The Battles of Damascu by Black Titan
The Battle of Damasu VII part 1
Date: 18 June 2004, 5:07 PM
August 1,2550 0400 Military Standard Time Alpha Base on Damascu VII
The plains around Alpha Base was litered with dead Covenant and human bodies as the Marines bravely deffended their last stronghold on Damascu VII. The battle for Damascu VII had been raging on for two days. And scince the beggining, Alpha Base was under seige. But the base's walls were yet to be breached. Despite the Marines' heroic stand, a convoy of Covenant reinforcements were on thier way to Alpha Base. Despite a night of Longsword air strikes the convoy was still 175 strong with tanks. If they made it to Alpha Base the hard pressed Marines would be overpowered and Alpha Base would be destroyed. So the Covenant would have to be attacked in the mountains before they reach the battlefeild. My name is Sergent Jackson, and my ODST team of 75 were given the mission. "Okay, okay Mrines, you all have five minutes to get yourselves together and load into the dropships." I yelled over the comm. system. I walked out of the main building and looked up. I could see the bright lights of Covenant and UNSC ships fighting in space. I knew that if the battle up there was lost, the gorund batlle would mean nothing. A few moments later,my team jumped into 3 dropships and left for the hills. As the ships ascended and accelerated, I got a birb's eye view of the ongoing battles. It looked like the Marines were still holding their own. Zach and Juan, two Marines across from me in the dropship cheered as they watched a fellow soldier destroy two elites and a trio of grunts with a rocket launcher. But the battle faded away and everything was quiet ans the dropships ascended over the hills. "Okay Marines, It looks like we'll reach the LZ in two minutes. Get you stuff ready!" the female pilot exclaimed. I checked my inventory. I had four frag grenades, a sniper riffle, a pistol, my combat knife, and extra ammo. "Boys, I want it quiet when we hit the ground. Keep your eyes and ears open and your weapons ready. The dropships landed at the bottom of a hill and we made our way through the hilly forest. I took out an assault riffle an jammed a clip in it. As we made our way, I spotted a group of 5 black elites. I signaled for our team to take cover an stay quiet. They hadn't noticed us yet. I pulled out my sniper riffle as did a few other marines. I zoomed in and pulled off a head shot. The other marines fired at the elites, but missed. The four remaining elites turned to us after hearing the bullets buzz over their heads. They pointed thier riffles at us an let out a war cry before firing a barrage of missing plasma bolts. "Come on Marines, Fire!!" I barked. The elites screamed as they fell to a wall of bullets. But the last elite managed to throw a perfectly aimed grenade before being drowned in lead. The grenade landed on the head of Corporal Lewis. "Get it off! God get off !" he sreamed before he detonated, taking 2 marines with him. After the skirmish, we moved on. "We have two Banshees at twelve o'clock, a marine yelled. The two banshees flew side by side. They circled us one time, and came in low, firing their fuel rod, and plasma guns. The explosions of the fuel rod guns killed one marine. The others fired their assault riffles at the flyers. As they came in low for a second round, they were met with heavy fire, and a pair of rockets. One of the rockets hit a banshee, the other missed. The banshee and its dead pilot fell from the sky and got caught in a tree. The second banshee exploded a few moments later from overwhealming riffle fire. The marines screamed in celebration before moving on. Our group eventually made it to the top of a tall hill. From the top, we could see the Covenant convoy moving through the valley below. From my scope, I could make out dozens of Jackals, Elites,and Hunters. Hundreds of grunts skipped behind the Elites. At the front of the group, I noticed a race that I only heard stories about. The tall, ferocious Brutes. There were about 5 Wraith tanks, and ten ghosts. There were about 350 in all. That was more than the intel reported. A lot more. "Hello, Alpha Base, do you have any reinforcements?" I asked over the comm. "Hell no. We have nothing. We still got a fight down here. You're gonna have to tough it out." the man responded. "Okay men get ready to engage the enemy. It's gonna be a long fight."
As we made our way down the hill, I knew the odds were impossible. They had tanks, and they severely outnumbered us. We were still going to fight until the bitter end. but in the back of my mind, I still prayed that the reinforcements came soon. Who ever they were, I hoped they were good fighters.