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Fan Fiction

The Lost Race by Imperorator_Jon

The Lost Race: Part One
Date: 4 August 2006, 10:24 am

Okay... It's been a while since my last fanfiction, so I hope it doesn't fail. If so, I can always try later. I also had plenty of help with Demitri, so a big thanks to him as well.

      Eric Valkston stood in the middle of the field, the orange sun settling on his beloved colony, causing the grain-filled fields to give off a faint glow. God I love this place! The marine thought to himself, giving a relaxed sigh at the calming sunset, his green eyes watching the slowly setting sun. He merely smiled, his dark, slicked-back hair absorbing the sunlight.

      The six-feet two inches tall Lance Corporal leaned against the LRV, his right hand was cupped around a metal can of Birch Beer. One of the local blends. He took a sip from the recyclable can, his eyes watching the calming sun set, it always helped him to relax when he watched the sun set. Almost as calming as watching the large colony he and his fellow platoon of Marines watched over. His two favorite times were when the sun set over the large mill, and when the night finally settled, allowing the many lights of the massive city to turn on.

      As the sun finally passed down, the soldier quietly entered into the large Jeep, which had been modified to ferry food and supplies from the city to the base. He smiled as the engine purred to life, his soda placed into the cup holder of the semi-civilian jeep.

      Eric had a small smile on his face as he drove the green jeep across the paved roads, the trail leading up to the fenced area around the concrete bunker. The Lance Corporal slowed down as he neared the MP paying almost no attention to the gate he was charged with. As the LRV slowed down, the lazy guard taking notice of the green jeep paused at the gate.

      The MP didn't even bother to look up from his sport magazine, he merely flipped the switch to raise the wooden gate. Eric waved at the man in full uniform and continued on his way to the large concrete bunker. As the Marine finally entered into the open bunker, he saw that the usual assortment of mechanics and guards keeping a lazy watch over the garage. The base was well stocked, with mechanics in greasy overalls.

      Eric once again parked his LRV inside of the large hanger, ready to head off for a full night's sleep. His mind knew it was early to go to sleep, but he had off tomorrow and a good night's rest would let him get up early enough to enjoy all of the clubs and bars he always went to. As the Marine wearily headed towards his bunk, he passed familiar Marines and engineers alike, met in his many going-outs from the base. They all had a plan to enjoy the town tomorrow, seeing as it was going to be a nice day. Like it was every day.

      The Marine finally reached his bunk, drifting off to his usual deep slumber, ready to be awoken by the morning horn. He knew it would be another nice day in his paradise.

      A massive siren roared through the large city, the old device faltering in it's rare use. Yet it still came in clear to all the colonists, they all had to head to the ancient "invasion" bunkers, set up when the UNSC they considered separate from was under threat by rebels. Most thought it was a joke, but when the alerts came through, all dropped their drinks and games, running to the old underground shelters.

      This alarm was given tenfold in the nearby base, it's trained soldiers feeling a primal panic at what could cause such an alarm, yet that feeling was soon replaced by years of programmed training that kicked in, causing all able men to grab either a rifle or a vehicle. Little did this colony know that they were soon to be under attack by aliens they knew little of.

      In space, it was a similar situation with the large ship as of yet unnoticed. This hidden ship watched as it's long-time rival entered into the system, exiting from the confusing void of Slipstream, their long-time rivals began to close upon the Humans the ship so closely studied. If the ship gave itself away now, it would ruin all further studies of the species, yet if it let the Covenant explorer ship attack the defenseless humans... The captain nearly shuddered at what the brutes would do to such an intriguing species.

      The captain already knew what to do, it quickly sent out commands for the hidden ship to engage the Covenant before they could do any damage to the defenseless Humans. It may cost it the secrecy it so dearly wanted, but the Humans had to survive.

      On the ground, red sirens flashed as the Marine platoons stationed all over the planet began to enter into perfect readiness, the invasion warning sent by one of the many astronomers of the planet. The small planet had a decent-sized army of Marines for defending against Rebels, which they almost never see.

      Inside of Eric's base, the Marine had quickly donned the form-fitting body glove of his combat suit, readying in minutes from years of repetitive training. The Lance Corporal jogged into the armory, grabbing an M60 automatic shotgun from the rack, the small green screen attached to his helmet showing he was fully set for combat. The tall Marine also grabbed one of the shell boxes, the shotgun slung across his back. The soldier then set at a steady jog towards the vehicle hanger, where the quickest of the Marines had already begun to man and drive vehicles to defend the city and the base.

