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The Three Kings by Grantix
Three Kings: I
Date: 25 January 2006, 10:45 pm
It had happened so quickly that no one knew what had happened. "Emergency Power line broken! Auxiliary power is not reaching us! Something's wrong!" Seconds ago they had been in orbit around Earth. They had just departed Nassau Station, leaving a comrade behind. Now they were in deep trouble. The alarms sounded in the cargo hold. Boxes were flying off their holding places. "Report!"
"Sir, we have only half a ship! The bridge, everything, only the cargo half is still in tact."
"Get the communications going, I want a link to Earth. Are we out of Slip-space yet?"
"Sir, I don't know if we ever were."
"I don't want to hear this shit, get me hold of Nassau Station!"
"I can't, no signals at all. Nothing, not even fuzz. All we have is silence."
"Give me that! Nassau Station, this is the Ulysses Cargo Hold transmitter. I repeat this is the Ulysses Cargo Hold transmitter. Can you hear me? Over."
Just silence no sound. Nothing. Not even fuzz.
The armor clad warrior stood up. His eyes were hidden behind a shield, a orange shield that he could see through. The threatening, featureless, helmet was scary to behold. Alien almost, it was impregnable. The man inside was untouchable, a super soldier, a Spartan. He and his companions were too, three of them, and one on Nassau Station.
"Nicole would have picked up, sure as hell. Alright boys, looks like we're on our own."
"What the hell? Why'd they put us to protect this cargo anyways?!"
The leader turned, the Master Chief Petty Officer insignia, barely visible, on his helmet was now visible in the sun light. He stared at the shorter, under ranked, Spartan. "Would you want twenty-six thousand pounds of low sensitive hydrogen- nuclear bombs to fall into the hands of the enemy, and just be blown up for no reason?"
The lower ranked tried to speak, but just mumbled. "I asked you a question soldier!" the Chief said.
sir, no sir!" the younger managed.
"That's right Randy. Now come on, I need a look outside. Aleksander, you keep working on those communications!"
"Yes sir!" Aleksander replied. He turned, methodically, to his work. He graduated near the top of his class. An excellent marksman, second only to an absolutely stunning markswoman, he was proud of his self. Born on Earth, one of the few, he was of Russian dissent. He was also a smart technician, able to hack Covenant battle lines, and figure ways to use Covenant tech in battle. First time his platoon saw a Needler, he was first to figure out how to use it. He was proud, as well as many others he knew. He remembered a lot of times when he spoke with The Chief. Though brief they were, he was always being congratulated. Well, always by the higher ups. The others, his rank and lower, they always bullied him, tried to take him down with brute force. He had a confrontation with Nicole once, but after they were assigned the same Platoon, things cooled down.
He turned quickly from the console, "Aleksander" he heard. He sprinted quick, not forgetting his sniper rifle. Quickly he skidded to a halt, the fascination of Earth bewildering. It wasn't Earth, as much as it was Hostage. All he could see were Covenant ships, encircling Earth. Not a single one fired plasma. It was, unusual. The Covenant were quick to glass any planet they could. Aleksander studied the ships wildly, well, more random than wild. He looked to the Chief. "Sir
this is unusual."
"Sure as hell is! No way they could of gotten past the MAC's. No way in hell!"
"It's not that. Sir, all these ships are Battle Cruiser types. Except for that," he said, pointing the rifle off to the right of Earth. What it was, no one could tell, for it blended with the black of space. But as the moon rose on the right horizon, the shape, and what it was, could quickly be discerned. A planet, or so it seemed. It didn't seem like a planet, more like a constructed planet. It was definitely not of Human, or natural creation. The blue residue of reactors could be seen radiating from the bottom of the structure.
"Looks like the Covenant
have been holding out on us," the Chief said.
"Hush!" Randy whispered. He had been gifted with acute hearing, something Aleksander only wished to have. With his sniping abilities, hearing would make him like Linda, unstoppable.
Suddenly Aleksander heard it. The humming of plasma. He slowly turned, and could see it. The slightly radical light shimmering off of an Active Camo Elite. No wait, two, three. That was it, three of them. The blue light of their Plasma Rifles could scarcely be seen. Aleksander had to move fast, he was sure he could take down two, but the third, his comrades would have to shake down.
