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Trapped Part : Gunned Down
Date: 24 February 2004, 1:29 AM
0432 hrs. October 1st, 2554(Military Calender) Pelican 324, over Spring, Texas
As Pelican 324 stormed toward Houston, Texas Private Webb wondered why the Covenant wanted the human race extinct. What did they ever do to deserve the bombardment from the Covenant. were they afraid that humans would be the ultimate power in the future. The pelican shook violently to the right as flak hit it. Webb saw some metal fall to the ground. The gunner at the back of the pelican started shooting. "Hold your fire. We need that ammo for the landing", ordered Colonel Herdam. "Lets go over this one more time, shall we. Our pelican and Pelican 542 will land us on the ground. We'll set up a perimeter so Bravo Lance can get out. We'll hold the base for as long as required. If every thing goes well , we'll be holding it for only five minutes at the most". The aircraft shuddered as anti-aircraft ammunition shot into the air. Pelican 278s wing burst into flames and started spinning out of control. Private Webb watched in horror as he saw Marines fall out of the airplane and hit the ground. "Great, we lost a gunship ", shouted Colonel Herdam enraged. "Our job just got a lot harder". "Two minutes until landing", announced one of the pilots. More anti-aircraft came into the air. Some bullets pierced through the armor on the pelican killing a few Marines. "My co-pilot has been hit", warned the pilot. The small group of pelicans entered the city. They traveled between the tall war damaged building. The Covenant shoot at them from the windows. "Now you can shoot", said Colonel Herdam. The gunner shot at the windows killing a few Grunts. Plasma flew into the pelican hitting a Marine in the stomach. He squirmed in pain and then fell over dead. "We're here",said the pilot lowering the pelican. The Marines jumped off the pelican shooting at the Covenant. "Take cover", ordered the Colonel. Corporal Wentz caught a needle in the back of the head. The needle exploded sending his brains everywhere. Bravo Lance started running for the pelican, but 324 was hit by a fuel rod cannon and hit the ground. Bravo Lance pulled back to where they were hiding. One elite warrior was shot in the leg. Two Marines pulled him under cover. "Private Webb, go see if the pilot is still alive", commanded the Colonel. "Yes sir", answered the private getting up into the open. Webb ran to the pelican dodging plasma. Meanwhile, Colonel Herdam told the last two remaining Pelicans to get out of there. Pelican 412 obeyed and started out of the city. Pelican 542 didn't, he flew to the drop zone taking plasma all over. It was hit in the engine. Some Marines were able to jump out, others weren't as lucky. The Pelican hit the side of the building and fell to the ground nine thousand feet away. "Did the radio make it off", asked the Colonel. "No", replied a solider. "Bravo, led us to your hiding spot", ordered the Col. "Its just inside this building", said Tyrent. "Follow me". The Marines followed them inside under heavy fire. A fuel rod cannon hit the last three Marines. The Marines followed Bravo Lance down the corridors. They reached a panel in the wall. A solider pulled it down and crawled inside. The rest of them followed. "Good, how many men do we have", asked Tyrent. "Twenty-four men sir", replied the Col. "Wait a minute, Where is Webb. "He was still in the Pelican", replied a solider. "You and you go see if he is still alive", ordered the Colonel. "Yes sir", replied the soldiers leaving the room. "All right, we are going to have to fight the Covenant until the U.N.S.C. realizes we're missing. If we stay here they will find us and kill us". "We know where the main base of operations is", cut in Tyrent. "Good", replied the Colonel. "So where is it". "It's a few blocks away". "That is what we will hit will we are here. Maybe if were lucky, we can disrupt what they are planing". The two Marines came in with Webb. "They were coming down in a bunch of Phantoms", said one off the soldiers. "We have got to get out of here". "Look, through here", said Tyrent pulling open a trapdoor. The soldiers followed him trough. While they were still going through they heard the Covenant coming closer. The last two Marines told the rest of the soldiers to keep going. They closed the door and pulled out there guns. They waited in silence. The Covenant busted into the room and the Marines fired. The fighting lasted fifteen second and then all silence. The Marines below kept moving.