      Eric quickly jogged into the LRV he had driven in only hours ago, the soda still inside of it's holster. The Lance Corporal had only just started the engine when two other marines hopped into the vehicle, one manning the never-used rack of Argent V missiles, the other hopping into the passenger seat. The Marine wasted no time screeching out of the vehicle hanger, moving with the other LRVs that had begun to move up the ramp into open ground.

      The Lance Corporal was a part of alpha squad, which had the primary task of securing the public roads, with escorting civilians to the bunkers as a secondary objective. Eric had never taken a life, but was more than ready to do so if it was to save the peace of his colony. The Marine merely kept his foot down as the LRV roared into the city, which looked like a ghost town.

The Lost Race: Part Two
Date: 9 August 2006, 9:56 pm

      Eric, his mind set on the task ahead, drove the Warthog through the abandoned streets, the desolate roads and hastily-abandoned shops reminding him of the last time the invasion sirens were activated, when a ship of pirates had invaded his home. How he loathed invaders, warmongers, and evil doers of every type! Yet his home was not defenseless, it had the first division to keep it's peace.

      The first division, given the mighty title of Panthers, was the most powerful outfit on the entire planet. Those few men were trained for every imaginable form of combat possible, everything from guerilla warfare to open street fighting. They were the best of the best, and fittingly named the Panthers for their strength and talent. They were what all Marines on Orion hoped to become. Not even command was considered worthy enough for the Panthers, even though they required brilliant leaders.

      Alas, Eric was not one of them, but he had aspirations. The invasion, which he prayed it was not, would be a jumping point for him to join the Panthers. The marine instantly snapped from his daydreaming when he swerved to miss a rock, berating himself for letting his mind wander in a combat situation. Is that how you plan to join the Panthers? He questioned himself, knowing he had to focus.

      The gunner, who had long, blonde hair that was covered by his full-visored helmet, swiveled the large missile rack, aiming it towards the sky. Eric looked up, seeing the sky open up as hundreds, if not thousands, of dots rained from the sky, each one leaving a massive trail of dark smoke behind it. "An invasion... a fucking invasion..." Was all the gunner whispered, his eyes wide with fear. Eric also looked at the alien devices with awe, his training soon taking over to gun it to one of the closest checkpoints, using the rickety form of GPS installed on the LRV to find it.

      As the marine driver cursed his luck, he saw a U-shaped craft fly overhead, a trio of strange poles aimed at his armored vehicle. The gunner, wasting no time to see what it would do, fired a trio of rockets at the vividly-colored craft. As the trio of rockets impacted, a flurry of beams fired from the craft, missing due to the impact. As Eric began to try and outrun the aircraft, the blonde-haired gunner fired a second salvo, slamming the hovering aircraft into a stone building. The second shot must have hit something vital, for the large craft ceased to move, stuck into the side of the building.

      Eric gunned the Warthog even faster to try and reach the nearby checkpoint, which was only six miles away, but six miles in combat was a world away. The Marine only prayed as his passenger and gunner scanned as quickly as they could for any hiding enemies, unknowing of what to shoot at. Eric sighed in relief as he saw a clear shot at the checkpoint, where a large group of soldiers were holed up in a large concrete and stone building.

      In the skies of Orion, Joseph Brandenburg piloted his Longsword through the skies. He may have been a talented pilot, but the teardrop-shaped fighters he was against piloted like madmen. He had already lost two of his wingmates due to the strange blue orbs of energy the craft fired, each one ripping into the fighters with ease. Joseph had modified his movements to adjust to the head-on attacks, which were due to the fixed barrel the fighters fired from. He hadn't encountered missiles or missile-defense systems yet, but hadn't had many kills either.

      The pilot heard a faint whine as one of the alien fighters painted him. The trained pilot pulled his fighter back, the G's pushing him into the gelled seat of his Longsword. The fighter quickly pulled a complete loop, moving behind the agile enemy fighter, who's pilot was wondering where it's prey went.

