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The Journey by monitor101
The Journey Part 1
Date: 18 January 2005, 4:28 PM
Author's note: Well after a year or so of a "break" from HBO fanfiction, I'm back. Since the release of Halo 2, I've been brewing up this story. It is largely based on the H2 storyline. The storyline will be connected to the H2 plot but will not be about it. When reading this first few chapters you may wonder what the plot is but as you read on you'll see. Enjoy ______________________________________________________________________ Part 1: Heretic (September 20, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles beyond solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace", Sanctum of the Hierarchs) The human race had few ships left in there rapidly vanishing fleet. The complete opposite could be said for the Covenant. They had thousands upon thousands of ships at their disposal. Each was incredibly well equipped and could take on several human ships all at once. The fleet that had amassed three hundred million miles from the solar system and earth was a perfect example of the Covenant's might and supremacy over the inferior race.
Twelve hundred ships kept positions around a massive, bulbous planetoid. The Covenant Holy City Divine Grace was massive. It was shaped like a massive mushroom or an umbrella. The Divine Grace floated silently in space, illuminated by the thousands of ships that encircled it.
Deep within the Divine Grace, protected by Honor Guard Elites, was the Sanctum of the Hierarchs. The Holy Chamber was massive; it was at least fifty feet high with brilliant lights that illuminated the chamber. The walls were decorated with exotic metals and mirrors from far off places. They were inscribed with alien texts and strange symbols...words of the Holy Ones. The chamber was at least thirty feet wide. To the right and left were Honor Guard Elites; they wore red and yellow armor and tall head pieces, each was armed with long spears in hand and on their belts were plasma rifles and energy swords. Above them on both sides were the leaders of the high races. To the left sat high-ranking Elites in jet-black armor, on their heads were triangular headpieces. In addition, to the right sat Minor Prophets with no headpieces and no signs of authority.
On the far end of the massive room sat two Prophets. Each hovered a meter off the ground in their imperial dais's. Upon their heads were headpieces made of gold and exotic gems. On their shoulders were magnificent mantles made of precious metals. They wore richly embroidered red and gold robes that cascaded over their daises and almost touched the ground like a waterfall.
They faced the wall. A sudden hologram flickered in front of them and three 3D holograms of Prophets appeared. The two Prophets stared at the holograms. The long-range communication allowed them to talk over great distances.
One of the two Prophets began to speak. "Fellow Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret it is good to see you again."
"As it is you, High Priest Prophet of Magnificence," the hologram of the Prophet of Truth said. Regret and Mercy nodded.
"We have much to discuss so we will get right to it," the Prophet of Sorrow who sat next to the Prophet of Magnificence, said.
"Tell me...how was Halo destroyed?" Magnificence demanded in a calm voice.
"The human who wears the special armor destroyed it. This demon managed to kill all of our forces who encountered him as well as combat the parasitic Flood...and live," Regret answered.
"The casualties do not matter! WHAT MATTERS IS THE FACT THAT THE HOLY RING WAS DESTROYED!" Magnificence shouted.
"Yes...my apologies, High Priest," Regret whispered looking away.
"Accepted...now is the guilty one coming to your council?" Magnificence asked.
"Yes, the Elite in command of the battle group that pursued the human ship with the demon onboard will come before us," Mercy answered.
"He is defiantly the one responsible for letting the holy ring being destroyed," Regret said.
"What punishment is suited for such an act of...heresy?" Sorrow asked.
Magnificence's face twisted with anger. The Holy Ones had left behind such great monuments of their greatness...and Halo had been destroyed. The Elite had let the humans desecrate the ring with their footsteps and then it was destroyed...heresy. "Heresy no doubt...let the punishment equal the failure."
"Yes, do you wish to take part in this council?" Truth looked at Magnificence.
"No, we have many issues to address."
"Very well, we shall meet again soon," Truth, said.
"Oh and one more thing," Magnificence said.
"Make the message clear."
"Very well," Truth nodded his head and his hologram snapped off. Regret and Mercy did the same. Sorrow and Magnificence turned around and faced the chamber.
"This is but a taste of the incompetence of the Elites. Their race grows more careless by the day. And with them the Grunts and Jackals and Hunters," Sorrow angrily whispered just high enough for Magnificence to hear him and none of the Honor Guards.
Magnificence nodded and made a gesture with his claw. The massive double doors opened and an Elite entered the chamber. The Elite wore the red and yellow armor of the Honor Guards, it wore a headpiece in the shape of two twin pillars that curved upwards and made it all the more intimidating. Attached to its back was a long black cape that brushed the ground as the Elite strode towards the Prophets. It stopped before the raised platform on which the Prophets were. The Elite kneeled and bowed its head.
"Great Prophets of Sorrow and Magnificence, I have come as you have summoned," It said in a deep voice.
"Rise Ona 'Unamee," Magnificence said. 'Unamee rose before them. Have the security measures been rechecked and strengthened as we have ordered?"
"Yes, noble Hierarchs, we have increased our numbers to significant size and rechecked the security measures as you have requested," 'Unamee answered.
"Very good," Magnificence stared down at 'Unamee, the leading Elite of the Honor Guards of Divine Grace was the most loyal and faithful to the prophets.
"Now what of the status of the fleet?" Sorrow asked.
"Every single ship in the fleet is ready and awaiting orders to jump to High Charity."
"The Prophet of Regret is attacking earth as we speak, no humans will he encounter. Truth and mercy have plenty of ships of their own we will not jump," Sorrow said.
"Yes, great one," 'Unamee got up and left the chamber.
As 'Unamee exited a Brute entered and walked towards the Prophets. As 'Unamee and the Brute walked past each other they made eye contact and on their faces was the slightest hint of hate.
The Brute stopped in front of the Prophets and bowed deeply. "You're most high Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow."
"What news on the weapon...how are repairs progressing, Attarus?"
Still bowing Attarus smiled.
To Be Continued...
The Journey Part 2 Mole
Date: 29 January 2005, 8:06 PM
Part 2: Mole (September 21, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace", Sanctum of the Hierarchs) "How did it go?" the High Priest Prophet of Magnificence asked staring at the holographic 3D image of the Prophet of Truth.
"It went as any other sentencing goes. A large crowd is drawn to see the guilty one being punished," Truth replied.
