The Battle for Terin by Jon Richards
The Battle for Terin: Chapter 1
Date: 16 March 2009, 12:53 am
The whole ship lurched. "What was that?" said Captain Haleos.
"We're coming through the atmosphere," said Sergeant Kritho.
"Send a message to the commandos, I want them on the bridge A.S.A.P."
"Yes sir."
Jon was looking at the data from earth when Mark came up to him. Mark, Jon and their teammates James, Ryan, Caleb, and Reed, were commandos. The year is 2457 and humans traveling to other solar systems was now realty. Earth had become a peaceful planet and now the grasp of humanity had reached to the stars. The only fights that needed military action were from rebels and pirates. A few months ago, a group of scientists had gone to a planet named Terin and disappeared. The government sent some marines after them to search for them, but the marines never called in after reaching the planet. So the United Nations Space Command or the U.N.S.C. sent an army to look. Jon Mark Ryan James Reed and Caleb were on only on 1 of the 5 battle cruisers that were about a kilometer long and held about 1500 troops but they were the only commandoes on any of the ships. They all were part of the elite fighting force called "Delta Squad," the same name as the counter terrorist group of the 21st century. But that group was nowhere near as trained as the Delta squad of this day. The Deltas had the lowest casualty rate out of any militant group. Some in the U.N.S.C. compared them to the Spartans of 3000 years ago. Invincible. Unstoppable. In the middle of this a voice broke Jon's thoughts.
"This is Sergeant Kritho the caption wants all of you on the bridge A.S.A.P."
When they got on the bridge, Caption Haleos said,
"We are starting to land on the planet. I want you to take two eagles (drop ships that hold 12 men comfortably) three of you in each, and go to the last known place of the marines and try to find out what happened to them
. well what are you waiting for? GO
O yea and Jon take a squad of 12 marines with you."
The Deltas took a squad of marines and flew to the last know place of the former search group that went missing. The Deltas were completely incased in the must high quality armor of the time. The joints were made out of tightly woven Kevlar. The armor was so protective that it had saved a man when a plasma reactor, a project that humanity had shut down due to high risk, was damaged because of a battle raging inside of it, and shot out a some sort of giant bolt of plasma towards a group of marines led by a commando. The only person that survived was the commando lucky enough to be wearing the Delta armor. The new armor plates protecting the vital parts of his body had some how dispersed the plasma. Also the thick but flexible Kevlar had not burned away. The only injured part of him was the place where the Kevlar was least present such as his hands. Most of the Kevlar was so tightly woven that it had stayed together. During later research it was found that the armor plates in the Delta armor were "energy resistant" meaning that it dispersed most of the laser before it had done any damage. But if the armor was pounded shot after shot, the armor would give away and shots would go through. The armor was tough, but not invincible. The terrain they flew over was a land of rolling hills, streams, and huge rocks. Jon took his helmet off savoring the rushing air, he saw Ryan next to him do the same. The marines relaxed a little bit. It was intimidating to not be able to see the Delta commandos' faces because of the reflective faceplate. James however did not take his off. He once said that he felt vulnerable with his helmet off. His thoughts were interrupted again as the pilots announced that they had found the spot.
James spoke up,
"We should land about a half a mile away just in case
" the rest of his sentence trailed away. Jon knew why. They had been told that there might be a slight chance of alien life on Terin. But that was classified information and they could not speak of it in front of the marines. Ryan agreed and Jon told the pilots to land farther away.
When they landed, Jon ordered half of the marines to guard the eagles. They started walking toward the point that the pilots had found. They reached it and nothing was there. They searched until Mark spotted something in the distance. It looked like some sort of crash. They had only gone a half a mile when they found a downed eagle. Jon and Reed went in to take a look, they found the half pilots and marines still strapped in.
"Grab their tags and ammo" Jon said.
After the dead marines had been striped bone dry of their ammo Jon and Reed went back out. Over the comlink they heard Mark say from the front of the eagle,
"Every body get over here!"
When they got over to Mark they found scorch marks all over the front. Not scorch marks from a fire or crash landing but scorch pocket holes from laser shots.
"Okay,' said one of the marines, "This is officially freaky."
"What is going on here?" said another.
"Alright," Jon said, "What I am going to tell you is classified information and you are not allowed to share it with anyone unless given the code Orion's Ocean by a commanding officer. If you share this information when not under that circumstance you will be charged with acts of treason. If you see anyone else sharing that information when not under that circumstance then you will report him immediately. If you do not then you will both be charged with treason. We were given information that there might be a chance of alien life and Terin. And I think that we just found evidence of it."