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To Marines- Nothing Is Impossible by Spartan117
Episode One - The Spartan
Date: 14 August 2003, 4:06 AM
-UNSC Mission Clock- 02:23:46 UNSC Time- 1454 O'clock Planet "Torago VI" October. Life Form: Human-
"Who is in command here?" Lieutenant Michael Gillespie asked the Master Chief with puzzlement in his voice.
A cool sly voice spoke to him "you are Lieutenant. All other officers are KIA or a possible MIA"
"Thank you uh..." the Lieutenant stuttered "Cortana" she said matter-of-factly
"Thank you Cortana" he said slowly. Cortana was a weird name to his ears
"Sir, I think you should see this," the green armored brute said, handing Michael binoculars.
The next area was heavily defended. And they probably expected them. Wraiths, at least six of them, Ghosts 200 tops, Elite's maybe sixteen. Hunters ten. And all THAT was just the first line.
"Cortana" The Lieutenant said "Yes Lieutenant?"
"Patch me in with all available UNSC Marine Combat radio's in the nine mile radius, on the double"
She processed the command for a full second "done, speak freely lieutenant"
* * * *
Private First Class Jason Williams heard Cortana over his radio, then a young officer.
"All Units, this is your CO speaking, repeat your Commanding Officer, these orders are for First, and Fifth Regiment. First regiment, move over to the right flank of the Covenant encampment, Fifth Regiment, I want you on the left flank. When I give the signal all men with Rocket Launchers will fire at enemy armor, all units with Sniper Rifles, hit enemy leaders, Elite's, Hunters, Jackals, then Grunts. After I give the second signal, i want every man on this planet to charge them. If you can, fix bayonets on your weapons."
The men from the two regiments quickly and silently pursued their objectives. They were the best we have. And they will win this war.
-UNSC Mission Clock: 1453 Hours UNSC Time- 1702 O'clock Planet- "Torago VI" Life Form: Human-
"Ok its time" Michael told the Master Chief Michael opened his com link and spoke "First and Fifth Regiments, are you ready?"
A few loud enthusiastic hurrahs! Were to be heard.
He was about to give the signal, about to attack, about to win! When Fifth regiment fell under attack
He heard a Private scream "Oh god! Oh god!" an Elite howled a battle cry, and heard plasma bolts. The Marines fired back he heard Rockets explode, and AR rifled rattle though the radio, then the last thing he heard was static. Michael looked over in the direction Fifth Regiment was. Plasma was being fired. And over ten minutes, you heard less and less AR chattering. Then finally none.
Cortanas voice calmed him, but only until the news was broken to him "Captain Isaac O'Brian wants all UNSC forces on Torago VI to get out of the planets atmosphere ASAP. He's preparing to launch Apocalypse and HAVOC class nuclear warheads on the planet. We have approximently one hour before this planet is eliminated. I suggest we move"
"Sir!" a private spoke "look" the private extended his finger towards the Convi base. Gillespie looked. Eight hundred ghosts were on their way to his position. He keyed his mike. "All UNSC force's fall back to the LZ, repeat get your Marine Core ass's off this mother fucking planet! NOW!" he screamed
Immediately the 6,000 men that were alive sprinted towards the Pelicans direction. They were going to cover 80 kilometers in one hour? Probably would, but not likely.
"Squad" Michael said pivoting to face his twelve men. "Get into as many Vehicles that are not already commandeered and transport as many men to the LZ as fast as humanly possible, understood?"
His men looked at him sharply Saluted crisply, and yelled "Sir, Yes, Sir! Hurrah!" and ran off
The Master Chief had different intentions then the Marines. Instead he picked up the M 19 SSM Rocket Launcher. He intended to fight!
"Chief I urge you to fall back. You cannot take eight-hundred ghosts on your own!" The Chief ignored him. Instead he pushed the zoom button on the Launcher, landed it on his shoulder, and fired. Waited a second, and fired again.
Michael watched the large rocket fly straight and true and hit the ground in the middle of the Ghost formation. it took fifteen Ghosts out, making Elite's and shrapnel fly, Thirty other Ghosts exploded by shrapnel chunks and chain reactions.
Michael was dumbfounded. He stared as the second rocket hit. The rocket must have hit some fuel tank and plasma grenades because there was a huge redish-orangish-blueish-whitesh explosion causing the biggest chain reaction of explosions taking out at least four hundred Ghosts or more.
The other three hundred Ghosts pummeled though the Smoke and began firing blindly. The MC rammed two more rockets home. Michael picked up a nearby Sniper Rifle someone had dropped in the run, Zoomed close up onto one of the Ghosts and saw the new enemy some of the Officers were talking about in the Officers club. The new enemy titled "Brute". He shot the hairy beast in the face and grinned.
The MC fired two rockets as fast as possible dropped the launcher and sprinted for a vehicle. Michael tried to keep up.
Fifty Banshees took flight and followed the two-hundred Ghosts in pursuit of the elusive Humans
The Chief jumped into a nearby Warthog seat, and started her up. Michael followed panting, and jumped into the Gunner position, strapped his feet down so he wouldn't fall out on sharp turns or bumpy roads and began firing the almost limitless ammunition at the almost limitless amount of enemies.
-Covenant Outpost- 0091304 Covenant Military Time: 3653 Hours Life Form: Covenant-
Field Master Zag Tamamee, as the humans dubbed "Elite" had called for evacuation. He had trained to be a leader ever since he was a little Elite. He was the top of all his class's, and had killed 37 humans at close combat. He had eleven colorful Campaign ribbons that stuck out on his Gold armor. He was the best.
Sag Radamamee a Special Op, black armored Field Master Rank 3 was a great ally. He had twice as many ribbons, and killed four times as many humans. Radamamee entered the cruiser that had just arrived with Tamamee quietly.
A battle raged outside. All the other Elite's were chasing down humans in Ghosts and Banshees, perhaps even on foot.
-Poor Humans- he thought not meaning it.
As his personal Battleship began lifting off hundreds of red blots appeared on his motion sensor. He knew the humans were bombing the planet. In ten minutes, so would everyone else.
"The Prophets will not be pleased with your early arrival" Radamamee told him
"you'd rather stay behind and die with my men?" Tomamee told with sarcasm in his voice
Radamamee gave a long loud disgruntled laugh. Then Tamamees personal Ship "annihilation" lifted off into the empty void the Universe called space
* * * *
"Ok, let's go" Cortana said "No wait!" a voice called out
The Lieutenant turned his attention to the voice that had called them. There was a young Marine from Fifth Regiments position that had miraculously survived. Though he had been shot a number of times, he was running at full speed. "Wait for him" the Officer ordered.
Behind the LeatherNeck was a horde of three thousand Covenant bastards. Elite's, Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters. The whole mixed bag. "Double time it Boy!" Gillespie ordered him.
The Soldier finally reached the side seat and the MC slammed his foot down on the gas "I lost my weapons sir" the Marine said.
Michael tossed his Assault Rifle and two clips to him "its all i got" he told "make good use of it, what's your name Boy?" he asked.
He stumbled over his words for a moment, caught his breath and finally spat out "Private First Class Jason Williams Sir!" Jason Saluted.
"Alright" Michael said "Ten Minutes" Cortana warned "Banshees, coming in hot!" Jason screamed
Michael open fired with the LAAG Mounted Machine Gun, and several Banshees fell within seconds.
The Chief drove though some smoking Warthog wreckage. Michael inhaled deeply. This was his first time in combat, and he loved every second of it. But right now, he loved the feeling of urgency. The feeling of get out in ten minutes or die sounded good, he loved to hear his heart race. The Officer smiled, and pulled the trigger on the LAAG, destroying the never ending pursing enemy only known as the Covenant.
Cortana watched Michael as he took Covenant lives away. He was like the Chief.
They both lived for this.
"Two Pelican Dropships dead ahead!" Jason Hollered. He viewed to his left, seeing a Ghost pilot had caught up with them, he took out a dry pistol and tossed it at the Elite. It smacked him square in the face making him spin out of control, it rammed the Ghost into the ground followed up by an explosion Jason cheered at his fluked victory.
"Sorry Warthog team" Lieutenant Tom Stray told them "any more passengers on this ship and we ain't getting off this rock. Theirs a dropship about a kilometer down-a-ways, your men in tanks are heading towards it"
MC didn't wait for her to finish, he hit the gas petal and drove off leaving the Pelicans to lift off without them.
"I see'em!" Jason said with a new perk in his voice, he pointed out to several tanks moving down the field, then flinched holding his wounds.
The thirty Ghosts and Banshees that followed and caught up significantly and were in range to fire at them. a dozen blue blazing plasma bolts hit the back bumper of the Warthog melting the rubber. The stench of burning rubber made his eyes tear.
Jason saw this as a problem, and tossed a Fragmentation Grenade out the back, taking some Brutes and Elite's out. Bluish Greenish blood spewed out from the wreckage.
"Ten Seconds" Cortana warned "Get out" Master Chief yelled
Williams, Gillespie, Master Chief, and Cortana boarded the Pelican "impenetrable" followed by ten Marines.
Michael watched as Death rained from the sky. HAVOK tactical Nukes and Apocalypse Class Nukes hit the ground, making mushroom cloud after mushroom cloud. Finally, the pelican lifted off. And for the first time since he was in the military he thought he had escaped hell but the only thing he had escaped was death. Hell would be back, and in many numbers. And to put it simply, he would have to fight off all Hell to survive.
After "Impenetrable" escaped the planet's atmosphere Captain Isaac O'Brian came onto the Pelicans speakerphones. "I assume the mission was a success. Good job out their today men. When we return to Earth City, all non commissioned officers report to your barracks for R and R" Non Coms cheered "all officers report to the town California, I will have orders for the surviving officers. Also, will the Spartan arrive as well. Report at 1200 Hours. That's all"
All but the Chief cheered.
* * * *
-Covenant Homeward (unknown) City- Tarigo Area- Council of Prophets Occasion- Failure.-
Tomamee entered the hall of the Prophets. He, if he wanted to, could Slaughter the Prophets whom controlled this war. And do not mistake, he had thought of it. He even planed it out. To kill one prophet at a time. But he couldn't. It would lower moral, and start rebellious acts if he did. So he crammed his problems down his pocket as he usually did. And continued his life. He was getting punished for leaving his men down there to die. Was it fair? To him, no.
He pushed two big double doors open and entered the Council of Prophets. It looked like he stood in the middle of a miniature coliseum of sorts. Radamamee was already here, sitting in the Council chairs.
