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Fan Fiction

Unakai Scrolls of Para Dockta Prime by Blue Angel

Eldar Councels Log Part 1-Aluvatar's Awakening
Date: 14 November 2003, 1:59 PM

Year:1362 A.D.
Place:North America
Perpose of entry:Unknown Origin...Found strang device of some kind may-........... entry lost.

Soldiers entry found amoungst destroyed fort in N.Americanus.

"What the hell is it commander?" the squad sergent said as he drawed his sword in horror. He and his entire legion were sent by the government of Athens and Sparta to investigate some kind of disturbance in what the elders called the force or something.
But whatever they were investgating they sure as hell didnt want to be there any longer than they had arrived at the precise location. This may not be of any use but the entire legion wasn't allowed to leave considering the fact they were ordered by the elders themselves.
At any cost they couln't leave because of the men they brought with their fleet a group of men known only as the Unakai Dyre Avengers. These men were more than elite warriors, but fanatics at the most part; instead of wearing the occasional armour and banners like the rest of the men, these strange men and women wore a strange armour they called the Avatars Bane.
We at the most part didnt understand why they were supposed to come with us but they proved to be at the most part useful in our journey. When we first arrived here in this strange and forbidden land, we came upon a large civilation known as the Aluvatariul Particus. The Avengers said that it mean the (guardians of the Aluvatar.)
Instead of kill us all they simply stepped aside and said a prayer and bowed not to us but the Unakai warriors. Strange it is, that such people would not fell hostile to us in such a place of forbidden beauty. Our main commander said to set up camp and build a fort near the main city of the Aluvataruil Particus. So in such obiedance to our main commander we did such as he said. In less than four days we had an active fortress to defend ourselves against anything event the very peaceful people we now live next to. The Unakai Strongly urged us to fight with full force if the city came upon us.
Strange as it may be but i thought that the Unakai were crazy, but they were just being cuasius. The most perculiar thing is that the Unakai can speak almost every language in the known world, and were expert mariners of the forbidden sea. They seemed also able to speak languages from here as will.
Year:1363 A.D.
Place:North America
Time:15:35 pm
Location: Fort Octnus Sigmus Teranus
Account by Unknown Unakai Warrior, possible Leader or Second in command-

The year is now 1363 A.D. the year of our Lord God of the heavens. We of Fort Octnus Sigmus Teranus, have now been here for one year of the earth. We are now studying the Aluvatar Computer as so called by the Eldars Of the Unakai. As for the study which has proved much educational we have learned how to turn on the main console inside the main temple hall. We have set The Hoplite phalax forces on high alert yesterday, however the strange howlings which seemed to go on mostly at night are now procluding. But the strange and most untrusted thing of the whole manner is the city of Aluvanti Perisa is now at war with its all the the Valinor, they say the Valinor has unlocked the acient secrets of the Elders Scrolls found up north in the land of the last remance of our people Unavatar or as we call them the Keepers of the light and defenders of Dothonai Valley Gate. These events have been most distrut but we at the fort are holding out.
As for the main question we are now about to turn on the main console.

"Master Unkateekona, the main console is now online," said Sergent Uknatillah as he returned to his position and barked more orders to his troops, "Men set perimeter, put all forces of defense pattern Alphus Betus type d34s!"
The main commander Unkateekona knew that when they main console activates it will scan the room for any pure desendants of the true Unakai.
Main Systems, activated....(All programs are now functional)
Main ai.progam activated....
Main voice system check.....
error in system section 13434546562l09234.4343.346.j
alternate process on
scanning room for pure blood.....
scanning complete....pure blood found now activating main ai. Lucian Dorivian...1011101032021650

" Ah yes at last you finally turn-" said the main ai as it sprang out of nowhere on top of the consoles key command pad, "who in bloody hell are all of you,it said it scanned pure bloods?!"
Not knowing what to say but just stand there in awe and fear of the main ai Master Unkateekona, had no clue of what to say but, "hi."
"Hi....Hi....what the world is going on here?" now distrot by the main commanders words, the ai growls in anger, "what in blazes is going on here, what year is it?"
"Ah... it is...Ah...1363 sir." said Unkateekona now thinking that he had made a terrible mistake with his actions. Started to bow and ask for forgiveness when the ai said to stand
"dear boy im not mad, thank you by the way." the main commander didnt know what to think now what on earth is this being or whatever it is, was talking about, "ok then, so lets go over a few things-"
end of entry.