"Indeed, now let's get to the point." Magnificence sat upon his dais in the Holy Chamber. The only others present in the massive chamber were a handful of Honor Guards standing inanimate along the walls and in front of the doors. Truth was alone as well in another Holy Chamber on the other Holy City "High Charity" (which was by the destroyed Halo and Divine Grace was three hundred million miles from the solar system). High Charity and Divine Grace were sister ships (so to speak). They were both massive space stations that were capable of Slipspace jumps and inside they were giant cities...and homes to the Prophets. "Of all the Elite race why do you think that this specific Elite should become the Arbiter?"
"The Heretic who has begun an uprising has taken his base to the planet Threshold. He grows stronger by the day...we all know how delicate the Covenant alliances are. The destruction of Halo is his error...but we all know that he is not the true heretic. The one who begun the uprising is the true doer of heresy. When we sentenced him, we were very zealous. Halo's destruction hit us hard...but we found another," Truth smiled and pressed a button on one of the armrests of his dais. Another hologram appeared in front of Magnificence. This one was a large ring...Halo.
Truth smiled as Magnificence's face turned from a scrunched look of confused anger to awe and sheer joy. "Excellent."
"We found this Halo after the trial. This is the ultimate weapon to complete the Great Journey," Truth said.
"Very well...make this Elite your new Arbiter. However, make sure that you put him on perilous mission as past Arbiters have...suicidal missions with no guarantee of survival, so that the council will have the body of the Arbiter," Magnificence said.
"Yes High Priest, he will quell this heretic on Threshold. The High Charity is soon to depart for the new Halo," Truth said.
"I will send most of my fleet Unsettling Silence with High Charity when you leave...so inform me when you do," Magnificence pressed another button on his dais and the hologram of Truth snapped off.
Magnificence sighed and twitched his claw. The doors opened and 'Unamee entered. He walked up to the raised platform in which Magnificence sat, and bowed, his black cape draped over him. "Great one, what is your bidding?"
"By High Charity there is an Elite who speaks against our holy words, calls the Great Journey a lie, and is gathering quite crowd of followers with his tongue that speaks of heresy."
"Your Grace...may I inquire as to what this has to do with me?"
"You may, there is a mole within our own fleet. This mole boarded one of the many ships that jumped into Second space (Covenants terminology for Slipspace) from high Charity to here. This mole has started gathering followers here."
"Noble Hierarch, I am the leader of the Honor Guards. My sole purpose is to protect you and lead others to do the same," 'Unamee bowed even lower.
"This mole has also targeted me and the Prophet of Sorrow for assassination," Magnificence said. He suppressed a smile as 'Unamee's face turned pale and a cold look came about him. He clenched his mandibles.
"What will you have me do?" 'Unamee said, his voice shrouded with anger.
"Kill the mole and bring us his head as conformation that the task is done," Magnificence said.
"With pleasure master...although why not send a spec ops team of Elites or a Hunter Killer unit to get the job done?" 'Unamee asked with an obvious hint of pleasure with saying "with pleasure master".
"I don't want word to spread of a mole and an assassination attempt on the Hierarchs. The Elites taking part in such a spec ops unit would spread word to their comrades and they would do as well. Thus word would spread like a virus and could instill fear and possible rebellion...such knowledge can have a very powerful influence," Magnificence replied, neither his voice for his facial expressions showed any hint of emotion.
"I see now, Great Hierarch, I will not speak of such things."
"I know, that is why I assigned you—and you alone—to this task. Now see it done."
"His head is rightfully yours," 'Unamee bowed his head, stood, and left the Great Chamber.
'Unamee stood in the troop bay of the Phantom as it made its way from Divine Grace to the Covenant Destroyer Sacristy and Sacrifice. He had removed his red and yellow Honor Guard armor and his cape and replaced it with the regular yellow armor of a high-ranking Elite to keep his identity and actual high rank secret. He clipped a plasma rifle to his belt as well as a plasma sword. In his hands, he held a Covenant carbine.
The Phantom lurched up and settled as it docked in one of Sacristy and Sacrifice's shuttle bays. 'Unamee moved to the door and opened it. He stepped out and walked over to a set of double doors. They opened and he exited the massive shuttle bay and walked into a hallway that was unsurprisingly filled with Engineers, Grunts, Jackals, and Elites walking about to unknown destinations and carrying our unknown tasks. 'Unamee walked through a series of hallways to the ships cafeteria. He entered and looked around. At several tables; there sat Grunts sucking down food nipples and Jackals gnawing at meat. He saw an Elite in black armor sitting in the corner of the room eating while reading a holopad. Recognizing the Elite, he walked over to him and sat down in front of him.
The Elite looked up at him. 'Unamee nodded and the Elite returned the hello gesture.
"What may I do for you?" the Elite asked.
'Unamee remembered that if you were interested in joining the rebellion then there was a certain code phrase. "I was wondering where the path lay?"
"I see master Elite...right this way," the Elite got up and walked out of the cafeteria closely followed by 'Unamee.
The Elite lead him to another shuttle bay and they walked through it to a maintenance room. The room was large and had several docked Banshees, Phantoms, and Ghosts that were being repaired. It was dimly lit and they were the only two in it.
The Elite faced 'Unamee and shook his head. "So my brother you know that the Great Journey false and that the Prophets speak lies?"
"Since I joined the Covenant I knew that ultimate salvation in the Great Journey was utter fodder," 'Unamee lied.
"Yes, yes, yes the Prophets are false and frauds. You have opened your eyes. By the way my name is 'Orsomnee, mole for the Truthsayer," 'Orsomnee turned his back and opened a crate.
'Unamee knew that the "Truthsayer" was the heretic on Threshold that as of this moment was being taken car of by the Arbiter. 'Unamee drew his carbine. "That is where you are wrong, Heretic. Raise your hands and turn around!"
'Orsomnee smiled and laughed, his hands still in the crate. "Ah who better to send to do the Prophet's dirty work than the head of the Honor Guards? How does it feel to be a victim of their will?"
"Shut the hell up and raise your hands, assassin!" 'Unamee roared.
"Ha! Whatever you have been told is a lie. I am a simply a messenger who is hear to spread truth to all those who listen."
