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The Story of Hitomi by Kaboose
The Story of Hitomi: Part One
Date: 9 September 2003, 10:53 PM
It's the year 2560. The Covenant have overrun Earth. There are Marines Forces left of planets the Covenant didn't glass. There were two remaining Spartan IIII's. They had a Longsword Fighter, so they could have returned back to Earth if they had wanted to, but they thought that it was no use. They would have to get past the Covenant Armada, and even if they managed to, they would have to fight off the never ending Covenant force.
One day, Hitomi, Spartan-11, and Phil, Spartan-112 were walking around in their Longsword, when they heard the Longsword's AI say, "Message Received,"
Hitomi quickly went over to the control panel, and typed something. The message popped up, and it read,
Start Transmission
This is Sergeant Johnson. If there are any Marine forces left, then please come to Versa III. We are trying to assemble an effective rebellion. We currently have 16 Marine Divisions, 6 Scorpion Tanks, 53 Warthogs, 2 Frigates, 3 Destroyers, and 6 BattleCruisers. We also have enough weapons to supply another 13 Marine Divisions. If anybody received this message, please come to Versa III!
Sergeant Johnson
End Transmission
Hitomi read it twice, and said to Phil, "This message is from Sergeant Johnson. We're going to go to Versa III,"
"Are you sure that it's not a trick?" Phil asked.
"I'm sure that it's not a trick...we'll have to leave tonight though," Hitomi answered.
Phil packed up all the belongings, and they left for Versa III. Since it was relatively close, they didn't have to use the slip-space engines. When they got close to Versa III, they received a transmission. Hitomi typed something, and the message popped up. It read,
Start Transmission
Identify yourselves or we'll fire!
End Transmission
Hitomi started a communications link channel, and they were greeted by Sergeant Johnson. For safety precautions, when the door of the Longsword opened, they were greeted by 6 Battle Rifles. They were immediately lowered when the Marines saw Hitomi and Phil. Sergeant Johnson then showed Hitomi and Phil around the base, and they were taken to the armory, where there were two sleek looking Battle Armors there.
They was a Black one, and a Pink one. Two engineers then came into the room, where they listed the specs of the two suits. The two engineers then helped Hitomi and Phil take apart their MJOLNIR Battle Armor, and helped them put on their new MJOLNIR XI Battle Armor. After their Battle Armor was assembled, they were led to a room, where there were 10 Guns and 3 Swords.
They were introduced the MA2B Battle Rifle, an MA8B Sub-Machine Gun, the M120 Shotgun, and the S9-AM Sniper Rifle. The 3 swords were made out of Titanium-B. They were also given extra clips for their weapons. Hitomi grabbed two Battle Rifles, two Sub-Machine Guns, a Shotgun, and two Titanium-B Swords. Phil grabbed the exact same weapons, except instead of the Shotgun, he grabbed the Sniper Rifle, and grabbed one sword instead of two.
They were then taken to General Carter's office, where they were briefed for their mission. Apparently, the Covenant have found Versa III, and they've sent 2 Destroyers and 1 Carriers to come and obliterate all life on the planet. And Hitomi's and Phil's mission was to board one of the Covenant Destroyers, and destroy the Carriers and the other Destroyer.
They were scheduled to leave at 1530. They boarded their Pelican and the noticed that they didn't have and Marine support, but they had a Havok Tactical Nuke in case they couldn't take control of the ship, they could destroy it. The Pelican left Versa III shortly after Hitomi and Phil had boarded it. They arrived on the Destroyer, which was named The Wrath of Heaven, and since it just came out of slip-space, it's shields were down, so the Pelican pilot launched 6 DevilHorn missiles, and it blew a 6 X 6 hole in the ship.
3 Grunts, 2 Elites, and 3 Jackals were sucked out of the hole. Hitomi and Phil jumped out of the Pelican, and they drifted in space for a little while before they hit The Wrath of Heaven. Their shields dropped, and alarms started going off in their helmets. They quickly activated their Magnetic Boots, and they jumped into The Wrath of Heaven. When they got inside, they were greeted by two Hunters and a Golden Elite. The two Hunters tried to melt Hitomi and Phil, but they were way too slow. Hitomi engaged in a fight with the Elite, while Phil fought the Hunters. Phil was way too fast for the Hunters, and he put them out of their misery quite easily. Hitomi on the other hand, wasn't doing that well. She almost had a Plasma Grenade stuck to her, and she almost had her melted due to a well-aimed Plasma Bolt.
