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The Virus Part 1
Date: 16 April 2003, 6:16 AM
(New Bisson system, planet Bisson 11, 0930 hours, August 3, 2550)
The Plague The five remaining Grunts were quickly put down, staining the grass field with flourecsent, blue blood that ozzed from the fist-sized holes that were scattered across their bodies. One such Grunt named Nosliw was hit in the shoulder. Not a life threatening wound but it hurt like hell. Nosliw fell to the ground and played dead, knowing that if he didn't he would be taken prisoner or killed and add to the growing list of Covenant casualties that had lost their lives in this war. Nosliw listened as the Humans walked past kicking the bodies as they went. One kicked him and pain shot through his spine. He waited until their voices were faint and distant and he sprang to his feet and ran as fast as he could to the reinforcments location. Sergeant Kurt Holmes walked past the sea of dead bodies that scattered the land scape. He wiped away beads of persiration that were forming on his forehead. "Sarge Whiskey five is ready for dustoff," Corporal Matt Wilks said. "Alright lets be ready to move out dustoff in five," Holmes barked. The eight Marines acknowledged and in no time were ready to leave the planet of Bisson three. "Sarge I think you should take a look at this!" Private Henning yelled, his voice a mix of fear and confusion. Holmes ran to his position to see a shocking sight. A blue Elite stumbled across the open field torwards the Marines. It's skin was bubbling, it was clutching its throat and making a gurgling sound. Hennings and Private Taylor both had their MA5B assualt rifles trained on it. "We would of shot it but the thing dropped its gun and started grabbing his throat," Hennings looked at Holmes. "Yah but what the hell is wrong with it? I mean look at it, it's skin is bubbling," Holmes stood dumbfound. The Elite stood eleven feet from them. It made another gurgling sound then a choking one and howled. The Elite staggered a few steps then went limp and crumpled to the ground. Holmes had his rifle trained on its head. He slowly walked over to it and looked down at it. The Eliteclutched its chest and throat with seperate hands. It met his gaze and the two aliens looked into each others eyes until the Elite began to convulge then its eyes rolled back into its head and the Elite lay still. "What the hell?" Holmes faced was wrinkled in confusion as he looked at the Elite. All the Marines hovered over the Elite. Its skin was still bubbling then it stopped and purple-black blood flowed from every hole in its body. It was bleeding out. "Alright we'll have to report this but in the mean time move out now and let's get off this damn planet," Holmes broke the silence. As the Marines were moving out, he called Corporal Johnson aside to have a word. Earliar he had seen him pull the pin on a canister and tossed it into the middle of the Covenant ranks. "What the hell was in that canister?" Holmes demanded. "It was just an experimental grenade sir," Johnson said. "Right well whatever get your ass on that Pelican," Holmes said. He had seen the so called "grenade" explode and instead of an explosion happening a cloud of vapor sprayed out and all the covenant that were exposed to it ran off, even the Elites. The one they saw must of been ne of them, but that was more than an hour ago. As Johnson was boarding the Pelican, a clever grin covered his face, his experiment had worked. Nosliw stopped dead in his tracks. The sight of the Elite laying on the ground, holding his throat and chest bleeding all over made him shiver. Nosliw was no stranger to this. He knew exactly what it was. He turned and ran faster then he was before. The field master was a gold Elite named Klar Kunamee. Kunamee was a seasoned veteran of many battles in the war. Having worked his way up through the ranks he had finally became a part of the "Prophet praised" class. Kunamee was about to order everyone onto the Dropship when a voice came from behind him. "Field master wait," Nosliw said out of breath. He collapsed to the ground, trying to catch his breath. "Do you have no respect for authority?" Kunamee demanded, turning around and looking at the little Grunt who was at his feet gasping for breath. "Yes field master but... the Plague it...is...back." To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 2
Date: 19 April 2003, 1:22 AM
(New Bisson system, Bisson 11, 0935 hours, August 3, 2550) The Virus Commander Elite Klar Kunamee stared down at the little Grunt who had finally caught his breath. "You say the Plague is back?" Kunamee asked. "Yes Excellency it is back," Nosliw said staring up at the tall Elite. "And what would a gas-sucker know of the Plague it hasn't been seen for more than twenty units," a Jackal named Wok hissed. "I saw a body of an Elite with the same signs that have been described in the account of the Plague," Nosliw said. "I must see it to believe it, Plutenee," Kunamee blared. "Yes Excellency," a red second-in-command Elite named Plutenee stepped forward. "Your are acting field master while I am gone," Kunamee said. "Yes Excellency," Plutenee said with a hint of excitment in his voice. "Grunt you take me to the body," Kunamee demanded. "Yes Excellency are we going to walk?" Nosliw asked. "Unless you want to I prefer to take a Ghost," Kunamee said without looking at him. Kunamee waited half a unit then looked at the Grunt who was just standing there. "Are you going to get on?" Kunamee demanded iritatedly. "Oh yes Excellency," Nosliw jumped onto one of the antigrav pods and Kunamee started it up. The Ghost hovered a half unit off the ground and then sped foreward. Nosliw directed Kunamee to where the body lay. Bisson two was almost like a giant grass field so they had no trouble to find the spot where Nosliw was only units ago. Nosliw hopped off the Ghost and looked around at the aftermath of the battle. More Covenant bodies lay scattered across the battle field then human and most were Grunts like him. Nosliw walked over to the body of his best friend. He kneeled next to the body and said a prayer for his fallen brother. "Grunt the body," Kunamee reminded him. Nosliw jumped. "Oh yes this way Excellency," Nosliw said. He retraced his steps to where he had seen the body and sure enough it was still there. The body was now a heap of twisted flesh. The grass was stained in purple blood that surrounded the body. The Elite's eyes had melted. The flesh had melted completly, revealing the insides that had all liquifyed. Nosliw turned away sickened by the sight. Kunamee stared down at the Elite. "This is definatly the Plague," Kunamee said. "Come we must report this to the Prophets." (Pelican Dropship en route to UNSC Gladiator) The eight men sat in silence all thinking of the Elite they had found. Sergeant Holmes stared off into space. The sight of the Elite made him tingle. He tried to think of something else but his mind replayed the image over and over. Holmes looked up to see Private Hennings wiping away a river of sweat that ran down his face. "You okay Hen?" he asked. "Yah fine sir just hot...really hot...I think...I'll take armor off," Hennings said. Holmes looked at him, his face wrinkled in confusion. Hennings speech was sloppy and his voice souded slurred. His eyes were heavy like he was tired, but Hennings was never tired. "You sure your okay?" he asked again. "Fine...just...hot.....extreme...ly..hot," Hennings whispered. He coughed up blood that spilled into his cupped hands. He coughed more and more blood that fell like a waterfall from his mouth o the ground. Holmes was standing up now about to walk over to Hennings when he saw a bubble form on his cheek and pop. "What the hell?" Holmes said looking at Hennings. Hennings screamed and fell to the ground clawing at his skin. "I'm so hot...the heat...can't...stand..th..th...the...heat!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Taylor ran over to him and put his hand on Hennings arm. The skin came off. "My god," Taylor said. Hennings vomited and vomited until there was nothing left in his stomach. His skin began to bubble. His eyes began to melt and the milky white substance ran down from his sockets.He clawed at his skin tearing it off. His screams filled the troop bay. Hennings fell to the ground and began to convulge. He was sprawled on the floor, his muscles contracting. Holmes stared in horror as Hennings jerked a little then lay still. A pool of crimson blood formed around him and worked its way across the troop bay floor. The seven other Marines watched as Hennings body began to turn into liquid and the pool of blood boiled. The blood bubbled and began to evaporate. To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 3
Date: 5 May 2003, 3:30 AM
