
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The new world by Elessar

The New World (Prolouge)
Date: 22 January 2005, 4:43 PM

      "Master Chief has been missing for exactly seven months three hours and five minutes." There area at least four new spartans in this new age. "Our mission is to land at the point where his distress becon was last activated. It has been four weeks since then. We will leave in three hours get ready. DISMISSED" The four new spartans are Elessar(Sniper and Swordsman), Shade(Close-Range), Wolf(Also Close-Range), Stealth (Recon and Demolition Expert).
Elessar is the leader even though they work as a team.
[indnet]Three hours passed by quickly. It was time, any minute now the captain would call the spartans up to the bridge. Elessar had his sniper slung over his shoulder, and a covenant plasma sword in his hands. Shade grabbed a battle-rifle and a shotgun. Wolf grabbed a battle-rifle and magnum. Stealth gabbed a rocket launcher and a battle-rifle. "Looks like this might be the ride of our life." wolf said sarcasticly. "All spartans report to the bridge immeadatly."
      The spartans jumped up and ran down the hallway. Halfway to the bridge a loud sound such as a lage ship was docking. "change of plans, spartans head to the docking bay quickly." The captain seemed nervous. The spartans were not far from the docking bay but they took extreme caution. Shade and wolf took the lead, staying against the walls the crouched to avoid motion detectors. they saw the door that led to the bay. as shade reached the door it sounded as if a battle was going on inside.when the reached the door wolf got on the opposite side. "On the count of three we will rush the covenant." Elessar said through the comlink. The red and green dots were going crazy on their motion detectors. The green blips were losing numbers. (Red=enemy, Green=allies) "1...2...THREE." They rushed into the room as a plasma grenade exploded in front of them. Shades and wolfs shields dropped imeaditly.
      Shade and wolf hid behind a few boxes as stealth and Elessar ran in front of them proving cover. Stealth crouched behind a box and shot in controled burst's killing a few grunts. He reloded and counted to three. "one...two...three" He stood up and ran behind a larger box while blindly firing into the battle. He ducked and slowly walked to the edge of the box and began to fire at the enemy.
      Elessar ran into enemy lines with his sword and took a few elites to the ground. He jumped into the air and lunged at an unsuspecting elite. As he sliced through the elite and landed, a plasma grenade flew past his face. Elessar looked up and saw the grunt who threw it. Elessar ran towards the grunt and uppercuted it. He swifty turned around and lunged at another elite. Elessar noticed as he missed the elite that it was a member of the honor guard. This special elite also had a sword. As Elessar turned around to get another lunge in, the elite had taken the opprotunity to lunge at elessar.
       Wolf ran out from behind the box as his sheilds replenished. He took out his battle-rifle and the thirtysix rounds periced two elites in the head. He saw an honor guard lunge at Elessar. "Noway your gonna die on me Elessar." He said through the mic. He wipped out his pistol and with accurate aim shot three round and pierced the elite in the neck killing it. The elite dropped out of mid air. "Thanks Wolf" Wolf heard over the speaker in his helmet.
       shade jumped out from behind the box he was hiding behind and pulled out his shotgun and ran behind enemy lines. He found a distracted elite and pulled the trigger. The number of covenant was dropping rapidly. Shade found another few grunts and shot them dead in the face. He wirled around and butted an elite in the back. As he looked around and saw no more covenant. "elessar we did it."
       Elessar looked around and saw one last pelican. "alright men lets grab that bird." The spartans jumped on the pelican and sat down. "I'll drive." Elessar said. He grabbed pilot seat and took off. "Captin were taking this bird to the planet... we should reach the dropzone in at least twenty minutes." "Good work Elessar, Make it back in one piece." Wolf knocked on the pilot door. "Do we get free peanuts?"
       As they landed on the dusty desert planet below he dropped the warthog. Elessar landed the pelican perfectly. "Alright lets head out." "ummmm Elessar theres only three seats..." Elessar took his sword and cut a lage circle out of the pelicans hull and bent the edges upand told stealth to see if it fit. "ELESSAR WHAT... I DONT WANNA RIDE ON THAT!!" Elessar cut three thin long pieces of steel for rope. It was thin enough to bend. Elessar made rope out of it and fastend one end to the hog's bumber and looped the other end through a hole in the cicle plate. "There you go stealth... have fun."
