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The battle of Evermore by Gruntkiller
The Battle of Evermore Part 1: Ambush
Date: 24 August 2003, 9:49 PM
The Battle of Evermore Part 1 of 3: Ambush
Sigma Octanus IV
Pvt. Erik Jones zoomed in his scope on a small Covenant camp 2 Km up the valley. The camp had been put there by a recon force to serve as a forward communications center to their ship in orbit over the planet.
The rainforest valley known as Evermore was a highly strategic place for both the UNSC and the Covenant. The valley carved out by a glacier thousands of years ago connected the seaside city of Ashton to the northern flats, which held large oilfields and numerous cities. On either side of the valley ran a huge mountain rang impassible by ground vehicle and even low flying aircraft had a dangerous route maneuvering around the many huge peaks. Ashton to the south was currently held by the Covenant and seemed to be preparing to make a push up Evermore to the Flats.
Erik Jones was part of a 4 man team set out to scout the area, so far besides the communications center the patrol found nothing. Not a single Covenant soldier was seen anywhere, even in there comm. Center. It made them worry, if they were being watch right now through the scope of a Covenant weapon as it prepared to fire.
"Guys, lets get back to forward command," said the Team leader in a hushed voice as he scanned the area. "We'll call for a bomber on these coordinates once we get back."
The squad quickly packed up its equipment and made it back to the Forward Command.
Forward command was a large military checkpoint that ran the width of the valley near the half way mark. It consisted of two parallel walls about 700 meters from each other dividing the road to make it easier to defend. A large metal gate closed off the road, on either side of the road there were large towers which housed a .50 caliber machine gun and several snipers who watched the road constantly. Between the walls there was a small sized base with 12 tanks and 20 warthogs along with 500 Marines.
Erik and the rest of the patrol came up along the road. The road was 8 lanes (4 heading south and 4 heading north), and constructed of a specially designed asphalt designed to last longer. As they approached a smaller door along the wall opened up allowing them to pass through without the time consuming process of opening the 200 ton gates. They reported immediately too the debriefing room and reported on the enemy communications center.
Erik walked out of the debriefing room still carrying his rifle, it was near 7:00pm and he was starved.
"You heading to the movie hall tonight, I heard they finally got a new film in," said Pvt. James King, another member of the recon team.
"Can't I got watch at 2000 till 2400," said Erik.
"Oh, do you think they'll make a move."
"They didn't put that communications stuff out there for nothing."
"Well hope they don't strike before we get those reinforcements."
"Yup" ~
At 1950 Erik grabbed his rifle and made his way out to the watch east watch tower, the night was humid with not even the slightest breeze. He quickly made his way out the small door in the wall and the watch tower.
"Thunder," said Erik.
"Flash," came the reply. That was the all clear signal and Erik climbed up the ladder with his rifle slung over his back, when he reached the top he walked into the small hut containing the communications and watch equipment.
"Hey, anything new," said Erik to the sniper he was replacing.
"Nothing, we saw some movement looked like a grunt but nothing since."
Grunts were no stranger to the area, every day or so one would be spotted scouting the rainforest, it was determined to not worth firing at a single scout because it would give away sniper nests and machine gun positions.
As the night wore on the watch equipment stayed clear with nothing out of the ordinary at all.
Erik sat out side the hut on a chair smoking a cigarette, one of the crappy ones issued to them with their rations. The sky was clear with the stars shining bright. Erik sat wondering what battles were being fought thousands of miles away on some other planet. He looked back down at the rainforest that lined the valley, he tracked the road with his eyes as it snaked to the south. Suddenly there was a flash of blue about 200ft from the wall.
"Hey I just saw something," said Erik still looking down at that spot.
"What did yah see?"
"It looked like a shield about 200ft from the wall"
"Check it the equipment is picking up nothing"
Erik picked up his rifle and zoomed in, he clicked on the night vision. He found himself peering at covenant crawling out of a hole in the ground.