Eldar Counsels Log Part 2- Stories and more Questions
Date: 15 November 2003, 4:49 PM

Year: 1363
Place: North America
Time: 15:55
Location: Somewhere In North America, possibly in central present USA
Account by Unknown Unakai warrior/scientist, possibly Master Unkateekona or Sergent Unkatillha

"Will shall we then Master Unka', i mean shall i began this story for you to learn of such pasts as this?" began Lucian Dorivian the system ai to the mysterious computer found in what is now know as the USA.
"Of course that is why we were sent to this place isn't it not?" the master of the unakai forces said as he procured the fact that they were just about to learn of the earth past fate and it was so called.
" Then i shall start 35,000 years ago when your planet was first created. As you already know by now, this planet was created by the enity known as 'God', he above all others knew what fate was to become of such a maste piece planer. When he created your planet he created, will you and your race as to now known as the human race. The strange thing about your race is that you unlike most of his creatioal master pieces, were all given a choice. Yes a choice to create your own destinies. These are known to the race that built me, they call these choices, 'paths', or as i call them acts of human intellect. Will after the birth of your race what seemed to be a great and good thing turned to a bad thing. The bad thing is in heaven God sensed one of his angels had started rumors of Gods lack of power and called God a foolish creator of all mistakes in the universe. Do you know what happened next Master Unka'?"
" kinda, for what perpose doesnt this have to do with my people the Unakai." now that the commander was now confused and yet understood what he was saying just that he had no clue of what perpose he said what he said.
"Will i shall proceed then now that you are keeping at the same pace as us all. When God sensed the rebillion he asked Lucifer the angel that started the rumors, if he knew what was going on inside the palace of heaven. Lucifer responded with most admirable manner possible. He said he knew nothing so as being the head angel he returned to his post. A millenia later God cast Lucifer from when Lucifer presented himself before God with his true perpose of ruling heaven. The reason God also casted Lucifer from heave was because Lucifer was getting to close to the truth of why earth and its universe was created. So when Lucifer arrived on earth a chain of events happened that would change the way we see the future. YOu already know what happened next dont you?"
" Ah yes sir i do." the commander said.
"good then what happened commander?"
" why not you tell me?" the commander was now confused he thought the ai knew of what happened to earth back then.
"Fine i shall. When he and his cohorts in the rebillion reahced earth they became known as fallen angels. Lucifer first met Adam and Eve in the garden of EDEN. Which is know as the first celestial garden of earth at that time. From the point they met Lucifer as you know by common knowledge seduced Eve and Adam with the apples of Knowledge. When God found Adam and Eve they had hiddent themselves from the presents of God and as known by your race later on God cast Adam and Eve from the garden. Then they have children the first being Cain and Abel. And Cain kills Abel out of jealousy. And as known as the first killing of another human being, thus beginning earths rapid destruction. In the year 2013 B.T.F. man was visited by what is now called the Genitic Informials. Powerful being much stronger than your common angels. These beings came from a distant universe long forgotten by all others universes. The Informials were know to your race as the 'Para Dactanium Pandorium Crisen' which of course in the acient language of the unakai means: Ones from the universe of a past long forgotten or enlighted ones. When they arrived Lucifer quickly knew that earth was not the only universe out there in the vast cosmos. When he learned of such indeverse he quickly sent scouts to the farthest reaches of your universe. He learned not only did they come from beyond the stars but were the first creation of God. This startled him, which meant that Lucifer wasnt the most powerful demon in the entire universe. NO, the worst of all evil came to your world in 2344 B.T.F.

end of line entry.