      Joseph merely smiled as the two reticules he used to aim the weapon systems gave a pitch as they locked onto the purple craft, he jammed down the firing trigger, causing armor-piercing bullets to pound into the craft, crumpling it's back end. As the bullets cleared away a shot into the rear, the pilot grinned and fired a duo of high-yield missiles into the back end, destroying the aircraft in a pair of bright explosions. "Longsword-zero-one to base, I have a kill. Searching for next target now." The pilot smiled as he saw a pair of U-shaped dropships move towards one of the newer checkpoints, he would earn many kills today.

      The lone fighter, armed with more than enough ammunition and missiles to do it's job, streaked towards the descending dropships, it's pair of autocannons ripping into the thick armor, tearing one of the U-shaped craft to shreds. The pilot merely smiled, hearing a faint whine as his missiles received a lock. The pilot once more thumbed the red button on the joystick, sending a new pair of missiles into it's brother. Joseph smiled once more gave a whoop as the first missile ripped an unsightly hole into the middle of the dropship, it's companion detonating inside of the ship.

      The pilot smirked as he swerve around once more, his hand firmly on the joystick. He had only just begun to fight!

      On the ground, Eric felt his heart go off like a jackhammer in his chest- his blood rushing through his body. The marine driver slammed on the breaks as the barricade of metal containers, with two LRVs parked horizontally to help create the checkpoint. Eric drove closer, coasting the jeep until he finally parked it in the alley way.

      As his passenger- a stout man of five foot nine that had grey hair- exited the jeep, Eric also watched as his gunner dismounted from his turret. The marine driver only sighed, turning off the rumbling LRV and deciding to join whoever was at the checkpoint. Yet he was no fool, and grabbed two MA4Bs for the others. The large driver also picked up his shotgun, ensuring it was fully loaded. If that strange aircraft was any indication, these guys were far more advanced than what a simple pistol bullet or tazer could do harm to.

      Eric tossed each rifle carefully to his companions, each of the two catching the rifle and flicking the safety off, shouldering the rifle to keep an eye on anything inhuman. Eric, the naval shotgun moving with his sweaty palms, slowly scanned through the abandoned buildings, slowly walking backwards towards the barricades as he did so. The trio moved with tactical grace, their decades of drills and practice paying off as they finally advanced to the checkpoint.

      Eric, finally turning around to welcoming faces of Marines, in this battlefield he knew that any group of Marines was a sign for the better, for where there were Marines, there was hope. The Marine looked around near the LRVs, where scattered rounds and gouge marks were across the paved road. The jeeps in question were manned by a lone marine each, and Eric could see movement inside of a two-story building.

      The Lance Corporal looked up to one of the gunners, who kept a firm watch on the road. "Take care of them both, give them proper food and drink." His two companions, wasting no time, quickly set off towards exploring the buildings taken over by the Marines.

      Eric walked towards what seemed to be the command center, which had a pair of heavily-armed Marines outside, each one carrying four HE grenades, and four strange baby-blue orbs. Another thing to ask the commander... The marine thought absent-mindedly. As the soldier walked through the halls, he noticed more and more strange devices in Marine possession. He also noticed that the halls themselves were old and worn, as if the halls he was walking through served as an ancient bunker. He dismissed the thought, thinking more and more about the alien technology he was seeing appear all over the place.

      The off turn ahead of him had a faint blue stain on it, likely a soda or drink, but a man mopping it was having little luck cleaning it off. Eric, suddenly smelling a rank odor, focused on it for a second. Is that... is that blood? Eric quickly jogged forward, trying to follow the freshly-painted arrows to the command center. This was just getting even more serious than he thought.

The Lost Race: Part Three
Date: 18 August 2006, 7:03 am

      Captain Tellak, his green eyes weary of the impending attack, sighed at what he would have to do. The captain was proud of his people, of the technology they gathered; Hell, he was even proud of the bridge he stood in! The glorious Rose of the Stars was one of the few fully-functioning ships his people had constructed. The tall alien was only able to watch with pride as his crew went to work, comforted by the faint echoing Song moving throughout the organic body of the Rose.

      Tellak sighed deeply; even the Song couldn't lighten his spirits. The Honored Captain only looked at the sleek pink and silver ship ahead of it, attacking the harmless humans without remorse. Those evil creatures that tried to give themselves the title of "Covenant" and cause havoc to the harmony of the universe! He loathed them, hated them deeper than any of his kind had been known to hate.