"Sound the alarm we got covenant coming out of some sort of tunnel!"
"Oh Shit!" said one of the guys inside the hut as he dialed up the CO and gave a report. The other sniper grabbed his rifle while the machine gunner ran and clicked the safety of the .50 Cal.
From inside the base an alarm began to sound followed by vehicles starting and the shouts of officers to their troops.
Erik took a shot at a covenant climbing out of the tunnel killing it, the others seeing that they were spotted scattered into the brush. All of a sudden in a line through the rainforest Jackal shields powered up creating cover for the others.
The Marine on the .50 Cal opened fire raining dozens of bullets per second down on the enemies below. The other tower quickly opened fire too.
Below the glow of charging plasma weapons could be seen and soon charged shots scorched through the air towards the towers.
"Duck!" yelled out Erik as a charged plasma bolt went for the machine gunner.
It was too late though the plasma bolt hit the gunner in the upper right side of his chest melting through flesh and bone killing him. Along the road ghosts could be seen speeding up from the south, the fighting was about to get a lot more intense.
Along the top of the mall Marines using sniper rifle and light MM9b light .30 CAL machine guns set up and began to fire down upon the covenant on the forest floor. The covenant kept on flowing out of the tunnels and Drop-ships could bee seen coming in from the south. On the ground the Covenant set up several light plasma grenade mortars and began lobbing grenades over the wall with them creating havoc inside the base.
Plasma streaked past Erik's head and several Covenant were trying to melt the towers supports with plasma grenades. There were too many on the ground and more kept on coming. Suddenly the tower shuddered as the rear supports gave away and the tower began to fall backwards into the wall.
Erik grabbed on to the edge of the steel platform that encircled the hut and held on as the watch tower fell backwards into the wall which slowed its fall to the ground.
There was a sudden jolt as the tower hit the wall causing Erik to loose his grip and plummet the remaining 20ft to the ground where he landed hard on his back slamming his head on the ground. Suddenly everything around him fell out of focus and he blacked out. All around him Covenant charged up to the wall and began setting explosives next to the small door.
Next: Break
The Battle of Evermore Part 2: Break
Date: 31 August 2003, 5:58 PM
The Battle of Evermore Part 2 of 4 Break
0100 Erik's eyes opened suddenly from a sharp pain in his chest. Above him with one foot on his chest plate an Elite stood yelling out orders to Grunts who where laying explosives next to the small door. Above the Elites head dangled the body of the other sniper his leg trapped between the platform of the destroyed watch tower and the wall. The blood of the sniper was still dripping down forming a puddle on the ground. The sound of plasma flying filled the air as thousands of plasma bolts per minute were fired up at the machine guns and snipers on top of the wall.
Erik didn't dare move if the Elite felt the slightest movement that he was alive he would be shot. The Elite took his foot off of Erik's chest and turned around heading back towards the line of Jackals that sat along the edge of the jungle. The Ghosts Erik had seen earlier sat off in the rainforest firing burst at the top of the wall and drop ships were landing and unloading troops constantly behind the front lines.
Around him several Grunts ran away from the door behind him, he quickly turned his head and looked. Along the door packets of what appeared to be explosives were attached to the door, several wires ran down to a small black box with a small flashing light.
Erik stared at it for a few seconds deciding what to do next, he pulled his pistol out of its holster and fired three shots at the box, 2 hit the third one missed and severed three wires. The light still flashed the box was armored.
The battled raged and nobody noticed as Erik desperately crawled away to the side away form the door, the Covenant concentrated on the Marines on top of the wall who fired down almost non-stop.
Suddenly there was a huge explosion as the packets of explosives still hooked up to the detonator went off setting off the other three too in the blast, the force blasted a hole in the wall where the door was about 12ft high and 20ft wide. This was the break the Covenant needed, dozens of grunts ran forward climbing over debris through the hole where Marines mowed them down but more kept on coming.