Eldar Counsels Log Part 3- O' Fortuna, Depthera the Coming
Date: 20 November 2003, 1:27 PM

Year:2345 the decade of Darkness
Location: Unknown
Entry:manuscript 1334553A-letter to the Duchy of A'Freigha'

I write this to all you ladies and gentlemen of the Grand Duchy of A'Freigha',

This is an urgent message of sorts concerning the arrival of our lands, the Dark Lord Depthera. As so he's called by his troops. We of the Kingdom of Banderia have gotten word of your arrival ten years ago. We also heard that when you arrived you brought with you an army of tremendous size. We wish.. no we ask and plea that you come to our aid. The Lord Depthera has our land in gulfed in treachory. And we only wish for the day that you and your people come to our aid. We dearly hope there will be day of reckoning for us all in the end of this war over here. Our people can not take on an army of such size and magintude. Only God can save us from such formalities as this. The Dark Lords fortress of the other hand is something to be reckoned with. For this fortress is not like any other fortress we of the Kingdom have ever seen. This fortress spans the length of the city of Dornia and the city of Dyre Cartus. Also the fortress itself does not sit on the ground. This fortress is not what we thought it to be. Last year when we attacked the fortress we learned that it would be hard to take such a place, as it doesn't stand on solid ground. The fortress sits a least five hundred feet into the air. And just to get to it we would need a large platform of somekind. As for our us our spies have learned of its designs and we are now in the process of making our own floating fortress. Eventhough we heard that your scientists are skilled in this field we would ask that you send us help immediately.
Yours Truly,
Prince Alfredo Partisun
of the Kingdom of Banderia

entry manuscript: log of Battle of the Sea of Gantus, which is now known as the Central Pacific Ocean.

entry level: 5 type-yellow 2333
Chief Admiral General Scott Teranus
Floating Fortress HMS Heresies Fate
log 34323f 443
We are now in route to sector 57g3 to investigate the matters of the Delas Fleets Disappearance. Our intelligence believes that the fleet was destroyed by the fleet under command of Depthera's sone Kepler who by order of law has been made our worst enemy. Just yesterday on Tyre the fourth planet to the sun, our spies learned that Kepler has betrayed his fathers trust. and he, his fleet,and his army are all now renegades to both empires. The elders of both empires have agreed to call Kepler a rogue to both empires. Now he is considered a enemy to both peoples. If we are to come into contact with his fleet we are to immediately retreat to the sector 44j2 where we are to randaevue with Duke Roland and Prince Turak of the Empire of the Unka'. I dearly can't wait to see my dear friend, and cousin Roland once again. Turak on the other hand I had already seen last week at the Battle of the Crest of Gilbrat. At the battle our side lost four floating fortress' and two Frigate class Battleships. Their side on the other hand lost ten Leviathan class Fortress' and five Corvet class Destroyers. The battle proved only that Depthera wasn't even trying his hardest. However yesterday Master Unka' himself, and his royal army of seven million, defeated ten billion Draconian Knights, at the Battle of Ganinme' Fields. Now Master Unka' and his men are marching across the Plains of Dyre Cousel to the Kingdom of Banderia, to aid them in their battle against Depthera and the Knights of Draconia.
As for us we are now entering the Islands of Vala Depora.

end of entry log.

Location:Kingdom of Banderia
Place: Fields of O' Fortuna
entry manuscript: Battle of O' Fortuna-log by Master Unka'

The year is now 2046, we of the Collisius Royal force are now in contact with the army under SAC Radus Hadus. Our army ranges at fifty two million, as for his army it ranges to eighty five billion phalax forces, which seemed to of been sent from Depthera's main fortress of Dal Gan Terro. As for the battle itself, we along with General Radus have decided that the day's battle be an Unka' Testora. Which of course stands for,'Battle of Lots', a battle of lots is, will just as it sounds. Both commanding officers will cast an unknown number into a pot and the judge that was chosen for the day would be the one to give the number itself to both to know each others, forces amounts.
to be cont'

Next part: Part 3 cont' and part 4 Ode to Joy, Heavens singing.

Eldar Counsels Log Part 4 Ode to Joy: the Heavens are singing
Date: 13 December 2003, 5:57 PM

Year: 2133 B.F.(before the flood)
Location: Unknown
Plaece: Somewhere inside of present day Alaska.
entry log: sea battle of Ode to Joy

The year is now 2133 the fourth day of Dansilade, we are now en route to section 123335, in sector 22k northwest of the city/port of Rendilu Partis. I Vice Admiral Ramsese IV have now sent four of my Frigate Class gliders to scout ahead of our current position. Our mission of mind is to randevous with now 1st Chief Admiral General Scott Teranus and Lord Roland of Collisius Primer Sol Four. When we are rejoined we are to head for the Predtus Sector to support the main attack for on the capital island of the Dark Lord Depthera. When insight of the city we are to immediately wait until the forces under SAC's Unka, Marius, and Turak. signal us from inside the city.

