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The Records of Brian Waite by CoLd BlooDed
The Records of Brian Waite - Part 1 of 2
Date: 18 August 2006, 9:22 am
The Records of Brian Waite
[journal entry #1]
[05.13.56 / 1203 hours]
[classification - gr.]
Hey, is this thing on? Hello? Voice-registration? This is Brian Waite, of Quarters B-15... 52nd Division. [sound - movement of journal] Okay, there we go. This is the first of many entries, so might as well make it brief.
I just found out I made it through the program, and I'm finally going on that transfer project with a bunch of other students that graduated with me. We were issued these electronic journals - they record your voice and just about anything else around you that makes sound
pretty cool, huh? Anyways, we're going to that remote sector in Alpha Centauri, behind a massive moon that illuminates the sky of this beautiful gas giant - I've always wanted to go since I saw the pictures in the brochures. Mom and Dad will be proud when I tell them.
The launch is early in the morning tomorrow. I'll be going into space!
[sound - fumbling of papers/movement of chair]
I'll be sure to update this tomorrow.
[Entries 2-3 Missing]
[journal entry #4]
[05.14.56 / 0554 hours]
[classification - gr.]
Wow, this is probably the single-most important thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so excited that I'm shaking. The students of the exchange - and myself - will be traveling to the Alpha Centauri quadrant where we'll spend our apprenticeship on an isolated space station; entirely for the purpose of preparing ourselves for future jobs in the UNSC. The deal was amazing
all we had to do was go through a six-month course and then we'd be sent off to the outpost, all expenses paid. Ah-mazing.
Some of the launch crew have been telling me stories, though, creepy ones. I don't know if they're just trying to get under my skin, but the tales are
unnerving. Things about students, like ourselves, going mad because of the remoteness of the station, or some shit like that. I have no other choice but to ignore it and dismiss it as a ghost story. Hah, those fuckers are just trying to scare me. [sound - nervous laugh]
I'll add another recording if I get bored during the trip, or find anything else out that could be potentially interesting.
[journal entry #5]
[05.15.56 / 1148 hours]
[classification - yllw.]
This transport ship is actually quite big, I almost got lost not too long ago. I feel like an idiot.
I've been trying to avoid the worker crew, the ones that told me the stories. There's just something unsettling about them; whether it's the long work-shifts, the space routes they're constantly traveling back and forth on, or the fact that they're just plain crazy, I don't like 'em. Hell, it looks like they've seen way too much, what with the oversized bags hanging below their drooping eyelids
Why my sudden change of heart? No real reason, except that they attempted to tell another tale from the crypt
[sound - laughter] They gave me a name this time, the name of the man that went insane over his yearly commission at the station. Rick Barnum. That was all they managed to say before I ran off into one of the side passages. Little did I know, I'd spend the next half-hour looking for the exit back to my quarters, and with the recent additions to my mind, my imagination was going haywire. It really created a permanent dislike towards those creeps.
Well, I'm back now, and more than a little tired. I'll catch up on those hours of sleep I missed when getting ready early this morning.
[sound - rustling of bed sheets]
[Entry 6 Missing]
[journal entry #7]
[05.16.56 / 2100 hours]
[classification - gr.]
[sound - prolonged yawn]
That's more like it! I haven't slept that well in ages
[sound - sigh] You know what I noticed? How beautiful the view is from my room - the sparkling stars really shine when etched upon that empty, black void. Heh, pretty poetic, eh? Poetry was one of my pastimes back in the day
I still got it. [sound - laugh]
But look at me, getting all personal with the journal. I told myself I wasn't even going to update this thing on a regular basis
however, it does help the fact that the entirety of my friends are up on the first deck. Those guys lucked out. [voice alteration - anger] And here I am, making small talk with a fuckin' electronic gadget given to me by teachers back home; what are they even going to do with this thing when we go back? It's not like anything interesting is gonna happen.
I'm feeling a bit peeved right now, actually, so I'm going for a walk.
[sound - movement of unknown objects/papers/chair?]
[Entries 8-9 Missing]
[journal entry #10]
[05.18.56 / 0100 hours]
[classification - orng.]
We're finally here, and to be honest
it's not quite what I expected. A lot more quiet here than I thought it would; the brochures really exaggerate the exquisiteness of this place. I mean, there's pictures of hundreds of crewmen, apprentices, and officers bustling about the halls, each person with a giant smile on their face - behind them, abundant green shrubbery, and above are windows reflecting the beauty of night. It's all bullshit. First thing I noticed when I stepped off the carrier was that smell. I can't even explain it. It's
I knew it was too good to be true, I knew it. A six month course for paradise? Bullshit. I'm beginning to see why that Rick Barnum guy went insane; maybe it was just the smell that did him in? [sound - laughter] On the bright side, at least my room in this dump is comfortable; I've already unpacked everything and made myself feel at home. My friends Joseph and Andrea are a couple bedrooms down from me, fortunately
just knowing that they're close saves me from feeling too overwhelmed. [sound - sigh/voice alteration - relaxation] Well, the program begins tomorrow, and I'm already thrown off by the Slipspace travel, so I think I'll be hittin' the sack.
Let the games begin.
[journal entry #11]
[05.19.56 / 1630 hours]
[classification - yllw.]
Well today was definitely an
interesting day. To think I actually had faith in this place redeeming itself with stable, courteous instructors, but they're just as creepy as all the other fuckers in this place. I even think I saw those janitors from the transport ship again, which makes the situation at hand so much better.
Anyways, we were introduced to the apprenticeship officials, the ones who will lead us through day-to-day work on the orbital platform, giving us odd-jobs normally assigned to mechanics (who I'm guessing are just as strange). We were also introduced to the officer on the ship, the man in command. Goes by the name of Admiral C. Dredurn; and, judging by his appearance and perma-scowl, I can say he couldn't care less about the outcome of the UNSC program, the students, or even his own freakin' crew. The man scares me, but fortunately we don't have to talk to him on a day-to-day business; he's 'reserved' for emergencies. [sound - laughter]
Well, dinner is gonna be served in an hour, and I'm beat from walking around the station all day. That rancid, decomposing-body-after-being-left-in-the-heat smell and my deteriorating shoes have made me tired and starving. Here's to hoping that the grub is edible.
[Entries 12-13 missing]
[journal entry #14]
[05.24.56 / 1920 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I apologize for the scarcity of these updates, but these fucks who run APPCO (apprenticeship core) are working us like dogs, exploiting us for our skills and using them to fix up this remote, desolate piece-of-shit orbital station. I've already worked on the outdated electrical generator eight times in the last three days; the damned thing won't stop breaking down, I swear—they oughta just switch to the back-up machine and make it run full time. [voice alteration - frustration] To think I was actually going to enjoy this experience, to think I was going to gain something from it. It's already been six days and I hate everything about this place. The walls are coated in something that resembles mildew, the lavatories are incredibly unsanitary, the domesticated shrubbery is wilted. Even the crew working on the bridge sneer at us, and the few doctors and nurses that work here ignore us—I'm starting to feel like a fucking outcast. We all are.