20 Jackals in a phalanx formation, 5 across and 4 deep climbed up through the debris and began firing upon the Marines on the other side of the wall Warthogs rushed to set up a barrier and provide support fire with their .50 machine guns.
Up the road Wraiths were coming bringing with them two large supply vehicles with portable grav-lifts to transport troops to the top of the wall. As the Wraiths came into range of the base they fanned out and fired heavy plasma rounds up into the air and over the wall wreaking havoc upon the Marines which now were all over the place taking up defensive positions.
Erik continued to crawl away from the wall towards a patch of bushes he was ignored in the heat of the battle except for the occasional Covenant who would quickly dismiss him as dying from a fall off the wall. Erik soon reached the bushes and crawled into them hiding from sight, he set himself up to have a view out at Covenant lines. Using his pistol he began taking shots a line of five Jackals leading a ground of Grunts and an Elite through the break in the wall. Within 20 seconds two of the Jackals were dead, and in the confusion of the battle nobody noticed the Marine hidden in the bushes.
A stream of machine gun fire came through the break into the approaching Covenant squad, the bullets ripped through the Grunts who were now exposed and badly injured the Elite forcing it to retreat back to behind the main lines.
The supply vehicles arrived just behind the Covenant lines and quickly unloaded their gear and headed back for more. The force of Covenant was about 5000 now and more were still coming up through the tunnels.
Erik still lay in the bushes, all his ammunition for his pistol was gone long ago and all he could do is stay out of sight. Behind the Covenant lines which were now fairly dug in a whistle blew, The fire from the Covenant stopped and for a minute all that could be heard was the machine gun and sniper fire. Then as if urged by some ungodly force the Covenant rushed forward en masse to the wall and many tried to get through the gate. Near the back of the huge mass of soldiers several covenant carried the portable grav-lifts up to the wall and set them up, soon Covenant were being lifted up to the top of the wall to face the Marines who desperately tried to hold them back. The bodies of Covenant plunged to the ground as they were cut down when the reached the top but there were just too many and the Marines had limited ammo.
Still from the distance more and more Covenant came, the base was on the verge of being overrun and the battle of evermore lost.
Next: Rush
The Battle of Evermore Part 3: Rush
Date: 7 September 2003, 9:20 PM
The Battle of Evermore Part 3 of 4: Rush
Fort Wyatt
News finally arrived to the main base on the northern flats of the siege of the base in Evermore. Every soldier that could be spared was loaded up into transports and sped off south along with tanks and warthogs. Overhead Pelicans made rushed takeoffs filled to capacity with troops.
Evermore 0340
A Grunt jumped into the patch of bushes where Erik was hiding. Both Erik and the Grunt stared at each other in shock for a second or two but quickly Erik gathered himself and grabbed the Grunts head and brought up his knee smashing in the front of its skull killing it instantly.
The grunt's plasma rifle fell out of it hand onto the dark rainforest soil. Erik stared at it for a second and picked it up. Outside his little refuge the battle raged on as more and more Covenant flowed through the break of the wall into the fray. Inside Warthogs drove around plowing down Covenant but most of them were overcome by plasma fire which melted through their armor and killed the engines. The Tanks sat at the back of the base firing shells into the masses of Covenant troops, while the remaining Marines clung to life behind any available cover only appearing to take a few shots then hide again.
From the distance coming up from the south a large convoy came into sight. On the front vehicle a large cannon sat while the ones behind it were carrying troops. They were still over 30km away but they were traveling fast.
From the north the first reinforcements arrived. A group of 10 pelicans landed behind the base and quickly unloaded its troops and warthogs. The Marines quickly made there way to the northern wall and entered through the small door, what they faced then scared every one of them for life.
The tanks barely resembled the thundering beasts they once did, there armor plating was melted into grotesque shapes and most of them were inoperable. The ones that still worked fired constantly into the break and at the masses of Covenant soldiers who ran for the buildings. On the South wall the Covenant had almost taken complete control with only a few Machine gunners who stayed in the cover of small towers built on top of the wall to provide sniper nests.
