma rifle leveled at my chest.
FIRE IN THE HOLE I hear as my heart stopped, then instinct took over from my basic training, and I ducked inside my little foxhole and toppled on top of Edelman, and as little clumps of dirt fell on top of me I heard Edelman yell get the hell off me you dumb.... then he stopped in mid sentence and staired at the body of the Elite that was half hanging in my foxhole with it's black armor stained purple from its warm blood that was rapidly seeping out of it wounds in its back, with his armor already cracked and his shield totaly depended, the Elite with his gruesome 4 jaws and his rows of glistening sharp teeth roared in a loud ear piercing roar, as he grabbed for his side arm of the smaller plasma pistol.
For some reason I saw the butt of Edelmans M6D pistol, which I ripped out of its' holster and switching the safety off before I had it fully raised to the Elites head, and fired 4 quick rounds of 12.7mm High Explosive rounds into his face plate and I watched as bits of shattered bones and blossoms of purple blood erupted from the back of the black shinny armor. The Elites head fell to my foxholes wall and the plasma pistol, still in hand, fired a last round aiming harmlessly into the soft rolling hills just off to the north of the invading Covenant patrol that was still a ½ mile off to the west.
Get up Prvt. I heard Cpt. bellow as he slapped a fresh clip into his MA5B Assault Rifle, after taking out another black armored Elite with the help of Sgt. Stacker's grenade, which had help wound my Elite also.
Sir yes Sir, I hollered as I helped Edelman up and gave his pistol back and took up the dead Elites plasma pistol out of his cold gripping fingers, only to also see a plasma grenade in his belt, which I also took and put in my web gear. as I turned to face the incoming assault of covie shits I saw the baby blue light streak across the sky of a plasma grenade thrown by a red armored grunt not 30 feet away from my foxhole, the only problem was..... it was headed strait for MY foxhole!