"You are an assassin sent to kill the High Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow!" 'Unamee's voice was filled with anger.
"Lies, lies, LIES! I am only a messenger! You have been lied to!"
'Orsomnee pulled a plasma sword from the crate and whirled around and cut 'Unamee's carbine in half. 'Unamee jumped back, pulled his own plasma sword from his belt, and activated it. He charged 'Orsomnee and slashed at him with his sword. 'Orsomnee dodged his attack and brought his sword down on 'Unamee who blocked it with his own and sent a jab with his fist to 'Orsomnee's stomach. His fist hit against 'Orsomnee's gut and the Elite doubled over. 'Unamee swung his sword down to 'Orsomnee's back but the Elite rolled out of the way and sprang to his feet.
'Unamee breathed heavily. 'Orsomnee was no easy Elite to take down. He was almost as skilled as 'Unamee in the art of sword fighting.
'Orsomnee smiled, "You disappoint me Ona 'Unamee. You could have escaped from the Prophets fowl grasp and realize the truth...but instead you choose to fight. You cannot win."
"The one with the fowl grasp is the heretic who holds vermin like you in it. Now I will spill your blood upon this floor and give your head to the Prophet's on a silver platter."
'Unamee jumped at him and swung his blade in and Xing motion. 'Orsomnee dodged this way and that. He sent a kick to 'Unamee's groin, 'Unamee caught sight of and blocked it. In this split second when 'Unamee's attention was turned 'Orsomnee swung his sword at 'Unamee who jumped back in time to avoid a fatal blow but the twin edges of the blade grazed his chest. 'Unamee let out a scream and clutched the deep cut with his hands, purple black blood seeped in between his fingers and dripped to the floor. Then he remembered his plasma rifle one his belt. He reached for it and nothing was there. He looked around and saw it lying on the ground ten feet away. It must have fallen off sometime during their fight. 'Orsomnee hadn't seen it yet.
'Unamee lunged for it. 'Orsomnee saw what he was going after and jump to intercept him. 'Unamee stopped just short of it and did a somersault. He grabbed for it but lost it and the inertia of his somersault propelled him further. He came to his knees and jumped for it. 'Orsomnee was already there and picked it up, too late. 'Unamee tackled the Elite and stabbed his sword into him. They crashed to the ground and 'Unamee lost hold of his blade. He scrambled to his feet, ran for the plasma rifle and pointed it at 'Orsomnee. The Elite sat against the crate, 'Unamee's blade protruded from his chest. Blood ran down like a waterfall from the wound and pooled around him. A trail of blood was left from where 'Unamee had stabbed him and 'Orsomnee had crawled away to the crate. He breathed heavily and coughed up blood. 'Unamee walked up to him and looked down in disgust at his dying opponent.
"Now you may wade in your own blood, assassin," 'Unamee spat.
'Orsomnee's mandibles moved. "You...you...you have won this fight but the Tru...Th...Truthsayer...will...pre...vail."
"Rot in hell you pitiful heretic!" 'Unamee said.
He shot 'Orsomnee twice in the stomach. 'Orsomnee's head fell to the ground. 'Unamee walked over and picked up his plasma sword which had deactivated. He squeezed it and the spear of energy shot out from the handheld device. He grabbed 'Orsomnee's body by the head and in one swift motion sliced it off. "The Prophets shall be pleased."
To Be Continued...
The Journey Part 3 Security Measures
Date: 29 January 2005, 8:09 PM
Part 3: Security Measures (September 21, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 million miles away from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace, Sanctum of the Hierarchs) 'Unamee watched from the Phantom's viewport as 1000 ships entered Second space (slipspace) in waves of purple and disappeared. He sighed and looked away. On the ground in a container was Orsomnee's head. 'Unamee was glad he had slain the heretic mole and now he would present the head before the Hierarchs. He looked ahead to the oncoming planetoid Divine Grace.
Fully suited in his red and yellow armor 'Unamee walked down a hallway with the container in hand, he stopped at the double doors. Two Brutes wearing red and yellow armor stood guard. 'Unamee looked at both of them and then entered the next room. Along the walls were Brutes in the red and yellow armor of the Honor Guards, they wore the headpieces in the shape of twin pillars as well. He walked up to the double doors of the Holy Chamber and was about to enter when the Brutes on the sides of the doors put their long spears in his way.
"Let me through, I have business with Hierarchs," 'Unamee demanded, annoyed by this.
"What business do you have with the Hierarchs?! What is in container?" one of the Brutes demanded in a deep voice.
'Unamee stared at the Brute for three seconds then opened the container and showed him the head. The Brutes growled and they moved their spears. 'Unamee entered.
As he walked the Brute guard along the wall stared at him as he walked up to the Prophets. He stopped before the raised platform upon where they sat in their antigravity daises. Attarus stood next to him and made a cold look as he bowed and set the container down. 'Unamee couldn't help but notice that Attarus was wearing the red and yellow armor with a black cape and a flag with the sign of the Brutes jutting from his shoulders.
"Great Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow, I have brought the head of the mole 'Orsomnee," he opened the container and picked up the bloody head for them to see.
"Indeed, it is the heretic assassin, excellent work 'Unamee," Magnificence said.
"Great ones, where are the Honor Guards?"
"Ah yes, so you have noticed that we have changed security. The High Prophet of Regret was killed on the new Halo. The demon killed him," Sorrow said.
"But how did the demon get passed the Honor Guards?" 'Unamee asked in disbelief...a Hierarch had been killed.
"Apparently this demon is far stronger than we expected. And this is obviously shows that the Elites even here cannot protect us."
"But, we have always been your protectors. The demon is on the other side of the galaxy. Such a chance of you dying is phenomenal, You're Grace!" 'Unamee said, his voice full of confusion.
"As you are leader of the Honor Guards of Divine Grace I can understand your concern. However, this issue will no longer be discussed. Attarus will take your position as leader of the Honor Guards," Magnificence said.
"Great one, with all do respect the Brutes are a very unpredictable race."
"I resent that!" Attarus growled in a tone that signified obvious anger.
"I SAID THIS ISSUE WILL NO LONGER BE DISCUSSED!" Magnificence shouted, his voice boomed and echoed throughout the confines of the massive chamber. "Mind your words, both of you."