(Covenant Dropship en route to Covenant cruiser orbiting Bisson 11, 0940 hours, August 3, 2552) The Prophets The Grunt Nosliw sat in the left troop compartment of the Dropship. He stared off into space, his mind replaying the grusome images he had seen earliar. His mind shifted to the memorys of that day that he would never forget, more than of 20 year units ago. He was a young Grunt fresh out of the academy. It was his first assignment on the field. The brass had heard reports of enemy activity in the sector so his unit was sent to patrol the area and was ready 12 time units into the mission when out of no where a hail of Human projectiles filled the air and suddenly a Human grenade fell out of the thick trees that surrounded them. As soon as the grenade touched the gorund the firing stopped and the Humans fled. The grenade did not explode instead a vapor like mist sprayed out of it and filled the air. Nosliw then remembered running and looking back at his fellow comrades who all were trying to flee but were all sprawled on the ground clutching their throats. Nosliw's mind scrambled back to reality as the Dropship decelerated and prepared to dock in the cruiser. Klar Kunamee stood as the Dropship's troopbay doors dropped. He hopped out and turned around to look at the little Grunt. "You Grunt follow me," Kunamee said and headed for the exit. Nosliw looked blankly at the Elite. He thought best to follow him and avoid any trouble. Nosliw ran out of the hanger and caught up to the Elite. "Excellency with all do respect where are we going on such short notice?" he asked. "We are going to the Council. It appears that they have already been informed of the Plague," Kunamee said. "Excellency did you say the council?" Nosliw's eyes buldged out of their sockets. "Indeed I did and the Council does not like to have Grunts in their midst. Stay at my side at all times, do not say a word and don't show fear if you do then they will kill you. You are lucky Grunt the council insisted that you come along for reasons unknown to me they normally hate even hearing the name Grunt and what is your name?" Kunamee stared down at the Little Grunt who was almost running to keep up with his steady stride. "No...Nos...li...Nosliw sir..I mean excellency," Nosliw almost fainted. The Council of Prophets wanted him a Grunt? He tried to hide the uncontrolable shaking in his hands but they rattled as if he were in an earth quake. "Well Nosliw what did I say about showing fear the next thing I need is to order a clean up of a Grunt corpes in the Prophets chamber." They entered a waiting room and another gold Elite walked up to them. "Ah Klar Kumamee you finally made commander and it is a pleasure to see you after all these units," the Elite said. "Hell Meko Moramee a Prophet aid and it is good to see you again," Kunamee bowed his head. Nosliw watched as Both Elites bowed heads. A a strange greeting custom. He looked at the stranger named Moramee who glanced at him and frowned. "And I see you have brought the Grunt," Moramee said with a hint of anger in his voice. "Come they are waiting." Nosliw followed them though a door and into a large chamber that echoed with each passing foot step. The chamber was huge and pitch black. "Do exactly as I do and don't talk and maybe you will make it out of hear alive," Kunamee whispered. The comment didn't shed to much light on Nosliw nor did it heighten his spirits. He gulped and followed closely behind Kunamee. Suddenly a light flooded the room revealing eight Prophets hovering a full unit off the ground. Nosliw was on the verge of passing out and trying to keep himself from running out of the room. He looked at the Prophets with their tall head dresses on and grav belts supending them in mid-air. He watched as Kunamee bowed his head. Nosliw did the same and raised his head. "Masters as you have summoned I have brought you the Elite Klar kunamee and the Grunt," Moramee said bowing his head. "Yes thank you Moramee. Ah Klar Kunamee you have come to our council bringing the Grunt Nosliw with you," a minor Prophet said. "Yes I have as instructed master Prophet," Kunamee answered. "Now tell us about the Plague," the Prophet said. Kunamee retold the story about how they had found the body and so on. Nosliw was half awake when he heard his name called. "GRUNT! Tell us your part of the story," the Prophet demanded almost at a shout. "Yes master Prophet," Nosliw said imitating Kunamee's words. "When we were engaging the Humans on the planet I saw one of them toss what looked like a grenade into the middle of a group of us and instead of an explosion a vapor like mist came out and all of the of my comrades who were enveloped in the mist came down with the Plague," Nosliw said. "Yes your mind tells the same story and you have seen the Plague befor," the Prophet said. "Now Kunamee and Nosliw leave us for we have an exacution to witness," another Prophet said. Kunamee bowed, rose and turned around and headed for the exit. Nosliw closely followed. As Nosliw exited he looked bacl to see Moramee holding a Plasma sword above a blue Elites head. Nosliw watched as Moramee with one swift thrust drove the blabe into the Elite's neck. The Elite fell to the ground, a pool of purple/black blood formingaround the body. That made Nosliw run even faster out of the room. When he exited into the corridor he sighed with relief. He had made it out alive.
The Virus Part 4
Date: 3 June 2003, 6:17 AM
(UNSC Dropship Vector 12 en route to UNSC cruiser Gladiator orbitng New Bisson 11, 0945 hours) Containment Holmes stared in a mixture of disgust and fear at the pool of liquid that was once Hennings. Taylor sat next staring down at his former comrade sobbing. Wilkes stared eyes wide open. The seven Marines stared in silence besides Taylors sobbs, too dumbfound to realize what had just happened. The only on who knew the truth was Johnson who fought back a smile. "Sir what the hell's goin on back there?" the pilot asked looking back behind his shoulder. "Get captain Dallas on the horn ASAP," Holmes broke the silence. "Pilot tell the captain that he should contact the ONI Biological Weapons division," Johnson said. "What are you saying that he died from a disease?" Holmes looked at him. "No sir I'm saying that he died from a virus and a highly deadly one at that." "UNSC Gladiator this is Vector 12 we have a situation on borde tell captain Dallas that a Marine died from a...virus and that he needs to contact the...one moment what is it called?" the pilot said. "ONI Biological weapons division," Johnson hollered over the rush of the engines. "Tell him he needs to contact the ONI Biological Weapons division-" "Tell them that we have a hot patient on borde," Johnson cut him off. "Tell him to tell them that we have a hot patient on borde...right..dunno ok will do over and out." "Sir we need to stay in the air captain's orders," the pilot said. "Alright" Holmes replied. The Marines and the two pilots stayed in silence for one hour but the pilot periodically called and asked how long it was going to take. "This is Dr. Kenneth Webber of the ONI Bioweapons division you are to land at docking bay C pad 7 from their your Pelican will be icolated and all men will wait until futher instructions over and out," a voice said over the Pelican's com link. The pilot tried to argue but the Dr. killed the link. The Pelican docked. Holmes looked out through the cockpits view port. The entire docking bay and landing pad was covered with plastic bubble coverings. Several men in what looked like space suits were about with mops, vacums, and hundreds of containers of bleach. When the Pelican docked the troop bay door pened and several people flooded in with hoses that sprayed bleach instead of water. The people holding the hoses unleashed a shower of bleach on the troop bay. The Marines all blocked their eyes. When the bleach stopped the Marines were hustled out of the Pelican and they were told to strip. They did so and their armor and clothing was incinarated. They were given thin paper t-shirts and pants then latex jumpsuits. They Marines had no say in what was going on because it was all happening so quickly. The ONI spooks immediatly gave the HEPA suits or "space suits". HEPA stands for High-efficiency particle-arrestor filter. THe HEPA suit used a filter that sucked in air and trapped biological particles in the air and purified the air in the suit. The space suits were fitted on and then the were sprayed with bleach from head to toe. The Pelican was soaked in bleach and scrubbed over and over. The remains of Hennings were picked up off the ground and double body bagged. He disappared in the tangle of endless bubble hallways "Sir did any of your men make contact of Corporal Hennings?" an ONI spook asked Holmes. "Yah Taylor did," johnson butted in pointing to Taylor who just stood there. "Right sir lets go," the spook said. With out waiting for an answer he and four others made Taylor walk with them towards a bubble hallway and out of sight. "Where the hell are you taking him?" Holmes demanded to another spook who was saw the whole thing. "To be icolated and sir please don't make contact with over people," the man siad. "Okay but tell me one thing what thehell is all this shit?" Holmes demanded again. The spook took no notice and walked away. Holmes was furious when two men came up to him. One was holding another HEPA suit that was covered with a plastic seal. "Sergeant Holmes I'm Dr. Webber I'm a pathologist and this is Dr. Brooks he's a molecular biologist we're the heads of this ONI operation," the man on the right said. "Yah hi ya mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Holmes shot a menacing look at Webber. "No time to explain sir you'll here all about in the captain's debriefing sir please follow us." Holmes said nothing and moioned for him to lead the way. The three men left the scene and Holmes left his men. He quickly changed into the other suit and discarded his other one which was incinarated as well as his paper clothing (he was supplied with new ones). He stood in the bubble corridor in front of the captain's quarters, ready to learn the truth. To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 5
Date: 10 July 2003, 11:09 PM
Author's note: Alright everyone the Virus is back in action. I'm sorry for the delay and for saying that I was going to leave fan fiction but now I'm back and kicking. For those of you who don't now the story so far I suggest going back and reading the other chapter's or email me and I will gladly give you the low down. Well I hope you enjoy you've never had a ride quit like this!
