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The Final Hunt of Anph 'Aesomee by Keyes
The Final Hunt of Anph 'Aesomee: Part 1
Date: 7 December 2004, 2:50 PM
As the Dropship's engine roared behind him like a Hunter on the charge, and the Banshee screamed like a Human before death, Anph 'Aesomee braced himself against the wall. He thought about the fast passing landscape, the trees a blur of green and brown, looking beautiful and inviting, but cursed none-the-less. They had been fouled by the Humans that had come to this planet, and for that, they would have to burn under the cleansing of Plasma. The memory of the briefing room played in his head like a Holo-Vid.
"As you are all aware," said the Prophet of Strength, "The Humans are held up here, in the temple of the Holy ones. We must remove them before they defile the shrine anymore. Ceph 'Aesomee will lead his ground team through the front door as Ebca 'Ohsalee's squad provides air cover. You must destroy them before they reach the bottom of the shrine. The High Prophet has promised ample reward for the one who brings him the Artifact within undamaged, and a slow death for the one who destroys it. Now go."
As Commander Sean Kelly leaned against a rock outside the temple, he suppressed the urge to shudder. The Temple had given him the creeps since UNSC Marine team Charlie 23 and Charlie 90 had taken it from the Covenant. According to the Brass, there was some sort of Big, Spooky artifact inside, and they decided that because the Covenant wanted it, they wanted it too. So he was stuck here, listening to the wind blow as the Scientists got to stay inside and burrow deeper underground. This job sucks, he decided, and lit a cigarette. Then the hair on the back of his neck stood up as fear and realization shot through him. That's not the wind, he realized, and stared up quickly. What he saw made him drop his Cigarette. "MAVERICK, WE'VE GOT INCOMING!!!!!!"
Commander Maverick Barrios sat in the doorway of the temple, eyes closed, leaning against the wall, when suddenly Sean started screaming his name. Having only gotten about an hour of sleep in six days, he looked up, half awake. Twenty-five Covenant Banshees were coming in fast, with thirteen Phantoms just behind them. He jumped to his feet. "Wake up call, Marines. FRONT AND CENTER!!!!!" He grabbed his MA2B Battle Rifle from the ground and slammed a fresh clip into it. He made his way to the Barricades, and hoped that he wasn't the only one running towards the onslaught about to ensue.
Corporal Clay Scott, Private Franky Wells, and Sergeant Anthony West sat at a nearby table, playing a nice game of Texas Hold 'em. "Oh great, Anthony's got that look again," Clay thought, eyeing Anthony's reaction to the card that had just been dealt. Clay had a Queen of Clubs and a Queen of Hearts. The Two of Diamonds and Spades were on the table, as well as the King of Clubs. He could drop a full house, seeing as 2's are wild. He smiled. "I'm in," he said. Anthony nodded, and Franky tossed his cards down in disgust. "Full house," Clay said, laying the cards down with a smirk as he reached for the pot with the other hand. "Five of a kind," Anthony shot back, laying down a pair of twos. He pulled the pot towards him, and then heard outside "MAVERICK, WE'VE GOT INCOMING!!!!!!" Anthony stuffs the chips away, and then pulls out his Rocket Launcher. "Wake up call, Marines. FRONT AND CENTER!!!!!" Called Maverick as he jumped up and took off. Clay ran back to a sniping position in back as Franky, Anthony, Maverick and the rest of Charlie 23 made their way to the Barricades.
Ebca 'Ohsalee enjoyed the view of the temple for a brief moment, and then engaged his com. "Take standard formation. Stay with your wing man. If you have no wing man, then find one." "Sir," was the response he got from his troops. The Banshees formed into groups of two, who were paired together to make four. He was the only one without a wing mate, but though nothing of it. As he flew in, he saw a flash of orange. He heard a rushing in his ears, then Blackness.
Private Carlen Reams let out a whoop as his rocket slammed into the Center Banshee. He was, however, quickly drowned out as all twenty-four Banshees opened fire, filling the air with a green glow. A BANG sounded through the Valley as all twenty-four slammed into Charlie 23's position. Marines were thrown back, and smoke filled the air. It took Carlen a moment to relive he was on the ground. It took him another moment to realize was seventeen feet away from the group. He died of loss of blood before he realized that he no longer had legs.
Sergeant David Rosato was at the fourth barrier, guarding the digging team when he heard a thundering sound from overhead. "What the hell was that all about?" Private Matt Kelly decided to find out. "Charlie 23, this is Charlie 90, do you read?" No response. "Alright, listen up. Matt, Ethan, and Andrew, head to the surface and figure out what just happened. The rest of you get into defensive positions. Let's go," called David. If that was what he thought it was, they were in trouble.
Even at this height, moving down the grav lift, Anph 'Aesomee could see the carnage. He felt this would be a short battle, seeing as there were only seven left. The first Phantom dropped its troops, including its Hunters. As he landed, the Hunters struck their first victim. His head crushing in could be heard from here. A second human turned and aimed at the Hunters. Anph had no worries. Giff and Ling were experts at handling humans.
Sean had faced Hunters before, but these two were especially good. He knew he had two shots left in the Launcher Carlen had dropped, which lay just out of reach. He turned and dove, grabbed the Launcher, and fired. The Explosion enveloped the first Hunter, and it fell back. Its bond brother charged, and Sean fired the second round, which slammed into a Grunt to the left of a Black Elite. The Elite's shields fell, and Sean turned to run. A Fuel Rod blast slammed into the ground behind him, and tossed him forward. He hit the ground with a sickening Crunch, and turned to see it charge.
Ling charged, shield ready, swearing he would avenge the death of his bond brother. He raised his shield, preparing to crush the Human's head in, when it heard the shot. The bullet passed into him, and through his front chest plate. It stood, dazed for a moment, thought "Giff, I have failed you," and then fell to the ground.
Sean realized he was not dead and looked up to see Anthony run over, sniper Rifle out. "Thought you could use a hand," He said. Sean smiled. "Yeah, thanks." Anthony helped Sean up, and they began to run towards the second bunker. Well," said Sean, "this appears to be my lucky day."