"My apologies, Holy One...what duties shall I be reassigned to?" 'Unamee asked.
"You will take part in a special project that you shall learn about soon. The Hierarchs safety is Attarus's concern now."
Attarus stepped closer to 'Unamee and held out his hand. 'Unamee stared into his black eyes, a smile creased Attarus's lips. 'Unamee removed his helmet that had the twin pillars and handed it to Attarus. Still smiling Attarus took the helmet and set it on his head.
"Now go Ona 'Unamee. You will begin your new duty next cycle. Get a decent meal and some rest...you have been through much today," Magnificence said, 'Unamee thought he hinted a tone of caring within the Prophets croaky and normally unemotional voice.
"Yes High Priest," he bowed and left the chamber.
Attarus watched as he left and looked at the High Priest. "He has questioned the great Hierarchs judgment and decisions...such acts are heresy. Shall I rid the Council of his incompetence?"
"No, he remains loyal even after his precious Honor Guard Elites have been replaced with Brutes. The only ones who are even close to heresy are the Elites who are threatening to resign from the Council. They are the ones we should be thinking about ridding us of."
"Yes, Great One!"
'Unamee walked down a hallway and entered on of several massive shuttle bays. He needed time to think and he always came to the shuttle bay to do so. He watched from a viewport as ship after ship passed by. Most the ships of Unsettling Silence had jumped to the new Halo to accompany High Charity. Now only two hundred remained here but more ships arrived every hour. 'Unamee watched as ships two kilometers long passed by and docked with Divine Grace and little Seraphs, Phantoms, and Banshees passed on patrol around the station.
The sounds of the shuttle bay were loud and drowned out most other quieter noises but one particular sound within earshot of 'Unamee caught his attention...the click-clack of and Elite stepping towards him. 'Unamee turned to face an Elite clad in jet black armor. The Elite wore a triangular headpiece and had a plasma rifle clipped to its belt.
"Excellency," 'Unamee said and saluted the higher ranking Elite.
"Ona 'Unamee, what business brings such a high ranking Elite to a simple shuttle bay? Divine Grace has many such places?"
"Just thinking over recent events, Excellency," 'Unamee said to the member of the High Council.
"An outrage! We Elites have been the protectors of the Hierarchs since the beginning of the Covenant! The demon killed one of the Prophets— yes a tragedy— but light years away. These security changes are pointless. The Brutes are an incompetent race with no experience in the holy traditions of the Covenant. They are unworthy protectors. I am sorry for your loss as you were the Honor Guards leader," Ada 'Rolomee said.
"Excellency, have members of the Council threatened to resign?" 'Unamee asked.
"Yes, I am one of them. This change of power has caused a severe uproar within the Council. I think that this matter is worse then we know," 'Rolomee said, hints of concern and slight anger touched his voice.
"It seems to have become a more political dispute rather than just a decision made by the Hierarchs," 'Unamee added.
"Indeed it is. The Brutes do not deserve such a high honor as holy protectors. Their unthinking potential of violence and over grown egos has created concern even among the lower classes. I do not know why many Grunts and Jackals grow unfavorable of Brutes, but there is rising tension between the species. The Hunters are intimidated by the Brutes' strength. There are also talks of anarchy." 'Rolomee stepped closer to 'Unamee so only he was within earshot. "A revolution against the Prophets," with that 'Rolomee spun on his heel and left 'Unamee.
To Be Continued...
The Journey Part 4: Weapon of Unyielding Destruction
Date: 9 February 2005, 11:54 PM
Part 4: Weapon of Unyielding Destruction (September 22, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace") The massive, apelike Brute Attarus walked at a pace that suggested urgency. Nevertheless, his long strides, head held high and a menacing look on his face hinted authority. Any Elite, Grunt, or Jackal who got in his way would be thrown aside. Attarus wore the ceremonial red and yellow armor of the Honor Guards. A black cape flowed behind him and a flag with three consecutive claw marks on it protruded from his shoulder blades. He also wore the large twin pillar headpiece of Honor Guards. All were signs that he was the newly appointed leader of the Honor Guards of Divine Grace...a position once held by 'Unamee.
'Unamee followed right behind Attarus. After being ridden of his position as leader of the Honor Guards, 'Unamee had ditched his old armor and replaced it with jet black armor, which signified that he was a spec ops Elite. He had been reassigned to a "special project" that he was soon going to find out what it is. 'Unamee followed Attarus through several hallways of Divine Grace until they came to one of the landing/ takeoff platforms for Phantoms. 'Unamee walked to the edge of the platform and looked down. Below was the city itself. Several tall buildings loomed in the distance. The main part of Divine Grace was the city itself that was miles across and hundreds of yards tall. In the middle of the entire city was a massive structure of unknown origin. 'Unamee gazed at it in awe. No matter how many times he saw it it still amazed him.
"Come! We have no time for sightseeing!" Attarus growled and woke 'Unamee back to reality.
'Unamee walked over to Attarus who stood next to a Phantom, a smile crossed his large face, "after you."
'Unamee entered the Phantom and sat down on a bench in the troop bay. Attarus entered and closed the door behind him. He sat across from 'Unamee who stared out the window.
"Where are we going?" 'Unamee asked not looking at him.
"We are headed to the Forerunner Structure. You newly assigned task awaits you there," Attarus replied.
"Very well," 'Unamee said.
The Phantom landed in one of the Structures landing ports. 'Unamee and Attarus exited and walked to a set of double doors. The doors opened and two Brutes clad in red and yellow armor stood in the way.
"Zanarius, Soratus...lead the way," Attarus said. The two Brutes bowed their heads and led him and 'Unamee through the strange structure.
As 'Unamee followed he could not help but notice the strange calligraphy and markings along the walls. After what seemed like an eternity of walking, they entered a large chamber. 'Unamee entered and saw The Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow who floating upon their daises. Next, the Prophets was a large hexagonal shaped object. The object was as high as the Prophets who hovered three full yards off the deck. 'Unamee walked up to Magnificence and bowed deeply. "Noble Hierarchs," he said.
"Rise, Ona 'Unamee, we will get right to it. This object you see is a control mechanism to a great weapon left over from the ancient ones. This weapon is the structure you are in. It has the power to destroy all human life within a vast distance. The Weapon of Unyielding Destruction will bring about the end of the human race and the fulfillment of the Great Promise. With such vast power at our fingertips we can end the Great Journey and be at peace finally," Magnificence's eyes glowed with awe and his voice was full of excitement.