The highest Prophet spoke "Zag Tamamee you have failed to keep the Human planet in Covenant hands, and have left six-thousand Covenant Soldiers behind to die. For that, we charge you with Failure, Cowardice, and Murder. You would serve a life in prison, but instead, we congratulate you."
Tamamee was shocked "Congratulate? why excellency?"
He spoke again "We have reason to believe that your Soldiers have been planing a rebellion against you, and to kill all of the Prophets. So, for our great thanks, we will promote you First Class Field Master Special Operations. Radamamee will be your second in command. Remove your equipment from your office, and move it to area 962 compound A"
Zag Tamamee was stupefied. He wasn't in trouble. His evil ways had done his race good... And on top of all that, he was being promoted as well!
"Report to the Armory at 2530 to pick up your Advanced Armor. You are now the most feared Officer in the Covenant Army."
Tamamee gave a smile, bowed respectfully and said. "Thank you your excellencies"
As he walked out of the room he thought. -Its like baking a cake and eating it to! And oh, did it taste good! -
* * * *
-Camp Penaltin California UNSC Earth time: 12:34 Captain Isaac O'Brian's office Date: November 23 2552-
Lieutenant Michael Gillespie, Master Chief, and a Captain with Severally broken bones stood before a Naval Captain. Michael and MC gave crisp Salutes, Captain Jonathan Conners would have saluted, but his arm was sprained, and couldn't move it.
"Sir" the Marine Captain addressed the Naval Captain "If I could salute you, I would"
"I know ya would" Isaac said "good man" the Naval Captain paced for a second, gathering his words, moved in front of his desk and spoke "at ease, your in United Nations Earth City, the safest place besides Reach. Now, to the things at hand" Michael thought he sounded like a business man. "I called you here because well, frankly, we need a task force. Spartan-117 and the ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troops, or Hell Jumpers) are the only Special Forces we got nowadays. I saw on Battle.Cam what you did out there with 117." He turned a Huge TV on behind him, and they watched as the MC and Michael combated the Ghosts. "General Howitz sees fit to give you these Michael" he open his clutched fist revealing Marine Captain Bars. Michael shook, took, and saluted.
"Thank you sir" Gillespie said
"The paper work is coming, for now its official. Now, the Covenant are coming to Earth City fat dumb and happy, and there is no stopping them now."
Michael's heart sank.
"In fact, they have already landed in Africa, they think they have the element of surprise Well now we do. I don't know how to put this in words, so ill just spit it out. You, and ten other men will become Spartan III's for now, get nineteen men ready for touchdown tomorrow in South Africa. We will pick ten men out of the surviving men you bring back. Sorry we have no MOJINER armor for you at this time. In Exactly two months, a new version of the armor will come in. after the Africa operation you will have Three months of intense training to cram everything that 117 knows into your head. Understood?"
"Sir Yes Sir!" The Soldiers yelled
They understood They understood they were Spartan III's, they understood that this is the hardest time in all time and history, and they understood that they were the last hope for humanity. And they were going to win this war, or die trying.
-Episode 2 coming soon! Hoped you like it! Sorry for spelling Chief wrong in the prologue (for the prologue look for author Michael Gillespie)
Episode 2: The Spartans
Date: 14 August 2003, 7:08 AM
Battle of South Africa UNSC Time- 22:31 O'clock Mission Clock- 00:00:04
"Enemies Spotted" Corporal James Toye said over his helmet mike.
"What do we have Gold team?" Captain Michael Gillespie asked over the five-pound team radio.
There were four teams consisting of five men each. There was Red team, Master Cheif, Staff Sargent Joey Dowel, Lance Corporal Tom Lancier, and privates Stanley Hoppets and Bill Tanway. All was carrying standard infantry weapons.
There was Blue team. The other infantry team. Captain Michael Gillespie was on it. Jason Williams was promoted to Lance Corporal, First Sargent Thomas Williams (no relation) and Privates Quinn McFreaten, the only girl, and Michael Jerrahe.
Green team was a heavy weapons team, Shotguns, Rocket Launchers, and un-mounted LAAG Machine Guns. Sergeant Jerry Tonwhee, Corporals Donny langwy and sunny Torahee and Privates Tom and Sherman Boyweed brothers
Gold team was the sniper team, three snipers, and two Assault Rifle. Snipers were Corporal James Toye and Matthew Joehanson. Private's Leon Kender and Zack Dubai were Covers.
"Five dropships sir, two Hunters, Seven Elite's, Eight Jackals, and twenty Grunts, all Black Armor." James Replied with a calm voice.
"Not much of an invasion force and its more like eight or nine drops-" Michael was interrupted as James chattered furiously
"We have a Second Covenant encampment repeat a second encampment, twice as many men!"
"Alright, red team move up to us, Gold team, kill as many of those hard Core Elite bastards as you can. Green team Hit'em with rockets on my signal, Blue and red will move up, Cover us from your position Gold team, on my mark..."
* * * *
Zag Tamamee was now feared by all. In just one month. Humans and covenant alike. He was the highest Special forces officer possible. He had eight plasma grenades; Black/ Cyan colored armor, a plasma rifle, and a plasma blade on the left arm.
You could see the light blue color in pitch-black dark. But he is not afraid to be seen. About one eighth of his forces went to patrol earlier. Where had they gone?
Radamamee walked in to his tent. "ahhh, so this is how "The Ripper" lives" He said. Tamamee only stood straighter.
"I forgot" he continued "why did the humans call you that?"
"Well, I enjoy firing a plasma bolt into their knee cap, then slice them in two!"
They both laughed
They had been very good friends since they were small.
"Sir" Daco, a black-red armored Grunt walked in, bowing
Tamamee Growled "What!" he shouted
The grunt startled, let out a small bark "sorry to disturb your Excellency" he said quickly. "But the men you sent out on patrol well... they passed out drunk east of camp"
The Ripper let out a loud roaring scream "Deceived me!" he cried
Radamamee interrupted "do not kill them all"
Ripper let out a smile "not all!" and walked out
Sag Radamamee grinned and followed charging his big feed through Daco. Daco had to jump out of the Elite's way as to not to get smashed, stood up, and let loose a wheeze
As Tamamee was half way there, he heard three distinctive cracks of Sniper Rifle Fire. "we are discovered" The Ripper said though gritted teeth "mission failed. Radamamee, radio all Jackals and Elite's to get into the dropships"
Seconds later Radamamee had finished Tamamee's request and four dropships lifted off.
"Time for our retreat old friend" Tamamee said "Yes, live to fight another day" Radamamee replied Tamamee revealed a quick deep giggle and boarded the Covenant craft for lift off.
* * * *
Two huge explosions erupted from Green team. "Great shots Green team" Captain Gillespie said. "Red team lead, well follow, Gold team, how's it going up there?"
"Four Elite's and two Hunters down. Six Convi Dropships escaped. Whatever's down there, is staying down there." James replied
"Roger that Gold team, Blue team out" Michael looked around "Chief, you take point, your armor gives you the advantage" He nodded and proned his body and crawled though the thick midnight dew.
* * * *
Duru and Karu were the only Hunter survivors left on the Human world. Thirty lowly Grunts surrounded them in one large circle. They were left for dead. They all knew it. Duru searched around for Hostels.
Suddenly twelve cracks of Human Sniper Rifles rang in their ears. Four of the armor piercing round hit Karu, making him fall on his massive knees to support him from his injures. Four more sharp bullets hit him dead in the face, killing him before he hit the ground. It happened in five seconds.
Four rounds flew at Duru and bounced uselessly at his massive shield. Thirty more grunts that had been hiding came out to see Karus dead prone body. They fired wildly into the positions the bullets came from, to no avail. Duru motioned them to cease-fire, Carefully aimed his Fuel Rod Cannon, and Fired two shots out of rage.
* * * *
James Toye had missed all four of his shots, rammed a Sniper clip home, cocked the charging handle back again, and resumed aiming, there were now sixty grunts on the field. And two green pulsing Fuel Rod Bolts headed his way.
As Michael and the rest of Red and Blue team crawled through the elephant grass, they heard Gold teams deathly screams over the radio, he heard two loud booms, and three different screams. "thi s Gold one, we wer hi by fue rod can ons. I have Two dea and ne wounded, our radio has be n hi-" Then static. "Green team, get to Gold teams position and give them medical care, Quinn is a certified medic."
"Understood!" Sargent Jerry Tonwhee acknowledged.
* * * *
Duru was happy with himself. He had heard the screams of death. He did not enjoy that victory for very long however, because two explosive slugs slammed him in his face. Now nobody could recognize him.
Tayat, the highest-ranking Grunt Covenant Noncom here barked the order fire. Suddenly, Needles and plasma alike fired in the direction from where the slugs were fired. The Human fired another ten rounds, taking down Kayak, Jayaj, Dayad, Sayad, and Aayaa. Tayat ordered a retreat.
* * * *
Michael got up from his prone position and began firing his AR in quick succession. Taking down a few Grunts as they ran. Just as he began reloading his dry Assault Rifle Three Grunts flanked the officer. The Captain Hurled his Assault Rifle at the Red armored Grunt, knocking him and his weapon down. Michael charged the now retreating Grunts, He took out his M-Bar Combat Knife and jammed it deeply inside of the Grunts now brainless head, the Red Grunt got back up to try and run, but Michael ripped his Methane Mask off depleting him of suitable air to breath. The final Grunt turned around to toss a Plasma Grenade, but two Pistol rounds hit him in the face killing him instantly. Michael Turned to see the Master Chiefs now smoking pistol still trained on the dead Grunt, he lowered his aim a bit, and slaughtered the choking Grunt with ten rounds "Thanks for the Help Chief." the Officer said.
"Any time" he replied calmly
Over the radio, Green team was checking in. "Green team, to Blue team, Gold team has suffered two deaths, one minorly injured man, and two fine men."
"roger, report who's alive" The Officer asked
"Corporal James Toye, Zack Dubbah, and Robert Blant was injured" Sargent Tonwhee reported
"Alright Sargent, thanks, about fifty grunts retreated from the forest, get down here and mow them down" The Captain said.
Tonwhee laughed "you got it, the Rippers men will be ripped!" he laughed again at his own joke, slid down from the hill with four of his men, and began firing the heavy weapons.