      Tellak sighed though, it was only indulging in his people's primal nature to let such emotions run him, to let them possess him. He listened to the pure sounds of the Song, letting each harmonious note wash over him. The pure energy helped him become refreshed, let his mind stay clear of all primal urges. Yet when he looked upon his crew, he saw them lacking in spirit, but with their hearts set pure by each note. He focused on each note, the deep tones vibrating on every frequency his people spoke and thought on.

      Space was silent, the gentle sounds of everyday life could not be heard within the dark vacuum that would often claim lives in this most holy war. One Covenant vessel, a Scout ship, would sit motionless outside the planetary defense forces' reach with their weapons, Phantom landing craft would be launched one after another. As they were fired upon, some of the unlucky dropships would explode in a brilliant explosion of red and blue. Silent, but visually appealing— the sole reason why Ship Master Oana Oan'weuii often loved to watch orbital command from safety, a personal habit.

      Within the bridge of the mighty vessel, Ascending Truth, Oana leaned back within his comfortable chair that came with the necessities of being a Covenant Ship Master; this included a portable viewer, communication's control, and a switchboard for inter-ship communications. He relaxed as Grunts and Jackals worked furiously at their stations, a symbol of keen leadership. Soon, however, a blinking red light caught Oana's gaze as he lazily looked down. He flipped the switch with his left index hoof, or what would be surmised as a finger.

      "Scanners, I hope you have a good report to file."

      On his portable viewer, the screen jumped from gray to blue; an indication that the viewer was switching to visual communications. Runes quickly flashed across the screen, identifying what station was being switched to and what section of the ship it was on. The face of Coadjutor Elya Ena'owii appeared on the screen, the background showing Elites and two Grunts who were jumping and celebrating with joy.

      "Ship Master, we have discovered the Luminated Path to the Beyond!"

      Whatever held Oana in his state of laziness, he broke the holds that held him as he lunged out of his seat. His mandibles formed a look of surprise, as the bridge crew who worked around him immediately stopped completely with what they were doing and viewed the Ship Master with awe. They heard the report Elya made; they knew what was on the planet. Oana growled deeply, looking towards the planet that the holo-viewer was projecting.

      "Send every unit on board the Ascending Truth, the Wraiths, the four Scarab walkers, the Banshees—everything that is within the holds of this vessel!" he proclaimed, slamming his fist onto the arm of the Captain's chair. "How dare the humans defile the great artifact that is the Luminated Path! No Elite, or Grunt, or Jackal, or Brute shall rest until we take that planet back!"

      Tellak, noticing the sudden buzz of activity on the Scout ship, began to pace back and forth in the aquatic bridge. The commander breathed in the mix of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen that helped keep a stable balance for all the warriors onboard. He carefully pressed one pointed finger into the yellow yoke of the control console; swirling it until the hologram of the ship was of the bow first with the flank facing towards the covenant ship.

      Tellak smiled at the organic hull, his eyes briefly checking all of the built-in weaponry... all was as it should be. He merely had to awaken the warriors deep inside of the Rose of the Stars, then he could save the defenseless humans. The sky-blue colored alien tapped onto a few of the holographic symbols, each one flashing in response to his delicate and precise tap. As each rune flashed, Tellak smiled as a second Song begun, the notes rougher, but sharper. He knew that the slumbering warriors onboard the Rose were about to awaken after their long and arduous journey. His race was prepared to hunt the foul locusts that called themselves the "Covenant". Animals! That is all they truly are! Pests and bugs that feed off the lives of the innocent and peaceful! The commander berated himself again, the Song that had played to awaken the fighters deep within the ship was letting a savage part of him awaken as well. Yet he fought it, reprimanding himself as he suppressed such primal emotions into the back of his mind.

      The captain smiled as the sub light engines allowed the ship to drift into firing range, the momentum carefully programmed so that the ship would cut off in the perfect position. The only real task left was to commit the eons-old ritual of when the warriors are brought into existence via the Awakening. Tellak replaced his smile by a stern look as he entered the small pod at the end of the hallway, tapping on a few of the semi-organic runes inside. The leader merely shut his eyes as the thick doors closed around the small pod; a small flash and the smell of ozone awoke him to a familiar pod not too far away.