"Great one, how did you come about it?" 'Unamee asked confused.
"Behold the High Prophets of Truth and Mercy attained an Oracle by the remains of Halo 04 and questioned it near the newly found Halo 05. Who provided valuable information about Halo. We sent in a team to where the Oracle said the Control to the Weapon would be. The team recovered this control device, which according to the Oracle will activate the Weapon. We have been repairing this Weapon even before we found the Control. But...we do not know how to activate the Holy Weapon which is where you come in." The Prophet twitched its claw and seven pieces floated into the air. The pieces were in intricate cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, and triangular shapes. They glowed a mix of several different colors and bobbed in the air. "These are the keys that you must put into the Control to activate the Weapon. We have no idea where to start putting these in. Your task is to find the keyholes and activate the Weapon."
"But Great One, once I activate it won't the Weapon detonate?" 'Unamee asked.
"No, a holographic control panel should arise once activated. The Prophets of Truth and Mercy have found a Sacred Icon that will activate Halo 05 and fulfill the Great Journey. But if something were to arise then we will be the final option to wipe the humans out of existence," Sorrow added.
"We leave you now to your task," Magnificence and Sorrow turned and exited out of the massive chamber via another doorway.
'Unamee walked over to the crystalline keys that hovered in the air. He turned around and saw Attarus and the two other Brutes leave. It was just him in the chamber. 'Unamee plucked one of the keys out of the air and held it in his hand. He walked over to the Control. Walking around it, 'Unamee examined every inch of it. The Control was a large hexagon. It was made of some unknown metal and had several thousand little blinking lights along it. The Control was solid and had no holes of any kind, just one big hunk of metal in a strange shape with thousands of blinking lights. 'Unamee tried placing the key onto the surface of the Control. However, when the key got within three inches of the Control, it met resistance like a magnet against another magnet, and he could not press down any further. 'Unamee pressed with all his might but nothing happened. He pulled it away and threw the key at it. When the key got within three inches of the Control's surface, it stopped and hovered over it. 'Unamee grabbed it and examined the monoclinic shaped key. He thought about it hovering and suddenly the key floated out of his hand. 'Unamee jumped and the key fell into his hand again. "What the hell?" The thought ran through his mind again and it floated again. "I control it by thought!" 'Unamee shouted to no one. "It is controlled by whatever it touches."
'Unamee thought of the key floating and it did. He thought of the Control opening up and the key entering it. Suddenly the Control glowed and a compartment opened up. The key floated into the compartment and a bright blue light flashed from the Control. 'Unamee watched in disbelief as this happened.
He repeated the process with each one of the seven keys and suddenly the 9-foot high Control seemed to shrink in size until it was four feet off the ground. Seven lights were flashing on the top of it. The lights stopped flashing and a holographic panel appeared on the top. Alien texts scrolled past and another compartment popped open. A long blue crystal slowly floated out of it. 'Unamee grabbed it and inserted it into the holopanel. The room suddenly came alive with lights and a humming noise from somewhere below. Warning lights begun to flash within the chamber. A red holobutton flashed on the panel...the Control to detonate the Weapon of Unyielding Destruction.
The double doors opened at Attarus strode in, "Unamee whirled around and looked at him. Attarus grinned. "You have done well, now go to the platform...a Phantom awaits you, your work here is done."
Without speaking 'Unamee left the chamber. Attarus looked at the Control and his grin grew wider...the fulfillment of the Great Journey.
Te Be Continued...
The Journey Part 5: Rebellion
Date: 17 February 2005, 12:00 AM
Part 5: Rebellion (September 23, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace") The Elite clad in bright yellow armor stared at the large gathering of Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and other Elites that had amassed around him. He scanned the faces of the crowd; all had anger and hatred twisted within their faces. "Brothers, the Brutes have shed innocent blood! Members of the High Council who threatened to resign were killed at the hands of the merciless race. They were killed for disagreeing with the Hierarchs...outrageous!"
The crowd went wild, chanting threats and taunts to the Brute race. They stood outside the entrance to the series of hallways and rooms that surrounded the Holy Chamber and the Prophets who dwell therein. The protest had started with a few dozen and steadily grew to hundreds who occupied every open space available such as Phantom landing and execution audience platforms.
The Prophet of Magnificence watched via monitor as the large protest grew to hundreds. More and more Covenant flocked to the platforms. His face twisted in anger and he banged his fist on his imperial dais. "We silenced one heretic and another arises. This within our own city!"
The Prophet of Sorrow—who hovered next to him—looked at Magnificence. "They are protesting the Brutes and the deaths of the two Council members."
"Attarus!" Magnificence bellowed.
"Yes, you Grace?" the Brute bowed in front of Magnificence and Sorrow.
"Why did you kill the two Elites in front of everyone?"
"Great One, they were threatening to resign and I questioned them. One challenged my authority, push turned to shove and I simply had to defend myself from them," Attarus answered still bowed.
"Indeed, you could have done it in secret at least. Next time do not act on impulse and seek approval from the Council as for a killing so it can be considered and execution as opposed to a murder."
"Yes Excellency, I have learned from my mistake." Attarus said, still bowed.
"The impact of your actions is bad yes...but the killings themselves are no mistake," Magnificence said.
Attarus smiled and stood. "What of the rebellious crowd and their heretical chant?"
"Get an armed assortment of troops and kill all those who take part." Magnificence said carelessly. "Round them up and slaughter them in groups if you have to, see to it personally."
Attarus bowed again and was about to leave when Sorrow's face twisted with surprise and anger. "KILL ALL OF THEM! THERE ARE HUNDREDS!" Stop Attarus, I countermand that order." He glared at Magnificence. "Do you know what type of signals this would send the rest of the city as well as the fleet itself?!"
"Yes, it will tell them that if you rebel then you will be killed," Magnificence said.
"Preposterous, there would be an uprising for sure! They would overrun the Brute Honor Guards and sweep upon us like a great wind. There would be anarchy!" Sorrow blurted, his voice was filled with anger and hints of concern for their safety from their own forces.