I haven't been able to see my friends, either; the cocksmacks even assigned our seating arrangements in the cafeteria. Whoop-de-frickin'-doo. Geez, I bet I'd be going insane if I didn't have anybody—sorry, anything—to vent to. Thank you for one good prospect, United Nations Space Command! [voice alteration - content/sound - weak laugh]
Tomorrows Saturday, so everyone has a day off, maybe I'll snoop around and find something interesting
I wonder if they carry any information on Rick Barnum in the records department?
[journal entry #15]
[05.25.56 / 1130 hours]
[classification - red.]
[sound(s) - shuffling/distant laughter/inaudible conversations]
Well, I wasn't allowed access to the records department, so I brought my audio journal with me to the library. I should be able to find something here, right? If not, forget about this entire log, just skip it right now
seriously, right now. SKIP.
Kidding, kidding, don't do it. I'm in a good mood right now, I got a good rest last night, so
Anyways, sorry about the noise level, but all the other students are wandering about the station, coming and going places
exploring. [sound(s) - brief laugh/distant footsteps/inaudible Convers.] Exploring for what, I don't know, maybe there's some secret treasure supposedly buried in the uppermost floor by Admiral C. Dredurn, the scurviest pirate in these seas!
Gah, sorry. Let's get down to business; I'm on the workstation computers right now, trying to uncover some old records of crazy ol' Rick Barnum. APPCO have made it incredibly easy on me, these files aren't even encrypted.
[sound(s) - fast typing/dist. Footsteps/inaudible. Convers./]
Alright, let's see what we got
That is weird; this guy looks familiar. I think I heard about this.
[sound - fast typing/dist. Convers.]
Here's what it says under a picture of him. "Rick Barnum Kills Fifty-Two Students Over Yearly Period, Commits Suicide After Discovered". Yikes
and under that: "Young, 18-year-old apprentice {Barnum, Rick} of the UNSC endured a serious mental breakdown over the yearly commission and ended up slaughtering fifty-two of his pupils over a six-month timeframe. Initially this was realized when cleaners discovered three suits made of human flesh in the closet of Barnum's room. Also, records showing numerous counts of unauthorized use of the airlock confirmed creeping suspicions. When security broke into Barnum's dorm, he was found hanging from the rafters by an electric cord with his throat slit."
Fucking hell, why weren't these murders documented? This nut
he had
SUITS of flesh. Does that mean what I think it means? He skinned those poor bastards and turned them into his own fashion line? Good god. I'm beginning to understand why the UNSC kept this under wraps, but still
sacrificing truth to keep this program going? What else are they hiding?
I'm kinda disturbed right now, so, I'm
[voice alteration - disorder] gonna go. I'll u-update this soon. I should go find Joe and Andrea, anyways, it'll be good to see 'em again.
[journal entry #16]
[05.26.56 / 0430 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I couldn't sleep. Just couldn't. I probably just managed to squeeze in less than four hours, it's gonna kill me tomorrow, but
I just couldn't stop thinking about what he did. How had he managed to murder fifty-two people in six months without being caught? How the hell had he managed to make a suit of flesh? That's what really gets me—APPCO must really neglect the task of checking up on their students regularly. Scary, scary shit.
It's really dark right now, the lights are as dim as ever. The large, white surface of Molres is right outside my window, staring at me with it's dullness. It's probably safe to assume that I have a guaranteed job slaving way on the impossible power generator again. Can't wait.
[sound - loud, abrupt creak]
What was that? Goddamnit, the shadows are playing tricks on me. I thought I just saw
[sound - stressed laughter] the shadow of a body hanging from a ceiling. I feel like I'm in kindergarten all over again
scared of the dark, come on, Brian; quit being such a fucking baby. Memorable quote from my father. Memorable.
I should really get back to bed and at least try to get some more sleep. I'll update after we're through with tomorrows schedule.
[sound - slow, muffled footsteps/moving fabric]
[time duration +120m.45sauto shut-down]
{report 0500h - loud snoring}
{report 0554h - electronic whirring/mumbling}
{report 0612h - error [whisperscreamlaugh(?)]}
[journal entry #17]
[05.27.56 / 1620 hours]
[classification - red.]
Today was incredibly tough; not only did they make me repair the generator again, they put me to work in the infirmary (which is ridiculous, I have no experience) with the doctors because they were short one person. Apparently she disappeared in the morning somewhere around 6 o'clock. Oh, well, not my loss—one less creep to worry about in this place. Besides, it's not like she actually just vanished
right? [voice alteration - nervousness] Good God, listen to me, I'm freaking out over nothing. That record of Rick planted this seed of fear in my mind and now it's sprouting by itself and I can't get the history of this shithole out of my head.
Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked, sorry, sorry, sorry. If you're listening to this you're probably telling me to shut up and get back to reality. 'Kay, well
let's get back to my day, then.
All I can say about the doctors and nurses working in the med bay is that they have all the right in the world to be eerie; I mean, I spent a day in their shoes, and I can't imagine going through stuff like that everyday. People are constantly getting sick from the poor conditions of the produced atmosphere, they're regularly cutting themselves on machinery and with mechanical tools, and they just can't seem to pay attention to the safety regulations—I saw one poor jackass in the infirmary today who thought not wearing a mask and welding tools go together. Judging from the liquid flesh on his face, I'm thinkin' he blinded himself from the welding device, and in panic turned it around on himself.
Those savage burns still managed to remind me of those human suits, though, amidst all that chaos of trying to patch his face back together. It was the first thing that came to mind. That, and a vivid flashback of Barnum's pasty, craggy face. Scared the shit out of me. Not only that, but the doctors made me bandage up his neck—and I'm pretty sure I got some of his melted skin on my hand
looks like I'm slowly making a suit of my own, huh? [sound - weak laugh]
If this keeps bothering me, and I don't end up getting any sleep tonight, I think I'll stop by the Admiral—see if I can get some information out of him. Hey, I know! I'll bring the journal, see if I can record the conversation!
[journal entry #18]
[05.28.56 / 0300 hours]
[classification - red.]
Gobble-dee gook. Ticks
ticks and mites. Sew the night with pins and needles.
[journal entry #19]
[05.28.56 / 1844 hours]
[classification - red.]
