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The Sergeant#39;s Story by Keyes
The Flood
Date: 22 April 2004, 6:54 PM
As the Elevator slowed down, their motion trackers flared up, and Johnson instinctively brought his MA5B up. However, the room was clear. The only door in this room was red with all the enemy movement. Obviously the Covenant came up and down that shaft a lot. Three Frags and ten shots from the MA5B cleaned it out quick, but forces on the other side of the door past the door, which was more like a little closet blocking the real door from the elevator, heard the shots and came pouring in like a breach in a dam. After they mopped them up, Johnson moved to the light bridge controls. The bridge activated, and then a plasma bolt flew over Johnson's left shoulder, burning the armor and frying the panel, causing the bridge to die out. He spun, dropped to a knee, and opened fire. Jenkins and Bisenti and already opened fire, and Mendoza, who had been scavenging some plasma weapons, came through the door and, seeing Sarge in trouble, shot a charged plasma pistol shot. The Elite tried to dodge, but was tracked by the plasma, then mowed down by Johnson, Jenkins, and Bisenti. "Well," said Johnson, "looks like we're gonna have to take the scenic route," and dropped to the next level. Jenkins left a light on the platform, then one on the level below so The Captain would know where they were. They entered a hallway, and stopped short. was splatter against walls and around the corner. As the turned the corner, three Grunts and a pair of Jackals stood behind a set of storage boxes, which they were using as cover. Plasma poured out of the room like a hailstorm. A pair of Frags and a three stolen Plasma s cleared the room in moments. They entered another room and found what had happened to the body's the belonged to. A dozen Elite and five Grunts lay scattered across the floor. "What happened to this guy," Johnson said? "Don't know Sarge," said Mendoza, "No other human forces have been down here, which is weird, right? I mean... look at it. Something... scrambled the insides." Johnson squinted at the gaping hole in its chest. "What's that? Plasma scoring?" Mendoza shrugged. "Yea... I dunno. Maybe there was an . You know, friendly fire or something?" Keyes, Franky, and half of Keyes squad approached. "What do we have, Sergeant?" "Looks like a Covenant patrol. Badass elite units, all KIA." Keyes looked at the hole, then up at Mendoza. "Real pretty. Friend of yours?" Mendoza shook his head. "Naw, we just met." They made there way through the structure with little resistance. After a while they came to a small door at the bottom of a ramp. Keyes looked around. "This must be it. Right. Let's get this door open." Mendoza pulled out a decoder. "I'll try Sir. But it looks like these Covenant worked pretty hard to lock it down." Keyes shook his head. "Just do it, son." "Yes sir," said Mendoza. After a few minutes, he heard the lock click, and hit the switch, causing it to pop open. The room had two large hill like bumps in the surface, with a door at the far end and two doors one each side, A total of six doors. The only unlocked door was the one behind them. They took position around the room, but found nothing. An eerie silence filled the room. "I got a bad feeling about this..." Bisenti commented, looking from locked door to locked door. Sarge looked at him. "Boy, you always got a bad feelin' about SOMETHIN'." The silence of the room was penetrated by the sound of gunfire and static over the com-net. "Captain, Sarge... can you hear me?!" came Clay's, Keyes's sniper, voice over the radio. Keyes activated his com unit. "What's going on, soldier?" "We've got contacts...lots of them...but they're not Covenant...they're just tearing through us...what the...ooooohhh...nooooo!!" Sarge activated his com. "Corporal? Do you copy, over?" After a pause, "Mendoza, get your ass back up to Second Squad's position, and find out what the hell is goin' on." Mendoza looked surprised, "but si-" he began to say, but Johnson cut him off. "I don't have time for your lip, soldier! I gave you an order." Suddenly, a hissing noise came from nowhere, and then seemed to surround them. "Sarge, listen." The hissing grew louder and louder. "What is THAT?" asked Bisenti. They all looked around, eyes darting from side to side. "Where's that comin' from, Mendoza?" "Everywhere... I don't-there! Mira!" He pointed to one of the locked doors, which wasn't really locked anymore. The door had just been pushed out and several small, squid-like creatures came flooding out. They advanced on the team as a second door was pushed open. "Ahh... augh! Get it off!" Said Bisenti as on of the creatures latched onto him. Mendoza was over there in a second, and began trying to peel it off. "Hold still, hold still!" Suddenly it let go of Bisenti and tried to attack Mendoza. Sarge took action quickly. Raising his weapon, he called to the others. "Let 'em have it!" MA5B fire filled the room, and the sound of Keyes's M6D rang through the room. Bullets ripped through the little creatures, causing them to explode and others nearby. A dozen little of those things attached themselves to Lamont, Keyes's heavy weapons expert. After a moment, he collapsed in a heap. Keyes changed clips and yelled "Sergeant, we're surrounded!" Jenkins, who was standing near the door, was looking on in horror, slowly walking backwards. Johnson spotted him trying to leave and yelled "GodDAMMIT Jenkins, fire your weapon!" Jenkins, who looked stunned, stared at Sarge. "There are too many, Sarge!" He yelled to him. Mendoza, who had finally gotten rid of one that had jumped on his shoulder, fired a three round burst and began to back away. "Don't even think about it, Marine!" He yelled as he spotted Mendoza. "Yo this is loco!" Franky took that to heart and took off running out the door, quickly followed by Fernando, one of Keyes's riflemen. Keyes yelled at him as he fled. "Get back here, Marine! That's an order!" Fernando turned around, gave him a center finger salute, and ran. No sooner was he around the corner when he fell backwards, and was covered with those things. Suddenly, about two dozen of those things fell from the landing above, landing right on Jenkins. "Jenkins!" The Johnson yelled, and then he himself was covered in those things. He felt a pain in his back, and then blacked out.
----------------------------------------------------------- I took the dialogue form this link. I hope you like my story. This is my second Fanfic, and I don't know if you liked my first one or not. Please let me know. http://halo.bungie.org/story/level_transcripts/lv06_343gs.html Thanks HBO