While Sorrow blindly yelled at Magnificence for making such an order, Magnificence twitched his claw at Attarus who nodded. The Brute pulled a red plasma rifle from his belt and depressed the firing mechanism. A stream of energy bolts struck Sorrow squarely in the chest. The Prophet's dais flipped onto its side and Sorrow hit the ground. The large mantle that was placed upon his shoulders fell off and clanked onto the deck. The Honor Guards rushed forwards but Magnificence held up a claw and they backed off. Purple/black blood pooled around Sorrow and his claws clung to his chest.
"Finally I am rid of you!" Magnificence said. "Attarus finish the job."
Attarus stepped onto the raised platform on which the Prophets were only allowed to step upon. The Brute walked over to Sorrow who lay sprawled on the ground, his skin color fading to a pale gray. Attarus hovered over him and aimed the plasma rifle at Sorrow's head.
"Bu...but...why?" Sorrow rasped. He coughed up blood and a river flowed from his mouth.
"You have always been critical of my decisions and challenged my authority. This will be and end to your incompetence and your death shall help in my cleansing of this rebellion." He looked to Attarus. "We will say that one of the now dead Council members killed him, and for this reason we killed them. Why didn't we think of this before?"
Attarus smiled and blasted another volley of plasma into Sorrow's head. He whipped away a splatter on his fur and stepped off the platform. "What of this mess, Great One?"
"Take it away from my sight. Now cleanse the heretic filth that resides beyond these walls. In addition, if you find 'Unamee kill him," Magnificence pointed to the massive double doors of the Holy Chamber. The Prophet watched as Attarus smiled and walked out.
'Unamee walked onto one of the landing platform and came to see several hundred Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and Elites crowding the landing platforms and yelling anti-Brute chants. There was an Elite standing on a crate in front of the double doors that led to the Holy Chamber, who was yelling about the deaths of two Council members. 'Unamee's face twisted in anger and he listened intently as the Elite spoke but his voice was drowned out by the screams of the mob.
Eager to learn what happened to the Council members 'Unamee grabbed an Elite in blue armor and the Elite turned around to face him. "Soldier, what happened to the Council members?"
The Elite snapped to attention and stared straight ahead. "Excellency, the leading Brute Attarus killed two High Elites who were on the Council. They were threatening to resign and he approached them, jumped them, and killed them both," the Elite said.
A stab of realization knifed up 'Unamee's spine. "Rolomee..." he whispered. He nodded to the Elite and was about to leave when Attarus exited the double doors. All eyes in the mob turned to the Brute. The Elite standing on the crate looked down at Attarus. A long line of Brutes walked out of other double doors and surrounded the crowd that was in front of the Elite standing on the crate.
"See brothers! The Hierarchs send the Brutes to silence us!" the Elite shouted. The mob went silent staring at the Brutes that surrounded them; each Brute was equipped with a Brute Shot and a red plasma rifle. The hundreds of Covenant that were around the main crowd that was surrounded by the Brutes began to back off.
Attarus snarled and drew his plasma rifle, the same one that had killed the Prophet of Sorrow. The Elite stood completely still for a moment then he grabbed for his own plasma rifle. Attarus squeezed the weapons grip and a hail of plasma slammed into the Elites chest. The Elite did not have his personal shield activated and a shower of purple/black blood sprayed from his chest and he fell off the crate and onto the deck dead.
There was a second of shock throughout the mob and the Brutes surrounding opened fire with their Brute Shots. The Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and Elites dove for cover as grenades landed within their ranks and erupted. Grunts and Jackals did not have a prayer as grenades sent bloody chunks of flesh soaring into the air. Elites and Hunters on the other hand were able to last a little longer and several Elites jumped out of the fray and begun shooting at the Brutes. Many Hunters shot their hand-held fuel rod beam at Brutes that cut them down quickly. Many Covenant from outside the initial slaughter began the shoot at Brutes or jump on them. One by one, the few dozen Brutes were overwhelmed by the mobs and were brought down. Attarus shot at several and entered the double doors, which led to the Prophet's Sanctum. The doors closed behind him and turned red, they were locked.
'Unamee had been behind the main mob and had jumped out and ducked behind a pillar as the battle raged. He stood up when the last Brute was killed and watched as Attarus entered the double doors. Several Elites banged on them. 'Unamee watched as most of the hundreds of surviving Covenant ran or limped away to either find hiding places or to seek vengeance. He examined the main mob; at least a hundred Covenant had died and twice as many were wounded, most of them were Grunts and Jackals but a dead Elite or Hunter could be seen here and there. They lay in a massive sea of bodies and blood that flowed in rivers to the edges of the platform and dripped off.
'Unamee was about to find a way into the Hierarchs' Sanctum when a voice caught his ears. "Master 'Unamee!" He whirled around to see two of his Elites who were former Honor Guards running to meet him. They stopped in front of him.
"'Hasamee, 'Garomee...where have you been?" 'Unamee asked eagerly.
"We were listening to the Elite who spoke against the Brutes when the Brute hordes came and slaughtered most of the mob. We managed to capture a Brute alive and question it but it will only spit upon us," 'Garomee replied.
"Is this Brute of high rank?" 'Unamee asked more eagerly.
"He bore a flag on his back...a symbol of Brute power," 'Hasamee answered.
'Unamee looked at them with an intense fire burning within his eyes. "Take me to him."
The two Elites under 'Unamee's command led him to a hallway that had three other Elites and two Hunters in it. Sitting against the wall with two plasma rifles to his head was a Brute who was clutching multiple wounds in its chest. It looked up at 'Unamee and snarled. "Lord Attarus should have killed you when he had the chance!"
'Unamee pulled out his energy sword and activated it. The blade shot out of the handheld device and pulsed red. He lifted his arm and pointed the twin blades in front of the Brutes face. "What is Attarus planning to do with the Weapon!?"
"You can rot, you Elite scum!" the Brute spat.
'Unamee took the blade and it a centimeter into the Brutes shoulder. The Brute grimaced but did not make a noise. 'Unamee withdrew and blood ran from the wound and soaked the creature's fur. "WHAT ARE THEY PLANNING TO DO?"
"You'll have to kill, me!" the Brute roared.