* * * *
Tayat was confused. Were the bullets coming at him, or coming with him. He finally motioned his men around and ran the other direction. His men were down to thirty. Finally after a few minutes of running, they were back where they started, surrounded by Fourteen Humans. Tayat barked an order, and all twenty off the Grunts that were left, began firing a barrage of plasma.
* * * *
Cortana heard one of the Grunts bark the order "Fire" the next thing she knew, barrages of plasma bolts were coming her way. The Master Chief fired his M6D ammunition, then switched to his AR and mowed some Grunts down
The small aliens gunned for Green team, probably because they had the heavy weapons. They fell within seconds. This combat was much to close for the Master Chief to stand, the men couldn't stand this kind of firepower, and he motioned them to retreat. They lost Michael Jerrahe on the five-foot retreat. The ten grunts that were left rejoiced.
* * * *
"Great job Tayat" gayag complemented "You drove them back! You're the best!" zayaz told him wayaw raied his weapon in the air and before he could say anything, a bullet went thought the back of his head, he fell on the floor. Now just a useless dead heap of unimportance. Yet, Tayat still cared about his men. Two more shots rang out, killing Zayaz and gayag.
* * * *
Corpral James Toye and Zack Dubbah had begun firing on the Grunts. Killing them slowly. Suddenly the Chief ran out into their view and they watched as he rammed his weapon into their faces.
* * * *
Tayat stood very still, and dropped his weapon as the big green armored Human killed his squad mates. He finally put his gaze on Tayat. He picked up some of the Methane tank's, about thirty days worth of them. Then, the last thing he could remember was the Humans fist knocking him out.
-Covenant Central Command, Planet Celzar- the Snow Planet Covenant time 0023 Hours.
Tamamee had reached Covenant Central Command shamed that he had not stayed and fought with the rest of his men. Though his mission orders came straight from the High Prophet. -If we are discovered, you must retreat immediately.- He was so angry he could hardly see, she fired some bolts into the ground, took a deep breath and said. "Better..."
He looked at the folders on his desk he opened them they read:
Orders Straight from the High Prophet's:
Humans have infected this planet long before you and your men arrived. Destroy the Human force here before they grow any stronger. you will need reinforcements. I have the Battleship and Carrier ship "Armada Twins" waiting for you in space's orbit. Whenever you need reinforcements. They will be sent and will reach you within five minutes.
-High Prophet-
Tamamee Grunted happily. This was his time to shine
-Camp Pentaltin California Central Command. UNSC Time: 14:00 Hours.-
Captain Isaac O'Brain stood outside with the future Spartan III's "you will begin your intense training... now!"
A bad ass black Master Sergeant walked out of a building practically covered in Campaign Ribbons and Medals walked out grinning. I am "Master Sargent Mike Mancolla! We will do roll call tomorrow to see who live though that mission and who happened to die. Not that I care or anything" he laughed slowly and walked up to the Captain got up into his face and yelled "We haven't got a lot of time to do this, and I won't let up young man! If you even twitch at me the wrong way i will break you in two, you will not see the light of fucken day again understand?"
Michael felt acquired "Sir, yes Sir!" he yelled
"Good!" he said, it sounded more like Guuud "Then let the training begin"
Episode Three Coming Soon!
Episode 2- The Spartan's
Date: 15 August 2003, 2:45 AM
Battle of South Africa UNSC Time- 22:31 O'clock Mission Clock- 00:00:04
"Enemies Spotted" Corporal James Toye said over his helmet mike.
"What do we have Gold team?" Captain Michael Gillespie asked over the five-pound team radio.
There were four teams consisting of five men each. There was Red team, Master Cheif, Staff Sargent Joey Dowel, Lance Corporal Tom Lancier, and privates Stanley Hoppets and Bill Tanway. All was carrying standard infantry weapons.
There was Blue team. The other infantry team. Captain Michael Gillespie was on it. Jason Williams was promoted to Lance Corporal, First Sargent Thomas Williams (no relation) and Privates Quinn McFreaten, the only girl, and Michael Jerrahe.
Green team was a heavy weapons team, Shotguns, Rocket Launchers, and un-mounted LAAG Machine Guns. Sergeant Jerry Tonwhee, Corporals Donny langwy and sunny Torahee and Privates Tom and Sherman Boyweed brothers
Gold team was the sniper team, three snipers, and two Assault Rifle. Snipers were Corporal James Toye and Matthew Joehanson. Private's Leon Kender and Zack Dubai were Covers.
"Five dropships sir, two Hunters, Seven Elite's, Eight Jackals, and twenty Grunts, all Black Armor." James Replied with a calm voice.
"Not much of an invasion force and its more like eight or nine drops-" Michael was interrupted as James chattered furiously
"We have a Second Covenant encampment repeat a second encampment, twice as many men!"
"Alright, red team move up to us, Gold team, kill as many of those hard Core Elite bastards as you can. Green team Hit'em with rockets on my signal, Blue and red will move up, Cover us from your position Gold team, on my mark..."
* * * *
Zag Tamamee was now feared by all. In just one month. Humans and covenant alike. He was the highest Special forces officer possible. He had eight plasma grenades; Black/ Cyan colored armor, a plasma rifle, and a plasma blade on the left arm.
You could see the light blue color in pitch-black dark. But he is not afraid to be seen. About one eighth of his forces went to patrol earlier. Where had they gone?
Radamamee walked in to his tent. "ahhh, so this is how "The Ripper" lives" He said. Tamamee only stood straighter.
"I forgot" he continued "why did the humans call you that?"
"Well, I enjoy firing a plasma bolt into their knee cap, then slice them in two!"
They both laughed
They had been very good friends since they were small.
"Sir" Daco, a black-red armored Grunt walked in, bowing
Tamamee Growled "What!" he shouted
The grunt startled, let out a small bark "sorry to disturb your Excellency" he said quickly. "But the men you sent out on patrol well... they passed out drunk east of camp"
The Ripper let out a loud roaring scream "Deceived me!" he cried
Radamamee interrupted "do not kill them all"
Ripper let out a smile "not all!" and walked out
Sag Radamamee grinned and followed charging his big feed through Daco. Daco had to jump out of the Elite's way as to not to get smashed, stood up, and let loose a wheeze
As Tamamee was half way there, he heard three distinctive cracks of Sniper Rifle Fire. "we are discovered" The Ripper said though gritted teeth "mission failed. Radamamee, radio all Jackals and Elite's to get into the dropships"
Seconds later Radamamee had finished Tamamee's request and four dropships lifted off.
"Time for our retreat old friend" Tamamee said "Yes, live to fight another day" Radamamee replied Tamamee revealed a quick deep giggle and boarded the Covenant craft for lift off.
* * * *
Two huge explosions erupted from Green team. "Great shots Green team" Captain Gillespie said. "Red team lead, well follow, Gold team, how's it going up there?"
"Four Elite's and two Hunters down. Six Convi Dropships escaped. Whatever's down there, is staying down there." James replied
"Roger that Gold team, Blue team out" Michael looked around "Chief, you take point, your armor gives you the advantage" He nodded and proned his body and crawled though the thick midnight dew.
* * * *
Duru and Karu were the only Hunter survivors left on the Human world. Thirty lowly Grunts surrounded them in one large circle. They were left for dead. They all knew it. Duru searched around for Hostels.
Suddenly twelve cracks of Human Sniper Rifles rang in their ears. Four of the armor piercing round hit Karu, making him fall on his massive knees to support him from his injures. Four more sharp bullets hit him dead in the face, killing him before he hit the ground. It happened in five seconds.
Four rounds flew at Duru and bounced uselessly at his massive shield. Thirty more grunts that had been hiding came out to see Karus dead prone body. They fired wildly into the positions the bullets came from, to no avail. Duru motioned them to cease-fire, Carefully aimed his Fuel Rod Cannon, and Fired two shots out of rage.
* * * *
James Toye had missed all four of his shots, rammed a Sniper clip home, cocked the charging handle back again, and resumed aiming, there were now sixty grunts on the field. And two green pulsing Fuel Rod Bolts headed his way.
As Michael and the rest of Red and Blue team crawled through the elephant grass, they heard Gold teams deathly screams over the radio, he heard two loud booms, and three different screams. "thi s Gold one, we wer hi by fue rod can ons. I have Two dea and ne wounded, our radio has be n hi-" Then static. "Green team, get to Gold teams position and give them medical care, Quinn is a certified medic."
"Understood!" Sargent Jerry Tonwhee acknowledged.
* * * *
Duru was happy with himself. He had heard the screams of death. He did not enjoy that victory for very long however, because two explosive slugs slammed him in his face. Now nobody could recognize him.
Tayat, the highest-ranking Grunt Covenant Noncom here barked the order fire. Suddenly, Needles and plasma alike fired in the direction from where the slugs were fired. The Human fired another ten rounds, taking down Kayak, Jayaj, Dayad, Sayad, and Aayaa. Tayat ordered a retreat.
* * * *
Michael got up from his prone position and began firing his AR in quick succession. Taking down a few Grunts as they ran. Just as he began reloading his dry Assault Rifle Three Grunts flanked the officer. The Captain Hurled his Assault Rifle at the Red armored Grunt, knocking him and his weapon down. Michael charged the now retreating Grunts, He took out his M-Bar Combat Knife and jammed it deeply inside of the Grunts now brainless head, the Red Grunt got back up to try and run, but Michael ripped his Methane Mask off depleting him of suitable air to breath. The final Grunt turned around to toss a Plasma Grenade, but two Pistol rounds hit him in the face killing him instantly. Michael Turned to see the Master Chiefs now smoking pistol still trained on the dead Grunt, he lowered his aim a bit, and slaughtered the choking Grunt with ten rounds "Thanks for the Help Chief." the Officer said.
"Any time" he replied calmly
Over the radio, Green team was checking in. "Green team, to Blue team, Gold team has suffered two deaths, one minorly injured man, and two fine men."
"roger, report who's alive" The Officer asked
"Corporal James Toye, Zack Dubbah, and Robert Blant was injured" Sargent Tonwhee reported
"Alright Sargent, thanks, about fifty grunts retreated from the forest, get down here and mow them down" The Captain said.
Tonwhee laughed "you got it, the Rippers men will be ripped!" he laughed again at his own joke, slid down from the hill with four of his men, and began firing the heavy weapons.
* * * *
Tayat was confused. Were the bullets coming at him, or coming with him. He finally motioned his men around and ran the other direction. His men were down to thirty. Finally after a few minutes of running, they were back where they started, surrounded by Fourteen Humans. Tayat barked an order, and all twenty off the Grunts that were left, began firing a barrage of plasma.