"We must not forget the real threat that Virus's pose to mankind. They could kill us all if there was to be an outbreak. If you sign that document that allows biological weapons to be used in war we would all die. If an outbreak were to occur then it would be the down fall of mankind. ICBM's and biological weapons are the two greatest threats of man kind and would make the Apocalypse a reality." -Dr. Barry Heckler, during the UN biological weapons agreement conference, year 2260
"Mankind carry's within him the seeds of his own destruction" -President Richard Nixon Revealed (UNSC cruiser Gladiator orbiting New Bisson 11, New Bisson galaxy, 0950 hours, 2550) Holmes was increasingly uncomfortable in the space suit and scrunched up between the two guards armed with M6D pistols and Dr. Webber and Dr. Brooks. Holmes thought he was going to suffocate when breathing the artificial oxygen in the HEPA suit (acronym for High-Efficiency Particle-Arrestor filter, a suit that uses a filter that is mounted on the waist which sucks in air and traps biological virus particles thus purifying the air). The air was thick and dry. Holmes thought he was going to choke on his own lungs. He looked around at the bubble coverings on every wall and people in HEPA suit walking past. "You guys did this all in an hour?" Holmes asked amazed. No one answered they entered the Captain's quarters. Captain Dallas was sitting behind his desk looking at them. They were separated from the Captain by a plastic wall that was three inches thick that ran through the middle of the room. "Now what the hell is going on here Sergeant you say you found a Virus and in response ONI sends 50 spooks from their Biological Weapons division and set up shop in under and hour? What the hell happened give he the details?" Dallas demanded. Holmes nodded and began. He told them how they had found the dead Covenant body and how Henning had died and how Taylor had touched Henning and how Taylor was taken away to be put in isolation. "Well sounds like the shit really hit the fan. Now doctors tell me what the hell is this Virus where does it come from and what does it do?" Dallas demanded. "Yes sir the Virus Sergeant Holmes and his men found it known as Deforma virus (from the place the mutated strain was found on New Bisson 2) or Ebola X. Deforma is a mutated strain of Ebola. Ebola was first found about 500 years ago 200 years ago it was cured and it was thought that it would never be seen again and Ebola was lost out of knowledge for a long time until 20 years ago it popped up on New Bisson 2 in the Deforma river valley. All viruses and diseases are rare these days due to the dawn of super medicine hell the last strain of the cold was around 30 years ago and that was a deadly strain. But Ebola X is one of those rare diseases that have found a way around the age o super antibiotics and medicine. But how it can kill can be told by Dr. Brooks," Webber said. "Captain Deforma is a very nasty and deadly killer. The strain that Sergeant Holmes found was thankfully only airborne for the first two minutes of after the host dies. But it can be transmitted by skin to skin contact and body fluid transfer. The strain they found is known as Ebola Deforma strain 3 (there are 6 known strains). Ebola Deforma is a mutated strain of Ebola and a flesh melting bacteria known as Deforma which can only be found on New Bisson. These two particles over time mutated and naturally formed Ebola X. These two particles have formed a naturally made recombinant virus or a chimera so you might call this Deforma chimera" "When a person gets exposed to strain 3 nothing happens at first the virus has just entered your blood stream and is working its way through your body. Deforma particles have little tentacles all over them that allow them to swim through the blood stream faster than cells flow. The first viruses are attracted to cells by chemical messages that they let loose to tell which a virus is and which a fresh cell is. They immediately attack the cells and in about a second the cell is full of virus particles. Viruses need living cells to replicate. The Deforma virus particle is a tiny nugget of protein smaller than a cell or a bacterium. The virus protein is surrounded with a membrane. That surrounds a core of genetic material. Now most viruses consist of RNA or DNA and Deforma bacteria consists of DNA and Ebola RNA the two have some how mixed causing a very very strange type of genetic code. The ribbon like molecules that are the master software code that directs the activities of life. The virus uses its software code to take over a cell and directs the cells own machinery to make more virus particles. The virus keeps the cell alive until it is full of virus copies and then the cell explodes and releases hundreds even thousands of copies of the virus. After 1 minute and entire arm is full of viruses then another then all the limbs then organs begin to break down with virus and the heart slows. By now the virus will have traveled up to the midbrain and quickly working its way up and attacks the brain cells and brain tissue. A little before this the person will have complained about heat and would have taken of clothing. Now later they will throw up their organs and cough up blood and tissue. They will collapse and experience seizure like symptoms and have convulsions. Next the virus has done its work but the bacteria will take full effect and the person's skin will bubble and melt off. They will bleed out of every orifice or hole in their body and their insides are almost completely melted. Now their eyes will melt and their skin will be liquid as their insides liquefy and they are nothing but a pool. Their blood will make a small pool which will begin to evaporate (your body temperature will be over 200 degree F). When the bacteria starts to take effect after the person complains of heat their body temp will be at 110 and brain damage will occur and their speech, coordination, and thinking will be slow and slurred. So as you can see Deforma is not a pretty thing," Brooks finished smoothly. Holmes and Dallas were amazed at the credibility of Deforma. They were left speechless after hearing Brooks little speech. Long seconds of silent thought followed. "Right well this is not good if this bug gets out we're all screwed so lets get this thing going," Dallas said. "Sir with your permission we would like to have full authority over the matter of isolation protocol on your ship?" Webber asked. "Yah course you guys are the experts just don't give my crew a scare and don't put this burden on my shoulders," Dallas said. Webber and Brooks nodded and left with Holmes still in the middle of the two guards. They headed down through the corridors back towards the cargo bay. Holmes was pissed that he had gotten into this mess and was going to get his men out. Little did Holmes or the other Marines know Taylor was pinned down surrounded by sound proof walls. Two ONI spooks stood over him, one with a silenced M6D. "The blood test proved he was positive he's infected he's a carrier," the one with the M6D said. "Yah well our orders were to kill him we don't want to let this bug get out so shoot him they'll burn the body," the second one said. Taylor couldn't see their faces through their suits. He was burning up inside. Taylor looked at the man with the pistol who walked up to his head and placed his foot on his neck. Taylor tried to scream but choked as the man put a lot of weight on his neck. The man drew the M6D and squeezed the trigger. The 12mm slug smacked into Taylor's head and a geyser of blood, brain, and bone sprayed up. Taylor died instantly the round went right through his head. The virus inside of him had no where to go and began to die. The two men picked up his body and hurled it into an incinerator and Taylor's body ceased to exist. To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 6
Date: 31 July 2003, 8:21 PM
Conspiracy (Covenant cruiser in slip space exiting New Bisson system, 0955 hours) The Elite Klar 'Kunamee shuffled down the long hallway towards the Chamber of Masters with the all too familiar Grunt Nosliw at his side who was trying to keep up even with Kunamee's slow, steady stride. 'Kunamee had been summoned yet again by the Prophet council and since he was officially labeled a witness of the event and along with Nosliw would have to consult in front of the head council at the Central Court of Affairs. 'Kunamee came to a set of double doors and the doors opened to reveal a waiting room and a Prophet aid came out. His gold armor gleamed in the evenly lit room. Another Elite came out this one with black armor; he had in his hand a plasma pistol and the other a pair of energy cuffs. "Give all weapons you are armed with," the Elite said. He quickly took them and dropped them in a black box. "Put your hand here," he said again. 'Kunamee hated the routine and did what he was told. For a brief second he flinched as the scanner took samples of the outer layers of skin and processed the DNA. 'Kunamee was about to tale his hand off when a sharp pain shot through his hand as if something pricked him. He jerked back to see a needle sticking out of the scanner. "What the hell was that?" 'Kunamee demanded, he looked at the Elite then at his hand. "That was a blood test to see if you are a carrier of the Plague, it's the Masters orders since this whole thing has become widely known all personnel are to be given blood tests and you are not positive, your not a carrier," the Elite said as he watched the data read out. Nosliw was given the same routine check and he gave a yelp as the needle pricked his hand and took a sample of blood. He too was not a carrier. The aid took 'Kunamee and Nosliw into the waiting room. "The Grunt will wait here 'Kunamee go right on in," he said. Nosliw hung back and took a seat on a grav seat. He watched as 'Kunamee walked through a pair of double doors. Nosliw got a brief look at the cavernous room of the Prophet council. He sighed and picked up month unit issue of covenant weekly. 'Kunamee stood in the cavernous room of the Prophets and studied this all too familiar room. The ceiling was at least 40 feet units and the pillars that supported it were engraved with sculptures of Covenant gods and other stuff. The room was massive and spread out for at least a hundred feet units. "Ah Master Klar 'Kunamee right on time as scheduled, please take a seat we have much to discuss," a minor Prophet came hovering out from the dark expanse of the room. "Excellency may I ask why I was summoned here with my greatest respect?" 'Kunamee asked. "Yes you may 'Kunamee you have been summoned here to discuss the significance of the Plague and how we can use it to wipe out the virus that has plagued us for so long humans," the Prophet said. "Yes I understand," 'Kunamee said. "Now the Plague is a Plague to end all Plagues we have little knowledge of it and almost no idea to combat it except for a weak vaccine," the Prophet bobbed slightly as a small breeze hit it from a cooling vent. "You have a vaccine?" 