To be continued.....
Trapped Chapter 3: First Strike
Date: 27 May 2005, 10:28 PM
0632 hrs. October 1st, 2554(Military Calendar) In the sewers underneath Houston, Texas
Is it possible to survive when at least seven hundred thousand enemy troops want your blood spilled? The Colonel didn't know, but he was willing to find out. And if he didn't then he would die along with twelve other men.
"This looks promising," said Printer consulting a map that he had just received. "Look here Colonel," he referred to a small cluster of troops with what looked like a big artillery cannon. "We can easily take them out and use that cannon for about three minutes. We could direct the shots toward this camp here."
He now pointed to a huge cluster of soldiers. From what it looked like they had a very nice makeshift camp right outside the main bulk of the city. This was no an attack for to take Conroe, the humans HQ in this area.
"With about three minutes we should be able to get six shots off and that might take out about two hundred of those Covenant infantry considering how close together they are," agreed the Colonel. He was a wise strategist, so if he liked it, it would most likely work. "Can you get me another print out of this battle station."
"No sir, we cant control the satellite from down here, these were sent to us by HQ," replied Printer, he was quickly typing in something that the Colonel couldn't recognize. "And now I have no internet, we cant ask them to send us more photos."
"Well that's that then, we strike tonight at 1200 hours, until then get some, and you have enough time to get a lot," ordered the Colonel already finding a sweet spot to lay down. Printer had shut down his laptop and stashed it in his backpack. He found a spot to lie down and fell asleep almost instantly.
1203 hrs. October 2nd, 2554(Military Calendar) In Beckanridge Hotel, Houston, Texas
"You had better pick out some good shots and not miss them," ordered the Colonel. He was standing next to Shorty, who had a sniper rested on a windowpane. He was looking for the first four highest ranking Elites he could take out first.
"I'm all over this Colonel, how much time do you need to get to the men before I shoot?" asked Shorty. He had a stash of sniper ammo next to him, he didn't plan on running out of ammo this fight.
"Gimme two minutes," said the Colonel raising two fingers to make sure he understood. Shorty nodded his head a looked into his scope. The Colonel toke off and met up with Printer halfway there. They continued to the rest of the men.
"I see you still use the MA5B," said Printer just now noticing that the Colonel was holding a retired Assault Rifle. "I thought they quit making the ammo for that!"
"I grabbed as much as I could before they were all transferred," informed the Colonel, "I still have about three months worth of ammo. I could never part with this gun until I'm out or dead. Although the BR55 is a great weapon too."
"Yeah, your old school," said Printer. The Colonel didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult, so he took it as a compliment.
They reached the rest of the men who were hunkered down just outside the perimeter of the cannon and its defenses. The Colonel said a quick prayer for him and his men and then the four shoots cracked off. Four Elites fell to the ground with their brains all over the place.
With this the Colonel popped up from behind the barrier screaming and yelling curse words at the Covenant. He fired into a group of Grunts before they had the time to react to the threat. The rest of the men were right behind him, shooting the targets and running through them like nothing.
Crack, crack, crack, crack, four more Elites dropped to the ground dead. The Marines were almost to the gun when the Covenant was finally able to get a grip on the situation. They were barricaded be whatever they could find and firing back at the Marines.
"Frag out," yelled Sub-Zero as he stood to throw a grenade. It flew through the air and perfectly landed right in the middle of some Grunts and Jackels. The ones caught off guard were blown into the air and the Marines cut down the ones who were able to run from it.
"Forward, Thompson when we reach the cannon hop on it and shot this coordinate and right around it. Do it none stop until I say get off," ordered the Colonel handing him a piece of paper. They went over this, but the Colonel just wanted to make sure. "Legend, stay with Thompson, if he dies the mission is scraped."
They Colonel ran forward to catch up with the rest of the Marine, by the time he got there Thompson was already firing the cannon. In the distance he could hear the destruction and see the glowing of bright blue in the sky from the destruction of plasma vehicles. The Marines and the sniper kept steady cover fire for the cannon. Then eight hunters cam from around a corner and charged the Marines.
To be Continued...