"That can be arranged. Now I will not ask you again. What are they planning to do?" 'Unamee said in a solid voice. He grabbed the metal helmet that the Brute wore on its head, removed it, and he jabbed the butt of his plasma rifle onto the exposed flesh and fur.
The Brute howled in pain and began to slide onto its side. "Okay...ok....okay! They are going to enter the Slipspace and jump to the human planet. When they reach it they will activate it and the Great Journey...shall be complete!"
"Will the Weapon only destroy the humans?"
"No...no, it will kill all life within a distance of two...hundred million miles," the Brute wheezed.
"But, that will kill the fleet which is already attacking earth." Garomee gasped.
"The fleet will be enough to destroy the humans and their home world but such a blast will destroy Unsettling Silence. This fleet is composed of most of the ships we have at our disposal. Moreover, even if it destroys all they life within such a radius the remaining human worlds will gather their remaining forces and attack our home worlds. We will be severely crippled and with this rebellion, as well...we cannot allow them to destroy the fleet. The Great Ones know I will continue my fight against humans but the fleet is far too vital to lose," 'Unamee said.
"You cannot stop them...by the time you find a suitable transport to get you too the Weapon, we will be near earth and the Great Journey will be complete!" the Brute laughed.
"The Great Journey is a lie!" 'Unamee yelled. He took his blade and sliced the edge of it along to Brutes neck. An arterial jet sprayed from the wound and onto 'Unamee. The Brute slid onto its side and a pool formed around it.
"The Forerunner structure in the middle of the city is a Weapon. We must not let the Prophets or Attarus get to it and activate it. We have to stop them before it's too late!" 'Unamee said, his voice was on edge.
"There is one more thing. Before we found you, the Brute said that Attarus killed Sorrow...Magnificence ordered it," 'Hasamee added.
"Then we have one less Prophet to deal with." He faced the three other Elites and two Hunters. "We will need your assistance."
All of them bowed. "We follow you, Excellency," one of the Elites said.
"Good, now let's go back to the landing platforms." He pointed to himself, 'Hasamee, and 'Garomee, "We will get onto Banshees and fly to the Weapon." He pointed to the other Elites and Hunters. "You will need to find a Phantom, which I don not think will be a problem as there are several of them on the platforms. Once you get on one, follow us to the Weapon. We will figure out what to do next when we get there. Now activate your communication links, all of you."
'Unamee ran down the hallway with all the Elites and Hunters at his heals. When he got to the platforms, he stopped mid-stride. All over the place Brutes, Jackals, and Drones that were still loyal to the Prophet were battling rebellious Grunts, Elites, and Hunters. He spotted a Phantom that was parked on it skids, its bay doors were closing. He caught a glimpse of Attarus standing behind the closing doors. "FIND A TRANSPORT!" he shouted to the Elites and Hunters who stopped behind him.
'Unamee ran as fast as he could towards the Phantom that was taking off. He pumped his legs to the point where they pumped battery acid. When he was within three feet of the Phantom that was lifting off, he jumped. 'Unamee grabbed part of the Phantom and held on for dear life as the craft lifted off the platform and accelerated towards the Weapon in the middle of the city. He climbed to the top and held on tight as the strong wind of the Phantom accelerating rushed passed. He looked ahead and saw the Weapon structure getting bigger as the Phantom inched closer.
To Be Continued...
The Journey Part 6: Fight for the Weapon (Finale)
Date: 17 February 2005, 12:05 AM
Part 6: Fight for the Weapon (Finale) (September 23, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence preparing to engage earth, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace") 'Unamee held on with all his strength as the Phantom sped towards the Weapon. He tried crawling to another spot, but when he let go of his handhold the rushing air threatened to throw him off the craft. 'Unamee held as tight as he could and closed his eyes tightly as the slipstream roared past. Then the Phantom began to decelerate, he looked up. The craft landed on a platform that jutted out of the Weapon structure. He made sure that his whole body was on top of the Phantom and stayed still. 'Unamee watched as Attarus and two other Brutes exited the Phantom and walked towards a set of double doors. The High Priest Prophet of Magnificence floated after them. The group entered the double doors and disappeared into the innards of the massive structure. 'Unamee got to his knees and jumped down from the top of the Phantom. He slowly and silently crept up to the double doors, his plasma rifle drawn. The doors' sensor noticed him and the doors opened revealing a dimly lit hall. 'Unamee was about to enter when he heard the familiar sound of another Phantom, he whirled around and looked up. A Phantom and two Banshees approached. Smiling 'Unamee entered the hallway; he recognized the strange calligraphy that was imprinted upon the walls and floors, remnants of a race long since passed. 'Unamee knew where to go from his previous visit to the structure and he slowly made his way towards the control room. He walked down a hallway and looked to the corner ahead; around that bend was the entrance to the hallway. He heard voices.
"When will they be done?" one voice roared.
"Wait, once they are done the Great Promise will be fulfilled!" a second replied.
Both of the voices were deep and croaky...obviously Brutes, 'Unamee thought. Two of them would be hard to take down alone...where were the others? He checked the weapons on his belt. He had his plasma rifle and his energy sword and three plasma grenades. 'Unamee pulled a grenade from his belt and silently crept down the hallway. When he was near the edge, he primed the grenade. He jumped out and lobbed it at one of the Brutes who were standing guard in front of the door.
The grenade landed on one of the Brutes' leg. For a split second the Brutes were shocked at the sudden appearance of 'Unamee and were slow to react. The Brute with the grenade on its leg screamed and started to run for 'Unamee who dove down the hallway. The plasma detonated and blew the Brute into the air. The second Brute dove out of the way and ducked as the grenade erupted in a blue fireball. There was a wet smack as the first Brute's bloody hulk crashed to the ground. 'Unamee wasted no time and jumped to his feet and activated the energy sword. The blade of energy shot out and 'Unamee ran to the doorway.
The other Brute who had survived got to it feet and saw 'Unamee charged at him. The Brute was quick to draw its plasma pistol and fired at 'Unamee. Five plasma bolts struck the Elite in the chest and his energy shield flared. 'Unamee sidestepped the barrage and when he was within four feet of the Brute he swung his sword. The Brute jumped hack and the plasma sword cleanly bisected its plasma rifle. The front half of the weapon clattered to the ground. The Brute leapt forwards and tackled 'Unamee who held his sword straight out. The sword entered the Brute and went straight through it but that did not stop the ravaging beast. The Brute and 'Unamee hit the ground with a loud bang. The Brute grabbed at 'Unamee's throat and slammed its fists onto 'Unamee's head.