'Kunamee stood up from his grav seat. "Yes one that barely works we have taken a body from the planet that you encountered it on and studied it. Our top Biologists have found that the Plague is a super virus that melts one entire victim and liquefies them and the liquid they become begins to evaporate. We have taken a badly preserved body and frozen it in liquid nitrogen. We have taken a look into this type of virus and classified it as an aerobiological agent. This type of aerosol or bio-aerosol (A fine powder or droplet of liquid that can be dispersed into the air) agent is genetically formed with a deadly bacterium that melts flesh. We believe however that the humans have genetically altered the virus's genetic code and the bacteria's and engineered it together to create this super Plague (The Covenant call the virus the plague). Due to the unique genetic code the vaccination can only take out the virus's protein coat inside the outer defenses (Normal virus's are surrounded by protein but this virus is surrounded by an outer defensive coat made of enzymes then by a second coat of a protein coat which protects the virus particles nucleus). If we can find a more effective way to take out the outer defenses and the vaccine will kill the second layer of protein and if we can find a way to kill the nucleus then we have a cure but until then we are venerable." As 'Kunamee was listening to this the Prophet aid Meko 'Moramee came into the cavernous room, his gold armor gleaming in the light. 'Kunamee heard his foot steps and turned around. "Greetings 'Moramee we were just discussing the Plague," the Prophet said looking over 'Kunamee's shoulder. "Excellency it is an honor to be in your presence once more," 'Moramee bowed and rose to give 'Kunamee a simple nod. "Klar 'Kunamee what you are hearing is strictly confidential to the highest levels. You are here by sworn to secrecy. Do you understand?" the Prophet demanded. "Yes excellency I understand," 'Kunamee bowed his head. "Good then I will begin, as of two cycles from now we will engage the Humans on a planet in one big battle. We will have a fighting force that will hopefully hold their own against the Human forces but as the battle is waging a small team of Elites will disperse the Plague into the air on our own soldiers and the Humans. When all of them have been subject to the Plague the team of Elites will move in and inject each victim Human and Covenant alike with an updated version of the vaccine this one with an experimental type of antibody that can barely eat its way through the outer enzyme layer. Our casualties are expendable and just means that we have more test subjects," the Prophet finished. "Yes Excellency a brilliantly mastered plan and I will not tell anyone," 'Kunamee said as he stood up. "Indeed leave us now the council has many matters to attend to," the Prophet said as he watched 'Kunamee bow and exit the chamber. The Prophet waited for the double doors to open and then signaled for 'Moramee to come closer, he did so. "Meko 'Kunamee cannot be fully trusted he might tell that little Grunt friend of his that is why I want you to follow him and listen in their conversation. Take a sound recording device with you." (UNSC cruiser Gladiator exiting the New Bisson system, 1959 hours) Doctor Webber followed Dr. Brooks, the two guards and Holmes through the corridor to the docking bay which was covered in the plastic bubble coverings on every wall, the floor, and ceiling. Webber went to the side and leaned against a bulkhead. He made sure no one was around and he pulled out a palm pad that was about the size of a small book. He pulled out the electronic pen and tapped it against the pad's screen. He connected to Net C (in the world where there are billions of people each world has its own internet net for short, Net C is the net for planet Reach note these events took place before he Fall of Reach the year is 2550) and opened up his personal email account and opened up a Compose page. Webber scrolled down his list of contacts until he found the name Hood, Paul. He put the name on the send slot and typed his message which read: Message to: Gen. Paul Hood UNSC Bio Weapons commander Message location: FLEETCOM HQ Earth Message from: Dr. Webber M.D. ONI Bio Div Message sender location: UNSC Gladiator gird 00238 vector destination Reach HQ Message: Paul its Web we have an outbreak of Deforma we've already got two dead one of them was already in the early stages of replication. We had to give him one in the head, an acceptable loss. The cover was he died from the virus. We're sending you the body as we speak its frozen and preserved. Don't give the cold shoulder for not legally following the containment procedures. I'm sure you want all witness's exterminated I'll take care of it so relax this burden is mine not yours. Have a nice day. Web
End of Message
To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 7
Date: 26 August 2003, 5:16 PM
The truth (UNSC cruiser Gladiator preparing to enter Slipstream space, New Bisson system, New Bisson 11, 01012 hours,2550) The UNSC cruiser Gladiator was one of the few cruisers the UNSC FLEETCOM had at their disposal, therefore making a very vital asset in the war against the Covenant. The Marathon-class cruiser slowly made its way out system for a Slipstream FTL jump to Reach. Sergeant Holmes sat in his HEPA suit surrounded by the six remaining men of his platoon. He looked around at the bubble coverings that surrounded the entire shuttle bay. People in HEPA suits walked back and forth carrying equipment and containers. The ONI spooks had sent 50 people from their Biological weapons Division in under and hour, Holmes could not believe it. He wanted to go home back on Reach and not stay here a prisoner surrounded by ONI freaks in damn space suits armed with M6D pistols.
"Wilkes hey Wilkes," he nudged at Corporal Wilkes who sat next to him. "We gotta get the hell out of here before we get to Reach they said Taylor was dead right he died from the virus right."
"Yah so what do you mean?" Wilkes asked puzzled.
"What I mean is they set it I know they did. Taylor didn't die from a virus he may have been infected because he made skin-to-skin contact with Hennings (the first man infected in Holmes platoon) and the doctor said that you can get infected by doing that so he had to have had the virus in him but it didn't take full effect so he had to be still alive. You saw him when they took him away right?"
"Yah he didn't look hot or anything he looked perfectly normal not one damn thing wrong with him," Wilkes whispered.
"Exactly he was fine and then when they took him to get a blood test he started to show signs of infection. And they said they took him to get a blood test and then they come back ten minutes later and say he's dead. It wouldn't take that long to get a blood test they killed him," Holmes said.
"Yah you know how ONI is paranoid when it comes to their black ops especially when it comes to viruses I'm pretty sure. They go at any lengths to cover up their work," Wilkes said.
"Right spread the word we're gonna get the hell outta here. We're gonna escape in a Pelican or a Longsword everyone except Johnson the bastard is ONI I swear. He had that so call experimental grenade and instead of an explosion vapor stuff came out that was the virus airborne and all the covies it enveloped were infected," Holmes spat.
"Yah and he knew to contact ONI Bio Division when we were in that Pelican that backstabbing son of a bitch," Wilkes whispered bitterly. A hiss of static signified that the ship's main intercom was in use. Captain Dallas's voice boomed through the bays overhead speakers. "All crew this is the captain sensors show inbound Covenant ship. All crew report to battle stations and remaining crew prepare for impact. Inbound Covenant pulse lasers." The collision alarm sounded and a crying siren filled the shuttle bay.
Suddenly the Gladiator shook as plasma impacted. The captain's voice rang out on the intercom. "Reactor engineers report to primary reactor station C main reactor overloaded." Holmes hit the ground as another set of plasma torpedoes hit. He sat up and looked around. The 50 ONI spooks were scattered around the shuttle bay. They were holding on to support beams and others were holding their equipment down. Dr. Webber and Dr. Brooks were sitting on the ground holding onto support beams. Holmes looked at the guards surrounding them. One of them had their M6D pistol holster in the back of their HEPA belt and the guards back was facing them. Holmes seized the opportunity and jumped forward. He grabbed the M6D and yanked it out of its holster.
The guard turned around and saw this he yelled "hey" and leaped forwards letting go of the beam as more plasma impacted. The ship shook and the guard slid on the plastic covering the floor past Holmes.
"We're getting the hell outta here!" he said to his troop as they rose. The 50 ONI people saw this and 12 of them armed with pistols pulled them out and opened fire.
Holmes ducked as bullets shot passed and he drew the pistol and pumped a round into a guard's leg. One of Holmes's men named PVT. Maddox tackled one guard and was covered by at least 14 people who jumped on top of him.
"STOP restrain them now!" Webber screamed.
The lights dimmed as the Gladiator shot one of its two twin MAC guns. Holmes took this for granted ant emptied the clip into 11 guard's legs. He ran ahead closely followed by his six remaining men, three of whom had commandeered weapons including an MA5B assault rifle.
Holmes didn't look back; he jumped for the open pressure door which led out of the shuttle bay and into a corridor. He hit the ground as bullets snapped past overhead. He started crawling forwards when all of a sudden a brilliant, bright green light filled the shuttle bay as plasma torpedoes smacked into it. The massive wall of Titanium-A armor was quickly melted away revealing space.
The plasma dissipated and the vacuum of space sucked out all loose objects in the bay. The 50 ONI spooks and remaining personnel were hanging on for dear life as the vacuum easily sucked out Pelican's and Longsword fighters. Several people were sucked out into the endless void of space as well. Suddenly the pressure doors began to close.
Holmes was holding onto the pressure door as it began to seal. He mustered up all of his strength and began to pull himself into the hallway before the door sealed shut. Suddenly the cruiser shook violently as more plasma impacted and the ship began to tilt sideways so that space was under him. Holmes held on with all of his strength and pulled himself up. If it wasn't for the HEPA suit he would have been subject to decompression of space. But the filter on his waist sucked in space and pumped it into the suit. Holmes couldn't hold on as he became light headed and dizzy. He could feel people crawling over him and someone said his name and hands grabbed his.
Holmes jumped he was alive. He shook away the light headedness and the blur in his vision. He looked around to see five of his men and 12 ONI spooks. They had managed to get into the hallway before the pressure door had shut. Wilkes and Maddox held two MA5B's pointed at the 12 ONI people. Among them were Brooks and Webber. Johnson sat against a bulkhead with a pistol pointed at his head.