But in the end, Hitomi used her speed to her advantage, and decapitated the Elite. They walked into the next room, and when they got in, they saw something that almost made Hitomi scream. There were Brutes. Hundreds of them. Luckily, none of them were awaken when the door was opened. They went back into the corridors of the ship, and they formulated a plan. They would each throw all the Grenades they had into large groups of Brutes, and then they would try and mow the remaining Brutes down. They each had 8 Grenades, so they thought that it would take out some Brutes, but not nearly enough. Right before they un-pinned their Grenades, Hitomi remembered that they had had a Havok Tactical Nuke.
They called for Evac, set the timer on the Nuke, threw it into the room filled with Brutes along with their Grenades, and they hightailed it back to the Docking Bay, where their Pelican was just coming in. The got into the Pelican, and when they looked back, all they could see was an explosion that engulfed the two Destroyers and heavily damaged the Carrier. It tried to make a slip-space jump, but the Pelican pilot wasn't about to let him do that. He launched the remaining 14 DevilHorn missiles, they all hit, but one of them hit the Nuclear Power Core, and the ship imploded.
They arrived back at Versa III, where they were de-briefed, and before they could even relax, General Carter blared over the intercom system, "All Personnel to their Battle Stations! We've got a Covenant force coming in!"
Hitomi and Phil ran to the armory to grab some ammo, and when they got outside, the Marines were dropping like flies. Hitomi threw a Grenade into a pack of Jackals, and they were all killed in the blast. She shot a three-round burst into a Grunt, and then she went full auto on a group of Jackals and Grunts with the backs turned. She then picked up a Plasma Grenade, shoved it down a Grunt's throat, picked it up, and threw it at an Elite, and the explosion killed three Grunts, an Elite, and a Jackal.
Phil took out his SMG's, and he unloaded half a clip into an Elite, and it dropped dead. He then tossed a Fragmentation Grenade into a group of Grunts, and all but one of them were killed in the blast. Phil put the Grunt out of it's misery with a three-round burst to its head. The battle was getting better for the Marines until the Covenant Armory arrived. The Wraiths started lobbing their Plasma Bombs, killing Marines and Covenant. Ghost started speeding through the battle, trying to run over the Marines, but ran over more Covenant than Marines.
But then, the Human Armor came. There were two Scorpion Tanks, and 11 Warthogs. Phil got into the Drivers Seat, with Hitomi in Shotgun, and a Marine as gunner. Phil started the Warthog up, and he started running Covenant over, while the gunner and Hitomi tried to kill some more Covenant. The gunner was killed rather quickly, and without hesitation, Hitomi did a back-flip out of her seat, and landed on her feet in the gunner position. She put in a new ammo-belt, and she proceeded to kill some more Covenant. Phil kept running Covenant over until an Elite threw a Plasma Grenade, and it latched itself on to him. "No!" Hitomi yelled.
"I Love You!" Phil yelled as he jumped off the Warthog, and was engulfed into a mist of Plasma.
He looked at Hitomi, and jumped out of the Warthog. Hitomi looked back, and all she saw was a mist of Plasma where Phil used to be. She was furious now. She then went of a rampage.
She took out both of her SMG's and she went full auto on a group of Grunts and Jackals. She then slung her SMG's when they were out of ammo, and grabbed her Battle Rifles. She put bullets into Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Brutes, and Hunters. She then grabbed her Shotgun, and started pumping lead into the Covenant. She was so furious, that she didn't care about the Covenant. They took away the only person that she ever loved. All she wanted to do was kill something, and that something was the Covenant.
She used up all the bullets in her Shotgun, and she unsheathed her swords, and started executing the Covenant. She ran right through the Covenant ranks until she got to the Field Master. He activated her Plasma Sword, and they engaged in a fight. Hitomi as usual, used her speed to her advantage, and she disposed of the Elite. When the remaining Covenant saw that, they immediately started retreating. But Hitomi didn't let them retreat. She reloaded her SMG's with lightning speed, and she continued killing more Covenant. She didn't want any of them to live after what they did to her today.