[sound - loud shuffling/breathing]
Alright, I'm standing right outside the Admirals office, and I know for a fact he's in here. His assistant—one of my APPCO instructors—told me where I could find him at this hour. By the way, it's almost eight o'clock. I should be heading off to bed soon, but I got a good night's rest in; I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I'll be putting the journal in my bag, which I'll leave open, so I apologize if the recording turns out muffled
I can always sum up the conversation later.
[sound - movement of journal/knocking]
Hello? Admiral Dredurn?
[sound - inaudible/opening door]
{dual voice log; ID [Waite, B] Good day, Admiral.
[ID Dredurn, C] Who are you?
[Waite, B] I'm Brian Waite
I'm in the APPCO apprentice program.
[Dredurn, C] Hm. I don't have time for this. Get—
[Waite, B] It's about Rick Barnum.
[Dredurn, C {strict}]
Sit down.
[Waite, B -{footsteps}] Thank you, sir
uh, Admiral. There's something that's been bothering me
[Dredurn, C] What have you heard about Rick Barnum? What does it concern you?
[Waite, B] Well, to be honest, sir, I was looking through the records in the library, and I found—
[Dredurn, C {anger}] What? You were looking through private documents on the computers? Those are encrypted for a reason, you're not supposed to be nosing aro—
[Waite, B] T-They weren't encrypted
[Dredurn, C] What?
[Waite, B] The files, they weren't encrypted.
[Dredurn, C] I heard you. Did you read the entire report? Do you know what all happened?
[Waite, B] Fifty-two people were murdered, they were used to make human coats, then deposited from the station in the airlock, then
[Dredurn, C] Goddamn, they really weren't encrypted, were they? I could've sworn they were locked up in the highest security folder. You're naïve, kid, naïve. You should've thought harder when looking at those. You think I'd leave top-secret shit like that just floating around? You think I want the rest of the UNSC to find out about that incident? They'll have my fucking head. They'll have all our fucking heads.
[Waite, B] I-I'm sorry, Admiral, I didn't mean any harm, I was just curious because these janitors on the flight over told me about Rick—
[Dredurn, C {anger}] You think I fucking care! You know what this means, don't you? You know why you got to see those 'unencrypted' files? He chose you. Rick Barnum chose you.
[Waite, B {nervous}] I'm afraid I don't understand.
[Dredurn, C] He chose you, don't you see! You think those files were available just because? No, they were there to sew the seed of fear. That's how he works. That's how he plays
I knew Barnum well
too well. His skill in mechanics was unmatched, and I had noticed this; I took him as my understudy
goddamn, what a mistake that was. I taught him everything to know about this station, taught him everything
how do you think he learned to use those fucking access codes to the airlock? Good God
we didn't even bother to investigate the missing people, we just sent little innocent, super-mechanic Ricky to check up on them. "They're just sick," he'd say, "probably from the poor conditions of this place." Except this station was just fine until he came along, this station was just fine. He brought something with him
something that changed everybody, and everything. Rick Barnum has been in my head since he came into this station, but now he's turned to you. If I were you, I'd try to shut him out of my mind as best as I could, otherwise he'll
he'll get to ya.
[Waite, B] I don't know what to say, sir.
[Dredurn, C] You won't.
[Waite, B] I think I've heard enough—I'll be on my way. Thank you, Admiral.
[Dredurn, C] Don't come back.
[Waite, B] I won't
[sound - muffled footsteps/opening door/movement of journal]
What a fucking nutball.
[journal entry #20]
[05.28.56 / 1906 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I really don't know what to say. All of that, it's bullshit. I'm beginning to feel sorry for all the people serving under him, the man is a lunatic. He's gone insane ever since all of those students were murdered, he thinks it's his fault. He's 'coming for me'? What the fuck does he mean by that, Rick Barnum is dead. Words can't explain how amusing I'm finding this. [sound - laughter]
I'm sorry all of you had to go through that, but at least it made some of these recordings interesting, eh?
Well, I'm going to bed, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, but hey—at least I'm in a good mood now. Goodnight.
[journal entry #21]
[05.29.56 / 0300 hours]
[classification - red.]
The snake lies
I am the shadow within a shadow, the reflection within a reflection. Grace you with worms. Walk among infinity with knives. [voice alteration - hiss] Ssssnnnaaakkkeeeee
[Entries 22-26 missing]
[journal entry #27]
[06.04.56 / 1200 hours]
[classification - orng.]
It's Tuesday today
I've been working off my ass for the last week—this isn't just frustrating anymore, it's painful. I'm starting to ache all over and migraines come all too often. Is my brain finally shutting down? Heh, hope not, I still got another eleven months to go.
I managed to bring my journal along with me again; the instructors don't seem to care if I work on the machines and give a narration to my audio book at the same time. It keeps me busy and them out of my hair; it's win-win. Not for you guys, of course, the last three or four entries have been mainly me grunting and throwing tools around. Nothing interesting.
There's some rumors goin' around lately, though
rumors that I've picked up at lunch break in the cafeteria. It seems more people have disappeared and not just that doctor (who, by the way, never ended up showing up). People I actually knew, too, ones that I had met on the job. I can only guess they're hanging in the form of crude fashion in a closet somewhere
[sound - weak laughter]
Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen Andrea around, either. I think I should check up on her dorm before the day ends (or night, can't fucking tell on this wreck).
I'll update this shortly, gotta get back to work
lunch is almost over.
[journal entry #28]
[06.04.56 / 1640 hours]
[classification - red.]
This thing on? Good. I need you here right now, the lights went off again and I'm by myself in the pitch black. I shouldn't have skipped out on dinner to come check, this was just
[sound - footsteps/breathing]
The moon is the only source of light right now, it's currently shining through every window I pass, but that's not enough to help me see or curb my fear that something's going to grab me. How the hell am I supposed to know if someone's watching me from the dark? How the—fuck, I'm putting ideas in my head
I'm watering the seed. [sound - hyperventilation] Andrea?
[sound - loud creak]
What was that? Hello?
'Kay, I'm here, I think. I can just see the door number: A203. Please let her be in here.
[sound - gentle knocking] Andrea? Are you in there? It's me, Brian, just wanted to check up on you, haven't seen ya late—
[sound - automatic door opening]
Goddamnit, I can't see anything. I'm moving into the room
feeling along the floor
nothing. Nothing on the bed, under the sheets; wait, what's th—oh, just clothing. A uniform? Hmm. I don't think she's in here. Maybe she got day sick and dragged herself out of bed to go to dinner? Yeah, that's exactly what happened. I'm an idiot. I'll be going now; knowing Andrea, she wouldn't like me poking through her room without permission
[sound - loud creak/static]
What was th—SHIT. SHIT.
[sound - quick footsteps, running]
Don't touch me! Get away! [sound - terrified scream/quick footsteps] No! Get the FUCK away. LEAVE ME ALONE!