"What the hell happened?" Holmes looked at Corporal Street one of his men.
"We managed to get out in time before the doors closed. The plasma melted right through the battle armor. We don't know how many people got out in time. We guess about 35 died. You were hanging onto the door and you were like a bridge so the 17 of us climbed over you and got you out. You were out for about thirty minutes. The destroyer Constellation and frigate Palermo came and so did two other covie ships. Two ships were destroyed but the other one that hit us escaped. Right now we're docked with the repair station Nova," Street said.
"Damn well we gotta get leave now but first I want the truth," Holmes took a pistol from Street and aimed it at Webber.
"What was the grenade that Johnson used and where did Johnson transfer from to my unit I know for a fact it wasn't North Block?" Holmes demanded.
"How should I know I'm just a doc-Holmes put a round into his leg. Webber screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
"Don't play games with me" Holmes yelled. "Okay ok he works for ONI. We needed to...fi...find the right opportunity to test it so we had him transferred to your unit to test out......a...an experimental grena-Holmes shot a round passed his head. Webber yelped and ducked.
"I've heard that lame cover up before and I am damn tired of it what the hell was in that grenade?" Holmes was on the edge.
"It was the virus that's why you probably saw a vapor like...mist," Webber said. "Twenty years ago ONI biological weapons division genetically engineered a super-virus. They first tested it twenty years ago in the Deforma rover valley on New Bisson 2," Webber held his leg in pain as blood flowed from the wound.
"So was that story you told me and the Captain a lie?" Holmes asked pissed.
"No...no that was entirely the truth except for the virus being naturally made. We and ONR (Office of Naval Research) genetically engineered the virus by combining the bacteria and Ebola to make Ebola X."
"So it was one big test and that's why Johnson new to call ONI and that's how Johnson said it was an experimental grenade that's the cover up. We got caught in the middle of your little experiment and we were acceptable losses to keep this little lab experiment under wraps. Isn't that right whatever it takes to keep the secrecy," Holmes face was turning red.
"AND YOU KILLED TWO OF MY MEN!" Holmes yelled at the top of his lungs. He squeezed the trigger and another round went into Webber's shoulder.
Webber yelled in pain and rolled around on the floor in a pool of blood that had collected around him.
"STOP IT NOW!" Brooks demanded as he stood up. Wilkes whacked him in the side of the head with his MA5B. Brooks slumped to the ground unconscious.
Holmes reached down and yanked Webber's hood and face mask off. He tore off his own and was about to put a round into Webber's head when Street restrained him.
"Sarge just forget it okay. Sure he made that virus that killed Taylor and Hennings but that doesn't mean that you have to kill him. Those two bullets can be for them but right now we have to escape."
Holmes eased back a little and looked at Webber. The man was unconscious. There was blood slowly streaming from his shoulder and leg. A pool had formed around him. His mouth was dripping with blood. His eyes were tightly shut. The man was no threat. He handed the gun to Street who put it in his belt.
"That's not all at 01100 hours tomorrow on Zeta Doradus 3. ONI is going to plan a ground engagement with the Covenant. When the battle has progressed they are going to unleash a new updated version of the virus onto Humans and Covenant alike to test it out. Acceptable losses right," Johnson said.
"Your serious?" Holmes asked.
"Dead serious and these people are probably going to tell since they over heard," Johnson said
Holmes looked at the 12 ONI spooks who were bunched up against the pressure door. "Well if anyone tells they're dead," Holmes doubted this would do much but it was worth a try.
"The guy in charge of letting out the virus his name is-before Johnson could finish this an ONI spook ran forward, knocked Wilkes and Maddox off their feet and pushed Street to the ground and yanked his pistol from his belt. Holmes grabbed the man's arms but he pushed Holmes aside and pointed the pistol at Johnson and pulled the trigger. Two rounds slammed into his chest spraying geysers of blood into the air. Holmes face was sprayed with blood.
Wilkes jumped to his feet and pulled the MA5B's trigger. A barrage of eight rounds hammered the man's chest. He dropped the pistol and slumped to the deck in pool of blood that formed around him.
Holmes kneeled next to Johnson who was on the verge of death. "What's his name?" Holmes asked.
"Hisssss...na....name is Sar...Sergeant....Ar...go...Argos Sergeant Argos," Johnson gasped as he struggled to stay conscious and to stay alive.
"Sergeant Argos that's his name," Holmes said.
Johnson gave a faint nod and coughed up blood. He looked down at the two bullet pocks in his chest and the river of blood streaming from them. His body went limp and lay still.
"C'mon lets get out of here," Holmes said to his five remaining men. They all left the scene as a security force ran past them.
The five of them ran to shuttle bay three and boarded a Longsword. With Holmes at the controls they left the Gladiator and docked with the Constellation.
To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 8
Date: 26 August 2003, 5:19 PM
(Covenant cruiser in slipstream space, 01100 hours, location unknown) The Fight The commander Elite Klar 'Kunamee walked along the well lit hallway with the very familiar Grunt Nosliw at his side. For the time being the Grunt would have to follow 'Kunamee around since they were both witness's to the Plague (the Covenant's terminology for the virus).
'Kunamee had become an important asset to the Council of Masters and their head aide Meko 'Moramee now since he carried vital information with him. 'Kunamee rounded a corner as he was doing this he thought he should share the information with Nosliw. It wouldn't hurt to tell him no one would have to know except for him, Nosliw, the Council of Masters,'Moramee, and the spec ops team that would be assigned to him. That of course made him even more important. 'Kunamee would be in charge of a team of five spec ops Elites and two spec ops Hunters. But if anything were to happen to him then 'Moramee would take over.
Nosliw walked with renewed pride, his head held up high and his spotless pitch black armor that gleamed in the light. He had become a legend in the Grunt community. Not only had he survived two encounters with the Plague but he also had stood before a ship Council of Masters and lived to tell about it. He was the only Grunt to enter a Chamber of Masters in fifty year units and the last one died and it was rumored that he would have to meet in front of the Supreme Council of Masters the head religious and military council of all ship councils. That would be history in the making and if he survived that he would be the first and his legacy would only grow. A smile crossed his face.
"Grunt I must tell you something," 'Kunamee said pulling Nosliw around a corner and into a hallway uninhabited. "What I am about to tell you is highly secret you are sworn to secrecy for the rest of your life do you understand?" 'Kunamee said.
"Yes Excellency I understand I won't tell a soul," Nosliw had no idea what it was that 'Kunamee was about to tell him.
"Now next cycle (the equivalent of tomorrow) the Council has planned a battle with the interlopers on a planet," 'Kunamee said. "Now the Council hopes that the main force fighting the interlopers will hold their own. While this is happening a small team of Elites and two Hunters led by me will make their way around the fighting undetected. Then we will unleash an updated version of the Plague on the both Human and Covenant forces alike. Then when the Plague has taken full affect we will let out an experimental vaccine that biologists had concocted."
"They have made a vaccine?" Nosliw asked interested.
"Yes they will see if it works on both forces. But you must not tell anyone this not even the Prophets or 'Moramee if they ask," 'Kunamee said.
"Yes Excellency," Nosliw bowed.
As this was happening around the corner 'Moramee stood listening with a sound recording device in his hands taping every word they said. He walked away and went to the Prophet chamber. He went through the screen test and entered the chamber. A minor Prophet waited.
"Well what have you got for me Meko?" the Prophet asked.
"He squealed," 'Moramee said as he activated the sound recording and replayed the conversation that Nosliw and 'Kunamee had.
As the Prophet heard this, his blue face turned red and he filled with anger. "Damn that stupid idiot 'Kunamee. Bring him before me and kill him. Then bring the Grunt in and kill him and dispose of the bodies!" the Prophet screamed with an anger stricken voice that echoed off the deep recesses of the cavernous chamber.
'Kunamee was walking to his units barracks with Nosliw behind him when an intercom sounded.
"Klar 'Kunamee and Nosliw report to the Chamber of Masters immediately," a serious voice sounded throughout the ship.
'Kunamee exchanged glances with Nosliw and they both walked towards the chamber. When they got there they both went through the screening and gave their personal weapons to the guard.
They both entered the waiting room and a Prophet aide was waiting for them. "The council is expecting you I don't know why though," the aide said. "Master 'Kunamee they want to see you first," he said.
Nosliw watched 'Kunamee enter through the double doors followed by the aide. He was tense now that he was in the waiting room of the Prophets and why they were summoned remained a mystery that made him uneasy. He relaxed as the double doors closed and he fell into a couch and started to doze off.