Four Hours later.
The battle happened all of a sudden just like out of nowhere. Our forces came within the sights of the city and then bam! we were hit on all sides. Our left flank was comprised and our right will... Lets just sae that Roland's forces were stunned by the attack that seem to come from above and below us.
Immediately the forces under the general seemed to deminish all except for the commanders themselves. Lord Roland and AD Teranus' Capital ships just kept moving forward like nothing ever happened. They seemed to move forward ever more faster when the enemy corvets came up behind them. But they just seemed not to notice or they just ignored all the warning signs, such as Turak and Unka were never even in the city yet. Or That there was an entire Capitol Fleet commanded by Commander and son of Depthera, Keplar.

Oh will, they probably knew the conditions, however they seemed now to move even further into the danger worse than before i even started this inquery of these events. Teranus' ship was the first to meet head on with Keplar's fleet. Instead of firing he just kept moving, the same as Roland, their fortress' were now in line of sight of the main floating fortress of Depthera, floating above the city itself. Abruptly Roland and Scott moved forward with renewed vigor and steadily charged Depthera's fortress. In less then five minutes it seemed that Lord Ronland called a release of the weapons systems. When the weapons systems were released, he fired a salvo into the oncoming forces seeming to defend Depthera's main force. Just like sow and with a repeated orer commander Scott Teranus ordered his attack as will. The attack proved acceptable in the terms of Unka' warfare. Yet it seemed that the attack was a little abrupt.
entry by Admiral General Marius Jerviol

Year:10234 B.F.
manuscript entry 3422: written in regard to the structure built outside Universal Rim.

I make this entry in regard to the unknown structure which seemed to of just appeared in front of our scouting fleet, which is looking for the fleet lead by Keplars main forces. Keplar has seemed to of just disappeared when his father was overthrowed in the year 8642, Now that he has disappeared there seems to be no one who would help Depthera and his main forces on their retreat to Imperial space. The two Unka' empires have declared Keplar a traitor of the two empires and traitor to the Unka' code of honor.
Strangely the structure seems only to be a single origin, which we think was built by the Gen. Informials who seemed to cf came here to this very young universe. I myself find it strange that they would just appear out of nowhere and build such a magnificent collosus. The structure itself appears to be much larger than our Orion class battleship star cruisers and will our entire fleet,(eventhough my fleet is simply a scouting force, we do have fifteen ships.)
I have now just sent a message to main stream fleetcom to confirm whatI have found. The main fleet has sent me back a single message, " Send in....Forces to acertane what you are facing.....We are sending five fleets to your current position....Fleetcom out."
We still dont have a clue of what sort of device this seems to be but....
end of entry...
entry end abruptly, origins of ending....unknown
Year 36345 B.F. one thousand years before the flood.
Place:Somewhere in northeastern Alaska.
entry: letter to Elder counsel of Unka' Empire of the light.

Fellow members of the Elder counsel,

The war which we have been fighting now for so long has come to an end. The Dark Lord Depthera has been concealed in the tomb of the acients in the Field of Dothonia. However the war has come at a high cost. Our very own sons and defenders of the order have just suddenly died. Here are the names of the Orders most honored warriors: SAC's Prince Unka', Prince Marius, and Prince Thomas Testiu Teranus. Enlightened Ones Akeewa Tah', Akira Mastu Nistie', Niko Tah Dimymoru, and Gerius Diryutoro. AD's Ramsese, Golkan Perius, and Gerius Fortus. Elite General's and Dukes Otori Peryis, and Deryius Marius.
Master Unka' himself and his twin brother Master Ragius have bothed died defending the honor of the Unka' Order. They all died defending the tomb entrance where Depthera has been slayin and buried. However our stay in this world has come to an end. The delegates of the Earth Unified Nations has declared war on our peace craft. We now face imminent threat from the entire system Under control of the EUN. The forces have already banned us from the solar system, and have cut us off Prince Turak and Duke's Scott and Rolan Teranus. We have received word from you that we are to immediately leave the system and head for Duchy Space....Wait we have just learned that the fleets we were cut off from have broen through the lines and are now retreating to the Duchy of A'Freigha. We also learned that God himself will be making an appearance in this war. We learned of this from the dying entities of Akeewa Tah and the other three. God will strike down the rebillion in the year 0 which has no name.