It was over in a flash. Two down, rounds through the head. But the other was lunging towards them, an Energy Sword out. The Chief was firing his battle rifle, and Randy had an Assault rifle, which he preferred. Aleksander was falling back, he forgot to put four rounds it, or rather, at the time had put them in, he only had two. The Elite wouldn't stop, like it was pumped up on steroids. Four rounds in, and an Elite down. Aleksander sighed in relief, the Chief with a combat knife out, ready. But it was over.
"What the hell was that?" Randy asked, poking it cautiously.
"Seems like it has steroids. That wouldn't make sense though," Aleksander said.
we're going to find out. They've got to have a ship docked on us, with a pilot inside. Let's see what we can go get done," Chief said, putting a clip in his Battle Rifle.
It had went well. They had the ship in their custody, and had the Elite Pilot heading them for the planet of a behemoth. But of course, as it always turns out, trouble struck. They were being followed, by a Cruiser. But it wasn't so much following them, as it was heading the same way. The communication panel lit, and the foreign Elite tongue broke out. Chief positioned his rifle to the back of the Elite's head, and instantly it knew what to do. It replied, seemingly like all was well. But of course, it wasn't and he hadn't said it was. The Spartans only thought he had.
The hull started steaming, a plasma burn. "What the hell!"
The Elite stood up, a Plasma Grenade in his hand. "I am a Sangheili, I will forfeit my life for the greater good of the Sangheili Alliance!" The grenade lit up with plasma. The hull seared with heat. It was all a load of shit in Aleksander's mind. The hull opened, the air equalizing, forced the occupants out. The Spartans were out of range now, as they were thrown in an opposite direction of the Elite. They held on course though, and the Cruiser soared over their heads. They were nearing it, ever so slowly.
Aleksander's com-link opened with Chief's voice. "We can't get close to the damn thing, it's shields will flare us to death.
"No they won't, not if they're not on!" Aleksander retorted.
"What are you talking about?" Chief asked.
"They think they got us, and they're surrounding Earth. They believe there's no hostile forces. We're heading in the ship sir, and nothing's stopping us!"
"Good call soldier. Brace for impact!"
The three floating bodies impacted the hull of the ship, the metal surely making sound on the inside. They made their way to the seam of the ship, finding a plasma turret.
"Well, how do we get in?" Chief asked, looking around.
"No idea
Oh wait! The only way in is the grav-port. We've got to make our way under the ship!" Aleksander replied.
"Yeah, but it's not on, there's no way in!" Randy yelled. "And we've got a limited oxygen supply. This is a load of bull shit!"
"Shut up soldier, and make way under the bow!" the Chief ordered.
Too much had happened in the last couple of hours. It seemed like too much, and Aleksander hadn't processed it all. He opened his eyes, seeing his self in what seemed to be a prison of sorts. But everything was purple- blue color. Lights, resembling florescent lights, shone from under him. The first thing he tried to think of, was how he got there. He couldn't figure it out. Nothing seemed right, his head was spinning. He reached up, removing his helmet quickly. The bald head, pale and malnourished of light, seemed a little green. His eyes rolled back, and he puked.
He sat straight up, wiping his mouth, and getting reoriented. "Ugh, I must have been knocked out." He looked around, and thought of something, something odd. "Sangheili Alliance? I thought it was the Covenant
What's going on? That makes no sense. Unless the other races were dumped of. But
no, that can't be. Then
is he loyal only to the Elites?" He looked around, but was in a place where he couldn't see well. Just three walls, and a plasma wall. He stood up, replacing his helmet.
The plasma wall disappeared, and three Elites walked in. One was clad in gold, the other two in a red- orange, almost ceremonial, armor. The gold Elite held nothing, but the other held ornamented pikes.
"You are being held captive under the Sangeheili Alliance for a direct violation of Order Number One. The Order of which you broke Entitles that all Human Space craft would be disposed of, and all who are captured operating space craft, in the atmosphere or within Space itself, will be sentenced to imprisonment, or even death. You
are lucky I would say. For the death of which I had requested for you
bundlers, was disregarded, and you held under imprisonment," the gold Elite stated.
Aleksander took a moment to gain his composure. "I
I feel I missed out on something. When did you take over Earth, and when did a list of Orders come into creation for the containment of humans? What's going on?"
The Elite laughed. "You cannot plead ignorance! Of course you know what I am saying! You have to!" The Elite turned to the other two. "Get me one of the scientists. I want to know what's wrong with this fool. Why doesn't he understand me?!" he complained, leaving the cell. The other two left, and the plasma wall was sealed.
