Ultimate Hunter by Imaftau
Ultimate Hunter part 1
Date: 21 August 2006, 6:42 am
It all started as a joke when his freinds sent him on his space walk and started to leave but everything went worng they got hit by a metor and they all got killed Mark could olny watch as the shock wave threw him deeper into space his suits heating system was slowly failing and his oxygen would last for an hour mabey an few minutes at that. He was helpless in space the nereast station was lightyears away he started crying and saying good-bye to his family on a recording he hoped the next mission would find. Mark ate some of the food and water that he was required to keep in his suit. Mark was floating in the dark vacuum of space his oxygen tank was running low and he was slowly freezing to death. Suddenly a long slim purple ship appeared out of nowhere and he figured that he might just flag the ship. Before he had a chance to move some type of thing come out of the ship and it came wearing a type of space suit. It grabbed him just as he blacked
(Note: i made the grunt say what he did because he has almost no grammer skills)
(Unknown time later aboard the ship)
Mark woke up and took a deep breath he relised that he could breath, the light was dim, the room was warm. He quickly looked himself over and he found he was fine he looked up and saw a purple feield sort of thing in front of him and though it he saw alien he guessed that it was it that saved him. It spoke to him in a language that he did not understand. He said to it.
"I am sorry what are you saying" It had a certain look in his eyes and called over a smaller alien and said something to it. "Hi" the thing said in a squeaky voice. Mark backed in to the wall he was shocked. "Y-y-you speak English you little thing." The alien responded. "I not thing I Uggnoy and this our words" The uggnoy continued. "I told by the Sangheili to see if we speak the same language." Ah Mark thought so that is what those two are called. "Do you have a name Uggnoy" Mark asked the Uggnoy responded "My name Yipyap
human"he decided that yipyap was going to be his olny partial freind "sorry my name is mark" "The big one wanted to know the words before he turned on his word changer."
The Sangheili made a coughing noise and Yipyap scamperd away . It sayed in a deep gruff voice "human i am Chca 'Amsoree i was the one who found you in space and you have 2 choices you can be our one and olny genetic experament or you can die"Mark was thinking did he just want to die or did he want to live his life as who knows what he thought with all the technolgy the must have they must know what their are doing "I will do it" he said. His cell engery feild shut down and Chca led him to a room where he was required to strip and get examend for desiese and sickness after he was cleared he
was put on a cold metal tabel and he was knocked out by something.
Hnch 'Bycaree wached up and prepaird for the first operration to seperate the spinal cord form the bone and the rest of him and but it and the brain in a special engery field to keep it perfectly still and alive. She grunted in disgust at the work at hand it would be much more messy than normal because the human heart beated faster than the Sangheili heart and red blood was weird and gross. She knew this because this was the second experment the firs was held top secret by the nobel phophets Thuth and Mercey. She enterd the room where the human lay in a unconscious and started the first cut. After the operation they maganged to get a central wrom from a Legko and they removed out the nevoursos system and prepaird to do the second operation on what was left of the human. They had to enlarge the human spinal cord to let it go down the whole central worm the operation was a secceuss the real victory would come after to see if he was alive and could see move and speak still.
Mark woke up and moved his body in one fluid movement. Wait he thought i he tryed to move his legs and arms but he could not. Mark snapped open his eyes he found him self in a room with wounded Sangheili and uggnoy and some orther creatures that looked like birds and orthers that look like giant apes . he looked at his body he was a big red worm. He started panicing and a ugnoy ran and held him down "Mark" it said in a voice he reconized "yipyap" mark said "What has happend to me!?" Then Chca walked in and explained the situation to him "you said that you would be our experament so we have done what we would do." He continued "you are now a super solider after we finish you will be Ylre 'Rosuree's persnoal gaurd he is leading the legendary ship Ascendant Justice to destroy reach. Today you rest and tommorrow you train. Mark slowly drifted off to sleep.
Ultiamte Hunter chapter 1 (redone)
Date: 22 September 2006, 1:06 am
I have redone the story it has a new main char and orthers as well you will find out when u read it.
-------------------------Chapter 1--------------------------
Will woke up and crawled out of bed he scratched his dark red hair and went and took a shower, shaved and got dressed. He walked out of his house to go to the army base for his first day of training. He was crossing a field that led to the base and he saw a purple a dot in the horizon it was slowly getting bigger. Will had a feeling he should run away or hide but by the time he decided he was floating into the ship he did not think it was an unsc ship. Once he was in side he saw some sort of creatures and he was bound and knocked out.
Hnch 'Bycaree knocked out the human and put him on the floor he parted his mandibles in a smile to the pilot and said, "That was all the commander told us to get let's get up there and do what we need to do."
Will woke up and got up after the pain from being knocked out set in he had a splitting head ache there was a little ledge with some type of pill and a glass of took a drop on his finger and tasted it water! He drank the water and it was fine and had a slightly sweet flavor he looked around his cell it had a bed a ledge used as a table and there was a wall that looked like an energy field it had a purple tinge to it. He looked in to the two cells that he could see on the other side of the room he saw two other humans and feeling the energy of their cells. Then two aliens carried an unconscious human between them out of the room once they left "hey" one of the humans yelled at Will he looked at where the person had spoken "My name is Kevin and she is Cassie" He looked at the girl she smiled at him. He decided he should reply "I am Will" After a few more hours the same two aliens came back with a smaller alien and put in the cell next to Will and opened Kevin's cell and pulled him out and dragged him out of the room. Will and Cassie had a while to talk before the aliens came back with a bird like alien and tossed it into Kevin's cell and came to Will's cell they came to grab him but he fought back one of them grabbed him and held him down while the other forced the pills down Wills throat. Will felt his body become numb and he could not move as he was carried out he saw Cassie was in the corner wondering what they would do to them.
Isca 'Cahomee washed up and prepared for the third operation in a row the first was the hardest because she had to change the oxygen breathing brain to a methane breathing one. Changing humans into Uggnoy, Kig-Yar, Sangheili and Lekgolo. It was absurd but they would make great tools and heroes for each race. The next human was put on the table he was set to become a Lekgolo because had a quicker than normal reaction time. She began by freeing the brain and spinal cord from the bone she then put the spine and bone in the Lekgolo body and fused the skin and then gave it to the Sangheili and they took it to it's cell. She sighed she would do her last operation in *4 cycles but until then she started dissecting the simple human body.
Will groaned as he awoke he looked up and tried to stand but he fell over. In the corner there was a mass of orange worms he paused for a second. Will looked down he looked like one of them but he was red not orange. They started moving towards him he moved a lot faster than them but they still they hooked up to him he felt him self stand he could see and hear a lot better. Will felt the pure power then there was these weird creatures one of the worms that helped protect him told him they were harmless and would put their specialized armor on. After awhile the energy field died and he went though there were 3 other species the worm told him they were the same things as you an experiments he knew what Cassie had become the one like what had carried him out Kevin was the bird one and the little one was the other human "I am Peter" Said the short stubby thing called a uggnoy he remembered out of no where. He looked over his armor he had a mini armory in his shield and a his gun was a plasma cannon, plasma sword and fuel rod beam and cannon he was like a walking tank he had every thing he needed to know from his companions. The rest of his team needed training so he was put on his first mission while his teammates trained. To go aboard the flag ship Ascendant Justice and help with preparations for the assault on the planet the humans called Reach. He knew that he would of have died if they had not grabbed him so he had mixed feelings but with his companions in his armor and his fellow teem mates he felt that he was doing the right thing.