Time:0 hour
entry by forces under Duke Unkateekona I

My God.....What a sight, we have sealed off the gate entering the Valley of Dothonia, however we can still see what is happening outside of our own comforts. The earth has been completely covered by water. As for its inhabitants....will lets just say only one and his family have survived. We have asertaned that Tyre and the other planets have been destroyed by God.. Or better yet not destroyed but Wiped clean of all human existence. We have learned that the others of the Delas and Axis and Prodian Fleets are watching this from a distance.. but... God what sins have been wiped from the earth.... We estimate, 15 quadrillion dead. so many in less than fourty eight hours.
May the heavens help us all.
end of entry.

Eldar Counsels Log Epilgoue Pt.1-Dreams of Eternity
Date: 3 February 2004, 11:56 AM

Year:2076 AD 'the year of our lord'
Location: Jupiter
Time: August 23, 1234 zulu military time
Place: 'City of Light'Aphrodite4
He sprang foward with vigilance and haste, holding the "Banner of the Old Ones", he fired his gun and yet it seemed that he was missing something from beyond the mist. A voice, a voice from beyond the mist. A strange and yet subtle voice yelling his name. But no he couldn't just pay any respects to such a voice, I mean he was there to fight a war for Jupiter, wasn't he? He stood still for a brief second just here what the strange voice was speaking into the void of chaos. His men seemed to be in a void all of their own. Like he was in a different realm of time. He stood only before a explosional burst threw him to the ground. Then he woke from the trance. He stood only to see his men lifting him from the ground.
"Commander, are you alright!" Col. Nicolas Myers said with absolute sudlty.
"Im fine," said Supreme Allied Commander and Prince Turak Astertas, "let's move on, we must take the enemy base by tomrrow night!"
He and his men moved forward with better ease, all thinking upon what was to happen next. As though it was an eternity before they ever saw the face of their enemy. However the seemed a bit anxious to see the gates of their enemies base. SAC Turak, stood and ran foward with sudden malice, with his gun slung towards the enemy trenchs. He fired all he had into the enemy front, but all seemed a bit lessened as if his shots didn't even matter. He reloaded his MA7B assualt rifle's exausted clip with ease, as he fed another round into the spout. He fired again with a more loaded and still seemingly nonsense gun. He thought of this for a second when he heard the voice again.
"Chris-.. Chris," said the voice getting ever more louder as it drew ever more closer to him," You are Prayduce Dominuce, Leader and Light of Sigmus Tora. YOu are the scourge of the universe, and the ever present light moving towards the end of time. You are the son of Emporer Randigo High Ruler of the Collissius Universe. Your destiny awaits you!"
The voice screamed as if he knew what it was talking about. All of a sudden the voice became a figure in the mist of smoke and dirt. The figure took shape of a man, and yet this man seemed to be fimiliar. A strange sense came over Turak as he looked at the figure, who could this be? And what was his purpose here?
"You are Turak," the voice said still as if he or she knew him. eventhough the voice seemed quite familiar,"you are one of the last survivors of the N.American/Chinese War. The son and defender of Alaska. Scourge from beyond the stars, brother of Jesse Unka' Raytus Astertas. Who stood with you over the city of Bangkok, in the last days of the war. Ever since that day you have been chosen by us. You are the last person who can stop the death of the universe."
"The death of the universe, but who are you? and what do you want?," answered Turak as stood frozen on the battlefield of death. It seemed for a second the the battle wasn't there, but then without any haste the smoke and dirt subsided and he could see no one from his force he was lead into the jaws of doom itself. All se was nothing but- bodies. Hundreds upon thouseands of bodies. It was like he come from his trance into the end of the battle and the doom of his entire contingent he was leadin. But wait, this battlefield seemed a bit familiar. A sudden spike went down is back as he saw a vast sea of bodies and tanks and helicopters and so on. He knew this place, but what and when was it? Yes this battlefield was very familiar and so were the faces of the men who lay there on the ground spread and burnt. This battlefield was the Battlefield of Nightmares as it was so called after the NA/Chin. War. This was the very same place on which he and his brother pushed with ever more malice and vengence towards the Chinese nation, for invading Alaska with 20 Billion Troops. Yes he remembered this very spot, "Hey what the hell is this-