'Kunamee entered the chamber which was pitch black. He watched as the aide bowed and left the chamber through another entrance. A light flickered on the corner of the room revealing the minor Prophet who hovered above the ground suspended by his antigrav belt. His face had a dark look to it. He bobbed slightly as a gush of air hit him. "Klar 'Kunamee may I remind you that the council values its secrecy no matter what the cost. And if that means shutting out even the highest ranking Elite so be it. You have disobeyed the council by shooting your mouth off to that damn Grunt. This crime you have committed is punishable by death and that is exactly your sentence," the Prophet said with an anger filled voice.
'Kunamee realized what was happening and made a run for the door. When out of the darkness a Hunter came in front of the double doors blocking it. 'Kunamee slid to a stop. The other three sets of double doors, their green lights turned to red signifying that they were locked down. He was trapped. 'Moramee came into view with a device in his hand he pressed something and a hiss of static filled the chamber then 'Kunamee's voice filled the chamber. It was the recording of 'Kunamee telling Nosliw about the plan.
'Kunamee realized what had happened and he looked at 'Moramee. "You backstabber," 'Kunamee hissed.
"Enough kill him," the Prophet said.
'Moramee held up his Plasma rifle and shot 'Kunamee. Two bolts of energy slammed into his chest and he was thrown back onto the ground. His shields flared he was undamaged.
"Damn his personnel shield," the Prophet hissed.
"You kill a fellow Elite like that ha what kind of proper execution do you call that huh fight me like an Elite," 'Kunamee said as he got to his feet.
"You sign your own death warrant 'Kunamee 'Moramee is a superior fighter and will gladly kill you in cold blood," the Prophet smirked.
'Moramee threw down his energy rifle and deactivated his shield. He walked out of the pool of light and disappeared into the darkness. He returned with two wrist mounted devices and slid one onto his wrist he threw the other on to 'Kunamee who caught it in mid air. He too slid it onto his wrist and deactivated his shield.
'Kunamee knew that 'Moramee was a very good fighter and he outranked him by at two full levels. He squeezed his fist and a sudden blue beam of energy shot out from it. He brought his arm up and the plasma sword was in front of his face. 'Moramee powered his up and charged 'Kunamee.
'Kunamee took three steps backwards as the two swords met. He swung his in an arching motion but was countered by 'Moramee's blade. 'Kunamee jumped back as 'Moramee swung his from side to side. "Moramee made an Xing motion and 'Kunamee made a stabbing swing at his stomach. 'Moramee blocked it and brought his up above his head and swung down. 'Kunamee blocked it and with his free hand sent a jab into 'Moramee's stomach. 'Moramee jumped back out of breath. He leaped forward and arched his blade at "Kunamee driving him back.
'Moramee brought his arm back and pushed forward. 'Kunamee hit his blade against the left side of his opponent's blade with such force it knocked 'Moramee off balance who tumbled to the ground, did a somersault and came to his feet. He ran forward and swung his blade at 'Kunamee's head who ducked then rose and dodged another swing that was aimed at his stomach. 'Moramee threw three more swings at 'Kunamee who dodged each one and attacked 'Moramee by bringing his blade above his head and brought it crashing down. 'Moramee countered the attack by bringing it above his head and the blades met. 'Moramee made a half circle motion and the tip of his blade grazed 'Kunamee's stomach, he swung the blade and cut 'Kunamee's chest then threw another blow of the blade which cut his cheek.
'Kunamee jumped back bleeding in three places. He was out of breath they were almost evenly matched. He caught his breath as 'Moramee lunged at him and their blades crashed into each other. 'Kunamee pushed 'Moramee back and hit the side of 'Moramee's blade once again knocking him off balance with tremendous force. 'Kunamee did not wait he leaped forwards and slashed his blade at 'Moramee who was sitting up his blade and arm on the ground next to his leg. 'Kunamee's blade grazed 'Moramee across the chest. 'Moramee jumped to his feet and lashed out with his blade cutting deep into his chest. 'Kunamee jumped back and leapt forward, his blade aimed strait at 'Moramee who knocked his opponent's blade aside and jumped forwards hitting 'Kunamee in the head with his arm. At close quarters 'Kunamee pushed 'Moramee back and scythed his blade at him.
'Moramee blocked the attack and lashed out his blade. 'Kunamee jumped back then forward, he swung his blade at his enemy who was occupied with blocking it. As 'Moramee was doing this 'Kunamee spun around and kicked his opponent square in the chest. 'Moramee was propelled back and disappeared into the darkness.
'Kunamee ran out of the illuminated section and vanished into the blackness. 'Moramee stood up shook his head and ran into the pool of light. He looked around for his enemy. A faint blue light swished past and disappeared into the darkness. He looked around his blade at the ready. The chamber was so dark that no one in it could see 'Kunamee's blade.
Suddenly 'Moramee felt a stab at his stomach. He felt blood running from his mouth and looked down to see a blue spear of energy protrude from his stomach. The blade pulled out and hit the wrist mounted device disabling 'Moramee's blade permanatly.
'Kunamee walked in front of the wounded 'Moramee and brought his blade up. He placed the tip of it next to 'Moramee's throat and cut. An arterial jet sprayed almost instantly from the fresh wound and covered 'Kunamee.
Meko 'Moramee stood there for a second then collapsed to the floor. A pool of blood formed around him from a river of blood that ran from his wounds.
The Prophet stared in disbelief at this and with a wave of his hand the room flooded with lights. "How...how can be...there's no way in...but...your...AAAAAHHHHHH....kill him KILL HIM NOW!" the Prophet screamed in rage.
The Hunter came forward and a bright green light blazed from its arm. It began to walk forward closer to 'Kunamee.
"No you fool do not discharge your weapon in the chamber!" the Prophet shrieked.
The Hunter dropped its arm and the green light faded. IT brought its massive shield in front of it and charged forward.
"Kunamee stood his ground until the Hunter was a foot from him. His timing was perfect and he side stepped the Hunter and its shield. 'Kunamee spun around and his blade cut deep into the patch of exposed orange blood. He dug deeper until the blade was sticking out the other end. Thick orange blood was running from the wound and dripped to the ground like a waterfall.
The Hunter growled in pain and staggered fighting to stay alive. 'Kunamee twisted the blade and must have hit an artery because a spray of blood splashed from the wound and onto him. The Hunter gave a loud "GRRRRRRGHGHHHHHHHHHH" and slammed into the deck. A loud echo pinged off the deep confines of the chamber and it felt as if the ship had been struck by a meteor because the entire chamber shook as the Hunter impacted with the deck.
'Kunamee slid his blade out of the Hunter and shook his head. He looked around the world was blurry but he forced his vision to focus. The Prophet was screaming into a com link yelling for security to come to the chamber on the double.
'Kunamee got up threw off his blade and ran out of the chamber leaving the dead 'Moramee, Hunter, and the Prophet behind him. He ran into the waiting room picked up a sleeping Nosliw and ran out past the security force that past him.
As 'Kunamee was running past an Elite in gray armor who was holding an invisibility generator, 'Kunamee grabbed the generator from the Elite and 'Kunamee vanished into thin air. Other Covenant who were walking past saw a heat wave and a Grunt floating in mid air flying past.
The two Covenant exited the Covenant ship via a stolen Dropship. The Dropship vanished into the black of space.
To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 9
Date: 12 September 2003, 10:48 PM
(Author's note) Well I'm back and so is the virus. I would just like to clarify that the virus is part of a four part series which starts off with The Virus then its two sequels The Mutation and The Cure. But the next series will be a prequel The Plague which will tell about what happened during the first encounter with the virus which happens 22 years before this. So here's the next part of the virus hope you enjoy)
(Zeta Doradus 3, Zeta Doradus system, 01100 hours PM, year 2550) Sergeant Kurt Holmes ran around a tree closely followed by Wilkes, Maddox, and Street. About a hundred yards to their left the human forces were holding their own against the Covenant. The outskirts of the city Bamako were grass fields scattered with trees and giant boulders. Holmes looked over at the battle that raged on. The air filled with tracers and plasma. The UNSC forces of about 300 soldiers were suffering heavy casualties as were the Covenant. But every single one of them would soon die if Holmes and his men didn't do anything about it.
"Okay here's the game plan we gotta find this Sergeant Argos guy. He is supposed to be in charge of this whole thing. When we find him we hafta circle them and there should be five of them. Once we do that then put on your NVs and open up but don't worry about hitting the virus its in a bulletproof cylinder," Holmes said.
"But what if there's more of them?" Street asked.
"Don't worry there won't be ONI would more than likely send a small number like five for a black op like this move out," Holmes said.
When the four of them had learned the truth during the attack on the Gladiator they had escaped on a Longsword. They docked with the Constellation which jumped out of the New Bisson system and came to Reach. There Holmes and his men had slept comfortably for once and had a decent meal. After some well deserved R&R they suited up after being informed of a mission on Zeta Doradus which they all had expected ONI had did a good job of setting this up. Holmes and his men boarded the Constellation which jumped out system for Zeta Doradus. There they boarded a Pelican and were dropped off to try and stop ONIs plan to unleash the virus on the human and Covenant forces.