Ohmygod-ohmygod-ohmyGOD... Gotta get back, NOW.
[sound - hyperventilation/quick footsteps/movement of journal]
[journal entry #29]
[06.04.56 / 1720 hours]
[classification - red.]
oh my God. Shit. Impossible.
I-I'm at the cafeteria
just made it to dinner
trying to act as calm as possible. I can't believe what I just saw. I can't believe it. You wouldn't believe it either. You won't.
Right when I was heading back—fuck, I'm-I'm literally shaking
right when I was finished talking to the journal, I heard this loud sound behind me, and I got this horrible sense of being threatened. Goosebumps prickled my flesh and I just
I don't know, damnit. All I remember is turning around and seeing that thing, that fucking demon, staring at me, from the room opposite of Andrea's. It's pure-white eyes drilled into my skull, my MIND
I just ran. I fucking booked it. You heard it all. It was this close to touching me. I saw its entire hand and the forearm, all illuminated by the moonlight
it was rotten flesh—rotten flesh that's been sewn together.
I can't talk right now. The Admiral was right. That insane bastard was right. I'll update this soon
I'll update whenever I can patch together the remains of my reasoning.
Lord, help me.
End of Part 1
The Records of Brian Waite - Part 2 of 2
Date: 1 December 2006, 7:43 am
Records of Brian Waite
[journal entry #30]
[06.05.56 / 0312 hours]
[classification - red.]
I keep seeing things
I'm almost one-hundred percent confident that my mind has gone berserk—haywire. All the shadows are potential demons, demons who are waiting, plotting
all the noises are his footsteps approaching me from all angles [voice alteration - fear/anger] from underneath my bed sheets, from inside my closet, from the vacuum of motherfucking SPACE. I can feel him, I know it was Barnum who I saw outside in the hallway, I know it. Did I not tell you about that sewn up hand? It has a significance
it's all his victims flesh stitched together to make a fashionable human glove.
It's very early in the morning right now, very early—or is it night still? One complete twenty-four hour cycle of night. That's right. I'm very fortunate that the lights haven't failed yet
that the generator hasn't crapped out for the zillionth time over this paid vacation to paradise. [sound - weak laughter]. If the darkness came right now, if it consumed me, I don't know what I'd do. I'd go nuts.
I've had time to think things out since my last entry, it's all I've been doing, it's all I COULD do. I don't even care that I have to work tomorrow. Insomnia doesn't phase me right now
if I don't deal with the more important issue I could wind up dead in the next week. I could talk to somebody about it, maybe—ah, fuck it. The Admiral told me not to come back and everyone else would think I've left my sanity back at home. I'm going to have to find a way to deal with it, and on my own. I can't let this stop me from completing my courses, I can't let it interfere with anything else
I've got to stop it.
There's nothing more to say right now, my brain is cooked from these last couple hours, I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight
or, if I do, it won't be much at all. I'm going to keep myself busy for the next little while by writing some poetry. Poetry has always been my refuge for tough times like these.
I'll update when I can.
[journal entry #31]
[06.05.56 / 0454 hours]
[classification - yllw.]
Here's something I got. Hold on. [sound - shuffling papers] Alright, here we go
What is real and what's not, and who are we to say?
Shame yourself from truth, get on your knees and pray;
A shuffle in existence, a universal flop,
Once the ball is rollin', it's impossible to stop.
So gather all your knowledge, your own subconscious book,
Now burn it, burn it all! There'll be no second look.
A moment in life is all we need, a second in our time,
Keeping reality close to heart ought to be a crime.
Eat it up, or spit it out, 'cause sanity is severed,
Seeds are sown, but one flux will change your life forever.
[sound - clearing throat] Well, there it is. Not bad for a sleep-deprived kid who's jumping at every sound and shadow. Not bad at all
Poetry is great for letting out stress. I'll probably be doing this all night until I pass out. Time for something different. Time for [playback error 3.54 - static]
[journal entry #32]
[06.05.56 / 1243 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I'm beginning to think people know. They know of the demon that's been chasing me. Maybe they heard me screaming last night? Maybe they heard about Andrea? Who knows, who fucking knows—all I can tell ya is that they've been giving me strange looks all morning; looks that says, "I know something." Yet, none of them have so much as uttered a word to me. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep? I probably look like the ugliest zombie you've ever seen. I didn't even have time to shower
do I stink? Well, sorry if I don't smell like goddamn roses or puppies on this floating slab of metal.
I don't feel like eating right now even though I haven't had a bite in the last day and a half. My stomach is shrinking by the minute, but I can't eat. I can't even drink. Each time I look at this reddened gruel, this weak excuse for meat, I see the bloodied, chopped flesh of all who were murdered here. Consider it a tribute. Do these underpaid, emotionless UNSC slaves think they can fool me with this grop? Fuck no. [sound - cutlery clattering]
I've had it, I'm going back to work. It's time to get my mind off this shit.
Gah, I'm late. I'll update later.
[journal entry #33]
[06.05.56 / 1822 hours]
[classification - red.]
He is everywhere. He is all living things. I can't concentrate on something without seeing him, hearing him, smelling him! I'll look up and he's in the corner, I'll turn away and I'll see his grin, then finally, when I'm on the verge of taking my teeny tiny pencil and stabbing it into the soft flesh behind my ear, I'll close my eyes
only to see that fuckers giant grin, his teeth filed to cannibalistic points. I'll hear him laugh, and with every breath he makes I can feel my heart shrinking
my entire soul freezing. I've got to do something before he gets me. He distracted me from getting most of my work done today, and I knew I was in trouble but the APPCO instructors did shit all. Lucky break for me, I guess
I guess, I guess
I need sleep, though I know it won't come. Maybe it's stuck in traffic? Perhaps waiting in line at the store? Or maybe it jumped off a building and spilled itself on the cement and now it'll never come
never come. [sound - dazed laugh]
My bed is as comfortable as ever; I know if given the chance my eyelids would shut and I'd sleep for what would seem like eternity, but I refuse to do even so much as blink. If I distance myself from the waking world for even a second, Barnum will snag me like a cat, drown me (gurglegurgle) and turn me into one of his motherfucking human sweaters. [sound - coughing]
Where do I belong in this world? Why the hell does this have to happen to me? I came here to escape the everyday troubles of Earth. Terra firma. Foolish of me to think that I can run from my problems.
[voice alteration - {ext.] anger] FUCK. I'm an IDIOT! [sound - heavy breathing]
[Entries 33-35 missing]
[journal entry #36]
[06.06.56 / 1232 hours]
[classification - red.]
Christ. Yesterday was a milestone. I don't know what happened, or how it even came about. I
I can't tell if
did it actually
? I don't know how I got through last night.