* * * *
Cortana heard one of the Grunts bark the order "Fire" the next thing she knew, barrages of plasma bolts were coming her way. The Master Chief fired his M6D ammunition, then switched to his AR and mowed some Grunts down
The small aliens gunned for Green team, probably because they had the heavy weapons. They fell within seconds. This combat was much to close for the Master Chief to stand, the men couldn't stand this kind of firepower, and he motioned them to retreat. They lost Michael Jerrahe on the five-foot retreat. The ten grunts that were left rejoiced.
* * * *
"Great job Tayat" gayag complemented "You drove them back! You're the best!" zayaz told him wayaw raied his weapon in the air and before he could say anything, a bullet went thought the back of his head, he fell on the floor. Now just a useless dead heap of unimportance. Yet, Tayat still cared about his men. Two more shots rang out, killing Zayaz and gayag.
* * * *
Corpral James Toye and Zack Dubbah had begun firing on the Grunts. Killing them slowly. Suddenly the Chief ran out into their view and they watched as he rammed his weapon into their faces.
* * * *
Tayat stood very still, and dropped his weapon as the big green armored Human killed his squad mates. He finally put his gaze on Tayat. He picked up some of the Methane tank's, about thirty days worth of them. Then, the last thing he could remember was the Humans fist knocking him out.
-Covenant Central Command, Planet Celzar- the Snow Planet Covenant time 0023 Hours.
Tamamee had reached Covenant Central Command shamed that he had not stayed and fought with the rest of his men. Though his mission orders came straight from the High Prophet. -If we are discovered, you must retreat immediately.- He was so angry he could hardly see, she fired some bolts into the ground, took a deep breath and said. "Better..."
He looked at the folders on his desk he opened them they read:
Orders Straight from the High Prophet's:
Humans have infected this planet long before you and your men arrived. Destroy the Human force here before they grow any stronger. you will need reinforcements. I have the Battleship and Carrier ship "Armada Twins" waiting for you in space's orbit. Whenever you need reinforcements. They will be sent and will reach you within five minutes.
-High Prophet-
Tamamee Grunted happily. This was his time to shine
-Camp Pentaltin California Central Command. UNSC Time: 14:00 Hours.-
Captain Isaac O'Brain stood outside with the future Spartan III's "you will begin your intense training... now!"
A bad ass black Master Sergeant walked out of a building practically covered in Campaign Ribbons and Medals walked out grinning. I am "Master Sargent Mike Mancolla! We will do roll call tomorrow to see who live though that mission and who happened to die. Not that I care or anything" he laughed slowly and walked up to the Captain got up into his face and yelled "We haven't got a lot of time to do this, and I won't let up young man! If you even twitch at me the wrong way i will break you in two, you will not see the light of fucken day again understand?"
Michael felt acquired "Sir, yes Sir!" he yelled
"Good!" he said, it sounded more like Guuud "Then let the training begin"
Episode Three Coming Soon! (sorry, i keep giving other people my credet!)
Episode 3- Who Said Being Human Was Easy?
Date: 15 August 2003, 5:46 AM
The Battle of Celzar Colony - Ice Planet Date: December Three (3) UNSC time: 1431 Celzar Colony Time: 1231
Sargent Major Dick Casen was a bad ass. He had a defensive line to hold and he was going to hold it. But he was surprised to see fifty Marines charging at his line with pale faces.
"Corporal Howie, how much weapons do we have available?"
"Enough for one hundred thirty-seven Marines sir." he replied lazily. Howie sighed slowly and started fiddling with his radio
Casen watched the Marines reached the line, and told them to halt " Get a weapon, your part of my platoon now!"
Howie had already set them up into neat rows. First the Assault Rifles, Shotguns next, M6D's, Sniper Rifles, Rocket Launcher, then last but definitely not least the famous MRE's.
They quickly gathered up weapons and ammo they were trained to use, made sure their gun was loaded, then picked up an MRE and began chowing down. Dick watched his loyal men and smiled
* * * *
Tamamee watched from the ice-cold ridge as the Humans reinforced their lines. He pivoted his body to Radamamee "Take your men up the middle and crush them" he said, chewing a Human substance labeled, "Winter Fresh, Double Mint" he liked the sound of that "I'll have my men in reserves"
"Yes Excellency" and ran off to complete his task. Eight Elite's came behind Tamamee "I am Iamamee, I have seen your files and am not impressed, I came here because you will need my support" Iamamee said as if he was King.
This royally pissed Tamamee of. He pulled out his Plasma pistol, shot him in the face with a charged blast, and Shoved the stubborn Elite off the cliff.
"Nobody talks to me that way" the Elite said angrily. Seven Elite's bowed.
* * * *
Cased watched as more then one hundred Covenant Soldiers rushed his defensive line. Hey keyed his old radio and Barked "all Snipers fire at will, Rocket Jockeys, wait units they're closer" He heard a few Yes Sir's then finally saw it. A Black/Sage armored Elite only knows to Covenant prisoners as "Radamamee" a human mass murder "all units, concentrate your fire on Radamamee! Repeat, hit the Black/Sage Elite!"
* * * *
Three Rounds of Sniper ammo slammed into his shield putting Radamamee on his ass. And not much could put him on his ass. He knew this was Suicide. Tamamee always said Humans were dumb, primitive, and unworthy at combat. But he was wrong.
He stood up and Continued to Charge "Fire at will!" he commanded. A barrage of plasma hit the front line. Radamamee knew humans were the better close combat fighters and usually never gave up. They may be dumb and primitive but they were the gods of the ground. They were caring, loving creatures that cared about their men. They would even die trying to save a dead man. He admired that.
Truth be told. Radamamee was honored to combat such a race
* * * *
The Covenant were feet away from the front line. Seconds away from him. He didn't have to give the fire order. Everyone was already shooting.
Casen pulled out a bayonet and shoved it though a charging Elite's armor killing him and splattering purplish-bluish slime on his face. He put the bayonet onto his Assault Rifle and began emptying his magazine into a group of Jackals. Their leader fell, but the other three held their deflective shields up, denying him the right of passage.
He didn't enjoy being denied, so he lobbed a fragmentation grenade and slaughtered the stubborn aliens. Suddenly, twelve sneaky little Grunts quickly fell in front of Casen as he reloaded.
The Grunts barked laughs. One even said "He's a dead man!" in their childish voice. A red armored Grunt barked a command when Howie ran up behind the Grunts, and hurled a barrage of sixty bullets into their childlike body.
Howie winked and gave a thumbs up when three plasma bolts slammed him in the back spreading Howies blood on the death cold snow, as if you were spreading butter on bread. Howie fell to his knees, and fell over sideways, revealing Radamamee with a smoking Plasma Rifle.
Eight Marines and a medic finished off a few Grunts and ran to help the Sargent Major. Casen stared into the eyes of Radamamee. A few Jackals came to support Radamamee. Hundreds of Marines and Covenant alike, dead, never to be heard of again, their blood spread over the ice, this part of the planet probably looked like a giant snow cone to god. And Sargent Major Dick Casen was stared death in the face.
The two hard ass's pulled their weapons up at the same time.
Casen pulled the trigger. -Click- Radamamee fired. His weapon sputtered and died. The Marines and Jackals fired. Nothing. They were all out of ammo.
The Marines instinctively ripped off their bayonets from their weapons to use as knives. The Jackals charged swinging their shields as they went, trying to hit something. A Corporal Adrian Shepp ran forward to challenge the bird looking creature, pushed his shield away, and jammed his knife into the creature's eye. Purple liquid oozed out.
Radamamee began beating a Marine to death. Punch after punch. The Marine defiantly spat red blood and teeth in the Elite's face. He angrily roared as he crushed the Humans skull.
Casen jumped on the Elite's back and jammed his knife into the creature's neck. Radamamee cried in shock and pain and shook the hard ass off and retreated.
Two Jackals were left for dead. Howie, still hanging on bring his M6D pistol up, shot five rounds into the Jackals, and dropped the weapons, the weight was to great.
"How am i doing Sarge?" Howie asked in pain.
"You're doing fine boy," The Sargent said with tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat. "You're going to be ok." he continued. He wondered if he believed himself. The medic pored BioFoam onto the bleeding hole onto his back.
The medic took the Sargent to the side. "i stopped the bleeding, but he's a goner unless we can get him to Central Command post 01"
"Shepp! We got dead and wounded. Call Central Command and tell the Brass we need more men and evacuation for dead and wounded."
"Yes sir!" he shouted enthusiastically and got to work.
Casen walked back to Howie
"I'm... so cold" he whispered. Casen took off his Jacket and placed it on Howie.
"Sargent..." "Don't talk" Casen's tears rolled down his face. "You've always been... sort of like a father to me... "You've always been there for me..." Casen sniffled and more tears dwelled out of his eyes "don't talk" he repeated.
"Sir!" Shepp hollered "Dropships will be here ETA 5 minutes!"
Casen looked at Howies burnt and blistered back "good" he shouted.
He looked at his raged men thirty-four left... sixty coming... not good odds "lets get our men to the LZ double time it!"
* * * *
Tamamee had watched it all. But it was mainly his fault they lost. He forgot to send his men he was too interested in the battled. He picked up a small radio and spoke "Bring down the Carrier ship"
He turned his vision towards Radamamee he had collapsed on the snow. Once again he turned. "I need two volunteers," Tamamee asked hurriedly.
One Elite in blue armor immediately stepped forward to prove his loyalty, and bowed respectfully. Another Indigo armored Elite stood forward and disrespectfully grunted.
Tamame walked at the Indigo, snapped his small neck, and tossed him off the cliff, useless, and lifelessly. "Anybody else?"
Nobody moved.
"You get up here" he continued, pointing another novice blue Elite.
He bowed respectfully. Novices always did make more loyal and more trusted soldiers. "Get down there and get him to a medical Center" he barked pointing at Radamamee
"Yes your Excellency" they said in unison, then sprinted off to their objective
* * * *
Within ten minutes reinforcements had arrived and the dropships took dead, wounded, and Covenant technology back to Central Command.
All ninety-three men had hid themselves underneath the snow, and used radio communication to communicate. To the Covenant, they were gone.
* * * *
The Carrier ship finally arrived after half an hour, leaving 6,572 Warriors, under Tamamee's Control. "I have a question that i want one of you to answer. Answer correctly, your life depends on it. Who can tell me why don't we just class the planet from above? You tell me why." He pointed to Zak the Jackal.