       The captain merely reached out with his mind as the doors slid upon silently, revealing a completely different hallway. Tellak to maintenance, one of the pods have malfunctioned. There was no response, but the captain knew it was going to be taken care of. Instead he focused upon the gargantuan room that was at the end of the short hallway. This was going to be the exact location where many would be sent to die, but only to be reborn in a higher form. He looked at the imposing room, mostly metal with few handrails to prevent someone from falling off. Yet it was not the massive fall that inspired both awe and fear in most, no, it was the large structure in the center of it all. He watched with glee as hundreds, if not thousands of organic and metal containers exited and entered into a large, pulsing, mass. That was what Tellak had the job of caring for, the mind and souls of the entire ship focused and amplified from that structure.

      It was also where the Song was emitted, the many Singers and Waycallers keeping a single consciousness, a perfect harmony that would tighten the resolve to any who listened to it. This mind, this single force, was where his people drew their strength, their will and might; he was in charge of guarding it. The leader smiled at the product of what this massive structure of pure beauty was helping to awaken. What lined the walls of the massive room were green-layered pods, each one a foot taller than Tellak. There were strong walkways that covered each perfect row—that covered the hundreds upon thousands of pods in this massive chamber. It was the very core of the ship, even more secure than the reactor room. For if this centerpiece of the ship and core fell, all those upon the ship would as well.

      The captain stared down the massive rows, pulling out a circular disk that had a mark so ornate that it inspired fear and intrigue just by looking at it. Tellak knew what he had to do. The tall alien clung onto the device in his right hand, his pointed fingers grasping the smooth surface made of only the purest materials on the oceanic homeworld. The captain placed his left hand onto the flat of the disk, focusing his thoughts solely on the disk and it's purpose. He felt a small prick as the device took a sample of his royal blood, expanding four precisely carved triangles with carefully shaped edges. Nothing could reproduce such elegant and miniscule formations, which was exactly the devices' purpose. He walked forward, advancing towards a large polished stone in front of him. The stone, sensing that it's key was near, formed a small rut for the circular disk.

      The object, in return, seemed to pull magnetically towards the imprint. Tellak did not resist as the device sunk into the semi-stone pedestal. The captain merely kept a stone-cold gaze as the dormant pods began to pulse, a green glow beating inside of each husk. The alien leader began to smile as the first of the pods opened, a mixture of yellow pus and green liquid oozed out along with the occupant. His grin deepened as he watched the sky-blue colored warriors exit onto the floor, their liquid-like skin slowly hardening into a thick carapace as they became more and more conscious. He also noticed increasing precision and coordination as they formed the semi-telepathic links that was characteristic of all warriors. He knew this due to the extensive education his entire pod had given him.

      The captain, satisfied that the ritual had finished and confident that the other crew would take care of the warriors, returned to the bridge. He could tell by the sudden loss of gravitational pull that the ship had finished its drift, finally pausing just in range for the heaviest of weapons. Tellak was prepared; he quickly jogged into the command room after exiting the smaller room. The commander came to a dead halt as the ship fell silent; it's many electronic stealth devices blocking the ship from all manner of detection.

      Tellak quickly pushed a series of runes on the familiar command console, a large holographic screen appearing in front of the command console. He rapidly pressed down on the runes, finally stopping when half a dozen circles slowly converged onto the explorer ship's hull. "Lower the electronic barrier and fire the primary lance turrets!" Tellak roared, his voice given the luster and aurora of command that was essential to his class. However, his quick command was not fast enough; a sudden long-range communication shot from the Covenant ship entering into the deep void of space. Fortunately, the orders were not in vain, for a dozen long beams pierced into the ship, tearing and cutting the enemy hull into sections—the twelve shots carving into the ship with mechanical grace. The captain finally let out a sigh. He had won the fight, but the battle was far from over.

The Lost Race: Part Four
Date: 1 September 2006, 1:34 am

      Eric quickly increased pace to a jog, realizing the full implications of that a single dropship could take multiple rockets and keep going. He quickly found a hastily-painted sign leading to a "Command Room" he had heard of faint rumors that a General Blackroot had taken over another colony's military. Yet the descriptions were never favorable of him. He quickly burst into the room, ignoring the secretary. "General! The enemy dropships are swarming every district in the city!"

      As soon as he opened the door, he saw the exact description of General Blackroot before him. The man was a large, stout, man of about three hundred pounds. This large weight was kept inside by a general's uniform with yellow shoulder pads. He had a grey moustache that was curled around at the edges, with an equally grey toupee at the top. The large man was leaned over a pre-fabricated metal desk. His blue eyes pierced into Eric with hate and contempt. His pink cheeks seemed like large, bulbous, cherries.