Here, I'll just give you the story. I'll give you the details—the fleshy, sinewy details. Brian Waite's own fucking tale from the crypt. Ready? No, you're really not.
I was late. Time was tickin' and I was behind
supposed to get to the auto-repair station so I wasn't stuck with the dysfunctional tools. Anyways, I decided that I needed to take a shortcut, and like the idiot I am I chose to go through the kitchen. Why does that make me an idiot? Well, I figured he'd be waiting for me
and of course good ol' Ricky boy wasn't going to let down on his promise to keep me in constant horror.
I'll tell you what I remember, I'll tell you everything
before it starts to blur.
You'd think that the silence and complete emptiness of the kitchen would've deterred me; you'd think the unusually large butcher knives buried in the countertops, covered in a brownish liquid that could only realistically be grease, would've given me the hint. No, no, never. Because Waite is just so goddamn smart, he knows what's good for him
I brushed past hanging pig carcasses and rusty stovetops to try and reach that backdoor—I just wanted to get out of there. Finally, after what seemed like hours, I reached that little grey doorknob—just wrapped my knuckles around gods gift to the universe—and nearly bit off my tongue when I heard something heavy fall back in the kitchen where all the industrial cooking machinery is. Unfortunately, those frozen pork slabs blocked my view of whatever the fuck it was.
Of course I thought, Hey, what's back there? Let's go check it out because that's the smart thing to do. I mean, I'm lacking a good 48 hours of sleep right now, but my senses are in good shape, right? And so I went on my goddamn trolly-dolly little way, bouncing among the sunflowers and giggling pixie princesses.
I slowly brushed past the hooked meat as the knot in my stomach intensified—the butterflies had turned to stone and were now lodged in my gut—because I knew who would be waiting for me
or what would be waiting for me. The kitchen seemed a whole lot colder.
[sound - deep inhalation] And there he stood, grinning his cannibalistic smile, like Rick had known all along that I hadn't slept for two days and that I was perfectly willing to confront him again
and then it dawned on me. He had known all along. Barnum is everywhere—all living things, yes, yes.
Anyways, there he stood, grinning his cannibalistic smile, his arms perfectly parallel to his waist, the crudely sewn flesh drooping from his overgrown fingers. He didn't move, he didn't breathe; for once, this fucking space borne hellspawn was silent. I was frozen, not sure if I should be temporarily glad he was mute or incredibly frightened of what was to come.
I found myself surveying his body, his encasement of past victims that completed his winter fashion line
the collection of skins were a semi-healthy beige, fading somewhat into the color of nothingness that composed Barnum's soul. I could see everything, everything; the rough, inexperienced stitching that zigzagged around his appendages and torso and neck and scalp
the dried, flaky blood that dribbled from where his eyes were supposed to be
the patches of hair that clung on to surviving flesh. The only thing that phased me, the only thing that truly scared me, was the fact that no matter how hard I concentrated, no matter how much I willed myself, I couldn't see past the black shadow that clung to his face.
So there we were, living and living dead, caught in a standstill, caught in a rot. My brain was too fried to tell what was supposed to happen next. Was I supposed to run away in terror? Was I supposed to say something? What the hell was the point of this confrontation?
And then I saw it. I saw her. My eyes had wandered from the demon, across the counters and oil-covered food prep stations, to the unmoving shape of my former friend, Andrea, who lay facedown in a heap on the conveyor belt that led into the meat-grinder. I
I was shocked. But I couldn't cry, I couldn't talk, I couldn't think. Anger had prevailed before all other emotions, and I desperately wanted to do something, I wanted to get the body—but my legs refused to move.
It was then that the conveyor belts gears began to move, the giant blade inside began to spin, and the corpse was slowly brought towards the gaping metal mouth
slowly, slowly, forever. For fucking forever. And I couldn't move, couldn't grasp onto what was happening. Barnum's hidden eyes bore into me, and I could feel him grin. He was happy, happy that I couldn't do anything to prevent my friend from becoming tomorrows casserole.
[voice alteration - grief/anger] It wasn't my fault, okay? It wasn't MY FAULT! I tried to get her! Those invisible bonds that held me back broke just as she entered the machine, the dicer
the almighty food slicer. I jumped forward, screaming, crying, cursing, but it was
too, too late. I heard it all. I will never forget that instantaneous explosion of wet muscle
I will never
[sound - sobbing] forget that confused expression her face as her body fell towards that saw; it was the look of fear and disorientation.
I-I can't even finish. I got out of there, the droning sound of the grinder echoing in my ears and his sharped-tooth grin stamped in my mind. I got out of there before someone came. I never even ended up going to class.
Why am I able to speak of this so clearly?
I actually got to sleep last night.
[journal entry #37]
[06.07.56 / 0032 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I've recovered partially; decided to put it all behind me. No use in dwelling in the past, if I'm going to defeat this creature I need everything I've got, including my composure and sanity. I've got to do it for Andrea. She'd have wanted to me to do it.
You know, I wonder what people are going to say tomorrow when they find her. Or what's left of her, at least.
It's a little bit after midnight, but I'm not feeling tired at all. Is it the insomnia again? The fear of sleep, knowing he'll get me? I assume so.
It's funny, though, funny how I managed to get to sleep that day I saw him. Even though deep down I'm terrified of him, I know that something inside me was relieved, something that subconsciously told me it would be all right in the end. It calmed me; Barnum has a weakness, I know it. What is he without victims? Nothing; he hides behind his handmade incarcerations
the demon suit, but other than that he is nonexistent. Yeah, that's right—without his little fucking t-shirts, he's nothing.
I'll get him. Swear on my life, I'll get him. I'll formulate the plan tonight
how do I lure him? How do I make him appear
? Update later.
[journal entry #38]
[06.07.56 / 0422 hours]
[classification - orng.]
Four hours later and I've finally come up with something that seems semi-plausible. Will it work? I'm hoping it does and doesn't simultaneously. The beauty of it all. Gah, I've got to sum this up quickly so he doesn't catch on
could be listening right now (shhh).
Alright, here's the catch. The blueprints of the purest plan. Come on, come on, come on
[sound - shuffling paper] 'kay, gotta get it down to the complexities here. Cool. Super simple. Remember how when I was trying to find Andrea, God rest her fragmented soul, and I had brought the journal along with me? Well I'm thinking me, plus the journal attracted Barnum somehow, because it was then and only then that he decided to make an appearance. He materialized when I was investigating something obviously connected with him. Then Barnum emerged from the shadows to finish off the two-step process, when he finished off Andrea in the kitchen the other day. It was required for him to show me what he was capable of.