Aleksander was left in the ill-lit room, pondering. "What the hell?"
Three Kings: II
Date: 26 January 2006, 7:24 pm
"Who are you" the Elite asked.
Aleksander looked up. "I am Chief Petty Officer Aleksander-025."
"What human year is it?"
"It's 2552 UNSC Standard. Look, what's going on?"
" the Elite turned away to the gold Elite. "He seems to actually not know who we are. I believe he may have been in another vector at the time Earth was taken, as well as the other two. Though
I don't know how we wouldn't have picked them up. Every other Earth world is crawling with Ships. The monitoring system is unbreakable."
"I know that, I designed it myself!" the gold Elite stammered. "Bring me the incompetent who captured them!" he commanded the guards.
"Look guys! I want to know what the hell is going on! I've been sitting here for two
" Aleksander though hard. "
two cycles! Now tell me what is going on!"
The gold Elite turned, astonished. "Human, do wish me to slash you down!" he challenged, taking an Energy Sword out.
"You couldn't if you tried," Aleksander retorted.
The Elite lunged, the sword graceful in the air. Aleksander rolled to the right as the Elite passed him. The Elite was pinned to the wall, and Aleksander jumped on him. A lethal blow to the back of the head, and the Elite was down. He picked up the sword, and turned to face two new guards.
One rushed forward, the pike coming at Aleksander's head. He brought the sword up, blocking the attack. He slammed his arm the right, bringing the pike down, and the Elite closer. Aleksander's left hand came forward, tearing off two of the Elite's mandibles, as the punch sent its head backward. Aleksander heard the roar of the Elite, and took a step back, readying his self.
The pike came crashing down, barely missing Aleksander. He had jumped to the left, and was bring the sword around. One
the Elite's leg was lying on the floor, blood spray everywhere, and the Elite itself with a look of horror. The other guard was coming forward. Aleksander took the second to see where the doctor had went. And he saw nothing, but a closed plasma wall.
He flew back, he took too long. He hit the wall, the Energy Sword flying out of his hand. He got up quickly, grabbing the pick as it came at him. Twisting it, he threw a leg out, knocking the pike out of the Elite's hands. He stepped forward crashing the Elite's skull in on itself. The other Elite had made its way to the door, and was begging to be let free. Aleksander walked to him, and slid the pike down the Elite's throat.
The seconds ticked away, Aleksander just standing there, in the bloody heap he made. He turned around, and made his way to the Energy Sword. As he picked it up, the plasma wall opened. He spun quickly, the sword at the ready. He sighed in relief, seeing the Chief and Randy.
"God damn is it good to see you!" he said, rushing towards them.
"Yeah, Aleksander, you too," the Chief responded. "Do you realize where we are?"
"Where's that?" Aleksander asked, curious. "I thought we were in a ship."
"No, this is that planet sized thing we saw. They call it High Charity, Capital of the Sangheili Alliance."
"See now, what the hell is that?"
"What's what?"
"That Sangheili Alliance?"
I'm not sure, the interrogator went on the rage before either of us could find out."
"Same here
" Aleksander looked around. It was a large room, with a tree in the middle. There was other stuff to the right, but he didn't care much. "So
how do we get out of here?"
"There's a ship docked outside this facility. I'm sure we'll be able to commandeer it," Chief said with a snicker.
They had been lucky. Inside the ship's bay were three captured Pelicans. One for each of them. Their chances for survival were greater if they took separate craft. They had quickly taken them, and set off for Earth's surface. They had gotten through the blockade easily, and were now in the atmosphere. German soil could be seen below. But now their luck was turning around. They weaved through the buildings of Emden, and saw something horrible ahead. A Scarab, staring straight at them.
"Pull up! Aleksander! Pull up!"
The Scarab fired. The Pelican crashed into the Scarab. Down it all went. Aleksander fell into a coma as he hit the ground. Everything was black, and quiet.
Aleksander awoke to the wind. He stammered to his feet, holding a Plasma Rifle at the ready. Nothing was around. He turned, hearing the crackle of the downed Scarab. No one was around. It was just him on an empty block of city. He walked cautiously, down a slope into a warehouse. The roof was gone, must have been the crash. He turned left, the warehouse filled with nothing but boxes. He made his way through double doors, and onto a road way. Ahead, what he saw astonished him.
A roughed up warthog, with Chief and Randy standing near it. They turned as he entered the road way. Chief stepped forward. "Good to see you're okay!"