'Unamee struggled to stop the Brute from crushing his skull. 'Unamee grabbed the plasma sword—which was still stabbed in the Brute's chest—and with his other hand tried to block the ferocious blows that the Brute threw at him. His vision blurred and he became lightheaded as the Brute began to punch his head. 'Unamee felt blood run down his face and he blacked out.
The Brute pounded its fist into 'Unamee and with the other it held the Elites' neck in a death grip. With more blows the Brute drew blood and 'Unamee went limp. The Brute grabbed 'Unamee by the arms and dragged him through the double doors and into the Control room.
Attarus and Magnificence were next to the Control in the middle of the massive room. Five Covenant Engineers hovered around the Control, running last minute repairs. The Brute dragged 'Unamee over to them and dropped the Elites' hands.
"What is this?" Attarus demanded.
"Chieftain, the Elite attacked us. Zanarius was slain," the Brute replied.
"Tragic," Attarus said with no emotion, he stepped closer. "Ah, the great Ona 'Unamee, you shall witness the beginning of the Great Journey, but you will be left behind."
'Unamee gained consciousness and stared blankly at Attarus and the Prophet of Magnificence. "Do not activate this Weapon. It will kill us all."
"What you have been told of the Weapon is lies. It will wipe out the human race with one sweep of its hand thus beginning our march into the glorious beyond. No foe has ever withstood our might nor has ever defeated us. We persisted in finding this Weapon and look at how we were rewarded. The Brute chieftain Tartarus will activate Halo and we will activate this Weapon to ensure that the Great Journey will be fulfilled. I admit you put up a valiant effort to stop us from activating the Weapon but you cannot stop the inevitable. It was only a matter of time before we finished repairs. In the beginning, we were counterparts in this campaign but all the events have led up to this point and behold now we are foes. The Forerunners bestowed this Weapon as well as the sacred Haloes upon us and now the Great Journey is at hand.
"WRONG!" a voice filled the great room. Attarus, Magnificence, and the Brute looked back to see four Elites and two Hunters standing in the massive doorway. "'Hasamee, 'Garomee," 'Unamee said, happily.
"Sorry for the delay, Excellency. We encountered some resistance," 'Garomee replied.
One of the Hunters lifted its arm and fired its fuel rod gun. The green beam of energy struck the Brute standing over 'Unamee. The Brute hit the ground dead. 'Unamee scrambled to his feet and ran for Attarus.
"KILL THEM!" Magnificence shouted and pressed a button on his armrest. A yellow light engulfed him and he disappeared.
The five Engineers looked startled at the commotion but went back to their tasks, oblivious. A blue energy field surrounded Attarus and he picked up a Brute shot. He fired two grenades at the Elites and Hunters. The first grenade bounced off the ground and flew into the exposed flesh of one of the Hunters. It exploded blowing the Hunter in half. The second exploded in front of the Elites. One died instantly, blown to shreds. The second Hunter bellowed a deep roar and charged Attarus. The four Elites were right on its heels, their were hungry for revenge and ahead of them was a buffet. Attarus jumped into the air and dodged the Hunter. He landed behind the Elites and swung the giant blade on the butt of the Brute shot at 'Garomee. 'Garomee's shield flared and died. 'Hasamee spun around and swung his energy sword at Attarus. The sword impacted but had no effect on Attarus's shield; the Brute slammed his fist into 'Hasamee's midsection, his shield failed instantly and the Elite was thrown back. The two other Elites jumped onto Attarus but the Brute grabbed his Brute shot by its barrel and swung the blade at them. The first Elite had its shield down and did not have a prayer as the blade slashed across its chest and landed at the Brutes' feet. The second Elite landed on Attarus but was thrown onto the ground. Attarus brought his foot down on the Elite's face.
'Unamee picked up the dead Brutes' plasma rifle and shot the Engineers who were working on the Control. He whirled around and watched as Attarus defeated all of the other Elites. The Hunter shot its fuel rod gun at Attarus. The beam hit Attarus and the Brute jumped to the side. When he came out of the beam there was no blue energy shield surrounding him, it was down. 'Unamee wasted no time. He jumped forward and grabbed 'Garomee's energy blade. He leapt onto Attarus and drove the blade into the Brutes neck. Attarus crumpled to the ground, a stream of blood flowed from his neck and pooled around his lifeless body. 'Unamee stood up and faced the Hunter. He nodded and caught his breath. Suddenly a yellow light appeared next to the control. The Prophet of Magnificence had reappeared; he pressed on a holopanel on the Control and then pressed another on his armrest. A deep rumbling resonated throughout the room. 'Unamee picked up a plasma rifle lying on the floor and shot Magnificence in the head. The Prophet crumpled in his dais and fell out onto the ground. The hovering chair stayed though bobbing in the air. 'Unamee walked over to the dais. He pressed a button on the armrest and a holograph appeared on the dais. A timer counted down. 'Garomee limped over and stood next to 'Unamee, the Hunter stood two meters behind them.
"What is that?" 'Garomee asked.
"The Prophet activated the Weapon, I can't stop it but I can delay it," 'Unamee replied, staring at the timer.
"What about destroying the Control?" 'Garomee asked.
"No, it would not stop it nor would removing the seven keys. We are all going to die."
"So the fleet that is attacking earth will be destroyed?"
"Yes, the Prophet made a Slipspace jump. We are now by earth."
"How do you know?" 'Garomee asked.
"It was the plan and Magnificence hit a second button." 'Unamee pressed another button and a second holograph appeared. It was earth; around the planet were Covenant and human ships alike battling over the future of the planet. "We have direct control over the Slipspace drive of Divine Grace; I will jump to another location so we will not destroy the fleet." 'Unamee pressed three more buttons and the room shook again as did the whole city. Blue light engulfed the city and instantly it entered Slipspace. 'Unamee looked at the timer, there was only five seconds left. Ona 'Unamee nodded accepting his fate.
Within the alternate dimension that was Slipspace, a bright light filled it and spread for millions of miles in the nothingness.
The End