      The marine soon felt a pair of Military Police grab him by the arms, beginning to pull him away. The general stood up, his large legs supporting the large mass with a strange grace. Blackroot walked around his desk, soon standing in front of Eric, yet he still managed to look down on the marine with his noose stuck up in the air like any arrogant bastard. "Let him go boys, I could use a cheap laugh." Eric was already tempted to sucker punch the man, his southern drawl condescending in every manner.

      "Sir, the aliens have begun to land massive amounts of units onto the planet, may I ask what you plan to do?" Eric asked, his mind already weary of the general's tone and attitude. "Well son, we plan to do what we do to every foreign thing on this planet! We'll kill it and make sure it's dead!" He used a 'babying' tone on the marine, treating him as if some two-year-old boy ran into his office asking what he planned to do about the 'big bad monsters'. Yet again, Eric's primal urge to attack him rose. Yet there was little he could do to the self-glorifying bastard.

      Eric only sighed as General Blackroot waved him away, the marine wasted no time returning to above ground, hoping to burn off some steam. As he exited out into the open ground, he heard a faint whump whump whump in the distance. He watched as the sky filled with tracer rounds and missiles alike, inexperienced crews trying to trace the agile tear-shaped fighters darting throughout the sky. These small teardrops were followed closely by the triangle-shaped fighters of his own people. He watched with morbid fascination as explosions dotted the sky. Yet all of this was ended when a sleek purple object fell from the sky, gliding towards the city edge. The purple hull seemed to have a 'fish hook' bridge, with no visible propulsion system in the rear. The massive hulk came down in sections, some turning into deadly fragments in the air, others slamming into different parts of the city. The marine soldier braced himself as the ground shook with hellish fury, a mushroom cloud of dirt and gravel raining down from the main crash site.

      The marine watched with pure awe at the fury of the landing. The corporal soon snapped out of his daze, drilled reflexes taking over. He quickly moved with the already-bustling pack of soldiers who were moving towards the small motor pool of LRVs and Scorpion tanks. Eric knew that being prepared was worthy, and moved into the quickly-fabricated armory. Inside were pistols, shotguns, and rifles of all types. He knew he would have a tough fight on his hands, so he grabbed the best he could.

       The soldier could only smile as he picked up the unbalanced weight of an M6D pistol, the gun unloaded. He quickly picked up a handful of clips, sliding one into the metal weapon with trained grace. He quietly pulled back the slide and turned his attention to a small box marked 'M9 HE-DPs'. He smiled and flipped open the box, revealing twelve green orbs of explosive death. He didn't want to go off like a fireworks stand if he was hit, so he only grabbed five; attaching them to his belt.

      He also had the M90, which he had non-chalantly slung before he entered into the main complex. Eric decided that a few more slugs could never hurt and- after a bit of searching- found an exotic case filled with 'Dragon's breath' slugs. He wasn't sure what they did, but nevertheless grabbed six of them, putting them into a separate pouch on his belt. He was fully prepared, and decided that this would do for whatever he was about to face.

      The marine quickly double-timed it back to the motor pool, where one of the Pelican dropships was about to take off. The fearsome warbird was not well-armed, only carrying two pods of Argent V rockets and an outdated pair of chainguns. Definitely not the 'glorious ride into the sky' he was hoping for. Yet it would do to take him and his fellow Marines to the crash site. Eric jumped into the poorly-padded interior, taking a seat in the crammed dropship. In the back a lone LRV was attached,

      Eric braced himself as the quickly-readied engines ignited, their poor maintenance showing as the engines struggled to leave the cityscape. Yet quickly relaxed as the engines finally reached a steady beat, the pilot maintaining the dropship as it glided towards the fallen ship, which seemed to be ablaze in the distance. The small squad wasn't alone in the task of taking it however, six other fully-equipped dropships were tagging along. Along side the dropships were several Longswords, armed to the teeth for the fight ahead.

      Strapping on a helmet-fitting face piece, Eric used optical commands to check through his armor. The FoF system was fine, highlighting each of his companions with a green aura of dull light. He looked towards the back, the LRV highlighted in gray. In the upper right corner stood a small reading of his biosigns, showing his body as in excellent condition. The Marine continued through his check of his armor and weapons during the flight, expecting something wrong the entire time.