She walked slowly back to the base, and none of the Marines talked about what happened, because what happened had spread like a virus. Every Marine that was still alive, knew that Phil and Hitomi were in love, and they knew that Phil was killed in the battle. She went into her room, changed into a tank-top and a pair of shorts, and she started crying. All the times that she had spent with Phil was through her mind. She eventually cried herself to sleep, and she was awaken by the voice of General Carter yelling, "All Personnel to you Battle Stations! Covenant Carrier approaching!"
The Covenant Carrier entered Versa III's atmosphere, and it suddenly exploded. Nobody knew what happened, and suddenly, a ship easily twice as large as the largest Covenant ships, and at least 4 times larger than the largest remaining UNSC ships. The ship touched the ground, the doors opened, and something came out of it.
~ * Authors Note * ~
Give Me Some Constructive Criticism...Thanks!
Second Part Coming Soon To an HBO Near You!
~ * End Authors Note * ~
The Story of Hitomi: Part Two
Date: 11 September 2003, 2:30 AM
An Elite walked out of the ship, and Hitomi immediately pointed her Battle Rifles at him, and was about to pull the triggers when the Elite fell forward, with bullet-holes in his stomach. Hitomi watched as a Spartan walked out of the ship. The Spartan walked up to Hitomi, and took her helmet off. "Claire?"
"Long time no see sis," Claire replied.
"It has been a long time...4 years?" Hitomi asked.
"Something around that," Claire answered.
"Where have you been for the last 4 years?" Hitomi asked.
"Well, I was left on Versa II and a Covenant Carrier came and landed on Versa II. I went to see why the Covenant came back to Versa II, and they were looking for Methane for the Grunts. Since all the Grunts and Jackals were working, I took the chance to try and steal the Covenant Carrier. I boarded the Carrier without being detected, but I was seen by a Grunt, and he started squealing. So, I fought my way into the Control Room, and then I noticed that I could eject compartments. I ejected every compartment that I could, and the ship detected life on Versa III, so I decided to check it out. And here we are now," Claire explained.
"Well...you're not as useless as I thought you were," Hitomi joked.
"How's Phil doing?" Claire asked.
"Um...he's dead. A Plasma Grenade latched on to him," Hitomi said as she wept silently.
"Oh...I'm sorry," Claire said.
"Well, it's the past now...can't do anything about it," Hitomi said.
"Shall we go back to the base?" Claire asked.
"Sure. I'll radio for some Engineers to come and inspect the ship and stuff," Hitomi said.
Hitomi took Claire inside, and they were immediately ushered to the armory. There was a sleek looking Pink suit. Claire looked at Hitomi, and she started taking apart her armor. The Engineers assembled the suit on Kelly, and she was all complete. "You two look like Barbies!" General Carter said as he walked into the room.
"Sir!" Claire and Hitomi said in unison.
"At ease soldier," General Carter said.
"I've got a mission for you. Come to my office in 10 minutes," General Carter continued.
"Yes Sir!" Claire and Hitomi said in unison.
Hitomi showed Claire around the base, and then they went to General Carter's office. His Secretary showed them in, and when they got inside, General Carter said, "Take a seat,"
Hitomi and Claire did as they were told, and they took a seat. "Okay. Your mission is to infiltrate a Covenant base. It is the most heavily guarded base, with a battalion of Covenant Armor, and two battalions of Covenant Infantry. You'll have three Battalions under your control. You're Pelican is scheduled to leave at 1530. You are dismissed," General Carter Explained.
Hitomi and Claire made their way to the armory, where they began gathering their weapons. Hitomi grabbed her normal weapons arsenal, two SMG's, two Battle Rifles, a Shotgun, her two Titanium-B Swords, and 8 Fragmentation Grenades. Claire, on the other hand, grabbed two Shotguns, two SMG's, a Battle Rifle, and 10 Fragmentation Grenades. They also had a HAVOK Tactical Nuke that they could use if they needed to. The three Battalions of Marines, Hitomi and Claire boarded their assigned Pelicans, and they began to lift off into space. When they were trying to land, 3 out of 10 of the Pelicans were shot down. They started with 500 Marines, and now they were down to 350 Marines. Hitomi still thought that they could make it through alive, but her hopes were almost crushed when Plasma Grenades started going off all around them. They were caught in a trap. The Marines tried to fight back, but most of them were vaporized before they got a chance to fire.