My plan is to repeat this method, but instead of being completely helpless, I'm going to try and light that motherfucker on fire. The entity itself is nearly indestructible, but those coats
without them I'm sure the answer to his exposure will come clear. It has to. I know where I can get something that will work
I'm pretty sure they keep the flamethrowers locked up in the stations barracks. J-j-judging from the security in this place, snagging one won't be a p-problem at all.
All I ha-have to do is wait for someone else to disappear. Then I can try and find them.
J-Jesus christ, it's getting cold in here. I'm going to bed.
(goodnight don't let rickbarnum bite)
[journal entry #38]
[06.07.56 / 1464 hours]
[classification - orng.]
I've made the decision to lug this thing around with me wherever I go. [voice alteration - monotonous] After last night I'm determined to find him, and if I'm constantly recording then he has to come out sooner or later, right? Plus, I kept hearing things last night
and my paranoia is back up to unsafe levels; this journal helps me feel safe, it's been my companion on this express ride to hell. But I'm still articulate, still rollin'.
I'm pretty peeved right now, though, quite a few people ended up ditching this shift. I've been stuck working on the PA system wiring for the last two hours; some jackass scrambled the shit out of it. Purposefully? Maybe. Don't know what could be so special about the announcements, though.
People still seem to be hesitant to talk to me. I keep getting strange looks. And say, where the hell did Joseph go off to? I haven't seen him for weeks! Granted, he's been working in the brig, but still
does he know about Andrea? I don't even think he's sleeping in his dorm anymore, maybe he's been moved to the barracks.
that gives me an idea; I could use him to get me some of that flame. Kick up the heat, baby (feelitburn)!
I'll contact him after my shift, it's not like I'm gonna be going to sleep anytime soon. [sound - inaudible speech] Damnit.
[journal entry #39]
[06.07.56 / 1638 hours]
[classification - orng.]
[sound - footsteps] Alright, I contacted Joe. He was surprised to hear from me. The jokes on him though, wait til he sees me. Wait til he hears the news I have about
actually, what will I say? Joseph's never been big into the paranormal, he wouldn't believe me story for a second. On second thought, I won't tell him, the blow could be devastating and it could upset my plans. If you ever hear this, Joey-buddy, it's not personal
if Barnum was after you, you'd understand. [sound - ping/whirring]
Anyways, I'm currently in the elevator that'll take me to the Commons room on the port side of the orbital station
the blue one. He'll be there somewhere. Mmmmhm. [sound - ping/footsteps]
Commons B.01, UNSCDF-3CC691 SUNFLARE
oh, so that's what this heap's called! Fantastic. Now I have a specific locale of death for my gravestone. [sound - laughter/distant conversation/footsteps] Where is he
? I don't see him.
Maybe he's over by the vending machine, Joseph always had a sweet tooth. Gallop on over. Ah, there is he is—well look who we've got here!
{dual voice log; ID [Barren, J] Buddy! Long time no see! How the hell have you been?
[Waite, B] I've been good, man, good. You wanna get out of here?
[Barren, J] Read my mind.
[Entries 40-42 missing]
[journal entry #43]
[06.07.56 / 1800 hours]
[classification - red.]
[Barren, J]
look tired, Brian. How hard has APPCO been working you? You look intensely run down.
[Waite, B] It's nothing.
[Barren, J] Alright
say, who's your friend?
[Waite, B] This is my journal, weren't you issued one when we graduated from the program?
[Barren, J] Shit. I knew I was forgetting something
you've actually been using this thing?
[Waite, B] Yeah, it's been keeping me company.
[Barren, J] Well I guess that's a good thing. Me and the guys have missed ya, man, why'd you have to take the mechanics/engineering route? You're a nut.
[Waite, B] Oh, come on now. You're making this next question hard to ask.
[Barren, J] Hm, and what would that be?
[Waite, B] I'm assuming since you're working in the brig that you have connections to the security stations, preferably to the weapons lockers?
[Barren, J] Why are you asking me this, man?
[Waite, B] We have the shittiest tools ever created in mechanics, Joe—the welding equipment doesn't even give out a consistent flame. I've got an upcoming assignment where I've got to
to repair the orbital sensor wiring, and with one of those welding tools I'll fail for sure.
[Barren, J] Right.
[Waite, B] I need something that'll produce a flame solid enough to solder those wires together, and I know for a fact that security holds those mini blowtorches in the lockers. I need one.
[Barren, J] Are you kidding? Those could be dangerous in the wrong hands, dude. I trust you and all, but
I don't know. You sure about this?
[Waite, B] Come on! I'll return it right away, I just need it for the next couple of days. Administration won't know jack shit, I promise. Promise.
[Barren, J] So this is the only reason why you came to see me? Catch up for a couple minutes and immediately ask me a favor that could get us both in a big amount of trouble? Forget it.
[Waite, B] Joseph
just give me the fucking blowtorch. I need it. I'm done being nice. We're buds, man, have I ever been irresponsible in the past? No. Let's go. If we go now we can be back really soon.
[Barren, J] You just don't [playback error - static]
[transmission force quit/error 8Z4224.11Q]
[journal entry #44]
[06.07.56 / 2320 hours]
[classification - red.]
That took a lot longer than I expected. He sure was hesitant—good thing he caved at the last minute. I was getting desperate for a second there. This thing sure is heavy, though, and I'll be damned if this wasn't a bitch to conceal from the numerous MPs wandering the Sunflare. Good thing—[sound - prolonged yawn]
Fuck, the lack of sleep is beginning to tug at my senses again. Good, that means it will attract him. Hook, line, sinker
look at that fat trout.
I'm no longer afraid; I know what to expect now. I am full of anger as opposed to my
previous affliction of fear. Barnum doesn't even realize it. He's gonna burn for his antics. I'll keep updating through the night. Who knows, maybe I might even fall asleep.
[Entry 45 missing]
[journal entry #46]
[06.08.56 / 0666 hours]
[classification - red.]
Heard the scream of infinity. Hid the wonder in ice. Played with shadow. There's always tomorrow. The sun still sleeps awhile all rise. Friends of friends meet bitter end. Blood has and is to be spilled. No. RE. GRETS.
[Entries 47-52 missing]
[journal entry #53]
[06.08.56 / 1015 hours]
[classification - orng.]
Haven't seen my primary instructor today, some of the guys I work with say he's sick, but the nurses in the infirmary say they haven't seen him. And that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my beloved audience
is my queue.
Back to work. Tonight is the night.
[journal entry #54]
[06.08.56 / 1819 hours]
[classification - red.]
You better believe it, I'm about to finish this chapter of my life once and for all. I can feel his energy, growing, pulsing
solidifying into a paranormal mass; an entity who's not all there. There's snakes sliding in the vents, whispering. Slithering. But I've got all that I need. [sound - butane release/ignition] All that he needs.
