The Sarge
Date: 11 August 2003, 12:45 AM
Authors note: This is my first fan fict,it is after Halo in the year 2600, I hope you enjoy it.
Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield looked at the carnage that took place on Planet X7.
"konor get over here." The sergeant called to his friend Corporal Konor Gleeson. "Yes Sir." "What were the casualties on both sides?" "Well Sir we lost 1,938 men, and the Covies lost 3,104."
"Ok, so it looks like we won this battle." "Yes Sir we sure did." "This is Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield on planet X7, I have survivors from a battle and need extraction,i'll mark our position with a nav beacon." "This is dropship Victor 193 i'll be thier in 15 min, stand by."
The dropship came, and picked up the surivors, but thier was a problem with the dropship, it was low on fuel but the piolet didint notice. "Ok gentlemen we are low on fuel we are going to haveto land in that island." "What the hell, that islands surrounded by lava." Konor asked the piolet "We have to Sir or else we land in lava." "Ok."
The dropship landed on the island, the island was a big island, shaped as an prophet (kinda). The pelican made a smooth landing on a platform like structer. Ben,Konor,and Private First Class Alex Valenti were stranded on an island.Ben grabbed a shotgun,an assualt rifle,and four fragmentation gernades and extra ammo for his AR and shotgun.Konor grabbed 2 SMG,and 6 frags.Alex grabbed a MD6 pistol,a plasma rifle,and 4 plasma gernades from an elite the dropship hit. "Ok gentlemen it looks like were stranded on this island, our raido is busted up,and we know thierse covies on this island."Ben pointed at the dead elite under the dropship."We need to move out." His men replied "yes sir!"
The island had a forest with a tempture around 60-78 degreese fernhight. The sergeant look at his watch, they have been traveling for five hours through the forest and found no signs of life. "HEY Sarge how long has it been?" Alex called. "Bout five hours Private." "Okay Sir."
9 hours since the crash. "Ok men lets stop and eat."Yes sir,sounds good Sir."They stopped and built a campfire and a camp. The camp was made out of logs, and the top was made out of big leaves of some kind, they had made a fireplace out of rocks, it even had a chimeny.
17 hours since the crash. The small squad had a good food supply, it would last 179 days and thier was a good sorce of fresh water 8 yards away from the camp site. The Master Sergeant explored every day, While Konor and Alex guarded the camp site. One day the whole squad went out to explore because Ben said he saw something. They went five miles from the camp site and stumbled opon a Covenant encampment.What the Sarge saw was an elite fighting a black armored Spartain. They were having a sword fight with plasma sword's, the Spartain retreated into Sarge's squad and tripped. the elite was about to bring his sword on the Spartian, when the Sarge pulled his combat knife and threw it at the elites neck.
2 DAYS SINCE THE CRASH. The Spartain thanked the Sarge and told him his story... The spartins name was Kevin, he didnt have a last name, Kevin was part of a Spec Ops team that was sent to invesgate a new covenant weapon that was thought to be a covenant nukelear missle. When his Spec Ops team was exploring they got ambushed his entire squad died but him. "And thats my story, What happened to you?"
5 Days since the crash. Kevin had a 100 day food supply, eight frags, a silenced sniper rifle, and an Assult Rifle. his raido got shot by an overcharged plasma shot. but he did have a raido that played music, his cd's were..Trapped,Disturbed,Metallica,Saliva,AND SUM41. "Why all the old cd's sir?"Alex asked."I like old music." replied the chief.
8 Days since the crash. Ben built a gun rack outof wood so they wouldent have thier guns in the way. He also built an ammo box to put thier ammo in. Ben just finished dinner and decided to take a drink, he bent gown to get a drink when he saw a sniper shot fly above his head. A headless brute fell to his knees then fell on his back he looked back to see Kevin do the peace sign and Ben returned it."Thanks."Ben wisperd."No problem."