"Where'd that 'hog come from?" Aleksander asked.
"Oh this, it was on the back of my Pelican," Randy told him.
"Well," Aleksander started. He went to the passenger seat, and picked up a sniper rifle. "Lets get going."
Chief got in the driver's seat, and Randy took the turret. Aleksander climbed in, and the warthog drove off, dust in its wake.
Three Kings: III
Date: 13 February 2006, 8:58 pm
The warthog rolled along the shore side of Emden. Everything seemed eerily quiet. Aleksander spotted the area with his sniper rifle. Buildings under construction, closed off tunnels, and unfinished bridges. It was a ghost town. He peered back to Randy, who nervously glanced around, watching the rear.
Chief pulled off to the side of the road near a foot bridge. They got out, and crossed over, and walked into a building. The three of them were still quiet, they had no reason to talk. They climbed up the stairs, and positioned themselves around a door.
The hum of a Wraith could be heard. Spectres could also be heard. Aleksander stared out the door, the Covenant vehicles filled with Elites. "Have you noticed, that all we've met are Elites. No Grunts or Jackals. It's not right," Aleksander whispered.
The Elites filed out of the vehicles and marched to the building they were in. Chief jumped up, and the Randy and Aleksander followed. They went around to a window, and jumped through to the second level. They hastily ran into another building. The Elites could be heard passing by in the other building, as they made their way up the stairs. Aleksander, Randy and Chief made their way to crates, keeping crouched. The hid there, as the Elites searched the other building. Quickly Aleksander crossed a catwalk to a building under construction. Randy and Chief followed, and they slowly made their way up a ramp.
The thunder of a Wraith firing could be heard. The Elites knew their position. The three Spartans jumped onto a ledge outside of the building, and started to fire at the Wraith. The plasma collided with the building. The Spartans crossed another catwalk to a closed off tunnel. Elites were firing back with Plasma Rifles. Aleksander was picking them off with his sniper rifle.
He paused for a second, just watching the Elites. They seemed rabid, as if bitten by a dog with a virus. They moved in a strange motion, unlike normal Elites. He stopped watching, as he heard more gunfire, from human guns. He looked to his side, seeing more Spartans, these with black armor on. "What the hell?" he said startled. Quickly the ranks of Elites were cut down. Chief had already noticed, and had walked over to the group of Spartans. The gunfire had stopped, and one Spartan picked up a Rocket Launcher, and destroyed the Wraith.
"Who are you?" Chief asked one of the Spartans.
The Spartan hesitated, then spoke. "Spartan George- 234 sir!"
"Two-thirty four?! That's impossible. There's only 150 of us!" Chief exclaimed.
"Sir, are you sick? Do you need some help?" George said.
"Of course not, I'm fine."
"Sir, you should follow me to the Med Station."
Aleksander walked up behind Chief. "Sir, what's this guy talking about?"
"Chief turned an looked to him. "I'm not sure. I'm looking for a head wound, but I can't find anything."
"He's doing to same on you," Aleksander replied.
"Sir, are you sure you're alright?" George asked.
Chief turned, saying, "Of course I'm sure. Nothing's happened to my head. I mean I was captured by the Covenant, escaped in some pelicans, and crash landed because of a Scarab. But I'm fine."
sir, what's the Covenant?"
Chief didn't say anything for some time. Aleksander was sure he had a look of shock. "Those damn aliens you just shot up. They're the Covenant!" Chief exclaimed.
"Sir, those were Sangheilis. They're part of the Sangheili Alliance."
Chief turned to Aleksander again. "Something is terribly wrong with this guy."
The group of Spartans started walking to the closed off tunnel and walked into a small door. "Come on sir, we'll get you some help," George said.
Chief followed him, and Randy and Aleksander followed Chief.
They walked along a long tunnel, wide enough for Chief, Aleksander, and Randy to stand next to each other. "Ever since we left Nassau, things have been going crazy," Randy said.
The Tunnel ended, and they had walked into a large under ground cavern. A base with a flag hanging could be seen in the distance. Warthogs and Scorpions were positioned around it. A large structure, probably for mining, was in the center of the cavern. A part of it kept pumping up and down, releasing a thunderous noise as it went down. In front of the entrance stood a Spartan, this time with the correct color armor. George walked to this Spartan, and whispered something.
This Spartan walked over, and said in a deep voice, "Welcome to the Volks Kammer."