"Uh..." Zak said "because we don't have the necessary tools?"
Tamamee sliced the Jackal in two and kicked his dead caucus off the mountainside. "That was a question, you" he told an Elite "tell me why"
"Cause we don't have the necessary tools your Excellency!" the red armored Elite said
The Field Master laughed "Correct, great answer. You will leaded the attack to crush the Humans, what is your name Warrior?"
"my name is Uandua, your Excellency" Uandua. "Unusual name, I like it" The Ripper said "Take Two-Thousand men."
"Right away your Excellency"
* * * *
Cason saw it. Hundred of covenants headed their way. He looked around for Shepp.
"Shepp!" he cried
"Yes sir?" he replied over the radio "Get Central Command on the line for me" "Gotcha... Done Sir"
He heard a woman "This is Central Command, what is it Outpost 13?" she said
"We need five pelican's here in one minute unless you want a good ninety-five Marines dead." Cason informed
"I'm sorry but we cannot comply. The best we can have for you is four Pelicans."
Cason did the math eight-teen Marines was the maximum limmet to a Pelican. Each dropship would have to carry an extra five.
"We'll take four," he said quickly
"ETA three minutes" Cason set his watch. These odds were not good. He looked at the Convenient again. The aliens were extremely close now, only a kilometer away.
The Sargent Major extended his pale cold finger, dripping sweat. "Fire!" he orders "Get to the LZ!"
93 Marines emerged from the ground. Feared by enemies, and fearless. They walked backwards slowly and used clip after clip, trying to hold off the endless Covenant armada. They were true patriots that would rather die honorably, then to submit to their will. They would fight this war till they came out victorious, or fight to the bitter end of existence. But no matter what, they would fight. They would never stop fighting. They were the best.
Finally over 1,000 Covenant Warriors crossed the line.
"Lay down a base of fire!" Casen shouted fearlessly walking behind the line of crouching men. Sixteen rockets flew from unknown places. Casen watched as the Sixteen saviors destroyed parts of the enemy's lines, but those lines just filled in with more stubborn hostels. Cason looked at his watch. Thirty seconds. Suddenly from behind the icy mountains four pelican dropships touched down.
"Get inside! Now!" Casen yelled. He stood near the pelicans covering his men with the last two clips of Assault Rifle ammunition. His men entered the pelicans. Then got into one himself, no casualties yet. Three pelicans lifted off.
"Hurry up and get this piece of junk in the air goddamnit!" one soldier yelled
Another banged on the wall of the pilot "Start this fucker up you piece of shit! Get us in the goddamned air already!"
The pilot shouted angrily "I cant you pieces of shit! i have an engion failure, you fat pieces of shit are to heavy!"
The Sargent Major stepped off.
"if you step off, i step off" Adrian Shepp yelled, "get on this ship now!"
"Just tell my wife, i love her" then, as if he never excised slapped the Pelicans side, and the ship lifted off.
Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Cason was fucked. But he didn't care, he pulled out his M6D pistol, and fired wildly into the crowed accurately killing grunts. Then, he depleted his last clip. He droped his weapon on the ground. And finally, for the first time in his life. He gave up.
* * * *
Uandua was about to fire plasma into the Humans brain when Tamamee came in over the Com Link "keep him. we will find out where his friends are hiding"
"Yes excellency"
The Human looked at Uandua. He had piercing blue eyes. And looked young. But what scared him the most was that he was not afraid. And then realized these Humans would never give up. He grabbed the Human by the collier. And started dragging him back to camp.
* * * *
Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Cason was brought to a nice warm room, and was seated in a nice leather chair, in front of nice hot soup. The room was red with expensive looking artifacts and paintings that littered the wall. The atmosphere was wonderful. Was he dreaming? No.
A huge Elite walked in and sat in front of him.
Casen tensed up.
"Relax" the Elite, said. He was not wearing armor. "I am Field Master First Class Zag Tamamee of the Covenant army. Your name is?" Tamamee was using a Translator, and Tamamee was feared, but Cason didn't show his fear. But could he sense it?
"Uh.." Cason almost forgot his own name "Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Cason." he said.
"That sounds like a high rank" Tamamee told him
"It's in the middle, not a bad pay ether." Cason said. Tamamee laughed a long disgruntled laugh that Cason didn't enjoy listening to.
"Well, I brought you here because your spirit in battle is superb" he said warmly "please, eat" Cason looked at the soup in front of him. It was Chicken and Rice, his favorite soup, how did he know? But it was steaming. Cason couldn't resist any longer. -The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in- he thought. Cason took a tiny sip with the metal spoon. Even the spoon had pretty engravings on it.
The Soup was great! They made Human food better then Human's do! And it was homemade like mom used to make. He guzzled the whole bowl down in seconds. His hungry belly couldn't handle it so fast, and he burped loudly. "Fascinating" Tamamee said impressed.
"What's the catch?" Cason asked. Any Human would know "No catch" "None?" "Just enjoy yourself, we will get you past the mountains tomorrow, your the most admirable Human I have ever seen. I admire you."
Tamamee striped Cason of his cloth "take a shower we will wash these" Cason suddenly realized Tamamee was staring at his penis. "Hey!" he said covering it. Tamamee looked puzzled "What... is that.. Thing?" he asked unamused.
"Lets just say it separates me from you" Cason said rudely and went to take a shower "sicko" he murmured to himself
He slept well that night. Better then he ever slept in the last five years. He actually dreamed about something.
By the next day he was in a first call ship over the mountains "Good Bye" The Black/Cyan Armored Elite said in true admiration. Tamamee had liked the connection he had made with the Human... and his dangling separation device. He was a bad ass like him and Radamamee. To bad he would have to be killed.
"Uh... bye." He said feeling his nicely pressed clothe -how the fuck do they do it? - He asked himself.
The ship finally lifted off and shot away.
Cason finally knew the catch. The hospitality, the so-called "Washing Clothe", the Shower, and the sleep. the Covenant had plenty of time to Bug his clothe as they washed it. He took off every ounce of his cloth. And started the long Eight-Mile hike.
-Then- he'd thought -He'd be home... Finally home- he looked off the distance and he could vaguely view home.
Episode Four- Things Get Harder
Date: 18 August 2003, 3:26 AM
*Authors Note: If you have not read the prologue, Episode One, Episode Two, and Episode three. DO NOT READ THIS EPISODE. Thank you*
Celzar Colony UNSC time- Unknown Celzar Colony time- Unknown. Area or Mission Statement- unknown
-Crunch, Crunch, Crunch,- Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Casen made indents in the snow as he walked ass naked to Central Command. His whole body was pale. But he didn't even think about complaining. He was a bad ass.
-Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.-
* * * *
Celzar Colony UNSC time- 1723 Celzar Colony time- 1623 Routine Patrol Around Central Command.
"Its pronounced -boLth-" Private Trevor Fall said protesting that he was right as he manned the LAAG machine gun on the back of the Warthog.
"Dude, there's no "L" in it, its pronounced both" Corporal Bruce Conerlan said, keeping his foot on the gas. The two young soldiers were on patrol to see if any Covenant forces were nearing Central Command. "Hey, what's that?" Conerlan asked the heavily armed Private. "We should BoLth go check it out" Fall said still trying to make his point.
"You sound like such an ass when you say it." Conerlan said stopping the Warthog
"BoLth, boLth, boLth" he said annoying the Corporal.
"Seriously man. Like an ass," Bruce said annoyed. "Lets go find out what that figure is, keep the LAAG trained around the area"
Fall put a fighting face on, and prepared to fire the weapon at a snowflake if it gave him a funny look. Conerlan neared the target, and good out training his Assault Rifle at the fallen body. He gave Fall a signal to cover him, and sprinted twenty feet to the body. "What is it?" Fall asked
"It's one of us! He's freezing! Take your jacket off!" Conerlan quickly stripping off his jacket and putting it on the prone body, picked the naked guy up, and sat him in the side seat of the Warthog. Fall handed Bruce his jacket, and he placed the second one on him. He checked the pulse, made sure his airway was clear. And finally made sure he wasn't bleeding. Everything was fine besides the guy probably had some serious frostbite.
"Lets get this guy to Central Command. I wonder what happened to this guy."
* * * *
Tamamee had monitored the motion tracker he had placed on the Human. If things went well they would know where the Humans were hiding. But for the Six and a half-hours he had stared at the screen. It hadn't moved.
Radamamee walked in, bandages had been warped around his neck and sterilizes were in place to make sure the primitive Human weapon did not infect his wound. The Human must has damaged a voice box because Radamamee had a hard time speaking. The medical doctor said it was temporal.
Tamamee growled angrily. The Human "Sargent Major Dick Mitchell Casen" emptied his patience. "Send a team of Banshee's to monitor the Movements. Why hasn't he moved!" he ordered Uandua. His third in command.
"Yes your Excellency" he said, and ran out of Tamamees beautiful tent.
* * * *
UNSC Celzar Central Command UNSC time- 1523 Area- Central Command Main Hospital.
Captain Donavan O'Riley walked out of the small doctor's office to the two Marines waiting in the lobby. "I uploaded his files" O'Riley said, "His name is Dick Mitchell Casen. He is a Sargent Major is the UNSC Marine Core. Your lucky you found him when you did. Any longer he would have gone into a coma, and within hours would have died. You did good today boys."
"Hey, maybe a promotions in order" The one tagged "Corporal Bruce" told the one named "Private Fall"
"Can we see him?" Fall asked, concerned with his fellow man.
"I'm afraid not son. You see, for the next few days he's going to go through a process of... Umm... Defrosting one might say. He'll have rashes, itchy skin, most likely a cold, and has a minor concussion. His cold is extremely contagious, and it comes with side effects."
Fall had a hint of sadness in his face, as if he knew how it felt. "When can we see him?"
"Come back in two days. His cold will be gone for sure by then. And his rashes should heal a bit." The Doc. said.
"Will do sir!" Fall saluted and walked out of the Hospital, Bruce following behind.
As Fall walked outside, he heard numerous screams of "Covenant Sighted!" and "The Covenant are here, Get some weapons!" Bruce ran five feet ahead of Fall
"Lets go Fall, time to kick some Covenant ass!"
* * * *
Uandua had found the Humans clothe drenched in wet snow. And knew the camp was not far off. Him and his squadron of Banshees flew for a few miles, and saw a huge encampment. Maybe the most heavily guarded Human encampments he had ever witnessed. It seemed almost... impenetrable...
