Trappped in Houston by Daniel Rennerr
Trapped Part Two : The Two Plans
Date: 14 April 2004, 1:59 AM
An elite squad was sent into occupied Houston, their squad name was Bravo Lance. Bravo Lance had gathered valued information from the city of Houston. The Covenant had figured out they are they were there, so Bravo Lance requested to be with drawled from the city. The U.N.S.C. obeyed and sent four Pelicans to get them out. Three Pelicans have been lost and the Marines stranded in Houston. The last remaining Pelican has made back to base. Now we continue in Trapped Part 2
0549 hrs. October 1st, 2554 (Military Calendar) U.N.S.C. Head Quarters in San Antonio, Texas
The pilot of Pelican 412 sat in the corridor waiting for the U.N.S.C. commander to arrive. Some Marines passed by arguing whether the Covenant would strike here next. "They are going to hit Victoria next", argued one Marine. "No they are coming here. Victoria is not that big", fought the other Marine. They kept walking down the dimly lit hall. The pilot noticed a man in an officers uniform. Looks likes he has just arrived he thought to himself. "Are you Corporal Saran", the officer asked in a very low pitched voice. "Yes, sir", answered the Corporal standing and saluting the officer. "No need for that now son", replied the officer. "The Commander couldn't make it in so I am going to debrief you. Quickly, inside here". The two men walked inside the room and sat down. "Now what had happened on the way up there", asked the officer.
"While we were on the way up there we lost one Pelican. Then in the city we lost the two carriers. The Colonel ordered me to evacuate". The officer was writing down every thing he said. "I pulled out as ordered. The other Pelican didn't obey. He flew over and tried to drop off his men. He got nailed and went down. I reckon the Marines are in the city somewhere".
"Thank you. That will be all", said the officer. The officer picked up his stuff and walked briskly out of the room.
0559 hrs. October 1st, 2554 (Military Calendar) Somewhere in Houston
The soldiers were tired from running through the building, trying to get to the subway. "We're almost there", shouted an elite warrior. The leader of the men so a patrol of Covenant infantry. He shot a flurry of bullets at them. He caught most of them off guard. One of them threw a plasma grenade. The grenade seemed to move in slow motion as he saw the last seconds pass by. An unselfish Marines pushed him out of the way and it stuck to him instead. He ran down the hall toward the Covenant and it exploded killing the rest of the Covenant, including him.
The soldiers finally made it to the subway. There they rested for awhile.
0623 hrs. October 1st, 2554 (Military Calendar) A U.N.S.C. base in Austin
General Lambrets was in his office reading "The Bible" when all loud knock came on his office door. "Come", he ordered putting his bookmark in his book. "Sir, Operation Get and Go was a failure. The Marines and Bravo Lance are trapped in the city", said the man. "Do you think it would be wise to attack the city and send those covenant scumbags wining for their moms", asked the general looking around the room and not at the officer, but around the room instead. "Sir, if you think it is wise then I do to". "See that picture their", asked the general. The officer shook his head. "That is me and Admiral Witcomb. I think he would try to save every man he could. I want you to inform the brass of an invasion of Houston as soon as they are ready. We need to get some ships ready to enter the harbor and some planes ready to bomb. I would like to make Houston one of our major forts in Texas". The officer had a look as if the General had gone insane, but he followed orders and went on his way. The General picked up the bible and started reading again. He was about half way through the book of Revelations. The last book in the bible, which is about the apocalypse.
0735 hrs. October 1st, 2554 (Military Calendar) In the subways under Houston
"We can get two snipers in this building", said the Tyrent. "There they can hit anyone they see. Then we can come up from under the city. We will try to find the command and kill him".
Colonel Herdam thought the plan would never work. "An assault on the base. That is the same as suicide. No, we need a plan that will get us somewhere".
"Then what do you suggest", replied Tyrent.
"I don't know".
"There here", yelled a Marine.
Out of almost dead silence came noise, loud noise. The dimly subway was now bright as day.