Meanwhile on the Gladiator Dr. Brooks and the remaining spooks returned to ONI HQ and Brooks met up with Sergeant Argos. Dr. Webber was hospitalized and was recovering from the gunshot wounds to the shoulder and leg. Brooks knew that Holmes and his remaining men would try and stop them so he set up tighter security, putting the force that would let out the virus up to 15 men instead of five.
Holmes looked ahead through the night vision goggles. He had his MA5B drawn. Holmes saw movement ahead and he switched his NVGs to thermal vision. The shapes of the figures ahead were Covenant. Holmes motioned for his men to duck and he pulled the pins on two grenades. He lobbed both into the middle of the Covenant.
Two consecutive blasts rung out and three quarters of the Covenant were killed five Grunts survived and turned around. They began shooting blindly into the trees. Holmes ducked as plasma shot past. He opened fire and sprayed the Grunts with fire. All five were cut down. Holmes and his men pressed on.
They crept silently through the trees for about five minutes when they came to a platoon engaging the Covenant who were 100 yards ahead. A Marine a corporal most likely was standing behind a tree
"Hey Corporal where's your sergeant?" Holmes demanded asking the corporal who was the highest ranking in the platoon.
"Sir our sergeant is dead I guess that leaves me in command sir," the corporal said.
"Well then can you tell me where a Sergeant Argos is?" Holmes asked.
"Yes sir a Sergeant Argos I remember a guy with that name who pasted by here about five minutes ago sir I think he is 200 yards west of here assisting Major Lance," the Corporal said looking around.
Holmes said nothing he and the three others ran off. Holmes with the three others ran for a minute when he saw movement this time human. He motioned for them to stop. The four of them screwed on silencers of their MA5B's and took their positions.
Holmes would fire first then the others would. He looked through the NVGs at what was happening. Sergeant Argos was a tall older man. He sat on a stump fixing a metal device. The ONI spooks were in the middle of a clearing completely surrounded by trees. Holmes eyes widened when he saw that Dr. Brooks was among them. He was also messing around with the device. That was in the very middle of the clearing. Then it hit Holmes the device was a mortar tube. He saw at least 15 spooks all armed with MA5B's and M6D's holstered.
Holmes drew his silenced MA5B and aimed for Argos. He was about to shoot when a spook with NVGs saw him.
"Enemy six o' clock!" the spook yelled and he drew his assault rifle. He opened fired and sprayed rounds into Holmes position.
Holmes ducked and opened up, shooting rounds through the brush. He got up as rounds stopped snapping over his head. Street and Wilkes opened up into the middle of the clearing. Two spooks went down. Holmes stood up and sprayed the clearing. A round came from one of the spooks guns and ricocheted off a tree and went into his NVGs. Holmes screamed and fell into the clearing. He yanked the disabled NVGs off and scrambled to his feet.
The remaining 13 spooks except for four were quickly mowed down by Street and Maddox. Three of the remaining four were running for Holmes and the fourth one was in a fight with Wilkes.
Dr. Brooks tackled Holmes and they both crashed into the ground. Holmes pushed Brooks off and tried to yank his M6D out of its holster. Brooks got to his knees and sent two jabs into Holmes face; Brooks made a grab for his own pistol. Holmes kicked Brooks in the groin and Brooks yelped in pain and fell to the ground. Holmes slowly got to his feet but was quickly brought down by three spooks. One of them pointed a gun at Holmes face.
Street and Maddox saw the remaining three doing this and they went to assist Holmes. They opened up on the three and they were quickly killed. Maddox sighed and looked over at Wilkes who was beating a spook to a pulp with his MA5B.
Holmes got up and went over to Brooks who lay on the ground. Holmes sent five hooks into Brooks face. He got up and looked at the three others. "Let's find this thing and get rid of it," Holmes said as he walked over to the mortar.
As Wilkes, Maddox, and Street were walking over to the mortar. Argos who had been shot in the shoulder, stood up with an M6D. He put a round into Maddox's shoulder and a round into Wilkes back. He fired two more rounds that caught Street in the shoulder and Holmes in the arm.
Holmes fell to the ground. He looked at the blood that stained his sleeve. Lying on his back he saw that the bullet had grazed his arm leaving a deep gouge. He drew his M6D and fired at Argos who ran off into the trees, one hand with a pistol and the other with a metal cylinder.
Holmes got up and shook his head. He looked at Wilkes, Street, and Maddox they weren't moving. He got up and heard a metallic click. He whirled around to see an M6D pistol pointed at his head, held by Brooks.
To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 10
Date: 15 September 2003, 11:02 PM
(Zeta Doradus 3, Zeta Doradus system, 1105 hours PM, 2550) The Elite Klar 'Kunamee ran through the trees. He ducked as stray human projectiles snapped past overhead. He continued his run to find the small team of Spec ops Elites and two Hunters. The spec ops team would unleash the plague (Covenant's terminology for the virus) onto the human and Covenant forces then let out an experimental vaccine. 'Kunamee had left the Grunt Nosliw back at a gun emplacement to keep any human or Covenant from interfering.
Nosliw sat behind the controls of the Shade. He saw movement ahead and depressed the fire control. Ahead of him plasma splashed onto the movement. Nosliw checked his infrared scopes. The movement was human. He opened up more and plasma bolts hammered the human forces. A few tracers snapped past him and a couple bounced off. Nosliw relaxed as the last of the heat signatures vanished off his scopes. He hated he plague, ever since he had first seen it 22 year units ago. His life had now been plunged into chaos since he had seen that Elite's body on New Bisson. Nosliw was enraged at 'Kunamee who had put his life in this pit of death and deception. Now Nosliw was a fugitive and he was running from the Council of Masters and its puppets. It was 'Kunamee's fault. Nosliw wished he had never told 'Kunamee in the first place. But he did and now here he was standing on a thin line of life with death at all sides. Nosliw blanketed the thought when another signature flashed on his scopes.
'Kunamee crouched behind a patch of thick bushes. Ahead of him about 20 feet units, the small spec ops team was busily prepping the small canisters of the plague and the vaccine. The group of six veteran spec ops Elites and two massive spec ops Hunters was in an open grass field with patches of bushes and trees scattered around it. Four of the Elites were sticking hypodermic needles into the canisters and extracting blood samples of the plague. The other two did a quick perimeter check. The Hunters were standing next to each other talking in their deep grunting language.
'Kunamee crouched down as one of the Elites walked past. 'Kunamee slowly came up behind the Elite. His plasma sword flashed to life. He brought the sword back as if to punch the Elite and thrust forward.
The Elite felt a sudden stab of pain snake through his body. Purple black blood sprayed out from his stomach. The Elite looked down to see a blue energy blade protrude from his stomach then the blade pulled out. The Elite soon realized what was happening, he tried to make noise but a hand gripped his mouth and he felt the cold liquid sensation of the blade touch his throat. The sensation cut across the side of his throat and blood spouted out. The Elite's eyes were wide when its final breath escaped from its nostrils.
'Kunamee looked down at the dead Elite. He reached down and commandeered its plasma rifle and four plasma grenades. He walked over to the bushes and activated two grenades. 'Kunamee lobbed the first one at an Elite who was standing up looking at the ones who were extracting the plague from the canisters. The other grenade landed in front of the Hunters.
The first grenade landed on the Elites stomach. The Elite ran around screaming for three seconds when the grenade exploded. The Elite was blown to bits while the three others were engulfed in the blast. The Hunters weren't even scratched just enraged beyond recognition. The other Elite who was sweeping the perimeter went into hiding.
The first Hunter stepped forward. 'Kunamee activated his plasma sword and hurled it at the Hunter. The sword flipped through the air and the tip dug into the Hunter's exposed skin. Thick orange blood pumped from the wound. The other Hunter screamed and charged forward. 'Kunamee dodged the Hunters charge and he whirled around. He dove for the plasma sword as a blob of green plasma hurled past and exploded. As 'Kunamee was prying the sword out of the dead Hunter another fuel rod bolt exploded behind him. 'Kunamee's shield was instantly gone, he was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast.
The Hunter stepped forward, extremely pissed by the loss of his bond brother. 'Kunamee pulled out his rifle and opened up on the Hunter. The plasma slowed down the Hunter's advance. 'Kunamee scrambled to his feet and activated another plasma grenade. He shot the Hunter twice and chucked the grenade which landed by the Hunters head.
The Hunter danced around waving its hands in the air trying to get the grenade off when it exploded. The Hunter wasn't even scratched but 'Kunamee opened up with two plasma rifles on the Hunter. These confused the Hunter.
'Kunamee jumped for the plasma sword but the Hunter charged ahead and hit him with its massive shield. 'Kunamee was thrown to the ground. The Hunter stood above the helpless 'Kunamee. It leveled its Fuel Rod gun at his head.