He activated the Transceiver on his Banshee as he turned back to camp "Tamamee?" he asked
"Yes, continue Uandua" He said. He could tell he was pissed.
"I have spotted the Human encampment. It's about nine miles straight away from the mountains."
"Good. i already have my men in dropships ready to assault. Return to the camp. Radamamee will lead this attack. He wants revenge he says" Uandua heard Radamamee laugh in the background
"Feeling better Excellency?" "Much" Radamamee replied.
* * * *
Just as Fall and Bruce had taken up weapons, they heard more shouts "Hey, they ran! Come back cowards!" and "thank god.."
Bruce walked up to a higher position where all the LAAG's and Rockets were mounted and saw something that nobody did. One hundred to one hundred fifty Covie dropships tops, land about seven miles away. "Hey! Hey!" he shouted! "Look! Over there!" he pointed to where they were.
An officer with a cigarette in his mouth walked up to his position and looked over to the position. The Cigarette butt fell out of his mouth. He stuttered for a moment. and screamed "EVERYONE LOCK AN' LOAD! WE GOT COVENANT!"
Two thousand Marines cocked their weapons and laughed and shouted in excitement. "Were going to slaughter them!" one Marine shouted "Yeee Haw!" another yelled.
Then, in what seemed like a minute, they were in range.
* * * *
Radamamee walked with over six thousand troops with another fifty thousand on the ready to attack. He knew many would die. "Hide behind those rocks!" he said as about twenty Human weapons open fired upon them. "Return Fire!"
* * * *
A barrage of fire hit the front of the base melting it and molding it into something horrible smelling. Bruce had fired his M6D pistol at the alien invaders who had decided to fuck with the wrong race. Bruce actually felt sorry for the bastards
Fall watched as several rockets flew in to kill or at least move some Covenant into the open. It worked. He saw eight Covenants grunts fly from their position landing in a heap of dead Caracas. Many other aliens retreated from their position as rocket's hit their former positions and LAAG's mowed them down like grass. A Marine Fall knew as Jacob Stevenson mounted a LAAG, raised his arm up, and screamed "Whoo hoo!" and fired again.
* * * *
Radamamee had assembled a team of twelve to reach the camp front door, and to blow it with an explosive. He strapped it around a Grunt who weeps for himself. Jackals who would protect the single Grunt surrounded the Grunt.
He sent the task team out there and as the Marines launched projectiles towards the Jackals, they just bounced off. One bounced of a Jackals shield, and pinned another Jackal in his neck. He fell spraying purplish blood on the snow. The Grunt finally reached the door, and the Jackals ran as fast as their little feet would take them, but the Marines were to smart for them and mowed them down with a few LAAG's. The Grunt however exploded sending little Grunt body parts and little Grunt organs all over the place. There was a thirteen feet wide and thirteen feet tall hole in the door. Radamamee screamed "Charge!" and the battle really began.
* * * *
Eighty Marines stood like statues in front of the huge door as Covenant tried to pry themselves into the door. They would keep getting mowed down. But they were endless and finally, as most of the LAAG's reloaded, hundreds of Covenant slipped through. The Eighty Marines held them off for a minute, but had to retreat eventually for more ammo.
Finally the LAAG's were reloaded, practically at the same time, and the familiar sound of Machine gun fire was heard again, mowing down the sorry fuckers, outside, and inside. Several hundred Marines guarded the LAAG mounted Marines. Assault Rifle fire rang out in all directions. And eventually. The Covenant had retreated with four thousand of their guys still in tack.
Things had gotten harder.
* * * *
Master Sargent Mike Mancolla had trained the ten men that had passed for three months, they had made a lot of improvements. Their muscles rapidly grew. Their abilities skyrocketed. And their discipline was unbelievable. For the first time in thirty years. Master Sargent Mike Mancolla was proud.
"There will be no special arrangements for your graduation. And i have only two things to present to you!" Sargent Mancolla walked up the Captain Michael Gillespie and handed him a pin. It was like the original Marine Core pin, Anchor, Earth, Eagle, but with a Moon and wings in the back of it. "Congratulations he said"
He walked down the row giving it to each Soldier who earned it. First Sargent Thomas Williams, Sargent Joey Dowely, Corporal James Toye, Corporal Jason Williams, Lance Corporal Robert Blant, Private Zack Dubbah, Private Quinn McFreaten, Private Michael Jerahee, and Private Bill Tawny. Stanley Hoppetz was killed during a training operation. (Classified).
"And for the second surprise" He showed them ten fully functional Gray MOJINAR armor suites. "Greens for the Navy, Grays for the Marines!" he said. It took them eight hours to figure out how to take it off and put it on efficiently. They all were embarrassed especially Quinn. "Now" he said in a strong firm voice Planet Celzar is in trouble. You all plus MC gets to go there and take it back. Sounds like fun. I wish i could go but ya'know I'm old, and i need to sit behind a desk. Now Get out Spartan-M's, and kick some ass!" Mancolla liked to call them Spartan-M's because they were Spartan Marines. Michael made sure his men boarded the dropship, walked up the Mancolla and asked, "will we ever see you again?"
"Possibly... Hopefully" Master Sargent, for the first time saluted him. Michael gave him the crispest salute he knew how to give and shock his massive hand and boarded the Pelican.
Time to make things easier.
Episode Five coming soon!
Episode Five- The Stanley Hoppetz Story
Date: 23 September 2003, 1:53 AM
(BIG WARNING LABLE THINGY- Do Not Read This Unless You Understand Episode Four. GOT IT! NOW READ (unless you havent read episode four then read episode four first THEN READ EPISODE FIVE!)
"Don't you die on me, don't you give up on me! Do you understand me Marine!?"
But all Private Stanly Hoppetz could do is spit up blood, mouth a word, and die. Quinn knew what the word was. "Freedom" Quinn stood up, washed her hands in a nearby river and frowned.
"Oh my god! Quinn, what have you done!" Lance Corporal Jason Williams said in a whispering horror.
Michael and his Squad of four rushed forward to meet Quinn "Why did you call?" the Captain asked in a stern voice.
Quinn took a deep breath and said....
* * * *
Eight Hours Earlier...
Air Force Master Sargent Mike Mancolla pulled down a large projector wall revealing a small forest surrounding a small number of buildings. "This" he said calmly "is your final month of Spartan-M training. You had no augmentations, or any Steroids, You are true blue Marines" he smiled "Now the MOJINER suits you will be getting at the end will have no special abilities beside protective armor, protective shielding, and some other secrets I had in there you will have to find out."
Everyone nodded silently
"This" he said hitting the area of buildings with his laser pointer "is a Terrorist installation they go by the name of the "HRCA" meaning Human Republic Covenant Army. They mean to fight and kill the humans... If you ask me they are all goddamned insane and deserve a good asswhoping! And you know what?" What sounded like Wut.
"Wut!" they all yelled
"I think they're chicken pussy whips that should all be fucked up for turning on their own human race! You got Five minutes to get yer gear and get on the Pelican, Make a plan, and Fuck them up. Good to go?" he asked
"Hurrah!" They yelled "I said good to go goddamnit!" he shouted angrily "Hurrah!" they all screamed!
* * * *
Private first class Stanley Hoppetz listed closely as Captain Michael Gillespie gave the plan.
"Quinn, Stanley, James, Michael J., Robert, and Zack, your team two, you will go around to flank the HRCA and flush them to our position, and we will finish them off ill give you details over the radio. Understood?"
"Hurrah" Team two finished
"Stanley Hoppetz, your team leader, we need some team experience from you."
Stanley nodded, sneezed, and wiped his nose.
* * * *
"Team Two, we are in position, repeat we are in left flank position, whats your status?, over" Michael asked over the helmet radio
"Sir, we are almost to our objective point, estimated time will be half an hour, over" Stanly said
"Roger that team two out." Michael shut the radio off and said. "Alright men, thirty minute break take out MRE's clean your weapons do whatever, but I want one man on patrol, any volunteers?"
Jason Williams raised his hand.
* * * *
General Daemon Jackson, leader of the HRCA paced back and forth preparing his so called "rebellious move" he had smuggled three HAVOK nuke's from the Battle Cruiser "Hades" and was planning a move to use them. Just as a plan was be created, like a flower blooming, three HRCA officers walked in and saluted respectfully by putting their left fist on the middle of their chest.
The first man was Colonel Scott Hickleson. The second man Captain Steven Ameria. And the last was First Lieutenant Stacey Thomson.
"Please sit" the General said pouring the Colonel a class of brandy, but leaving the Captain and the Lieutenant out of the fun.
The Colonel slowly sipped at his warm brandy, took a deep breath and managed to say "Captain, tell the General the news"
The Captain stood up, his corny hat resting on his belt, and said "Sir, we spotted a UNMC Pelican Dropship touchdown about forty-five minutes ago. We think they are here to eliminate the HRCA.
The gray haired leader inhaled and pondered at his options for a moment. "We have no proof of them moving to our position?"
The young strong Lieutenant spoke "sir, my troops have not seen any mass moving towards the base"
Daemon licked the inside of his mouth, pinpointed his limited options and said, "have half the base on patrol and every two hours have the other men switch places understood?"
"Yes sir, ill have them prepared in half an hour" the Colonel said gulping the small amount of brandy left in his cleansed glass, and walked out with the other officers.
* * * *
"Sir, it looks like the whole goddamned base is on patrol" First Sargent Thomas Williams said, wielding a sniper rifle "this may be harder then planed"
"Shut the fuck up" Michael said "no negativity on my team"
"Yes sir he said"
"This is team two reporting in, my men are ready to fire. Just give me the... ahh... ahh... CHOO... uh. Sorry sir, just give me the order"
Michael took a deep breath, took a sip from his canteen and said "fire at will."
* * * *
"You heard him" Stanley said rubbing his nose "Fire!"
Six Marines opened up on the seemingly hundreds of rebellious men.
* * * *
Sargent Stomly Toneway was being fired upon. No, not him. Just his men. "Rally round men!" he said whirling his finger in a circle. "Run in that direction" he pointed in the direction opposite of the way they were coming "let's get the hell out of here!"
* * * *
The Captain looked at the forces with his electric binoculars. They were heading straight toward him. "Open up!" he yelled as his team's weaponry crackled in the morning air. The men fell like flies to a fly swatter. One by one. Second by second. Michael grinned as he tossed a fragmentation grenade into the crowded enemies and watched their blood spill on the ground as it exploded throwing them and their body parts in all directions.
