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The Third Ring, The first angels... by Madore99
The 3rd occourence: Part 1; D-class memories
Date: 17 December 2005, 10:53 am
Semi Spartan Lieutenant Jesse Roberts was a man of Action, as well as Covenant hating. But that all changed....
Roberts was placed on board a craft called "Atlantis". It was on a voyage, looking for any other main Covenant strong holds besides High Charity. He was walking on Deck, when a level one alert was issued.
"What in Sam Hell?" The Semi Spartan asked himself, already dressed in his MJOLNIR armor. He took off down the Hall and towards the bridge. Although he was not the Highest ranking D-Class Spartan, and would probably never be called on to conference with the Captain. But he knew him well. He was like a father to Jesse, which was one of the reasons he had picked Jesse to accompany him on the voyage.
Jesse burst onto the bridge, but everybody to busy to notice him except the Captain and The Spartan Chief. The Captain acknowledged him, as well as the Chief by saying,
"Roberts, what the Sam Hell (A common phrase among the special forces if you have not noticed) do you think you're doing, you're supposed to be down in Launch Bay B with all the other special forces!" He barked.
"It's fine Chief." Said the Captain laying a hand on the Chief's shoulder. Captain Ernest Mack'enry looked at Jesse. "What is it son?"
"Sir." Jesse said, standing at attention and saluting. "I wanted to know what had been so urgent as to gather the troops and sound a level one alert, sir!"
Mack'enry looked at him. "At ease soldier." He said. He looked straight the Jesse's visor. "We're surrounded son. And, we just saw them send out some carriers, we expect to be boarded in a few minutes."
Jesse looked at him, and was about to reply, when the ship was rocked, and he had to grab on to something to keep his balance. The chief swayed alittle, but nothing else, and the Captain was sitting hard on his ass by the time the rumble was gone.
"Report!" The Captain barked.
"Sir!" Said a monitor in the indent furthest near the door. "Launch Bay's C and D have been destroyed, as well as D is heavily damaged.
Jesse and the Chief both drew in sharp breaths. Jesse went for his COM, but the Chief was faster.
"Hello!" He shouted out to the static. Nothing.
"Hello!" He shouted again. "Report!"
There was a long period of silence, then a voice.
"Chief? Is that you? It's me, Scott, Scott Smith. I was late for the briefing. I think I'm the only D class left sir, next to you. Oh wait! Hang on."
The line went dead for a few minutes, which Jesse guessed was when the Covenant boarded. But no more then a few minutes later, Smith came back on.
"Sir! I've found someone! I don't know who it is though, there armor is all charred and blackened, as well as some of it is compressed. I'm gonna had to the Med Wing, and see what t hey can-"
"No soldier! Bring the survivor to the Chryo Bay and tell whoever's there to get that soldier suspended on ice, then report to the bridge!"
Mean while, in a near by covenant vessel headed towards the Atlantis
"Ramseeses!" Yelled a near by black armored elite. Ramseeses, a red armored elite, stood up from crouching down to help a grunt with it's methane tank. He walked across the gap between him and his superior.
"Yes, General Gora?" He said, somewhat disrespectfully.
"Why were you not preparing yourself just there, we shall arrive on the human craft in a matter of minutes!" He barked.
"Sir, I was mearly helping the grunt adjus-"
"Adjust nothing! You know that our separate clan, our separate branch of what was the covenant resides souly on elites. If the grunts were to die, our new formed clan would live. You now that we live in constant threat, now with the Earth forces as well as the covenant forces seeking our blood. It is us, Rams, not the grunts, that are needed. Do you understand?"
Ramseeses just stared at his superior for a minute or so, then said, "I understand. But you must remember, if they were not here, this plan you concocted would never have been used, if we were to put our species in the role of the grunts." And with that, and a heave from the ship, Rams picked up a plasma rifle and an energy sword, and headed out the now open doors into the Human vessel
To be continued
The Third Occourence: Part 2; Grenades in tight quartres
Date: 24 December 2005, 1:50 am
Smith walked in, his head hanging low. He looked up as he approached Jesse, Chief and the Captain.
"Sir, it's done." He said.
"Good. I'm sure it must have been hard to abandon a fellow D-Spartan. But right now, we have to take action." He said. "There are only three of us, so we'll have to co-ordinate, and each lead separate teams to keep the foot soldiers morale high. Smith. You go down and guard the Chryo Bays with a team of eighteen. Roberts, you have a choice. You can lead a team of twenty-five to the escape pods where the Covenant are boarding us, or lead a team of four through the maintenance shafts come up behind their defenses."
Jesse thought about this.
"I'll lead the team of four." He said. "Just punch me up a map and I'll go retrieve my team." He said confidently.
The Chief nodded. "Alright." He told him. "Your team will be of Meyers, Conners, Soule and Lanar." He said. "Go get 'em."
Jesse hurried off as he heard the Chief admitting marines to Smith's team, and the Captain barking orders, firing at the enemy vessels.
Jesse went to each of his team's quarters, introduced himself, and lead them off.
About four minutes later, Lanar asked, "Sir, the mission, it seems more suitable for special Ops, so why are we here?" He asked. Jesse was counting on them not knowing eachother, thinking each of them had been invited to accompany a special Ops unit. Too bad.
He stopped and faced them.
"Listen soldiers. I'm not gonna lie to you. There was a blast on the launch bays, and now there are only a few Special soldiers left. You are the next qualified, and it is important that we complete this mission, so you have to be brave and trust me." He told them.
He waited for their response. Finally, from Meyers, "I'm with you all the way chief!" He said. The others nodded in hesitant agreement.
They took off once again down the corridors, and accidently intercepted a group of Covenant.
Jesse ducked and rolled behind an indent in the wall, confirming a door. Lanar Meyers and Soule took up main firing positions, open to hits. COnners did the same maneuver as Jesse, but in the opposite direction. They raised their battle rifles and fired covering fire, as Soule Meyers and Lanar kept up the Suppressing fire.
They were to close quarters for a grenade just yet, so Jesse paused and scanned the area. Bingo! He found what he had been looking for.
"Gimme cover!" He shouted to his men, in too much of a hurry to use his COM. He bolted across the Hall, firing his battle rifle with one hand. He dove and fired, just narrowly missing an over charged plasma rifle shot which his shields would not have suppressed. As he dove, his free hand came in contact with a button, closing the blast doors. He lay on his back for a few seconds.
'It only takes fifteen seconds for them to close.' He thought. 'Seven
He waited another two seconds, then lobbed a grenade in. It blew a second after the blast doors closed, killing what was left of the group behind the shield of the doors. He breathed a breath of relief.
He opened the door, and a minute later, him and his team were on their way again
Ramseeses moved alone down the Human corridors. So far, there had been no resistance where he was headed, Sometimes the occasional patrol came by, and Rams would crouch down in a certain spot making him invisible as they passed. He came up upon a place where there had been a small battle.
The corridor itself was small, which puzzled him when he saw the marks from a human grenade. He identified all the fallen, and it seemed there had been no human casualty, or even a hint of injury. Strange. He kept moving on through the corridors. He came up on a marine patrol of two, and there was no time to hide as they open fired on him.
He took cover behind some supply cases. He lobbed a grenade over his head, and heard the two marines startle. He stood up and fired his plasma rifle, burning the flesh and blood away on one of the dazed marines.
The other marine came back open firing. Rams ran across the length of the corridor, firing back. He got lucky, and managed to over power the marine as it faulted on it's shot. He killed it with another few plasma hits. He walked up to the other marine, who was just barely clutching to life.
"I shall free you." He told the marine, as he pulled out his energy sword, ad mutilated the it.