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Fan Fiction

The story of Gagaw by master panda

The Story of Gagaw Pt.1
Date: 31 August 2005, 12:24 am

Location: Covenant Holy City "High Charity"
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown

After the punishment ceremony, things absolutely sprang into action for an unknown reason. While Gagaw was squad leader, (read Halo: The Flood) living an elite's life, with gold armor, permission to carry fuel rod guns, and occasionally a carbine, he was still in sorrow. He was forced to leave Halo when there was a big uproar about some sort of monster on the ring, thus separating him and Yayap, (once again read Halo: The Flood) his best friend. The story begins when he stepped on the cruiser that carried him away.

The green armored elite dragged Gagaw away just before the door shut. "What's your problem grunt?! Do you want to get eaten by the parasite?!" the elite roared. Gagaw's reply was "Why can't Yayap get on the ship? And a parasite?" "There's no room for your dumb, filthy, grunt friend on the dropship! And you have not heard of the parasite?! You must be mad! Now pipe down and get in your seat!" Gagaw nodded, and went to the last seat on the drop ship.
When Gagaw got to his dorm, he sighed, took off his mask, and fell asleep crying. An elite barged in through his dorm hollering "GET TO WORK!!!!!" and closed the dorm right when he and Gagaw started choking in the atmosphere that the elite sent in when he entered, and the methane that the elite breathed in. When he got off his bunk, put his mask back on, he felt extremely tired. Gagaw then realized he only got 3 hours of sleep. He went out the door, and the next thing he saw was a bucket of cleaning material, a mop, and a coughing and wheezing elite. "Well?! Those floors aren't going to mop themselves!" Gagaw sighed and got to work.
The next few days were like that day, and Gagaw actually thought that he was in a time lapse until the alarm started to ring. Humans tracked down the ship, at least 23 human ships. Gagaw moaned and started toward his dorm, and with nobody paying attention to him even and said "Great, I'm gonna die. Perfect." The alarm rang in Gagaw's ears saying: "All hands on decks 23 and 24 report to military station now!" Gagaw didn't listen, he just sat on his bunk, waiting for his death, even though he was on deck 23. He heard a deafening BANG! and went to see where it came from. He walked up to the bridge, and saw that it was completely destroyed. All the elites and engineers were killed, and most of the bridge computers were fried, but the force fields held. Engineers raced past him and started working. "Dumb engineers." he muttered and moved one out of the way so he could navigate the ship.
On the human ship Summer's Blair, Admiral Joseph Veerson looked over at the MAC gun's status. He cracked a small smile. He then turned it into a frown. Its way too easy… Covenant cruisers attack back…Veerson thought. "Well, one for the home team. Everson, engine status." Crewman Scott Everson typed in commands on his navigation computer. "If I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, there fi--wait. Something is coming towards us at ramming speed! Sir, Its the cruiser! Brace for impact!!" The Covenant ship did not hit them, but it oddly entered Slipspace, dragging Summer's Blair with them, not to mention 22 other ships. The admiral ran to the life pods, along with everybody on the ship. At least there was room for everyone. The whole fleet was dragged into the Q-48 sun, and disintegrated. "Phew," Everson breathed as the Covenant cruiser was thrown into Slipspase. "They didn't finish us." the crewman said."Oh they will, the Covenant get everything..."
Making the slipspace "trip" was pretty easy to Gagaw. Just then 2 elites sliced through the blast door Gagaw put on. "You flew this thing?" one elite said. "Yah, I did."
"Dang..." both elites dazed at the grunt, and it was the most amazing thing they had seen... "your coming with us!" a voice said startling all 3 of them, to realise a 3rd elite(much bigger than the other 2)walked in and touched gagaw on his neck (pressure piont) and he fainted.
Gagaw awoke in a startled crowd of grunts, and they all were...female?? "hes awake!" a girl trilled. Everyone of them started kissing him(there in a room full of methane) He saw 3 elites. he walked over to the window they were behind and one said,"we thought you needed a reward for saving our butts out there." The big one merley grunted without a smile and the other one apoligised for the musclehead's behaivior. He then turned arouned and saw one paticulary cute grunt. She smiled, her eyes and face were bright blue (grunt blush) and said, "um... hi, im iki..." Gagaw returned her blush, put his mask on(along with her) and walked to his dorm.