Gillespie pressed his assault rifles butt to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. Two other men threw grenades. Michael didn't catch whom. One blew up to the side of the group causing little to no damage but the other landed right in the middle perfectly blowing half of the rest to hell.
After seconds of shooting the Captain's magazine ran dry. He instinctively rammed another magazine home, cocked the charging hand back and continued to accurately fire. Finally after hundreds of spent shells littered the ground around the new Spartan-M's, the enemies had fallen. "alright men, lets rally up, were going to infiltrate the compound and kill the basterd responsible for making us slaughter our own people!"
* * * *
James, Michael J., Robert, and Zack went off to enter the compound with the rest of the team, but Stanley and Quinn stayed behind for monitoring reasons. Stanley sat down five feet across of Quinn and took out a bag of white smooth powder he put some in his hand, and sucked it through his nose.
Quinn immediately knew it was cocaine. Stanley was a drug addict. He probably passed the urine samples by paying somebody to piss in a cup for him. He laughed to himself as he sucked more of the disgusting poison through his nose and offered some to Quinn.
She refused. "You know I'm going to have to report you for this"
"You know... know your not ganna do nutten l-like. Like that! Now gimmie a kiss" he said kneeling over trying to kiss her
"Ugh, get away from me you freak!" she screamed
"Freak!? Call me a freak will you!?" he shouted angrily. "Now yer ganna get it!"
Quinn pulled out her M6D "don't make me use this!"
"You can't do nothing! Y-your just a little girl! You do-don't wanna shoot me!"
"Quinn this is the Captain were done over here, how's it looking outside?"
"Sir I need your help!" she shouted into her com link just before Stanley ripped the headset off her.
"You stupid bitch! Do you know what you just did! Now you're going to die!"
* * * *
Jason heard her message and rushed over to her position seconds before he got there. He heard the loud screech of an M6D. He looked over to where Quinn as kneeling, giving Stanley CPR and telling him not to die on her. He looked around. Blood spilt on the ground around the dying body. Blood gushing from the wound in the chest. And the smoking pistol lay frozen. Fresh from being fired.
"Oh my god! Quinn, what have you done!" Lance Corporal Jason Williams said in a whispering horror.
* * * *
"And that's what happened" Quinn said sadly
"I understand..." Jason said sadly.
"I think we all do... we don't, and never will hold this against you. It'll be ok..." Michael assured her.
The Pelican dropship arrived and they all boarded the craft and returned home, Quinn carrying the dead body she had created.
They had lost a Spartan that day.
But they also lost a friend.
-Episode 6 coming soon! (Continuing the main story)
Episode Six- Hope?...More or less
Date: 30 October 2003, 5:50 AM
-Celzar Colony, Celzar Colony time- 1403, UNSC time- 1603, Mission Clock- 00:00:04-
The rumbling pelican dropship fell from the sky. Sergeant Major Dick Mitchell Casen who recently came out of his mental coma, watch the batch of people within the pelican as they glided down from the cloudless sky.
Marines also watching the dropship grumble. "Only one dropship!?" "Jesus were fucked!"
The dropship expertly landed with a silent "clank", opened its rear hatch and almost a dozen Gray armored Spartans pored out Equipped with Assault Rifles, Shotguns, MD6 pistols, Rocket Launchers, Sniper Rifles, Grenades, and twelve box's full of ammunition.
"I'm assuming your in charge," Casen said looking at the Green Armored Naval Spartan. "on account of your different armored color"
The Spartans massive green helmet looked down at the Sergeant Major and replied "No, that would be him over there" eyeing the Gray armored Spartan-M with the silver Captain bars painted on his helmet.
The tall muscular man walked up to the Sergeant "I am Captain Michael Gillespie leader of the Spartan Marines"
The sergeant went to attention and saluted.
"At ease, are you in command here?"
"No sir" Casen replied.
"What's the situation?" The Captain asked
"Well the commander is a Colonel Jack. C Theodore, we have two Captains other than you. One in charge of electronics, the other in charge of the medical center. Four Lieutenants Monitoring everyone in the compound, and me Sergeant Major Dick Casen in charge of troop moral and compound Security."
"That's all fine and dandy Sergeant, but what about the Covenant attacks?" The Captain requested still trying to get used to the bitter cold of the frozen planet.
"Sorry sir, well over the past week Covenant have pushed compound 91, 27, 16, and 103 back to Central Command. Only compound 32 and 26 remain but we pulled those sorry bastards back a few hours ago giving us another 100 men."
"Sergeant Casen would you be so kind to give me a casualty report and the location of the colonel" Michael ordered.
"Over the past week we had about 78 casualties at Central Command. And probably 1,000 or more dead on the Convie side. Oh, and the colonel is in that building up there," he said pointing.
"Alright" Michael said deliberating with himself "Team secure Central Command, Quinn see if you can help in the medical center, Jason distribute this ammunition evenly. If anybody sees the Covenant contact me then announce the base"
"Yes sir" they shouted running off to complete their tasks. When they had disappeared the Captain walked off to the Command building.
"Strange" Casen remarked to himself
* * * *
Private Trevor Fall and Corporal Bruce Connerlan lounge around in their warthog exactly 2.7 kilometers away from Central Command.
"Do you believe in god?" Fall asked Connerlan, as if there were anyone else to ask
"Yeah, I'm a Christian, you know that dude" He replied
"How bout fate?" Fall asked, sighing
"naw, fates a bunch of bull." Connerlan said slightly annoyed. He got out of the hog and stretched out his lazy bones.
"Jesus Christ its freezing" Fall murmured wrapping a blanket around him as he lay at the feed of the LAAG he mans.
"Got that right" Connerlan said crunching his feet into the snow watching the icy cold breath falling from his lips. Bruce Connerlan watched the cloudless sky when he noticed a speak... then three... eight... fifteen...thirty...one hundred... one hundred fifty!
"Holy shit!" Connerlan said jumping back in the driver seat Fall wake up buddy, Hit that LAAG!"
Fall jumped up and locked himself to the LAAG, "Why what's happening!" he asked as if he was oblivious
"Convie dropships or Banshees or something" Fall looked all around when he spotted it
"Step on it buddy!" Fall screamed
The warthog screeched and spat snow and dirt from the back of the vehicle as it speeds at 120 mph.
Bruce picked the radio on the Warthog up. "This is team 8 to CC, we have massive Convie units heading your way! Five minutes tops, repeat, massive Convie units heading your way!"
"They're closing in!" Trevor shouted. They were only about 100 meters away now.
"Fire!" the Corporal screamed.
The LAAG spat hundreds of rounds in the sky littering the grounds with large round shells, while shooting one or two Banshees down. 70 Dropships trailing behind. Several Banshees fired a green energy blast similar to Hunter weaponry.
One green missile exploded three feet behind the warthog throwing it twelve feet in the air spinning slowly forward.
They screamed horrified for what seemed like an eternity. The Warthog luckily landed on its Wheels and dodged the other missals.
The Private raised an angry fist in the air and laughed triumphantly and began littering the snowy ground with Banshee parts.
Bruce looked at his locating computer. 1.5 Kilometers to CC "Almost there buddy" he cried.
* * * *
The Captain walked into Colonel Theodore's office. Everything was gray. The room was plane and smelt like copper and turtle wax mixed together. He was almost camouflaged.
"Ah, Captain Gillespie, you finally arrived" The Colonel said as if he had been waiting for him.
Michael saluted "yes sir. I assume you have a plan?"
"Ah straight to the point" The colonel was old, 78 at least. He sipped on a glass of warm water to help his old raspy voice, "Several hours earlier i called Battle Fleet 8 600,000 Kilometers away from our orbit they will be here in about four to five hour. In one hour i will move all the Marines in my command to the Rondevouz point here".
He pointed to a map in an area surrounded by mountain.
"if all goes well we'll have enough pelicans to get all 328 Marines out of here and back home" the Colonel Continued
"May I make a suggestion sir?" Michael asked
"You may"
"Well sir, I think a be-"
"Sir!" It was Jason
"What is it?" The Captain asked as if he didn't already know
"Covenant, a lot of em a Kilometer away!"
"gotcha" he put his attention on the Colonel "put the base on full alert."
* * * *
Fall eyed his ammo counter as he continued to blow Banshees out of the sky "I only have 1200 rounds left!" he whined
"Shut up and keep shooting" Connerlan yelled
"They ain't just ganna let us in!" Fall cried
"Look, there's a little ramp!" Bruce pointed at a small wooden ramp, even though he knew Fall was busy shooting down Banshees
"That thing cant lift us, and not over the wall" Fall counterd
"We have to try!"
"Were fucked!" The ammo counter reached 500
* * * *
"Look a Warthog" PFC Leon Diez Shouted mounting a fully loaded Mounted LAAG
"They ain't ganna open that door for em!" Staff Sergeant David Scott yelled back mounting an AAHR (Anti-Air Homing Rocket)
"They're heading for that little ramp!" Lance Corporal Steven Neives shouted mounting a GGAPR (Ground to Ground Anti-Personnel Rocket)
A semi-loud beep rang on David Scotts AAHR "they're in range" he informed his colleges when a heavy hand was placed on his shoulder
"Don't fire just yet" the Gray Lance Corporal Spartan told him
The Sergeant glanced at his nametag J. Williams "um... alright"
* * * *
The Warthog was seconds away from the small wooden ramp "here we go!" Bruce shouted
Falls ammo counter reached 0 "tell me what happened when were dead!" he screamed
They hit the ramp and flew only six feet in the air "were fucked!" Connerlan realized
"Incoming missals!" Fall pointed
3 pulsing green missals slammed under the Warthog, exploding, and throwing them sixty feet in the air spinning wildly.
"Bail!" Trevor shouted as he jumped out of the spinning deathtrap
Connerlan screamed horrified as he grabbed as many weapons as he could find, undid the seatbelt, and pushed himself out of the Warthog in mere seconds.
Fall hit a rooftop near the front gate of the camp. He looked around for Connerlan. He spotted him free falling with a bunch of weapons and some ammo.
The Corporal Hurled the weapons on the roof and, still falling reached for the edge of the rooftop.
He missed.
Fall threw his lanky arms over and managed to grab Bruce's Helmet.
Eight Banshees flew overhead and the whole base was in a frenzy. Missals flew and exploded. MLAAG and LAAGs spat empty shells that littered the ground,
Marines dove for cover as they raised their weapons to the sky, shooting helpless Banshees as they soared and streaked overhead leaving a trail of white exhaust as they went.