I'm taking a li'l stroll through the staff quarters right now—I'm going to try and find my instructor; it's unusual for that man to not show up. He doesn't look like the sort of person to get sick. Stay home with a thermometer up your ass and a pill constantly in your stomach. [sound - wheezing laughter]
Ring, ring, anybody home? [voice alteration - sarcasm] Oh, my, I am so scared right now. Trembling in my undersized footwear
somebody, anybody, help me puh-lease! Mr. Rowley? You anywhere—[sound - electronic snap]
Shit. The lights are flickering again. I
I'll concentrate on the task at hand. {snap} Passing those ugly metallic doors: P. Roswell, R. Hughes, C. Wheeler, J. Rowley—ah, here you are. Wink wink. {snap} Damn lights! Stay the hell on for this, will you? Last thing I need
Hello? Somebody there? Somebody who wants to have a little chat? Don't be s—
There you are! I've been
What the FUCK. What did you do to her?! TAKE THAT OFF! You fake!
[sound - flame burst]
[journal entry #55]
[06.08.56 / 2143 hours]
[classification - red.]
Failure is one of the worst things someone has to go through. Repeated failure is inexcusable. Thanks to this little twist thrown on by Barnum, my nerves are once again peaking at abnormal levels. My head is going to burst. This throbbing chorus of brain cells fading into nothing—lack of sleep is hitting hard now—elates and thickens; gorgeous but frightening at the same time. What's happening to my mentality? Everything sounds echoey
my voice doesn't sound like my own. Woof. Woof!
You wanna know what happened? Gimme the props, sonny. That's where it's at. Remember my friend, Andrea? She made another appearance, sort of. Apparently Barnum decided she'd make a great replacement for his nonexistent face. Yep, that's right, my ex-best friend Andrea has become Rick's favourite facemask! Roughly stitched together, too
the eyes were pulled back to extreme angles, and the jaw was lopsided. That's what he wanted to show me. It seems Barnum has something new to show me every. Fucking. Time. You bitch—you just needed to RUB IT IN DIDN'T YOU!
I was too shocked to toast him right away; I stood there in shock, sudden paralysis, and when I finally came to and pressed down on the torch trigger he was already gone. Needless to say, I ran quick and hard and hard and quick before the lights went out completely.
Break down the perception. [sound - stifled shout]
It's cold, I find the temperature to be suffocating. It feels like my lungs will close up any second now and I will be frigid in my passing. I feel like a fat man after his third heart attack
I think.
I will have to return this miniblowtorch somehow to Joseph tomorrow. Otherwise the Prince of the Space Castle will get moody, and we wouldn't want that would we? Too bad I've made a personal pact not to leave this room. It's too risky; so many variables on things that could happen. People know about this ghost now. I can see it in their faces, their eyes—they say "We can see it, something strange is happening". I haven't had a civilized conversation with someone in my sector for days now. This form of isolation, of unanimous prosecution by my coworkers, has probably led to my condition. Those bastards, this is all their fault. Theirs, and Admiral Dredurns
Some things just don't work out the way you want them to—I was fully intent on coming here to a higher-up orbital station to pursue my interest in mechanics. I was intent on applying myself so maybe I could make something of myself one day, whether I was a mechanic on some planet controlled by the UNSC or on Earth or whatever. But no, they took that away from me. They slowly squeezed my dreams into a ball, slowly—then when I was finally out of reach of civilization, they FUCKING shredded it in two and laughed at how I'd never amount to ANYTHING. I will never, NEVER, be able to get back on track. It's too late. [voice alteration - aggression] Too LAATTEEE!
Now, I've got to figure a way to break from these chains. Can't you hear them rattle with every step I take? Every word I speak? They tremble with envy, they want to be free
individuals. Isn't that what society is? Everyone's chained together to keep humanity in order, but we long to be individuals
individuals. We carry the lead ball, which is really composed of the 'important' people. The people with authority. We, the chain, carry the lead ball—we carry the only true 'individuals'. Has a ring to it, doesn't it? Well, what if we all broke off and did our own thing! What would happen to society? This realization has given me a very bitter, bitter insight. You better fucking believe I ate the forbidden fruit. Knowledge. Lunacy-driven knowledge.
We get tricked into making something of ourselves, we try and become successes out of own personal dreams and ideas, but as we get older our selection becomes more and more limited, and eventually it winds down to something we never wanted to be. Some people end up within sight of their goal, their lifelong objective, and as they get closer and closer, it gets farther and farther. Eventually, it disappears, leaving them behind in the darkness as others swarm and envelop them, also trying to chase their hopeless dreams.
Notice the daunting similarities, in case you missed them.
[journal entry #56]
[06.09.56 / 0854 hours]
[classification - red.]
Riddles and ripened thoughts are all I'm good for. I've spent the duration of the night-day fusion thinking, just thinking. But I refuse to bore you any
any longer. I'm so braindead right now it's not even funny. Yet
I can hear you laughing. Stop it before I do something I regret. Don't make me pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up the remains. These stars are so bold, they stand out like crazy
space can be so transcendent. Lately I've been wondering, what drove Barnum off the edge? [voice alteration - tranquil] Surely this place couldn't have been so bad. Just looking at through this window right now is so
peaceful. It takes me back from all this bullshit that's been happening; it's giving me a breather, if you will. Just knowing that there's nothing out there, just a vacuum of nonexistence, is blissful. Knowing that nonexistence is the only place where I can be at rest, where I can drown my sorrows, I hope that there is no tomorrow. The universe is strangely corrupt of sense.
What's going to happen? That's one thing I haven't been able to foresee. Will it erupt with a bang or die out with barely a whisper? What am I missing here, guys?
Shhhh. Not too loud. I'm not supposed to be in here right now. Everybody's doing their thing awhile I skip out. Skip-it-a-bit-in-a-pit. Love-ly! Things are beginning to click. I can feel it, hear it, pop! into place. Maybe everything's going to be all right—but if I really believed that I'd be a fool. An insomnia-stricken fuck with brain seeping out of my ears.
It's getting really cold in here again. My brain feels like it's melting and my hair is standing on end. I suppose I better get one of my sweaters. [sound - laughing/footsteps] Funny, this will be the first time I've actually opened this thing since I first got here.
[sound - electronic squeak/scream]
[journal entry #57]
[06.09.56 / 1123 hours]
[classification - red.]
[voice alteration - panic] Just when
god, please. Why do you torture me like this! Holy shit. I thought this was done. OVER. Jokes on me
jokes on the champ
on the motherfucking Waitester! I'm nothing more than a rat, gnawing at the ropes to release me from this internal pain. Fuck! Was it me? Actually? No, no, couldn't be
don't remember. Use it or lose it, Barnum! [sound - hyperventilating]
How long have I been exposed to this? Why me? Why?! Louder, louder, louder, more snakes
slithering, exploding, succumbing to the rumble of the inside. Give it. Give it. GIVE IT A FUCKING REST. Do you know what he did now? Want to know? H-H-Hey
listen up, journal.