Only 50 of the Marines made it out alive. They got to a safe place, and Claire said, "All right. We're going to split into 6 groups. There will be 5 groups. Hitomi and I will be our own group. The groups will be codenamed, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot. Sergeant Johnson will be leader of Bravo, Sergeant Erickson will be leader of Charlie, and leader of Delta will be First Lieutenant Thompson, leader of Echo will be Sergeant Matthews, and leader of Foxtrot will be First Class Private Peterson. Any Questions?"
"No Ma'am!" All the Marines replied in unison.
The 6 Teams set out, and before they even got near the Covenant Infantry, Hitomi had lost contact with Delta and Foxtrot teams. Right before they met the Covenant Infantry, Echo team was obliterated by Invisible Elites. They remaining two teams, Charlie and Bravo met up with Hitomi and Claire. They formulated a plan, which was to try and eliminate all the Elites first. There were 10 Snipers out of the 20 Marines, and 5 Marines that held Rocket Launchers. The Snipers would target the Elites, while the Marines that held Rocket Launchers would target large groups of Covenant, and the remaining Marines would throw their Grenades into group of Covenant. "3...2...1...Fire!"
10 Elites fell dead, and Covenant flying around. This pleased Claire. "CHARGE!"
The 5 Marines and two Spartans charged at the Covenant Infantry, while the Snipers still tried to pick off Elites and the Marines with Rocket Launchers were trying their best not to kill any of their team-mates. They had the upper hand, and the Covenant's numbers were falling drastically. Claire and Hitomi thought that the Marines could hold themselves, and they went inside the building. When they got inside, almost each of the rooms were filled with sleeping Brutes. But the Control room was just guarded by two Golden Elites, and two Hunters. Hitomi tossed Claire a sword, and they each engaged each of the Golden Elites in a sword fight. Hitomi caught sight of a Hunter charging his Fuel Rod Cannon, and she immediately unclipped her SMG's and unloaded a whole clip into the Elite, and then cart wheeled out of the way.
The Elite didn't see the Fuel Rod Blast coming, and he was vaporized. Claire was doing fine, as she was making the Elite look like a fool. She used her speed to her advantage, and she be-headed the Elite. They then went to work on the Hunters. They knew that Hunters weren't accurate with their shots, and they knew that Hunters had a weak spot. Claire jumped over one of the Hunters, and unloaded half a clip from her Battle Rifles in the Hunter, and it fell. Dead. Hitomi, on the other hand, decided to have some fun. She rammed a Grenade up the Hunters Fuel Rod Gun, and primed another Grenade, and shoved it in the Hunter's back. There was a massive explosion, and not much of the Hunter was left.
Claire then ran over to the Control Panel, and slipped the AI that was given to her in a slot. The AI downloaded all the data, and then it activated the self-destruct sequence. Claire pulled the AI out, and Hitomi primed the HAVOK Tactical Nuke, and then ran outside as fast as they could. When they got outside, there was a Pelican waiting there for them. Hitomi counted 6 Marines. She thought that it was a very large lost, but the Covenant had an even large loss. Claire now had the AI that knew every single thing about the Covenant. They were flown back to Versa III, and the AI was given to an engineer, and they were de-briefed. They were given some time to rest, and they took it. They both fell asleep, and they were awakened by the General Carter yelling over the intercom, "Unidentified Flying Aircraft coming in! All personnel to their Stations!"
Hitomi and Claire got dressed, and they ran outside. The aircraft landed, and the door opened. Out came 343 Guilty Spark, a whole army of Sentinels, and the Master Chief. He was dressed in his MJOLNIR Armor. He walked over to Hitomi and said, "I'm not fighting anymore. I've retired. I've come back to help you. But not to help you fight. Now you must take me to the person that's in charge. I've got something really important to tell him,"
~ * Authors Note * ~
I hope you liked this!
The Story of Hitomi: Part 3, is coming to an HBO near you!
~ * End Note * ~