Fall pulled Connerlan over the one-foot wall onto the roof. "Thanks buddy" Bruce said panting.
"heh... No problem" Fall replied picking up a Rocket Launcher.
The warthog, still on fire, slammed the same rooftop splashing Warthog parts in every direction.
"Ha! You missed shit head! Try again! Whoo Hoo!" Fall shouted.
The Warthog obeyed as it exploded in a ball of flame, hurling a big fiery chunk of tire and metal right between the Marines heads.
"Ha, y-" Fall began
"Shut up you retard, God seems to be granting wish's" Bruce ordered picking up another Rocket Launcher and sniffing the burning rubber and metal.
"I wish we had won the war"
* * * *
Han Tamamee stood in his dropship. Watching his Banshees do minimal damage while the pesky Human weaponry shot them down. "Radamamee" Tamamee called his loyal friend.
San Radamamee limped in his Injurys still present. "Yes your Excellency" he said, bowing to his best ability.
"Inform the dropships to prepare the landing pods for departure. Were going to invade" He pulled up a pair of electric binoculars and looked at the compound.
Tamamee saw a big gray armored Human with another pair of electric Binoculars starring right back at him. The Human gave the fleet a wave.
Tamamee cried out furiously "Uandua!" he yelled
"Uandua rushed in the room. "Yes your Excellency!" he said bowing.
"Bring me that Humans head!"
* * * *
"This is Colonel Thomas on your intercoms, we will now be moving to the Rondevouz point. Only bring essentials. Weapons, food, and water. We move in ten minutes"
"Spartans" Michael said tapping his intercom. "Get the Marines to the back door of Central Command.
"Roger that" they said in unity.
In ten minutes, all the Covenant force, 12,677 men sprinted towards Central Command. And all but two Marines heading for the hills.
* * * *
Fall and Connerlan watched as the Marines left the compound and left them for dead.
"Hey Conn." Fall whispered
"Yeah buddy" Connerlan replied
"Our lucks run out. God hates up" The young 19 year old told wit ha teardrop racing down his face.
"Well let's go out with a bang," Connerlan said with a Rocket Launcher cradled in his hands. Fall grabbed one as well.
* * * *
Tamamee turned his intercom on. "Battalion 1-3 search the town for any humans, take them alive at all costs, the rest of you follow the main force. Capture as many Humans as possible".
* * * *
Connerlan stood up and kicked the Broken Warthog off the roof, it dropped and crashed on the ground, smashing a few Hunters and a group of Grunts.
A Banshee flew overhead, fall fired a rocket at it and the purple metallic fighter fell to its death.
Bruce fired his first Rocket down on a team of officers killing them all.
Fall shot a second Rocket into a group of sixty Grunts, killing the better half of them. They cried out and split up in all directions.
* * * *
Casen climbed the stairwell, left behind hoping to find the source of the Rocket jockeys.
He busted down the door to the roof. Private Trevor Fall and Corporal Bruce Connerlan firing rockets like madmen.
The boys faced Casen. "Nice to have you with us Sergeant" Fall said tossing him his launcher.
"Good to be here" Casen said. "But I have a better idea then just wasting ammo down here." Casen informed.
"Do tell" Bruce wondered.
"Threes a longsword fighter docked in the docking bay about fifty meters from here. and there's another roof we could jump on to get there, see" he said pointing to a shorter roof about six feet out and twenty feet down. "So, you with me?"
"Damn right" Fall shouted
"On your mark" Connerland said, knowing he could pilot the Longsword
Casen put up his fingers "one...two...THREE!"
* * * *
The Colonel in a warthog was supposedly already at the RP; he hasn't called in, in awhile.
Two Banshees monitoring the Marines flew low to the ground almost right above their heads. "Big mistake" The Captain said, 30 Marines open fired shooting the inexperienced Banshees to the ground in a burning flame.
Jason, Quinn, Zack, and James hand reached the RP before they had to give some extra support to the Colonel.
"This is Zack speaking, it's a fucking massacre. There's a four Warthogs here, eight dead Marines, and the Colonel and a few others are missing."
"Jesus..." Michael sighed "alright secure the area, were one kilometer from your position, be there soon. Out"
* * * *
Uandua trailed only a Kilometer behind the humans. He had sent a strike team and had captured an important Human officer. He would be promoted for sure. Especially if he brought back the Gray armored "Captain" alive.
* * * *
"Hit it" Bruce, yelled. The three sprinted jumped on the little lift platform, and jumped for the second rooftop. During that time seven Elite's popped up from the broken door and fired stun plasma bolts at the Humans.
Luckily it went right over their heads. Fall pulled the Rocket Launcher to his shoulder, and fired a graceful shot at the Elite's when they were visible, killing the pursuers.
"Jump for the ground" Casen orders already in mid air.
The two NCO's Jumped with the SNCO landing on the snow with a loud crunch.
Fall picked up some snow and shoved it into his mouth for water. Several Grunts rounded the corner, Conerlan pushed the others through the hanger doors and upholstered duel MD6's Shot two in the head, splattering orange blue blood on the other five, and they scattered fearing the Human.
"Go, get inside the ship, hurry!" Bruce shouted.
Casen and Fall obeyed. Two meters before the two had entered the Longsword fighter, three Elite's, six Jackels, and nine Grunts walked out of the ship. One Elite looked injured.
That Elite laughed and shot Fall with his Stun Rifle.
Fall fell, paralyzed from the neck down.
"Casen shoot!" Fall shouted
Casen stared into the familiar Alien eyes of no other then Radamamee.
The Elite turned on his Translater. "Ha, ha, ha" the Elite laughed "This revenge will be sweet."
"Yeah well. Who's wearing the casts bitch?" Casen shot back.
The angry officer yelled and roared "ill show you!" Radamamee shouted slamming his cast in the side of Casens face.
The Sergeant Major fell, still smiling.
Connerlan, with pinpoint accuracy fired 22 rounds into the Grunts, Jackals, and one Elite. They all fell dead.
Radamamee shot Casen with his Stun Rifle. "Not a good day" Fall said trying to keep his sense of humor.
"Got that right" Casen replied
Bruce reloaded hoping for hope, hoping for that hope for a chance. Saw none. And fired blindly with anger and missed almost every shot. He dropped his smoking pistols, out of ammunition. And fell to his knees.
Radamamee aimed his Stun Rifle, and fired.
* * * *
The Battalion arrived at the RP Michael used his Com unit to call the Battle fleet.
"This is Captain Michael Gillespie of the Spartan-M CO of CC on Celzar Colony. When will the Pelicans arrive?"
"This is General Mitch Zerh of Battle Fleet 8 they have already been sent, they should be there in twenty minutes but theirs a small problem".
"Stop playing games, we don't have much time" The Captain said impatiently, not wanting to take any shit.
"we had a small battle with a few Covenant Battleships and Dropships when we sent our pelicans down, and about five were destroyed as they moved down. This may cause a small problem"
"we've had worse" The Captain said signing off "alright" Michael shouted "some of us may have to stay behind"
The Marines grumbled and shouted angrily
"alri-" Michael had been interrupted
"Sir, Convies, six O'clock" A Marine shouted.
"Defensive positions!"
The Marines hit the dirt, Rifles and weaponry aimed down the hill. "I'm ganna show these fuckers what for!" a Marine cried.
"Spartans!" the Captain Barked
The ten soldiers lined up.
"Alright, MC, take the left side and give the troops support, the others I want preparing for the pelicans. I'll be watching the battle and giving orders from here. Hurrah?"
"Hurrah!" they ran to their tasks.
"Sir, Covenant 90 meters and closing fast" "Wait..." "70 meters" "Hold!" "50 meters sir!" the Marine cried desperately "Fire! The racket of 375 weapons going off was so loud the Captain had to close his helmet filter to dull the loudness a little.
Thousands of little gold rounds made their way to the ground making an unheard crunch.
"Let me hear your warcry!" The MC shouted.
A horrifyingly loud "Raaahhh!" Was even louder then the sound of racing weaponry.
"Pelicans have arrived" Jason shouted
"Spartans cover the marines!"
The pelicans reached the ground and the marines, in a last ditch effort to survive sprinted towards the dropships, jumped in and one by one, the pelicans lifted off.
Dozens of grunts probably being used to waste ammo rushed the lines. The Spartans made quick work of them.
Behind the grunts were Jackals making a long line of shielding like medieval shield man protecting the swordsmen whom were the Elite's.
Only one pelican remained eight Marines already inside. "Go!" Gillespie shouted. "I'll... I'll cover you"
"But Captain-" James tried to convince
"Go now!" the Captain barked pushing him toward the pelican.
They obeyed, leaving the Captain behind.
* * * *
Uandua ran up the hill with his Jackals. The gray armored human stood twelve meters away. Wielding their automatic weapon they named Assault Rifle. "Drop your weapon" Uandua barked using the communicator.
"Why don't you come and take it?" the ignorant Human shot back.
"Apprehend him" Uandua ordered the Jackals.
Eight of them walked up to the lone Human.
"Drop it" A Jackal named Dane instructed. The Human carefully aimed, and fired three lead slugs into the Jackals head, spraying orange blood out the back of his neck.
The other seven unnaturally jumped on him.
* * * *
He snapped ones neck, punched another and shot the others once he shook them off.
The Captain stood somewhat triumphant. The leader Elite aimed and fired two-stun plasma bolts into his armor. The Bolt splashed across his armor, and the Spartan emitted a green barrier.
"Ha" He shouted Then he blacked out.
* * * *
Captain Michael K. Gillespie woke up in a Covenant vessel. He lay next to the Sergeant named Casen. The one he met before. Two other marines he didn't recognize next to that. And the colonel along with his Warthog party.
An Elite walked in that any Human could recognize. Han Tamamee. He pressed a few buttons on a transparent computer screen. Michael's metal bed he was strapped to turn upward and a bolt of electricity surged through him.
His fists and toes clenched, and he screamed in agony.
"You Humans are made out of more water then anything else. So an electric torture chamber will be a lot of fun. Primitive, yet effective."
"Hand in there" Casen said, already tortured by the way his body was burnt.
Michael nodded and realized he had been stripped of his armor and was butt necked. His blond hair, still suffering from helmet hair, his muscular body, in a weakened state.
"Oh yes were going to have a lot of fun. Thanks to the Hunter that knocked you out"
"Well see who's having fun when i get out of here" Michael shot back"
Han Tamamee began the torture.