'Kunamee lay there helpless he looked around for a weapon. He looked to his left to see a syringe. He reached for it and clasped it in his hand. As the Hunter charged its gun 'Kunamee took the syringe and jumped to his feet. He circled the Hunter and stuck the needle into the patch of exposed skin behind the Hunter's neck. The virus immediately was injected into the Hunter's blood stream and began to attack its blood cells. The virus was so close to the brain that the virus particles began to go right for it.
The Hunter groaned with a loud "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH" and staggered. 'Kunamee grabbed the vaccine and stuck into the Hunter so the plague would not spread through the air. He then picked up his plasma sword and cut deep into the Hunter's exposed skin. The Hunter staggered for a second then fell to the ground dead in a growing pool of thick orange blood.
'Kunamee took a deep breath and walked away when an arm grabbed him and he felt a prick in his back. It was the other Elite. 'Kunamee grabbed the arm and clawed at it until blood flowed from it the Elite screamed. The Elites grip loosened and 'Kunamee whirled around and stabbed the Elite several times.
'Kunamee felt around his back when he felt a syringe sticking out of it. He pulled it out and looked at it. He hade been infected with the plague. 'Kunamee dove for a syringe full of the vaccine. He fumbled with it for a second when a sudden sharp pain shot through his spine. The pain was so intense he instantly blacked out.
Nosliw was deep in thought when he saw several Grunts and a wounded Elite run past. One of them screamed "The humans are here". Nosliw looked at his scopes and saw several heat signatures, he was about to open fire when an explosion shook the ground. He looked ahead to see rockets streaking towards him. The small team of Grunts and the Elite were quickly put down by the rockets and Nosliw opened fire. A flash lit up the black world and Nosliw new what it was. He stopped firing and dove from the gunner seat. The 102mm projectile smacked into the Shade and it exploded into molten fragments. Nosliw got up and shook his head he could see the humans running forward and he ran into the forest in the direction of 'Kunamee. To Be Continued...
The Virus Part 11 (Finale)
Date: 18 September 2003, 11:13 PM
(Zeta Doradus 3, Zeta Doradus system, 1120 hours Pm, 2550) Sergeant Holmes stared down the barrel of Brooks M6D. He stood frozen trying to think what to do next. Brooks struggled to his feet. Brooks said nothing as he held the pistol; his face was bleeding from the nose and mouth.
"Its over Brooks put down the gun," Holmes tried to reason.
"No its not over Argos has probably already opened the cylinder. He's let out Deforma and you thought you could stop us," Brooks said.
"I can't let you kill 300 human lives now the Covenant I understand why you would want to kill them but humans are you stupid ONI has always been paranoid about its damn black ops whatever it takes right," Holmes stared unblinking.
"You're in way over your head Holmes this mission is for the good of humanity, we had to do what we did. You have no idea what the virus is capable of it could end the war in a second. But now you've screwed around with the wrong people you and your men are as good as dead," Brooks said.
"ONI has turned my life to shit. You think I wanted this to happen. My platoon out of all the UNSC had to be picked as your little lab rats well you picked the wrong sarge to mess with. If you pull that trigger you're the dead man not me. Your so stupid ONI thinks that this damn plague can end the war my ass it can. It will kill are men as well as the covies. You know why, you freaks haven't developed a cure for it. Go ahead pull the trigger," Holmes spat.
Brooks stood there for a second thinking when a gunshot rang out. Not from his gun but from Maddox. A 12mm armor piercing slug shot through Brook's head. Blood sprayed out and Brooks fell to the ground.
Holmes spun around to see Maddox lying on the ground holding a pistol. He chucked it over to Holmes. He caught it and looked at Maddox.
"Go get him end this damn thing," Maddox said as he struggled to get to a sitting position.
Holmes said nothing and disappeared into the trees. He in Argos's direction and he ran for two minutes when he ended up in a clearing with scattered trees. Dead Covenant all spec ops Elites and two spec ops Hunters lay dead with plasma burns. Holmes had never seen a spec ops Hunter nor had any other human this was something to tell about. He was surprised that the Hunters each had cuts as if from a plasma sword the Covenant always carried around. Also little canisters and syringes made from the Covenant, were scattered among the dead.
Holmes was about to go on when Argos jumped out of the trees and landed on Holmes they both fell to the ground. The pistol was thrown from Holmes hand. He struggled to get to his feet.
Klar 'Kunamee awoke to the sounds of struggling. He opened his eyes and saw two humans fighting. One had a metallic cylinder in his hands and in the other he had a human projectile weapon. 'Kunamee closed his eyes but kept them just barely open so he could watch. Already the plague was taking full effect and he could feel the burning sensation throughout his body. He was so hot he could barely take it. Beads of perspiration ran down his face. 'Kunamee would have to inject himself with the vaccine or else the one to spread the plague and kill hundreds of Covenant would be him. 'Kunamee turned his personal shield all the way up in hopes it would stop molecular interchange and cease the airborne virus particles from spreading. He grasped his plasma rifle in one hand.
Holmes was beat to a pulp as Argos punched him in the face repeatedly and Argos stood up. He leveled his pistol to Holmes face, who lay on the ground. Holmes eyes widened and he filled with fear he had failed. As Argos was about to squeeze the trigger two plasma bolts struck him in the chest. He fell to the ground dead.
Holmes lay there in disbelief. "Whoa...did that....just happen?" he asked himself in astonishment. He had just come face to face with death and it suddenly backed away. Holmes remembered the plasma fire which could only come from an Elite. He scrambled to his feet and looked around. A tall Elite in gold armor rose from the ground. Holmes didn't wait a second he ducked grabbed his pistol.
'Kunamee looked at the human he guessed he had saved its life disgusting. 'Kunamee opened fire. Human projectiles smacked into him and his shield flared. He ran after the human who was running away.
Holmes turned around and sidestepped two plasma bolts. He opened up on the Elite with his pistol. The Elites shield flickered and died. Holmes put three rounds into the Elite. He ran out of ammo and he threw down the M6D and ran away.
'Kunamee's shield died and he felt two impacts. The first ricocheted of his rifle and grazed his neck. The round cut through the beck and his artery, blood sprayed from the wound. The second round smacked into 'Kunamee's chest, and the third smashed into his hip. 'Kunamee fell back and slammed into the ground.
Holmes ran in the direction of his men. Two minutes later he arrived at the clearing. Maddox and Street sat next to a tree with Wilkes lying against it. Holmes walked over and flopped to the ground.
"Is it over?" Street asked looking at Holmes.
"Yah its over lets get the hell out of here," Holmes said. He picked up the metal canisters full of the virus and strapped two grenades and a thermite charge to it. He pulled the pin on the grenades and lobbed it out of the clearing. A large fireball lighted up the night. The virus was incinerated. Holmes and his men left back to their Pelican and lifted off into space back to the UNSC Constellation.
Nosliw ran over to a clearing scattered with trees. Bodies of spec ops Elites and Hunters were scattered everywhere. He saw 'Kunamee among them. He was bleeding from several places he looked weak. Nosliw walked over to him.
"Excellency human forces are coming we must leave immediately and is it over?" Nosliw asked.
"Gru...grunt...Nosliw yes....it..is over we have won...the plague issss no more," 'Kunamee barely made out the words.
"That is great news come Excellency we must leave the humans are coming we must go," Nosliw sighed now that the plague was gone. He looked down at 'Kunamee, he was lying in a pool of blood which continued to form from a wound in his neck. Blood seemed to pump from it as if from a jug. 'Kunamee was bleeding from the chest and hip. In one hand he was clutching a syringe.
"Take this needle... and...put it in...me it isss the vacccine," 'Kunamee said.
Nosliw pried open his hand and took the syringe and stuck it into 'Kunamee's arm. He pulled it out and tossed it away. "There now lets go," Nosliw urged him.
"No no noooooooo it is...toooo...late for me. Nosliw go now my time has come. So...long Nos...liw..." his voice trailed off.
Nosliw watched as all life was drained from 'Kunamee and his body stiffened then went limp. Klar 'Kunamee was no more. Nosliw sat there for a second then put 'Kunamee's plasma rifle and plasma sword on 'Kunamee's chest. Nosliw stood up and saluted the fallen Elite. He turned around and disappeared into the trees.
In the events following the virus there was much controversy. Sergeant Holmes and his men were sworn to secrecy and were left alive, assigned to a new unit. The same happened with Nosliw. He was sworn to secrecy for the rest of his life and the Council of Masters made Nosliw a high ranking Grunt. At ONI its Biological Weapons Division was scrapped of all its funding and all research of the Deforma virus was dropped. Any remaining information about was handed over to the Office of Naval Research who handed it over to a struggling corporation called Uplink biotechnologies Inc, who buried the information in its highly secret files. Uplink technologies were in bad need of money and funding so they were signing military contracts. The Council of Masters discontinued any further research on the plague and buried it for all times. The virus was gone and would never return or so you think.
The End of part 2 in the Virus series Next the Mutation.