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The fall of Reach... A New Perspective.Pt1 by str8_kamikaze343
The fall of Reach.. A New Perspective.
Date: 7 December 2005, 5:36 pm
0649 hours, August 30,2552 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani system, Orbital Defense Generator
Facility A-331, Planet Reach
" Team Gamma, you'll extract the admiral and his staff and bring him back to the generators, we'll need the extra crew" barked Fred
"Affirmative" replied red 21. Looking back at his assembled team, li Spartan 018 noticed the slight spike in red-23s heartbeat. All his Spartans in red team were hyped up and ready to go ever since the hot drop from the Pillar of Autumn but this was border line.
" Anton everything set man" said li in more of a friendly tone.
Looking back at Anton, he gave a slight nod and formed a rare smile on his faceplate. Which was more than enough assurance. Li slightly nodded and briskly walked over to Fred who was staring over a holographic map that was laid before him
" Sir we are prepped and ready."
" Li like I said earlier take your team and a warthog to these coordinates, pointing to a small gully south east of were Highcom used to be, extract the admiral and his staff and make sure you either make it back to here or our fall back position" said Spartan-104
Looking back at Fred he just nodded, turned and rounded up his team. As he walked over to the warthog parked merely a few feet away he grabbed an MA5B assault rifle six extra clips of ammunition four fragmentation grenades and a side arm. As he approached the warthog he saw that red-21 and red-23 were already in the boss hog and ready to go. "Ready to roll sir" said red 23 as he cocked back the hammer on the large mounted chain gun.
Looking back he saw li, red-21 and red-23 disappear from sight as their warthog climbed the hillside, and as they disappeared all he could feel as if that would be the last time he saw them.
"Awaiting orders sir," said Joshua
"Were going into that valley to kill anything there that isn't human."
0652 hours, August 30, 2552(Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani system, Reach Highcom Facility
Planet Reach two hours before
As Admiral Whitcomb stood on the "Command deck" he could see and monitor all COM traffic, surveillance and mission planning just from the middle of the room. He felt uneasy, as the first reports of the covenant invasion force had just entered the system. Dear god he thought more than 300 ships of all classes had just begun their conquest in system.
"Sir probe analysis are just coming in," remarked leviathan.
"Confirming, 360 covenant warships are just off the systems edge"
The admiral was awestruck. 360 warships against maybe 220 UNSC warships and 20 super Macs.
" General Reagan, your suggestions on protecting the Orbital Defense Generators"
" Well sir I already have companies alpha through Charlie setting up defensive positions at the Generators, plus armor support and air support are standing by" looking at Air Force General Yamamoto for conformation.
"Yes sir that is correct, all fighter and bomber Squadrons are intercepting covenant fighters and transports as soon as they reach orbit."
"Sir, what about the evac procedures" said the young lieutenant next to him.
" Well there is four ODST Pelican Guns ships standing by just outside the airfield to pick up all essential staff which, looking at his command staff are you."
"And from their" stammered the lieutenant
Looking around he saw fear in all their eyes. Hell who wasn't scared of being left behind on a planet that might just be glassed? He sure as hell was but he still his duty to up hold.
" Well from their you well be transported to an orbiting destroyer and then to earth."
Their eyes widen. He could tell what they were thinking.
" Citadel this is viper squadron copy over" crackled through the overhead speakers.
" Viper Squadron this is Citadel we copy," replied the lieutenant
Looking up at the admiral
"That would be are ride, all staff stand down and report to the airfield, have the subroutines uploaded to leviathan and derelict all duties to stations AI."
"Roger that Citadel evac eta four minutes please be advised of hostile forces in the area."
0700 hours August 30, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Epsilon Eridani system, Four miles outside Reach Highcom
ODST gunship squadron, Reach
" Roger that Citadel evac ETA four minutes, please be advised of hostile forces in the area." Said Coreman Daniels.
Looking over his shoulder he could see the first signs of combat as thick black smoke resign from Highcom. They got word just five minutes before that the covenant had come knocking on their doorsteps, which had every member eager to bring the fight to the covenant.
"Alpha two-nine-zero and charlie two-nine-six fly to the south tunnel exit to extract both highcom command staff and ONI staff, do you copy over"
"Roger that King Viper doing fly by recon on the first runs, reports of Covenant armor in the area over"
"Copy that you have long sword fighter support at your six, watch your fire and good hunting"
Explosions rocked the large transport from side to side, watching covenant artillery pound highcom from orbit. Clouds parted as a covenant cruiser took position just outside the generator complex Charlie Company was defending. Looking to his left he could see a pelican troopship in a flat spin slowly detourating from the g forces, as its crew and contents were flung out.
"Wraith tank por- Crack Crack"
The private wasn't even finished with his sentence before the lieutenant light up the tank with the new AMR-70 sniper rifle. This rifle was pure hell. It fired a 50mm high explosive/depleted uranium sabot rounds that could penetrate six meters of titanium-A armor. It was originally designed to be mounted on pelican gun ship's and warthogs but was downsized for infantry.
Looking at the tank he saw that the four meter thick armor was cleanly peeled away from its carcus.
"Sir ETA to pick up zone is two minutes, you and your men might wanna prepare for a hot drop" said the pilot
"Roger that, troopers load up, light combat gear only that means ammunition and rifles only"
As he drooped his rucksack camelback and secondary rifle he felt a sudden drop in altitude like on an elevator. Checking his rifle he pulled back the receiver with a satisfying "clack" "lets role"