It couldn't be. No he wasn't seeing things, but still it seemed as if he was looking into the face of what he ever dreamt of seeing. It was, it was him, it was his brother Jesse returned from the dead. But how could this be, how could one simply walk out of heaven and for what reason would anyone in their right minds walk out of a place like that. However this was Master Unka' he was talking about, I mean the Unakai are not from earth, nor are they even aquatened to the very religions of man, eventhough the Unakai still believe in the same God and His almighty powers. He still couldnt believe his eyes.
"Wh...who are you.." that was a stupid and illogical thing to say to someone such as his brother. he knew Jesse's qualities included the words of something more logical, "what do you want from me, ghost of the past?!"
"I am thy brother Turak, returned from the realm of which are people are destined to be of. I have returned to give you a message and a good will hunting against what it is to come. You remember what i told you long ago after the NA/Chin. War. Do you remember the words i spoke of my young irrogant brother?"
"N-no i dont remember, it was a long time ago and- and what do you mean irrogant? I mean i was the only irrogant fool on that hellish battlefield. You also were a fool to lead all of us there. I mean it was you who put words of courage into the hearts of the men who stood with you in Denali Park, you were the one who convinced us to go into China and bring the war to them. Remember? you were the dumbass fool who said 'We are the true sons and defenders of Alaska, we make our own destiny from this day forth!' it was you who told me to make my own fate when we reached the outskirts of the Chinese capital."
"Yes i do remember, but that is not why i am here after the battle was over i seemed to gone into a trance and told you, 'The abyss guards have movin from their posts, and the gate is opening. I fear that the world as we no it will end In the next one-hundred years, the ones God has only described to me as the Covanent will emmerge from the gate to destroy us all.' After that day you know i have devoted are time to get into outer space and beyond. And now we as a race have colinize beyond the stars of our own galaxy. But what i didnt know was that before the flood of earth. The gate of death and darkness opened and sent forth its hordes of darkness throughout this universe. It was becuase of the people that came before earth that the darkness was destroyed. But all was not so when the 'Old Ones returned to their post, they did not see the darkness had let through a small but still reasonably large force through the gate. When the gate closed the small force moved to a region close to this gate. Are you still with me brother?" said Jesse now looking conserned.
"Will sort of, I mean I really dont get it how does this small force affect us now? How does it affect us as a species?" said Turak with confusion and yet understanding of the whole situation.
"Good, then I will continue and explaine why as a species we are in danger. After the 'Old Ones returned to their post the war was over, and earth and its existence was erased all except for what God had let live. It was earths first destruction. As for now-..Wait i am getting ahead of my self here. I forgot to tell you of the velitity of the small contengent that made it through the gate. To further more introduce this i will take on the Journey you will never soon forget. But i must warn you this is a very long and very boring Journey through time itself." said Jesse.
Out of nowhere it seemed that Turak and Jesse had disappeared into a void of time itself. They seemed to come upon a vast scape of space, somwhere outside of what seemed to be a large vast, nay a junkyard of endless ships. Destroyed ships and ships that were still active and working. It was a space battle, a battle for what though? At the end as far as he could see, he saw hundreds of ships in a fleet formation, like a pincer. at the other end he saw another fleet, this fleet had no formation but it seemed that it didnt even need a formation for its vast numbers. At the end of this vast force he could see something that took his breath away. It was- it was a gate. A vast enormous gate much larger than he imagined it to be. It was so large and vast that it almost seemed that he could reach out and touch it. And yet it was very far away, as he could till not like in one's right mind could he just reach out and touch the very thing that game him the willie.s
end of log transmission.