Overhead a pelican with machine gunners set up out of the back hatch made flew over the north wall and towards the south to provide suppressive fire. A stream of plasma fire coming up from a ghost crashed into the right wing of the pelican causing it to spin out of control towards the ground. In a large plume of smoke and fire the Pelican crashed into the ground behind the Covenant lines killing everybody on board and several Covenant soldiers on the ground.
"Call in for more soldiers, we need everything they got," yelled out the combat CO from Fort Wyatt.
Only minutes after the first of the Marines from the north arrived, the Covenant convoy from the south came to a top 300ft away from the main gate. The cannon on the first vehicle quickly began to charge until a green glow came out of its barrel. Then to the horror of every Human the canon fired, the huge charged plasma shot flew through the air at an enormous speed then crashed into the main gate. The initial transfer of energy from the shot to the gate caused it to weaken tremendously but it was the heat from the plasma that did it in. The temperature of the metal rose so quickly that it cracked and began to fall, the top of the wall fell first with an enormous crash inside the base. The cannon fired a second shot destroying what remained of the bottom part of the gate.
Inside the base everything was silent even the sound of gun fire had stopped for the moment. Every Marine prepared for the onslaught that was about to come through. Outside the base the shouts of Elites could be heard followed by the sound of Ghosts starting up.
Over the remains of the gate 20 ghosts were the first to come. They let out a near constant stream of plasma burning through the air killing several Marines in seconds. The few tanks which still had an operational main cannon opened fire upon the ghosts but for the most part the ghosts maneuvered too fast to be hit by the slow aiming beasts.
Erik stared in disbelief as about 2000 covenant troops formed up into a huge box formation stretching from just ahead of the cannon to the rubble where the gate had stood minutes before. Upfront 12 lines about 200 across stood ready to make there charge through towards the Marines who were now basically trapped against the opposite wall. The next few lines were made up of Jackals with Hunters placed every so often to provide heavy fire power, behind them there was a sea of Grunts, Hunters, and Brutes who would be the main fist of the attack. Mixed among all the troops except the first lines of Grunts there were Elites of various ranks who would command the assault, off to the side of the formation there was a Gold Elite guarded by two black armored spec ops elites.
The Gold Elite shouted out to the crew manning the plasma cannon who immediately went to work. A green glow once again was emitting from the barrel as the plasma inside charged to make a devastating blow against the Marines who where still pinned down at the opposite side of the base.
Sgt. Daniel Scott, the gunner of one of the tanks, stared at the plasma cannon and the green glow.
"Its gonna fire again!" yelled out Daniel grabbing the controls to the tank's turret and aiming it. "Concentrate all fire at the cannon."
Every Marine knew the consequences of the cannon firing again. Tanks all across the line aimed and fired.
The first of the shells from the tanks sailed harmlessly over head but the next few where better aimed. One crashed into the front of the vehicle which the cannon was placed on causing the anti-gravity supports (the same ones used on Ghosts, but on a much larger scale) to give out and the vehicle to drop several feet to the ground, but the cannon was still unharmed. The next shot slammed into the top of the cannon's barrel, followed closely by a third which slammed into the cannon near the chamber where the plasma was being charged. The explosion destroyed several key pieces of equipment for stabilizing the charging plasma causing it to become unstable and explode.
The explosion quickly killed hundreds of Covenant and injured many to the point where they lay in unrecognizable heaps of flesh wailing in pain as there own bodily fluids boiled causing many of them to die slow deaths.
The Gold Elite began shouting, causing the remaining covenant to quickly form up again. The Elite quickly let out another shout and the first lines of Grunts broke out into a run over the rubble into the base.
Behind the remains of tanks and warthogs the Marine force now growing from reinforcements where hit with a barrage of plasma fire as hundreds of grunt poured out over the rubble of the gate towards them. Quickly Machine guns began firing mowing down the Grunts as they charged onwards, but they kept on coming and casualties mounted. The Rush began.
Next: Desperate