Somehow, some WAY, he busted in here. That's right—I know it sounds freakishly, freak, facemask
Andrea; I-I'm sorry!—made his way awhile I busy pondering, wondering, thinking, philosophizing. Heh. Oh, man. He got me good. Jokes on me
jokes on the champ
champ. A throbbing inside keeps a man from pride.
'Kay, you heard it. Walked over to grab a full wooly sweater 'cause I was cold, right? Wrong. Somehow
somehow he knew I'd be checking there soon. Guess what I found? You probably know. Yes, you have to, it's so typical of that man. No? I don't hear a reply, a response, an answer, a reaction of fused intellectual thought. [sound - whimper]
It so happens—so generous, oh
generosity of demons—that I've been awarded my own fashion line! Yup, mhm, that's right. If I ever feel like dressing up, well, now I've got three people to choose from! Andrea
my instructor. Although I think I'd look best in Joseph, he always had that nice tanned skin I've been so jealous
envious of. [sound - laugh]
You know, maybe
maybe this is it. This is the end. What more can he show me? What more can
can he bring? I've been driven over the edge. It makes me think—not even the emptiness outside my window can save me from myself now. Not even
[sound - sigh] Save me from... myself? Click. [voice alteration - fear] Emergence is a slow, painfulllll process
how could you
we cope? Surfacing like bubbles in a steaming vat. It's. So. Cramped! LET ME OUT. Stop the struggle. WE. ARE. THE. SAMMMEEE! Bubbling; frothing; spilling in
out; there's a leak. Dribbling. Dribbling. Give me it back! [sound - grunting]
The moment of truth. Open those sweet, silent canals, and LISTEN! For you have always known! I've pulled back the curtains and peered into reality, into life, and discovered. DISCOVERED.
[sound - insane laughter/fast footsteps/electronic whirring]
[time duration +62m.10sauto shut-down]
{report 1125h - muffled scream}
{report 1143h - muffled scream}
{report 1223h - rumble/screams/chatter}
[journal entry #58]
[07.25.56 / 1545 hours]
[classification - red.]
This is Lieutenant David Meadows, service number 46221-919-CSB2231, reporting on the Waite/Barnum identity crisis. This journal has been declared property of the Office of Naval Intelligence—all material associated with and within is classified, code alpha. Any breach of security will be declared a violation of international security laws and will be declared punishable, as a felony, to the fullest extent of UNSC law.
[sound - sigh] Now that we're done with that, let's get down to business. Admiral, you may have been informed, there was a second incident on the Sunflare of Alpha Centauri a little over a month ago, concerning 'Brian Waite'. Consider it nothing more than a miscalculation. Turns out that the neural paralysis we put Barnum
er, Waite—whatever you want to call him—wasn't permanent.
Before I get into the details, allow me to clarify the history behind all this, as to avoid confusion for the previously uninformed. Over the past several years, ONI has played a part in researching roles for super soldiers. This does not mean Spartans or synthetically-altered Marines. Instead, we've been studying antisocial personality disorder—or sociopathy—and how it could be used in effect with creating the ultimate fighter. We needed to find a way to raise soldiers like this by developing the proper conditions in which this disorder could be exposed
for if we completed that process we could move onto the next step of maintaining obedience among these subjects. We found a selection of viable environments that could potentially produce/uncover APD
along with a host of random individuals who showed positive signs (all dormant) of this psychological disease. They were admitted into the program without ever being told. Our plan was to slowly create an army of emotionless machines that would kill anything placed in front of it.
Unfortunately, one of our early candidates, Rick Barnum, broke down on the Sunflare when being trained in engineering and rampaged. Rather than lose all the valuable work ONI had invested in this subject, it was determined that the best decision was to wipe his memory clean and reinstate a new past and identity using a selective neural paralysis treatment. You know, of course, that this newborn personality came to be Brian Waite. The old Rick Barnum had been deemed uncontrollable, and was thus dumped from the program. We had thought Waite was stable, that all signs of APD were extinguished, and re-admitted him to the Sunflare with the next batch of students to continue being trained in mechanical repair.
However, there was one thing we overlooked
it turned out the old persona was still there, albeit pushed back farther, deeper, inside the brain. Realistically, Rick Barnum still lurked within Brian Waite. Over the course of the apprenticeship, the neural paralysis began to wear off, and the two personalities slowly molded together. This caused Brian to develop a severe form of schizophrenia accompanied with the sociopathy of his former self. That particular information explains the severe hallucinations noted in the journal along with the mysterious deaths of Andrea, Joseph, and the several others.
It was very fortunate that we had several spooks on the Sunflare to watch over Brian, otherwise this could've gone on a lot longer than we'd have liked. It was a good decision to employ Admiral Dredurn—he knew that if he wanted the apprenticeship program to maintain itself then he had to cooperate with us. A reputation of that caliber would've surely destroyed the UNSC's chances at keeping an already complicated course like that. Letting us cover up his mistakes was the best decision he could've made. The man got a little
peculiar after witnessing the clean-ups and hearing most of the information on Barnum.
We found the bodies (or what was left of them), and repeated the method we used on Barnum: make flash clones of the DNA and stage accidents on transports back home. Works like a charm, and no one will ever know how their children were brutally murdered by an ex-sociopath. It's win-win.
Brian Waite finally snapped on the 9th of June, running out of his dorm with this realization that he, in fact, was this menacing psychopath. That he had been murdering his close friends, stuffing them in the grinder and using their skin to make suits. It broke him; he ran down the hallways screaming bloody murder—fortunately, spooks quickly apprehended him and his journal. Barely anybody witnessed this incident
this worked for us as we promptly removed Brian from the station.
Since then, he's been administered to the Asylum back on Earth and his identity, for the most part, has been wiped from any records or files that have been kept since APPCO took him in. He, and many others, will be safe as long as he remains in that special, white-padded room we gave him. It was sad to see him go, but it was for the best—ONI can not afford anymore mistakes. Our concentration is going to the rest of the subjects, who have [sound - typing] actually been complete successes so far. Extensive study is still taking place, so don't worry about this kind of thing happening again anytime soon. APPCO will go ahead as planned and Admiral Dredurn will be
from duty, just in case he cracks and spills everything that we've been working for.
Admiral, please keep these contents private. You know as well as I do that if they fall into the wrong hands, this entire operation could be done for and ONI may be pulled into questioning.
That is all, I await your response, I hope everything is accounted for. Lieutenant Meadows out.